First Footage of Giant Squid Airing This Sunday On Discovery Channel [Video]

The legendary Giant Squid has finally been caught on tape. For centuries, there have been stories of the great Kraken in Scandinavia and legends of it attacking ships. Once thought to be a myth, we now have evidence of the creature, not only has there been evidence of the creature tangled up in fishing nets and washed ashore, scientists now have HD footage of the creature that was filmed during a six-week expedition 550 miles south of Tokyo back in June of 2012.

The first video footage of a giant squid in its natural habitat will air this Sunday on the Discovery Channel in Monster Squid: The Giant is Real.


  1. Bro, time to rename this Bigfoot Evidence website

    1. It's debatable whether the owner of this website cares more about Bigfoot or making money off Bigfoot. Hence, that's why you may get stories not exactly on topic.

    2. It's incredibly evident from his association with team tazer that it's about money. Team Tazer seems to be more into rambling videos and nonsensical associations with people who will never find true evidence. I frequent this site because Shawn does a good job with current events. However, I do feel Shawn would be better served by having more reputable and believable "guest posters". Regardless, his utter hate for Rick Dyer keeps me coming back.

  2. Yeah. Survivalists, squids, chupas, and scientist bababling. This website is called Bigfoot evidence! Throw the rest of this garbage away. Maybe if Robert Lindsay was running this website then we wouldn't have to deal with this nonsense!

    1. Have you looked at Robert's website? That guy has quite a varied interest- some of it more political than anything else. I believe he has referred to himself as a communist, so I doubt he would stick strictly to Bigfoot.

    2. Or how about skipping the article if you're not interested instead of clicking on it so you can take time out to bitch and moan? That would be outside the character of an asshole though, wouldn't it?

    3. RL would pack the blog with pure lies! Not a good idea!

  3. Or maybe the point is that if a giant squid can be filmed for a documentary, Bigfoot is not far behind. Keep up the good work, Shawn!

    1. Nope, sorry dude. The deep ocean is one of the least accessible, least explored environments on the entire planet and in the last 100 years there's only been a handful of times that people have gone down there to look for giant squid. There's been literally thousands and thousands of people combing the forests in the US for over 50 years specifically looking for Bigfoot, let alone the hundreds of thousands of hunters and hikers and naturalists moving through those forests *every year* for the last few centuries. None of those millions of people have ever found compelling physical evidence for Bigfoot, which should be MUCH more likely to turn up than giant squid evidence. The fact that we have rock solid scientific evidence for a ridiculously difficult to find creature such as the giant squid and absolutely no physical scientific evidence for Bigfoot (which allegedly visits people's backyards) is pretty damning.

    2. I none use false analogy. I uses sound logics I does.
      I reasons that large squid exist in abyss so ten foot ape must exist in North America.
      Abyss and North America is very similar after all.

      -typical footer

    3. Derp?

      -dumber than average footer

    4. Typical Armchair Skeptics, You punks need to get into the outdoors and explore unless your afraid of something that doesn't exists in your misguided opinion.

    5. ^^^^
      Rebuttal-less retard is rebuttal-less. Delays suicide in the hopes that Sykes can save footery. Should cease procrastinating and kill himself.

  4. This isn't the first time a giant squid has been filmed ever only the first time it has been filmed at depth (ie: its natural habitat) so your opening sentence "The legendary Giant Squid has finally been caught on tape" paints a somehwat inaccurate picture. Giant squid have been filmed closer to the surface at least twice before and they've previously been photographed several times as well. We've also found approximately 600 partial bodies and we've even had a handful of complete bodies that have washed up. I can walk down the street right now and see a giant squid body at my local museum, they've had it on display for several years.

    1. There's lots more info here:
      A particularly large intact specimen washed up on a New Zealand beach in 1887 and we've had physical evidence taken from sperm whale stomachs well before then. If anyone was still classing these creatures as cryptids then they're about 120 years behind in the news.

  5. I agree... A cryptid is a cryptid...

    1. How is the giant squid a cryptid? The wider scientific community started accepting their existence in the 1860s after some partial remains were found and after several complete carcasses washed up in the 1870s no one was left with any doubt.

  6. A giant squid got big wee wee! Bigfoot got small wee wee! And aliens take it up the pooper!

    1. Im a homo erectus! And I love Poopers! Sasquatch can take a dump on my mancrotch!

  7. Only here could I find intellectual repartee such as this. Love it when Jeff Meldrum and Stanton Friedman get together to discuss BF's pee pee.


  8. calamari rings covered in a thick batter, deep fried, and with lemon juice and mayonnaise or garlic mayonnaise.

  9. "Bigtenicle".Such a pain in the ass to cast a print of it under water..

    1. I bet Fasino or RD could do it, the can hoax anything

  10. looooooooooooooooooool the guy jusg dissed Bigfoot.

  11. 1778 i found my first bigfoot on rouge warriors cove. it was a crazy night i mean i was attacked by 3 adults and 2 babys bigfoots..i was in critical condition after i was found dead in the woods of the alaskan bull worm.
    Peace- t spits


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