Michal Merchant Discusses "Daisy", The Captured Bigfoot

Bigfoot is once again reported, to be safely contained in a Box at an unknown, unreported, secret location, guarded by MIBs. Spoiler alert-- Michael is attacked by a venomous Rodent while on location. Does he survive, does he get the anti-venom in time?


  1. Replies
    1. Mike you really need to share whatever the fuck it is that you are on

  2. LOL! I heard theyve got Elvis up there too.

    1. Stop! Look and listen baby, that's my philosophy. It's called taterholin baby but that's alright with me...

  3. Replies
    1. BFRO is the only true scientific group investigating Squatch, so get off our ass, I did go to one semester of law school ya know, geez.

  4. Money is the worst but this guys close

    1. Oh yeah? Well if I wanted to hear from an asshole I'd fart buddy!

  5. If we stop commenting, mabey he'll go away.

    1. +1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

  6. Didn't Micheal Merchant just make some (or someone found older) videos of him being a racist bigot? Seriously I've been out of the loop on this site for over a month but that's one thing I came across on the Internet recently.

    Seriously, what's the story behind that?

    1. I would post a link but Shawn would just delete it again.

    2. Well if you can't post a link to the story behind it then please explain if you would?

    3. http://bigfootevidence101.blogspot.com/2012/12/breaking-news-new-racist-rant-by-team.html
      Get it while you can.

    4. Wait... Shawn deletes posts with links, but not ones with racist hate speech and foulest profanity???


    5. You can say whatever you want about him, his family, women, gays just don't show anything that shows Michael Merchant for what he is.

    6. A bullshit cut and paste video by someone intentionally trying to make Merchant look bad by pasting things taken completely out of context to give a false impression of him. He's only quoting some one who was actually calling him the "N-Bomb" as for the anti-religious rant what's wrong with not liking religion? Wasn't Jesus born a Jew? What's wrong with calling him a Jew? The anti-Muslim comments were a bit harsh but again most likely taken completely out of context by whoever has an axe to grind against Merchant.

    7. Searched for the video. Could not find it. Bigfoot evidence has said that his videos have been viewed three and a quarter million times !!!!!!!!!!!

      So you know what that means?

      That means ANYBODY can do this. Just stand in your mothers back yard with a camera facing the wood patch and put down other people. It's that simple !!!!

      Mid Michigan calling

    8. Well why not try it and slag Merchant off in front of a camera instead of from behind a keyboard. The idea of slamming someone for slamming other investigators is stupid.

    9. http://bigfootevidence101.blogspot.com/2012/12/team-tazer-is-feeling-heat-rictor-wants.html
      Ain't Rictor purddy?

    10. What do you mean bullshit cut and paste?

      Are you saying that's NOT him going off in the videos? That's the ONLY reason that MM would be innocent. If those are his words then yes, he's a fucking racist pig bigot and he'll never make it in this field now. Not that he ever did anything or accomplished anything thus far. That's just the truth.

  7. I shoulda shot that sonofabitch. Pendulous titties and all.

  8. Video proof


  9. I have never seen anyone talk so much and say so little.

    1. +100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000


    1. Yeah it's the Abominable Snowwanker prowling again.

    2. +100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

  11. I shave my squatch to look like a heart. Sometimes
    I wax her.

  12. I knew it was just a matter of time before this twat elbowed his way into this thing.I've seen orphans who were less starved for attention.

    1. He literally contributes nothing. While others are out researching, he's busy putting everyone down. He's the most narcisstic of all in this field.

    2. Clowns give me the heebie jeebies!

  13. damnit! i wanted him to get bit in his big fat mouth!!!

  14. Michael is a normal person that knows more than most about animals and nature.

    1. ^shut that cockbumper you call a mouth taterfuck!

    2. Thats difficult with an 8 inch dong in my throat.

    3. "Normal" people don't make sport of ridiculing others. He's nothing more than a bully and doesn't deserve the attention he gets.

    4. He's not a bully just calling bullshit when he sees it! If these people are gonna make wild unsubstantiated claims then why not say they're full of shit and have a laugh at they're expense because if you believe in this captured Bigfoot story then the people behind it are sure as hell laughing at you!

