Here's A Website To Catch Up On The Whole Quantra Bigfoot Capture Story

Squatch Unlimited just published an extensive history of Team Quantra and their connection to the MABRC Bigfoot research group headed by D.W. Lee. Who is Team Quantra? What about Ed Smith? Is he still with Team Quantra or is he with the MABRC? All this and more is revealed in Rob Gaudet's new post titled, "Quantra Bigfoot Capture Story, Separating Fact from Fiction".

Here's the link:


  1. Replies
    1. Bigfoot is Bullshit but Bears are RealFriday, December 28, 2012 at 5:48:00 PM PST

      Let me break this down:

      Fact: There is NO Bigfoot. Anywhere, anyplace anytime. Anyone who believes in Bigfoot or stories of their capture or killing is either insane, retarded, or just pathetically gullible and stupid.


    2. Prove THAT statement, pencil dick.

      Find a girlfriend yet?

    3. +1 for bigfoot is bullshit

      dont give up the fight for logic and reason!

    4. It proves itself really.

      Oh, and congratulations on becoming the first person to say "pencil dick" since 1983....ya faggot.

    5. Quit responding to yourself^

    6. And faggot hasn't been around for a hundred years ? pencil DICK!

    7. My goal is to keep pissing you off and raising your blood pressure "Bigfoot is Bullshit" so you have a stroke or heart attack! Then this site will be finally rid of your lame ass! Burn in hell you Bastard!

    8. Thats harsh,let go of the hate,its just bigfoot

    9. So that's a "no" on the girlfriend thing then.

      Any luck getting a life?

    10. Got a wife,not a

    11. Prove THAT wild claim, pencil dick.

    12. It is not logical or sane to deny the existence of something that you have seen.
      Nor is it logical or sane to claim your ignorant opinion is fact.
      I also have only seen a sugar glider one time in my life, but i know they exist.
      Homophobia should not be tolerated anywhere ever.

    13. He has no wife and no life, no personality and no imagination. Pitty him.

    14. Guess you haveneither since you attack so much its obvious to all here you don't get laid,guess we can figure out who's living in mommy's basement now,ah well,theres still internet porn if she didn't block you.Go masturbate and relax,we'll wait.

    15. Wait... you're defending the hostile asshole who insults you with every post? Are you him???

    16. You're too dumb for mindgames boy,throw in the towel

    17. Bigfoot is Bullshit but Bears are RealFriday, December 28, 2012 at 7:02:00 PM PST

      5:56, Your footer champion the deceased Dr Krantz said all burden of proof for a mythic giant apeman lay with those claiming it is where is the proof?? Smeja killed two, Patty is real, Ketchum has their genome sequenced, Meldrum and Chilcutt say the prints are real, Dyer has killed them, now one was captured and released but all evidence destroyed, in Texas they shot one, keep the wheel turning..yet there is still ZERO evidence for their existence? "Pencildick" doesnt refute the fact that you footers are dreaming and hallucinating these apemen into existence, but there is zero, NO proof available to confirm them.

      Do you understand how stupid you look when you say they are real, but then reference the available "evidence"?

      And, I AM a girl so no, I do not have a girlfriend at least you got that right.

    18. Hello,are you a hot girl?Ignore him,he doesn't like girls


    19. Bear Girl -I don't say bigfoots are real, and don't reference any evidence -- there isn't any. Krantz was right, the burden of proof is on the footers ((which I am not), but you're making a claim of fact that bigfoot does not exist. Not "probably" doesn't exist, but absolutely. That's not what Krantz was talking about. You need proof for that kind of absolute claim.
      And sorry about the P.D. thing -- I got you mixed up with Skippy the hater.

    20. *Bigfoot is Bullshit but Bears are Real*

      Truer words were never spoken. So now Mr *HOAXEM* Dyer is next up at the plate to show the world more bullshit..and they will lap it up like puppy dogs.

    21. Rummy! I never took you seriously, but I never took yiu for an asshole either! My mistake...

    22. Too funny! Bullshit-girl owns the footers asses then gets mad kiss-up because she's a gal. Oh this blog is SO funny LOLZ no one but her that posts here gets laid.

      +10000 for Bullshit, b/c Bigfoot IS Bullshit nothing more true.

