Watch this: Compilation of Bigfoot Messing With Trail Cameras

M.K. Davis recently uploaded a compilation of Sasquatch messing with trail cameras at various different research locations. Some trail cameras recorded hair swinging in front of the camera, while others show a possible Bigfoot hand grabbing the trail camera. Whether it's really a Bigfoot or a person messing around, it's definitely an odd thing to do, especially since some of these events occurred in complete darkness.


  1. Replies
    1. i'm goin to disney world **clap clap*** dominoe

    2. Mike Sells messing with trail camera!

    3. Bigfoot is a BIG LIE designed to make fools like Matt Monkeyfaker money!!! You are insane to believe in this utter crap called BIGFOOT !!!!! Give it up you crazies Bigfoot is a BIG lie!!!!!Tuesday, January 29, 2013 at 5:18:00 PM PST

      This is all 100% fake!!!

    4. Do you know this as fact? And if so how?

    5. they know there is no proof. Even the crazy schitzo above st 5:18 is more sane than believers LOL

    6. 5:18 is crazy as a loon as is Anon 6:43!

    7. Fuckin mk is also a dipshit. a fuckin looks like a raccoon tail with a stick in it for his 1st evidence. Then you see the guy in camo cause he spun the cam too far. Then its the blonde hair that looks like my sister Then it's a white guys hand no fuckin mystery there. that was the point I just couldn't even watch anymore.

  2. haha suckers I love footers trying to excuse their way out of why there are no trail cam photos

    1. I love watching bleevers trying to explain there way through life.

    2. Bigfoots can smell cameras. How is that so difficult to understand.

    3. If Bigfoot is real wouldn't a more rational explaination be that Bigfoot wonders what the fuck is that box stuck to the tree? Rather than he can smell the trail cam when it's probably a shit load more visable than smell-able?

  3. BREAKING! Sasquatch wind captured on digital Smell-O-Vision camera. Undispootable proof of the existence of Bigfoot. Film at 11.

  4. blog posts that have nothing to do with the subject discourage serious discourse!

    1. Yeah, some people are really serious about Bigfoot.

    2. Have you ever tried to have serious discourse on this site? Everybody pisses and moans bout the trolls ruining the site when the believers are just as bad! They're just as bad as the trolls for name calling! It's funny that the majority of the people complaining bout trolls preventing debate are the ones who are just as irrational on the other side who don't like it when people question what they say or maybe think their conspiracy theory is just a little nutty and get accused of being paid to troll! Man it really is scary to see how dumb people have become in the last 20 or so years, it is depressing.

    3. thats steven streufert for you. ALWAYS runnin his big fat mouth bout mk or poor melba! jealous moon popping eyes creepy homosexual bastard that streufert guy is..

  5. M.K. Davis discourages serious discourse.

    1. M.K. Davis is a manwhore who macks all the fine wimminz

  6. Replies
    1. doesn't count unless you spell it out! FIRST!!!!

    2. Internal glow or bioluminescence emanating from the eyes in sometimes near total darkness.

    3. Yeah I saw the idiots discussing this on the BFF it just boggles the mind how crazy some people are! Bioluminescence of the eyes on a supposedly 8ft primate and the justification is that people keep reporting those glowing eyes. Yes of course it is more logical to debate whether a mammal can have glowing eyes and what could cause it rather than just realising that the witness was either mistaken or just plain lying.

  7. That last one was ridiculous . Totally human.

    1. No primate has a three,four,or six-toed foot as bigfoot does.All primates have five toes.

  8. Replies
    1. Reports of bigfoot sliding or gliding above the ground

  9. MK and Mulder should hang out. They both share the same level of skepticism towards the subject (zero) and they both equally do as much harm to rational discussion.

    The field would be so much better without them.

    1. I disagree. The field itself is a joke and will always be. Chasing magic forest men around. Therefore the field would not be the same without mk and mulder. The field NEEDS them to maintain its ludicrous nature which in turn provides the skeptics great entertainment.

    2. Mulder would blow MK's fucking mind.

      It takes a lot of medication to follow a thought process like Mulders.

    3. Mulder denies evolution because our understanding of abiogenesis is still being developed. He said that evolution and abiogenesis is the same thing. Oh how wrong he is. He also made a claim that he has a friend but no evidence to support that.

    4. ^^ Butt hurt skeptic who got his ass pwned by Mulder at the BFF.

    5. ^bleever who is unable to put forth a single shred of evidence to support bigfoot.

    6. Mulder is shielded by the BFF rules. In an unmoderated forum, he would be toast, as would his straw men.

    7. Mulder would never survive in any other forum because he just isn't that smart. The rules protect him from being targeted for his sheer ignorance of so many things.

      I heard he was basically shot down in flames when he inquired about being an investigator for the BFRO.

      No surprise there.

    8. Mulder recounts his "bigfoot" sighting over at the BFF. In his own words:

      "At a friend's house (I had just arrived), everyone else was in the house, and about 30-35' and in good light (headlight high beams). It was in view at least 3-5 seconds, as I clearly saw it take a full step then the first part of a second step as it went around behind the house."

      Wow - that's some rock solid stuff right there! A sighting at night for less than 5 seconds with no other witnesses. That is indisputable and it's no wonder he has rigorously defended the faith over at BFF.

      What a sad, pathetic, delusional little man. Wasting his life chasing a dream that will never awaken to reality.

