A Zoologist's Perspective: Please Show Us The Sequencing Data!

Editor’s Note: Nadia Moore has a degree in Zoology from U.C. Davis and currently works in Biotechnology. She has been a lifelong Bigfoot enthusiast, with her first personal experiences taking place in the Trinity Mountains of Northern California where she lived on a remote ranch during high school. She also a contributor to the After Hours show with Team Tazer.

Well for all of you who have been trying to keep up with everything surrounding the release of the Ketchum "Paper" below are links to many of the latest evaluations by credible sources. Once I am all moved and have gotten settled into my new job I am hoping that Ketchum herself will have finally released the "Amazing Data" related to her supposed Bigfoot Genome Sequencing. Then at last some real analysis can begin on whether or not she has succeeded, as her non-peer reviewed self-publication has claimed. It is 12 days now since her paper was self-published and still no sign of that actual new "genomic" data.

I had hoped wholeheartedly over the last 2 years that she would accomplish what she had been promising, despite all the behind the scenes stories I was hearing from my friends and colleagues who were working with her, and who were becoming very concerned with her credibility. Not only because of the way she seemed to be milking her study for cash, but because of the bizarre religious connotations she was making about what her study would prove. These claims changed depending on who she was talking to and what they wanted to hear, but some of the claims where that "they" had either alien or angelic DNA present... The last we heard from her on Coast to Coast Radio was that she was abandoning her DNA work to do further research at her "Habituation Site" (should be right around 52min 25sec in the Interview).

Click here to continue reading "Please Show Us The Sequencing Data!" at bigfootzoologist.blogspot.com


  1. Replies
    1. Melba and Smeja and anyone else who says Bigfoot is real is LYING....oh yeah Moneymaker and Bobo even saw thr full Matilda vid right?

      Another day of lunacy....Melba has no proof or data to release!

    2. C'mon, what's a massive, years long hoax among friends?


    3. There does not seem to be anything in this article that has not already been quoted since the papers release, I guess it generates a few clicks for people to find that out though.

    4. all the news & videos are recycled over & over. it's really beginning to turn to shit real fast.

    5. even the comments are getting old & recycled


    6. Even the one skeptard has got stuck in a loop.

    7. 3:36 I learned from this post that the sequences were not made available. I thought they would be because her journal is online, like PLOS. The paper that named the new monkey a few months ago made the dna sequence available for download.
      I am not a geneticist. Its certainly possible I was wrong to assume the sequences came with the paper...

    8. ^Dillwad sceptic. This sites village idiot!

    9. 3:53 My comment was a neutral troll for info. Is it a red flag that the sequences did not come with the paper? A guy below thinks so...

    10. Yes it is a red flag as is the GenBank issue and the self publication, the habituation stories, the not realising the names of journals who blackballed her, the Smeja steak DNA results, the Smeja/Melba conversations, the rating given to her lab from the BBB, the $30 price tag on the study, the lack of support from her peers, the fact that some of the scientists listed as co-authors hadn't heard of the study, her only releasing copies to Bigfoot sites not other scientific journals, the old glamour shot..........

    11. 3:53, were have you been for the last 12 days practically every report has stated that the data was not available.

    12. sheesh! With all that people STILL find ways to defend her huh?
      I sorta was a supporter of hers at first....not one bit now.

    13. Now I will talk shit that bitch she better have charged 30 or even 50 a paper so she can get that train wreck of a face fixed with plastic surgery that fugly biatch that skank fell from the ugly tree hitting every branch on the way to the nastiness on her shoulders

    14. Mindless blather from an addled brain.

    15. If there are any problems with my statement please forward them to my toilet so I may flush it as anything that is gonna come from your mouths is worth just as much to me as the other s**t it will be mingled with

    16. You mean you don't keep your poop in a jar?!

    17. That was a very interesting article click the link to read her full post. There are some interesting facts in there! Ketchum is just a shister

    18. 4:34 Lol..I was thinking that maybe if a paper claimed it had dna that was thisclose to human but was in fact something different then someone who wanted to check the result would find it more important to run the tests themselves rather then analyze the sequences.

      5:09 I've been here, to busy trolling and firsting to pay close attention

      Thanks guys..

    19. Funny the Moore woman can spread her anti Ketchum garbage here yet the freak is very quiet debating it, so it's merely old world propaganda as usual. Ketchum's never mentioned any alien or angel DNA yet this Moore tool continues to spread the Tazer lie.

  2. Replies
    1. Damn it I was close, I coulda been a contenda!

    2. But you turned out to be a bum. A lousy pug...

    3. How dare you, I'm a kind of people!

  3. Melba's got nothing, but a sore hole.

    1. so would bigfoot...apparently...