      -an asshole

    23. She gets a pass because she's not you.

    24. blahahaha, to all comments above you pathetic, poor, waste's of space. You cowardly bitches need a life or a hobby.

    25. LOL 734 and 737 same person, both pathetic footers who need desperately for there to be a giant ape in the woods. Who is pathetic again, or a pencil dick? you for sure.

    26. We found Bigfoot in Australia. Please watch Sunday and buy a t shirt and premium membership.

    27. TURN OFF THE COMMENTS... it's getting embarrassing.

    28. Bigfoot is Bullshit but Bears are RealFriday, December 28, 2012 5:48:00 PM PST
      Let me break this down:

      Fact: There is NO Bigfoot. Anywhere, anyplace anytime. Anyone who believes in Bigfoot or stories of their capture or killing is either insane, retarded, or just pathetically gullible and stupid.

      To you, you're so full of shit your wreak of shit!!!!!! From someone who has seen one or possibly 2 BIGFOOTS!!!!!!

  2. Replies
    1. Yur actually 2nd so it is bullshit!! hahaha
      Nice try tho.

  3. the heat in the kitchen got too hot here LMAO

  4. When can we start the vivisection?

    1. Bigfoot is Bullshit but Bears are RealFriday, December 28, 2012 at 5:58:00 PM PST

      No worries they let it go and destroyed all the evidence and pictures, kinda like Smeja holding a dying baby squatch but leaving it for the crows and finding a bear in the exact same spot a few weeks later. Amazing animals these squatches......

    2. people actually believe smeja, I fear for humanity, so much stupidity

  5. DW and DO..

    If this ends up being false will you cease all contact with Ed Smith?

    This will likely ruin you for life.

  6. I am here you are here but we can't hear so we type here.

    Not one fricken cuss word. Lets see who can go the longest.

  7. I am coining a new term right now. HABITUJADED. I am becoming so jaded with these stories lacking any proof beyond "he, she, they, we, said" that I am now use to it.

    1. Big Jim, I hear ya, it is ridiculous.

    2. Have foottard, foottarded, and foottardation already been coined?

    3. What about Goobernaut? It's an all encompassing word used to describe soldiers of stupidity.
      Habitujaded is a fine word Big Jim Jr.

    4. People are taking this stuff too seriously sasqui

    5. Yeah but... most of us don't take THEM seriously.

    6. Reading this stuff has taught me to be patient without patience you would get so caught up with everything you would have no life like most of these assholes who plague this sight constantly

    7. I am just so habitujaded of Foottard's making Foottarded statements to Goobernauts and am worried that all will suffer from Foottardation, or am I just being chutacked? Did I get all the new words in? You know what is really scary? The sentence actually makes some sense!

  8. Yep! It brings the boy who cried WOLF!To a whole new level of chit.

    1. what clarity..... The boy who cried Wolf. how perfect.

  9. Replies
    1. Do you have Bullshits number or are you living under the same roof.

    2. Bigfoot is Bullshit but Bears are RealFriday, December 28, 2012 at 9:29:00 PM PST

      No one from this board will ever have my number or live under my roof. I'm highly educated and quite cynical, as well as intelligent enough to know Bigfeet dont exist, therefore cant be killed or captured, etc.

      The fact that I'm female makes no difference in any argument on this board, if THEY exist the show the proof otherwise jump from the highest peak you can climb. The worst part? I'm trying to help the simple sheeple understand that there is no Squatch, its all about someone in the background making money, even this other words "Bigfoot is Bullshit". If you hate me, then you know I'm right...

    3. As you noted from Dr. Krantz, the one making the claim bears the burden of proof. But if you don't want to waste your time trying to prove a negative, try saying things like, "Bigfoot probably doesn't exist", or "there is no conclusive evidence".
      It would make you read as more intelligent and seem less arrogant.

    4. Bigfoot is Bullshit but Bears are RealFriday, December 28, 2012 at 11:22:00 PM PST

      Kiss my ass 951, no help needed and little reason to worry about "appearing more intelligent" on this blog.

      Arrogance and comfidence are often confused by those on the receiving end: Im so confident that Bigfoot is complete bullshit that I am an arrogant asshole about it, is that better? Proving a negative is easy in Footer Fantasy Land.