    9. Agree on all fronts. The BFF coddles believers so fucking bad. That clown aaronD's been there less than a year, trying to tell people what they can and can't say...Fuck off! Go smoke a few heaters with sasfooty and her forest friends you pussy's.

    10. Shame on you! How can you talk about your BFF like that! Where can I get a hold of this Mulder guy? I don't have a BFF and it sounds like he needs a new one!

  10. MK has worked through his Mike Sells outing with his therapist and decided against his advice to go on with his delusions as if nothing has happened.

    You go, Mk. Don't let common sense, better judgement and logical thinking slow you down for one moment! The delusional are counting on you.

  11. Ding Ding Ding...Here Comes the Shit Mobile!

    1. No, that's the Bigfoot short-bus with a new batch of bleebers. It is very similar to the shit mobile though, just a different color.

  12. hey Shawn.... where is the big California trail cam video... mother/baby...clear footage... 6 ft away...where is the
    follow up..?

    1. Yeah, thought we'd just forget, huh. Seriously, whats up with that?

    2. I lost sleep last night, tossing and turning in bed, wondering about that trail cam video. PLEASE SHAWN FOLLOW UP.

    3. Poltergeist activity and tricks being played on humans in immediate vicinity of bigfoot activity.

  13. You'll get nothing and like it.

    1. shawn go 1.2 million hits again this year. Shawn is a bigfoot whore

  14. Rick Dyer

    Chris Noel

    Sasfooty of BFF

    Melba Ketchum

    That is the just how intense the gravity is of Bigfoot Bleevers. Look at that gravity align the stars of the bullshit bigfoot world.

    Connect those dots, there are only four. 6 degrees to Kevin Bacon doesn't have a thing on the BF phenomena.

    Try one degree between these well known players in the BF world. I know bigfoot is real. I also know these people and their work is bullshit.

    VV VV

    1. Chris Noel is a fag, no doubt about it. A fag with a vested interest in Bigfoot. He writes books. Lame as his writing is, his goal is to profit from the magic monkey.

    2. You know sometimes people like to write books and share their knowledge and just plain like doing something they are passionate about! So what if he makes some money? It's the American way Dick! Something you're not used to since your on welfare! Talk is cheap Fucker! Truthfully most who write Bigfoot books don't make much at all! If I count how many posts you fucking use the magic monkey reference I would have to say either you're grandstanding or you just plain like Bigfoot! Your on here more than all the footers put together!

  15. The Trail cam with a HORSE in front of it, is just that a trail cam with a Horse in front of it.

    There is a 2nd horse in the back ground.

    Horse Face

  16. Remember when MK Davis was considered as big a dufus as the Georgia Freezer Boys? You squatchers couldn't say enough mean things about him.

    Now you're buying his bullshit again. Wake up.

  17. I have a trail cam. It takes pictures of stuff at night, when I'm not there. How cool is that.

    1. Very very cool how does it take pictures when you're not there is it .......... Majic

  18. Did you see chris noel in the audience at last sundays (not) Finding Bigfoot?

  19. "Definitely not a horse" is not a scientific statement because it seems that some people here who have been around horses, like myself, are pretty sure it is a small pony or shetland pony. Using a 100% certainty term like "definitely", appears to be amateurish and falls short in instilling confidence in the person making that statement. Where are the facts to back up that 100% certainty?

  20. There is a FREAKIN horse in the background.

    A FREAKIN horse in the background.

    MK Davis I'm on your side, trying to save you.

    I wish you were on your side.

  21. I have to say that I think all people who put out trail cams to catch bigfoots need to put out two cameras, each on opposite trees facing each other. That way if a BF does mess around with one camera, the other will catch them in the act.
    Chad W

  22. I like the way he talks, uh-huh. MK is mono-chrome. So is Bigfoot! Monkey-chrome!

  23. The last bit is weird, i don't see that to be a horses eye, but very last looks like a horses rump and tail.

  24. That 4 legged critter in the background, sure appears to have the exact same gait as a full sized horse. In one or two frames, there was even a clear view of the hock joint in the hind leg. It was plain as day. Apparently, MK does not know what a cow looks like, yet with absolute certainty, he states that an obvious horse in the background, is an obvious cow. Cows are beefier, their bellys hang lower to the ground, and they do not have a gait like a horse. I often wonder whether MK is going down hill with his endless demonstration of unscientific methodology. But I believe that if a person were able to draw a chart and put a number on his color manipulation/contamination used in the bigfoot massacre, and another number on the sloppy investigation of his steaming pile of hoaxed videos that he implies have a bigfoot in them, I do believe that you would have a nearly dead level line. Therefore, it would appear that MKD is not going rapidly down hill after all. He is just continues to do what he has always been doing. Except now, Shawn has seen that there is no escape from his endless stream of nonsense.

  25. 433 into the video shows something human like sitting on a down tree!!!! Am I the only one who caught this? Even Mk doesn't mention it..

  26. Shawn

    Have you guys ever have MK Davis on a show? Extinct or whatever? If so can you repost link and if not, you guys should.

    Fan from canada

    1. Steve Kulls should investigate the motive behind M.K.Davis as to why M.K. keeps posting and promoting all these Mike Sells' videos, was M.K.Davis behind the actual creation of some these hoaxed video creations?

  27. The chicken feathers one is a moth.

  28. Do you think MK would get jealous or offended if I told him I wanted to stick my Veiner between Patty's nice, firm supple breast? Who needs Redtube when you have the enhanced PG film!! Keep'em cumming MK!


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