Phil Investigates The Dogman of Wisconsin

The following video is from Phil Poling's old SuperSoylent Channel on YouTube. Is the Dogman of Wisconsin real or is it a myth? Watch below:


  1. Replies
    1. Got Monkey?

      Got Dog?

      I asked on the BFF where the evidence was and I got banned. Noone gave me any evidence either. Oh well, guess a footer knows when they have lost the argument.

    2. Melba Ketchum sucked Justin Smejas giant Bigfoot dickFriday, January 25, 2013 at 3:56:00 PM PST

      Dogmen are a subspecies of Bigfoot bred closely to Homosexual Erectus instead of the ape Giganticodickus Blackguy

    3. Dogmania will grab ahold of you. The kookoo monkey is history.

  2. anyone remember when ketchum claimed to be testing dogman DNA.. ahaha

    1. If you type in bold and capitals it means you are stating a fact. Thats how I know kerchak must be telling the truth.

  3. Michigan -- and a confirmed hoax.

    1. Yes the dude came clean to his credit. Something SMEJA should seriously consider

    2. ok fair enough not gonna argue with that

    3. footers only have themselves to blame for bleeving in smeja anyway

      if you ask me i think what smeja is doing is hilarious and he has trolled the bigfoot community very successfully, the likes of which hasnt been seen since dyer in 08

    4. I hear dyer used to sell used cars in Texas

      Google that

    5. This was confirmed as hoax months ago. Fatty Phil get wid da programme!!

    6. Phil recorded this in 2010 you idiot!

    7. 11:09, very few footers believed Smeja. That's only in your dimmest fantasies.


    8. why is there 600 articles about him on here then? successful troll is successful.

    9. Phil, I see you used an episode from MonsterQuest. You also made the point that the girls friends told another network that they saw nothing, but you failed to mention that the girl and her friends passed a lie detector test on the very same episode of MQ. What is with the bias?

    10. tzieth take yo ass BACK to the forum!!!! u are not welcome here BiOtCh!!!

    11. Phil went unabomber in this analysis, sounds like he even distorted his voice. And with the shades in the dark, I beleeve he was wired for sound!!

    12. Ok, well this is freaking me out. When I saw a big dog in the woods and it was walking on two legs, it was dogman and not just a talented dog?

    13. That same girl is the one that said she saw 3 of them drinking water in the MQ episode, right? In the account to Fox, she sees one and says nothing about drinking water at a pond. She is the one who passed the polygraph. She's had 2 different sightings?

    14. I think that may be the same account. The News Crew probably edited a lot out of her story out, or told her to keep it simple. Or MonsterQuest Fabricated things. On the same episode, you had the road kill guy talking about Dogman picking a deer carcass out of the back of his truck. Exact same story is on BFRO only this time it is Bigfoot, not Dogman... Unless road crew trucks are looked at as Gut-Trucks by cryprids? lol

  4. This is a well known hoax. There is even a video by the hoaxer documenting it.

    Another example of cherry picking from Phil.

    1. WRONG.

      The MIB payed him off to make up his story.

    2. Is anyone checking the fucking date on when this video was made?

  5. Why is this news?
    Didn't we all see this info YEARS ago?
    C'mon man, don't water your blog down on a slow news day.

    1. From the files of SuperSoylent recorded in 2010!!!!!!!!!! Can't you fucking read?

  6. Replies
    1. So was your stupid comment, back in 2010 when this video was made, moron!

  7. Yawn, find something new to debunk Porky

  8. Get the block of free government cheese out of your mouth you big cheesehead!

    1. My dear sir/madam,

      I'm quite certain that a block of free government cheese would instead be a block of free government 'processed cheese product'.

      How nutritious this processed product is compared to real cheese is, well, the processed product is full of hydrogenated oils, not good for you.

      Nonetheless, you are very funny.

      Cherry, anyone? I've a new bottle which I opened and which has been cooling in the shadows of the conservatory as we speak.

      This way, gentlemen. Pardon? Oh yes, unreasonable sceptics are welcome, too.

  9. If you don't want to watch the vid, the guy did a heck of a job hoaxing it. He had a bunch of old cars, trucks, snow mobiles and got some buddies with old cop uniform to help. Then dug a hole and made a very cool looking cast of entrails that fit the person in the hole so it looked like they were cut in half. History channel showed whole thing. It comes back on several times a year in Monsterquest marathons.

    I know first time I saw that sucker galloping toward the camera I thought HOLY SHIT, what the hell is THAT! That guy can cover some ground on all fours. Good vid to scare kids with.

    1. Yeah, I remember seeing it for the first time and totally crapping myself! It looks like a gorilla in full charge! Great hoax, you really have to hand it to the guy he did a fantastic job! Ah, MonsterQuest was awesome! Most of the episodes are on YouTube and I think you can still buy it on DVD too.