    5. I am not trying to troll you here Bigfoot BS, but do you spent a lot of time alone in the woods? I don't mean camping unless it is deep woods pack in camping. If you do, have you ever encountered stuff that makes you wonder, "What the hell was that"?

      How did you reach your conclusion that bigfoot is BS? Did you start with an open mind or were you already leaning one way or another?

    6. Bigfoot is Bullshit but Bears are Real =

      Parnassus =

      Timmy =

      Not a "girl."

      Also, so many typos throughout posts prohibit your claim "I am highly educated."

      Don't make me choke, you joke.

      You can walk off the highest cliff, soon, please.

    7. You certianly are an asshole, bearbitch, and if you're not another incarnation of Skippy, are well on you're way to crazy cat lady status.
      Emo steampunk girls really got nowhere else ro go...

  10. Darren Lee and Randy Harrington.

    The new Dyer and Whitten.

    Thanks for taking the torch boys.

  11. Replies
    1. why are u calling shawn that?

    2. Rick Dyer calling someone a gook? Rick Dyer is a hoaxing pile of burning horse shit. AND apparently a racist too.

    3. Don't forget con artist, thief and wife beater.

    4. Multi talented individual there

  12. that the new Subaru?

  13. I have to admit I was on the fence and leaning towards believing in the possibility of a Bigfoot. Now that I have been reading and going thru all the information on the so called sites. I have become a complete skeptic! I find its all a myth for people to make a living at.

    Never have I seen more wack-o's that are ready to believe in something that they have no proof of. In the day of auto stablized HD video and Super Hi resolution digital cameras, not to mention hi res. cell phones, NO one anywhere has a picture that isn't grainy, and picsulated. Hell, there are sites that try to tell you... "that pixel is a foot"... REALLY and I mean REALLY...

    The story goes on... Now the day after the DNA came out on the so-called Seirra kills where Justin Smeja's bear skin was found to be just that, a bear. I do have to say... the researchers that actually published the Bear poacher tales in the first place, are the ones pushing the myth to better the soap opera.

    Now, this got the whole Bigfoot community down in the dumps. To everyones surprise, a new soap opera emerged to keep everyone interested and the advertisment money coming in. "BIGFOOT CAPTURED." Yet, still no photos, no videos and the community is all in a stir again. The feable minded people just stay tunned and keep waiting and hoping for whats not there or ever has been there.

    Mark B.

    1. Yep. What was always, and should be still, an interesting topic for speculation has been completely overtaken by hoaxers, hucksters, and new age carnival mystics -- all of them hustling for a buck.

    2. Advertising money?....pffft yeah, they're making a fortune. There's plenty of evidence. You're the feeble-minded one. Do us a favor and get lost.

    3. Please dont let this site, and "professional bigfooters" or "professional skeptics" effect your opinion of the actual evidence. There are many reports from credible people, something is out there.

    4. Do us all a favor. Get a girlfriend.

    5. Who are you to talk to others about girls,wearing panties isn't the same as having a girlfriend

  14. If any taterhole thoroughly examined? Can someone please tell me...was Daisys taterhole harmed in any way?

  15. Looks like we're all going for another ride on the Turd Wagon. Hang on tight, could get Corny.

  16. I haven't seen this many angry taterholes since Burtsev's Sasquatch on a Tandem Bicycle footage.

    Did I miss something? Was there some gigantic stretch of time where 99% of the evidence wasn't BS?

    Hey- I just noticed Baby Bigfoot Caught on Tape over there...groundbreaking footage!

  17. I won't believe it until I read it in the "Weekly World News" no sur yee bob!

  18. Has ANY DIRECT info come from the group that supposedly captured the "daisy"? Is it all still my friend's friend's sister's cousin's father's husband's teacher's left nut says they got one? Until something comes from the horse's mouth, iy is nothing but horse's asses talking.

    1. They have not denied it, so if they don't have a bigfoot they have perpetuated the hoax with there silence.

    2. Yes and no there. By ignoring it it does not necessarily mean they are adding to a hoax. They may just figure it will blow over in a day or three. But I do remember a No Comment, comment. Not sure if it was from the group or not though. In that case, you could say they are adding to it.