    2. OMG! Melba admits to be tagged by a Squatch! I'll bet Renee is pissed.

    3. Melba will offer nothing, and you'll like it.

    4. I don't think she cares she conned about 1500 people out of 30 bucks each. So I'm sure she is happy.

  4. The alien/angel hybrid theory, in my professional opinion, is the smoking gun of bigfoot research. These animals are as sweet as angels, elusive as draconians, and as big as gorillas. Plus, angels are the only known mammal to have a compliant gait.

    1. They are a type of human, dammit!

    2. human angels...end of discussion

    3. My aunt is really into angels. Books, pictures on the walls, little figurines. When I go there to eat macaroni, I get horny. Is that wrong?

    4. Yes that is wrong! That's some messed up Shit!

    5. Your old Aunt needs love too. Fire away!

    6. Angels aren't as hot as vampires or werewolves these days. Do you have these urges anywhere else? It could be the macaroni. You should experiment to find out. Eat a taco in your local cathedral and see if anything happens. Then go to your nearest 7-11 and eat a bowl of macaroni sitting in the middle of the floor. It's important you pinpoint the source.

    7. I'm on it...Off to 7-11 for more Sam Adams and a kid's getting confirmed next year so I'm due back in church...

  5. Last time I checked, Nadia was calling another woman a "nut slut" and was continuing with the constant name calling of Ketchum. How about acting a little more professional with that big brain of yours?

    1. Credibility and professionalism go hand and hand.

    2. I wonder if Nadia ever does any camgirl stuff...I'd pay to see her sitting naked holding her degree and telling me how much smarter she is than me...yes that would be sweet

  6. Nadia toes the Tazer party line on Ketchum. What a surprise. For folks who claim to be so well educated they sure manage to come across as a collective waste of grey matter.

    The Ketchum C2C interview was very interesting and covered a lot of ground with no mention of Angel/Alien DNA. Nice to see Nadia zone in on the habituation quote and ignore the other hour of the show.

    Can we learn anything from Ketchum's work? I can only hope so. No matter your views on the paper and surrounding hoopla, a lot of hard work has gone into it. So easy to mock from our armchairs.


    1. Maybe Nadia (a scientist) is just angry at this joke of a Ketchum paper that is just mascarading itself as a scientific study when it's really just a way to squeeze money out of Wally and exploit the Bigfoot crowd for financial gain? Maybe she's angry that all these samples were wasted on Melba and perhaps if they were given to someone like Sykes they might have provided some evidence or interesting results? Right now if you still believe in Ketchum's work and the study she's produced you are quite possibly the most gullible human being in history! Oh, I forgot to mention I'm an exiled African prince who needs money to reclaim his throne....

    2. Maybe her argument would carry more weight if see wasn't constantly resorting to name calling and badmouthing other people (which seems to be mostly women).

    3. A Team Tater scientist, really? GTFO!

    4. It wasn't that long ago when she said she wasn't a member of "team anything" when someone accused her of being a member of team tazer.

      Were you lying then or do you just change your mind often?


    5. Maybe then if she is so angry about it she should do something other then repeating herself ad infinitum, how about starting her own study I am sure with her eloquent ways she could get the funding sorted out and she could be the star turn, action speaks louder then words.

    6. Well go ask her yourself she has her own blog hon on there and ask her! Maybe she's busy with her real job and I'm pretty sure you can't just reach out and pluck money from the funding tree in magic monkey land! How are you any different than you all claim Nadia to be when you're being negative about her for putting Ketchum down?

    7. People who criticize but don't do their own study have no right to criticize !!!!

    8. That's complete crap! Of course we have a right to criticise especially when the author has the intension to commit fraud and con people! It's all bogus she has nothing! You're a fool.

    9. Nadia's a damn fake and Paulides is getting ready to fire back at the lying bitch.

  7. Melbas ship sank along time ago! FULL OF SHIT! wait for the sykes study.

    1. She was the pioneer and he's the wagon train

    2. Pioneer in being a scam artist, a flim flam, a con artist, AN EMBEZZLER. This is her pioneering accomplishment.

    3. ^and you have accomplished what? Can you add something to the Bigfoot world something other than slander and criticism ? Please provide proof to back your claims!

    4. Nadia says: "Melba can't be a pioneer without releasing the fucking data!"

    5. Easy on the language Mr Rictor . Need to wash your mouth out with soap!

    6. You haven't seen anything yet with this guy. You may feel like taking a shower with all the dirt he can dish up.

    7. Rictor, do you honestly think anyone takes Team Tater seriously?


    8. "They ask the hard questions" according to him.


    9. Rictor has the blood of Sharon Lee on his hands. Granted it's hard to get along with her, but he just didn't severe ties he tried to severe her spinal cord with that backstab.

