Watch this: The Bigfoot Report - Team Quantra Captures Live Bigfoot

Ed Smith and D.W.Lee of the MABRC ( reports of Team Quantra's Bigfoot Capture.


  1. ha ha ha ha full shite !!! fuck off

  2. where is your tin-foil hat? havent you been mind raped enough?

  3. I'm first, you're last, you're slow, I'm fast. I get there before you do. I get there before you do!

    1. Dear, my tinfoil hat is right here. Check my pic.

      No big deal. Lots of us scofftics wear 'em.

  4. You have your tinfoil hats on, footers? Don't worry. Now that the Ketchum "study" has gone down in flames, you can throw all your unconditional and baseless support behind this latest sideshow. I'm sure this crew has captured a live bigfoot. And I'm sure they have great reasons why they can't show anyone yet. They are probably gathering enough blueberry bagels to keep the squatch satisfied so it won't try to mindrape anyone.

    1. What would happen anon 4:50 if this blog didn't exist? Seems like your life revolves around Bigfoot and this site! Mommy would have too find some cartoons for you to watch- you Looney Toon!

  5. Since when did it go down in flames? I don't see any smoke yet.

    Keep trying to prove a negative, genius.

    1. Maybe when the results came back as black bear? But let's not let minor factual details get in the way of bleeving. I'm sure Melba's "high def" footage will vindicate all your beliefs about blueberry bagels, mindrape, and the squatch's ability to move objects just by thinking about them.

    2. And maybe you have finally fallen to far into the unfathomable black well of your madness to be able to function again in the real world.

  6. Ro still looking for that viral video huh?

  7. My kittens breath smells like catfood...

    1. Can we have some new material please, I'm sure you have a lot more to give...

  8. ED SMITH and DW LEE are evil, nasty, liars.

  9. I really tink if dis D.W. snagged a bigfoot on der line day gotta choot it. Yayheeee!

  10. Oh deer, its all so disturbing for me.

  11. Bagsquatch, owlsquatch, and now boxsquatch!

  12. What's the bigfooters protocol for when you get a mud helmet in a tent?

    1. Call Stank Ape and he'll lick it clean for you.

  13. Replies
    1. Kind of beating a dead horse now,hey Rush,hope you and yours have a happy new year

    2. I'm sure you both will since you're the same person.Thats why you always reply to each others comments.Rush really really sucks btw.

    3. man,you suck,and you're paranoid and tin eared to boot.

    4. Same idiot who likes pretending to be other posters commenting on his own stuff^

    5. you should hide,I'll throw down with you,call it

  14. Replies
    1. Ah, but man cannot live on taterhole alone!

    2. I regret I have but one taterhole to give to my country.

    3. To taterhole or NOT to taterhole! That is the question!

    4. I have a dream, that my four little taterholes will live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their taterskins...

    5. Ask not, what your taterhole can do for... eh, forget it. This could go on for days.

    6. Lol, yeah let's just end it.

    7. At least change it up a bit. Famous movie quotes?
      Jaws- "You're gonna need a bigger taterhole."
      A Few Good Men- "You can't handle the taterhole!"
      Crocodile Dundee- "That's not a taterhole. THIS is a taterhole."

  15. DW already looks like a moron after the last body debacle.

    If this goes south it will seal their fate as hoaxers.

    He and MABRC are walking a very thin line on this one.

    1. until next time,we always come back,I do want to see a good bigfoot

  16. Don’t you footers ever get tired of your constant failure? After decades of incessantly failing doesn’t it become discouraging? At this point I’m starting to wonder if the only remaining footers are masochists who just enjoy being losers. Is there some point when you guys are just going to throw in the towel?

    1. "No man is useless as long as he's got a 10 inch penis'. - Walter Brennan

    2. We are entering the "hermetically sealed era": Bigfoot exists and we talk about what they do and where they are etc,etc. Proving existence to the rest of the world will not be a part of it.

    3. The rest of the world can kiss my ass! They'll never find us out here in the the a stick structure...bare ass naked.

  17. PLEASE TURN THE COMMENTS OFF ... have some self respect.

    1. Dude you are turning me on...Bring it!

    2. Don't be jealous you aren't witty enough to talk shit with us you'll learn

  18. everybody has a body nowadays,I guess there are more bigfoots than I thought out there...RUSH RULES,no denying that baby!

  19. Replies
    1. And the third version of you shows up.

    2. I do have a spot in my heart for dave lamb nipples,my dave lamme alter ego,and now for you my friend,thank you for reading my posts.............on and on and on

  20. So where on their website does D.W. actually expect to release information as it becomes available? The blurb on their homepage hasn't been updated since June 2011 ...

  21. Here we go again .... shudder.

  22. There is a 7 ft tall possum man that lives in the woods 'hind the house. His tail must be huge judging by the tail prints I find in the mud patch so we call him Bigtail. I find a broken blade of grass... Bigtail evidence.
    A leaf laying underside a tree...Bigtail!!!
    The cats dinner vanishes... Bigtail!!!

  23. Seeing is believing. Seems like a race lately to see who can bull shit the best Bigfoot story. Lets see who wins!!!!

  24. They started with the Horizon project. Built 36 ft angle iron towers that held 160k thermal camera, the same that you see mounted under helicopters.
    The camera's were remotely manned from command trailers. ( hence the claim of Ed of having over 50 video's of thermal images of squatch)
    They had ground sensors on locations and triangulated recording towers to pinpoint tree knock and vocalization locations exactly.
    They would have multiple points of information come in on each sighting. ie ground sensors running through a computer saying the target was bipedal, Thermal films, some at the locations of tree knocks. some walking thru briars, retrieve hair samples from filmed locations, some briars produced some tissue samples. Some film of rock target threw a stone the size of a grapefruit almost the length of a football field.
    One location of a bigfoot tearing into the back of a metal barn upon investigation obtained blood and tissue snagged on a screw.
    A pig carcase with a head torn off ( not cut) and 12 feet up in a tree yeilded valuable evidence, foot tracks, hair and bite marks on the pig hide from a non-snouted animal.
    These are just a few of the experiences of the 12 year quest.
    Elaborate tissue traps were utilized, involving spinning small chains with trebble hooks attached on the ends, triggered by a pressureplate with a close up face shot photo to go with the tissue. The plate was triggered by an excess of 300 lbs of weight to make it work.
    This same pressure plate was used in the trap set up.
    There are years and years of data from experiments like a camper with a crying baby inside ( recording) on a timed set up.
    Ground sensors set up around fake campsites to monitor their approach. Stick throwing, rock throwing, all data documented and attempts to replicate findings. Find a pattern of behavior.

  25. no one thought the panda was real then they looked stupid when it turned up or even the silver back gorilla, giant squid was legends of the sea so y is this to far fetched Christians go to church every weekend and their evidence is an OLD BOOK with every one blaming or praising it with no real evidence that what they're worshiping even exists. Even IF most of the thousands of video and sightings ARE HOAXES, one could be real and that's more then the Christians need to justify the good and evil thigns they have done over the last 2000yrs. so really y not this? o ya cuz you have evidence that it doesnt exist, cuz you have a great old book


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