    2. That's what I think the Prince Edward Island vid. is too--a guy running out on hands and feet.


  11. I like how all these dumb fucks here can't figure out that Shawn is posting a video that Phil made close to 3 years ago:

    "This was confirmed as hoax months ago."

    "Yawn, find something new to debunk."

    I guess that is why you dumb fuckers believe in Bigfoot.....You're too damn stupid to function in a reality based society, let alone capable of reading.

    1. ^^^


      Confirms on explosive language revealing mental disorder, reactive anger at anything sasquatch-related, has PGF-itis (uncontrollable head and neck jerks which pull line of vision away from any screening of the PGF), has severe case of evidence-avoidance-itis, and bleeves-in-invisible-bicycles.

      Yes, we have here a skeptic, folks. Nice one.

    2. 2:34,

      12:48 must have struck a nerve with the truth he has spoken. Ouch.....

  12. You'll get nothing and like it.

  13. This is old news, Phil should break down newer vids.

  14. this may be an older hoax that was busted years ago, but think of all the newbies coming on board, who are gonna dredge this thing up again, if they are not reminded that it was a hox? C'mon people,there's a method to this Madness. Right?

  15. Mulders post of the day:
    "I don't think any but the ultra-hard-core cling to the idea that a study simply doesn't exist. The debate seems to be if/when it will be published and in what venue. "

    what a class A tooner!

    the study does NOT exist, that is verifiable fact that can be proving by simply asking yourself WHERE THE FUCK IS THE PAPER

    nowhere. no study. give it up mulder and leave yourself a shred of dignity.

    1. The BFF has descended in to chaos, this could well be the end of footing as we know it. The claims have been getting so crazy lately that footers have set themselves up for the fall. Footers were better off when they were just searching for a dumb ape.

    2. Mulder:

      "If Science as an institution (and by extension the journals) were completely objective and bias-free I would agree. We know this is not the case."

      He might as well have said the MIB are covering up bigfoots existance. LOL!

  16. I think I Super Soiled my shorts on that breakdown. What's with the blacked out face is he a sexual predator or under witness protection. Damn I love this site.
    Squatch Nuts

  17. Evidently this gentleman has a wasted life. His attempt at a mascarade proving forward toward an "A" list production while revealing to the masses a lonely, basement dwelling, dependent hoping for a few minutes of fame has, in reality, wasted time for those interested in the photo. Congratulations to you, Mr. Producer, for creating something that dimishes time for those serious about this endeavor.

  18. The first time I saw that clip I screamed and screamed and screamed until my wife hit me over the head with a chair. That's why she left me. Well, that and the old pencil penis.
    - Cliff B.

    1. Hahahahahaha.....true story. Don't worry Cliff, footers will tell you that happens to everyone. OR.........maybe its just us footers.

  19. Am I supposed to listen to this blowhard talk for 8 minutes? ... uhh, no.

  20. Would at least some of you mother fuckers put a little more thought into your posts and make some effort to make people laugh about the magic monkey?
    I'm getting tired of carrying all of your lame asses.

    1. I am surprised you were even able to pick my fat ass up.

    2. I am surprised you were even able to pick my fat ass up.


  22. wevdall seen the gable film and the later adisson of it being a fake. i always wondered why he adited to it being faked showing yu the dog was him running on all fous.if u watch the whole thing on yotube it shows how he faked the death with the half bady lying in the ground. IE he cut a whole i ground ,stood up in it and added pig guts to make look as if he was cut in half with a policeman staning next to it etc... it was very conving.
    what it tells us is how simple it is t fake a film of BF or gogman etc... all it requires is right angl, right props abd suit and you have your myth come to ife

    P/G film anyne

    oh i kow. the greates dummy mkers in hollywood couldnt copy it etc...well he we have some dad with his kids rereating a very comnvinicing dogman video and dead body with a ghillie suit and some pig guts

    fact is people love a mystey and if done well like Patty iss believable

    if BF wee true there would doznes of patty type films not 1. a 8ft muscle bound creture simy cany stay undetected for centuries. nothing ever found or flmed,photograhed. funny that whe you concier everyother primate/animal in the world,not to mention nRTH aMERICA CAN EASILY BE ACCOUNTED FOR. i know some fich,thought to be extict turned up in southafrica,before im told science find undiscovered anmals all the time.

    obviously deep oceans are the place to find mysterious anmals not a few forests in North america! lol.

    It must be an American thing and a few pesants in nepal thing

  23. er i think i need a new laptop! sorry for missing letters above. believe it or not im quite intlligent! if only i had the ash for a new laptop that didnt miss out letters.

    kind of spoils your point when u look retarded


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