    10. the longer her show drags on.... the drunker she gets, so it seems

  8. Does anyone know the status of the Sykes study?

    1. Last announcement was early December which said the collection phase was over. There was another before that(summer?) which said Jeff Meldrum was assisting with the vetting of samples from here.
      Makes sense, a grad student in England working for Sykes is unlikely to know if Joe Black,for example, is worth communicating with.
      That is all I remember...

    2. Who is Morrigans10 on youtube? I just watched some of their videos...it seemed kind of strange, any opinions on it?
      Actually I watched 3 of their videos, anyone else?
      Should I subscribe?

  9. I have always been a fence sitter with this whole Ketchum thing. So I did take the time to read her paper. The paper talked about her methods used and what they showed. I kept waiting for the sequencing data to back up what she was saying and it was not in the paper. What the heck? There was no fricken genomic data to support any of her claims. This whole paper has been a fraud. She makes people pay $30 bucks for a paper that has NO DATA in it to back up anything she claimed. What a rip off.

    1. ^^ Dumb ass, Nadia has NEVER been on the fence about this flim flam.

    2. ^ who is this Rictor Dude? Not very proffesional.

    3. I only questioned if it was the same person who wrote the article because it sounded like the same person and You resort to name calling?

    4. Rictor must not be a serious footer because all he does is divide the community and call people names. I hope for a day when Footers share and compare and get rid of those who don't take this subject serious and work on a common goal. Squatch on Serious Ones!

    5. I'd say he was just a straight shooter, what the Bigfoot community needs to do is decide whether it wants to be taken seriously or be a joke that it is now. Wanna be taken seriously? Get a body, no more blobsquatch and trail cams because they prove nothing so don't waste time and money on them get real samples! Get tissue or corpse or better yet a live specimen or just don't bother because empirical non-hoaxed samples are all that count! If you can't do that it's time to throw in the towel people and forget bout Squatch.

    6. I haven't heard Rictor bring up an original thought on Bigfoot. He is mostly interested in showing that he is gay, gossip, and drawing weird sexualized portraits.

    7. ^ That's pretty much it. Just another gay footer.

    8. His whole intent is pretending to be interested in the bigfoot field just to to get closer to B. Cutino maybe?

    9. Some pretty insightful analysis going on here.

    10. ^ Him and Renee are going to hook up.


    11. There should be a disclaimer on the Melba Ketchum website before you spend $30 that states: "There Is No DNA Sequence Data In This Paper That Supports It's Claims In Any Way"

    12. Liar, you never read the paper.

    13. Oh Yeah Smart Ass, Here is the introduction In The Paper

      Eyewitness reports of encounters with tall, hairy hominins commonly called Sasquatch have 79 been recorded for thousands of years; from Sumerian stories of wild hairy men (Figure 1) to 80 reports in North America recorded in the early 1800s by Reverend Elkanah Walker and Daniel 81 Boone1-3. One North American investigative group has publicly stated that they have 82 documented 30,000 reports of sightings and other evidence for the existence of these creatures. 83 These putative hominins are reported to walk bipedally in a linear manner that is distinct from 84 humans (Figure 2). Eyewitnesses report that the Sasquatch are 8 to 12 feet in height, are covered 85 in hair with arms longer than those of modern humans and possess sloped anterior craniums with 86 short, thick cervical regions reminiscent of Neanderthals. Eyewitness accounts also describe an 87 opposable thumb with hands and feet that are large in comparison to body size. 88
      The above commonly reported traits, as well as other scientific evidence lending credence to the 90 existence of Sasquatch, have been thoroughly researched and documented in both books and in 91 peer reviewed manuscripts.4-13 Although there have been thousands of sightings, footprint casts 92 and other circumstantial evidence of Sasquatch across the modern world for centuries, 93 incontrovertible proof of their existence has been elusive. The failure to present a deceased 94 individual or skeletal remains has exacerbated scientific skepticism towards the circumstantial 95 evidence. 96
      © Dr. Melba S. Ketchum, all rights reserved, 2012.
      There are reports from witnesses who allegedly live in close proximity to, and interact with, 98 Sasquatch family units14; however, in the absence of additional evidence, most of these reports 99 have been dismissed. These witnesses and other eyewitnesses further report that the Sasquatch 100 also build stick structures in the forests, some of which are thought to be shelters while others 101 have unknown meanings. Notably, some of the samples in the present study were submitted by 102 individuals claiming to have obtained them from the Sasquatch with which they have had long 103 term interaction. Sample 168 in this study was retrieved from a stick shelter as seen in Figure 3. 104
      DNA analysis of hair and tissue samples, modern video image capture and audio recording 106 technology, morphological examination of hair and tissue could cumulatively strengthen support 107 for the existence of these unknown hominins. Some photographic evidence also exists such as 108 Figure 4 is a reddish brown Sasquatch sleeping in the forest and is Sample 37 in the study. 109 Video of the same Sasquatch is seen in Supplementary Movie 1 where her respirations are 110 counted at only 6 per minute. 111
      During the present five year study, approximately one hundred and thirteen separate samples of 113 hair, blood, mucus, toenail, bark scrapings, saliva and skin with hair and subcutaneous tissue 114 attached were submitted by dozens of individuals and groups from thirty four separate hominin 115 collection sites around North America (Table 1). 116
      © Dr. Melba S. Ketchum, all rights reserved, 2012.
      Here we report the morphological and histopathologic examination, whole mitochondrial and 118 nuclear DNA sequencing and analysis, and electron microscopic studies of DNA extracted from 119 fresh hominin tissue. 120
      Overall the data are suggestive of an unusual contemporary hominin with mitochondrial DNA 122 consistent with modern humans but showing marked anomalies in the nuclear DNA. These 123 findings suggest the existence of a novel contemporary indigenous North American hominin. 124
      Materials and Methods 126
      The materials and methods are found as Supplementary Data, Materials and Methods S1 in the 128 Supporting Information due to the length of the manuscript. 129
      Supplementary Sequence Information 131