    5. Normal people DO NOT put rubbers suits in freezers, or issue press releases claiming they have sequenced Bigfoot genomes from Bear scat; or claim they have intercepted secret messages about Bigfoot being in a Box. We should ridicule the hoaxers. The bullies are those idiots leaving nasty useless comments and whining constantly. More videos Merchant! Keep them coming.

  15. oh dear me. You boys are so awful.

  16. The rather talkative bearded man seems to be highly intelligent and intellictual yet rarely says anything. He reminds me of a riddler who riddles. I have never heard this subject speak prior to this video and I found myself yearning for more substance. I ignorantly assumed that a subject being interviewed on the internet would be full of information relevant to the female sasquai captured inside a cage recently. Oh well, I realize I was wrong. Hee-Haw!


    The Anal Retentive Blogger

  17. He said Quantas!! Queensland and Northern territory aerial services

  18. Quantra Group Update:

    Specimen died in captivity. Remains being sectioned out for blind tests at multiple anonymous labs. Melba Ketchum assigned lead DNA expert for all samples. Next update expected in 2025 after results are verified by journal peer review process. All video rights have been transferred to Adrian Erickson.

  19. Michaels video is about the best thing to come out of this fiasco.

  20. Didn't bother watching his latest rant. Not sure what he has to add to this car wreck of a non-story. Perhaps it's more smug 'I told you so' crap that we all love so much.


    1. Yet you felt the need to tell us all, that you DID NOT watch the video. You seem rather smug and narcissistic with your holier then thou attitude and desire to be noticed for adding NOTHING.

    2. And you felt the need to point out that he did not watch the video and is smug which also makes you a narcissist, holier than thou, smug and an all around jackass

  21. He captured Daisy long ago in the fantasy world he has made in his own mind.

  22. This guys rants are getting more and more incoherent and just plain odd. I really think he is loosing touch with reality. I really do hope this team caught a Bigfoot that would be an amazing discovery. But, why can't they bring the evidence forward immediately? The longer the delay the more skeptical one becomes. I really understand the lawyering up part and properly documenting the species including samples, measurements and such but would it hurt to take a real clear HD video and release it to the world to say yes we have it and more info is on the way?

  23. This guys rants are getting more and more incoherent and just plain odd. I really think he is loosing touch with reality. I really do hope this team caught a Bigfoot that would be an amazing discovery. But, why can't they bring the evidence forward immediately? The longer the delay the more skeptical one becomes. I really understand the lawyering up part and properly documenting the species including samples, measurements and such but would it hurt to take a real clear HD video and release it to the world to say yes we have it and more info is on the way?

  24. I think Micheal Merchant is cool, but his videos are getting too weird and incoherant;( he makes some great points and really makes a fool out of footers but as of late his videos are too short, dont explain enough, and he seems distracted. I like that he is a voice of reason while also making some of these footers claims seem like the transparent bs they are.

    I hope this new video style is temporery and we can hopefully expect to hear more clear, coherent debunkings.

    1. Don't hold your breath, you mean you have to have someone tell you whether this stuff is fake or not.

    2. I know it's fake. I just like the way Shawn has given him his own popular platform, in order to actually articulate how 'tarded footery really is. But he is ruining by flapping his jacket, chasing rodents and not making sense. I liked the old style better is all.

    3. He is one of Shawn's cast of characters

      If you want to be part of the big shoo start submitting work to Shawn and maybe he will publish it

      Now the show needs serious as well as stuff like Mikey's. My advise is to be serious and to add info with subs finance. That way you gain credability

  25. What a bunch of mesnstruating Daisies you lot are.

    Merchant is no more ridiculous than any and more entertaining than most.

    Preach on Beardo. The little goth faggots can never be happy. It would ruin the pose.

    1. -99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999

  26. Didn't Merchant get caught banging horses ?

  27. MM seems like he's on drugs, bad.

  28. Gaze into distance..."Well it SEEMS that Quantra has Daisy...cut screen, clasp hands, look into distance... and THAT is something that is VERY...cut screen, snarky tone, gaze into distance...INTERESTING....

    I didn't watch the video, but that's my best guess.

  29. Same old bull****. Just like all the others.OH OH OH we have this, we have that. No real evidence, no photos, no nothing which leads to no credibility. If you dont have anything to show anybody,no claims should be made at all.


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