    14. God, I was hoping I wasn't going to have to read it again once was enough!

    15. Denying it won't make it go away, my silly drunkards. Rictor and Nadia are hoaxers.

  10. The obsessed JREF buttplugs are going bonkers over this story. They're even calling Sykes a heretic for lending his expertise to the study just in case he claims to find Bigfoot DNA. When he finds nothing they'll call him a hero. Intellectual dishonesty at it's finest.

    1. Keep repeating this over and over. You will still get nothing and like it.

    2. HA! No kidding, even bloggers comments are getting repetitive around here

    3. Yep, pretty pathetic the things some lonely footers will buy into.

      A sad bunch of rubes for sure.

    4. ^or skeptics . Quit playing with your Dork!

    5. OP, Sykes said he was going to read it and comment? Is that what you mean?

    6. I don't think Sykes has actually said anything about it and at one point last year Meldrum made it very clear that Ketchum and Sykes hadn't had any contact. I doubt it's changed since then.

    7. do you know, is MK's whitey part of Melbas DNA study?
      And please don't answer with "Enoch Ya"

    8. They're a kind of people.

    9. I do believe there's a Squatch in these woods.

    10. There's something on the hill!

    11. As usual the trolls don't realize they're the footers. lmfao

  11. Nadia is Bias.
    Has she called Melba and asked her to look at the rest of the Data?
    She can easily ask.
    Yet she is a member of Team Tazer they don't like to play nice except with the info they like to hold back.

  12. Ken: Scientific studies about an undiscovered or undeclared animal, depending on how you look at it. Either way, none of this means anything until a body is produced. Only when opinions become cosmedic, will the clowns start exiting the discussion. The only way to silence all critiques and doubts, put the Body on the table. Sad but true.

    1. As said in other threads a body won't matter, the trolls here won't believe it anyway they still think the Earth is flat so why should we give a shit. They knew as planned the mainstream science community wouldn't like the study yet the data's good, you should have a problem with them not Melba & co.

  13. Don't forget Bigfoot Tonight blogtalk radio tonight everyone!
    Should be a good show

  14. The sequences are in the study!!!!!

    1. Not the data, my footing friend. Want me to email a copy to you?

    2. The sequences are probably in the study. They are not, however, in Melba's "article" discussing the study, which is all any of us have access to at this point.

  15. Why should Melba send anything to jackasses that have been bad mouthing her all along...especially to some unknown claiming to be a zoologist. Sorry but that ain't the same as a dna scientist. Melba has already sent the info to scientists that are realistic about helping her...and that ain't you, Nadia.

    1. Has she? Like who exactly? I notice you said she's sent the information to scientist that will help her but shouldn't she have sent it to scientists who are impartial? She won't send the data to anyone because then the game will well and truely be up. The fraud will be exposed soon.

    2. Screw you Nadia hag you hack.

  16. I love how the Skeptics are orgasming over the fact she referenced in one spot a Journal article that was an April Fools Joke for Evolutionists.
    Apparantly people don't get what footnotes are.
    She footnoted the 1 article because she quoted a line from it. Even other scientists even say they concept of the article was sound even if it was a joke.
    Now Team Tazer is just pushing the Seirra Kills. They getting upset when anyone questions them over on the site. You know heaven forbid people make accusations on the Seirra kills like they do on other people.

    1. Exactly, they're the enemy of both true science and squatching because they don't want it discovered they want it stopped.

  17. Need a body. Until that happens. I don't believe anything anyone says.

    Penn Teller

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