  19. I hear you, Mark! Some of the JERKS associated with this field can get you feeling disheartened, but there are enough LEGIT people, past and present(KRANTZ, MELDRUM, BINDERNAGEL, KETCHUM, COHEN, SYKES,SANDERSON, HEUVELMANS) to keep you hoping there is something to this. Hang in there.

    1. You forgot to add Dr. Seuss and Mr. Spock to your list of legit people in the Bigfoot feild

    2. Blobsquatch, you just listed Ketchum as a legit researcher thus proving yourself to be a joke by assocation.

    3. shut that cockbumper u call a mouth taterfuck!

    4. Ouch! Right in the Bindernagels!

      Lighten up people- it's not like we're headed off a fiscal cliff or anything.

    5. ^^^^
      Furious that Melba "mind rape" Ketchum has finally been exposed as the inept cat vet she really is. Has nothing left to live for anymore. Is considering donating his brain to science so his particular brand of retardation can be better understood.

    6. ^^^^furious that no one ever acknowledges his pathetic ass, has nothing else to live for other than posting on this sight pathetic taterfuck!

    7. Um, you do realize that you are acknowledging him right?

      Oh, and it's site not "sight" you degenerate retard.

    8. They're right, Blobby. Don't associate yourself with Ketchum if you want to be taken seriously. And to list her with Sykes and Meldrum, Sanderson and Heuvelmans even, well that's just plain insulting.

    9. It's the spelling Nazi again. Freak anon 6:01!

    10. ^^^^
      After having been badly beaten buy a nun for misspelling "frog" has developed a lifelong fear of spelling. Still spells it "forg" sometimes.

  20. Ketchum IS a scientist. She hasn't released the paper yet, so criticize her AFTER it's released and her conclusions are backed up by science. THEN you can dispute these findings AND her science if you so choose. Anon, PLEASE stop making a fool of yourself.

    1. Hey Blobsquatch,

      I have a paper which scientifically proves that you’re a chicken fucking mentally retarded inbred douchebag who likes to take it in the ass. You can criticize my conclusion AFTER I release the paper in about 14 to 20 years.

    2. Note To Casual Readers: The sqwak tou see on these pages supporting failed veterinarian Melba Ketchum are not representative of the Bigfoot Speculation Community.
      The small group of "Ketchumites" who post here are a fringe element... quite zealous in their fanaticical defense of the unseen "paper" she's been promising for years. They're a cult, really. None of us take her, or them, seriously.

    3. also non of us take bigfoot seriously

      theres no bigfoot out there, doesnt take a genious to work that out, but there is lots of laughs to be had

    4. ^ Moron is in the minority in his thinking. Your an idiot Anon 6:17!

    5. Lots of girlfriends to be had too, Skippy... if you ever crawl out of your mother's basement.

    6. Who needs girlfriends,just masturbate to internet porn,its free and your happy and no snuggling afterwards.I wish it had been around when I was younger,never would have bothered to get married

    7. So he whacks his pencil in his mother's basement and then with one click he's back to cyber stalking us again.
      A real live girlfriend wiuld get him outta our hair for a while...

    8. Well he would have less time and money

    9. Exactly. And maybe less hate.

  21. yea because 15 articles about this nonsense wasnt enough already... thanks......

  22. So 2012 the Year of the Sasquatch ends with a giant sour fart right in the believer's face.

    1. I'm just ever so surprised!

      -absolutely no one

  23. Replies
    1. Really got an axe to grind,right roundeye?

    2. Someone will make you pay someday Dyer.

    3. Is that Rick Dyer the hoaxer sayin' all that racist stuff? Figures.
      Eat roadkill squatch guts, Dyer! Shawn's 100 times more credible than you'll ever be.

  24. Says the guy whose country pays china $75 million a day in interest.

    1. Says the Walmart shopper

    2. Rumferlife why bother? I have seen you try to talk sense to these idiots before and you know they only do it to get a reaction.

    3. You're right my friend,its time to call it a night anyway...happy new year...TO EVERYONE

  25. Replies
    1. If your going out with a chick but every time you get down to business you go straight for the tatorhole does that make you secretly homosexual?

    2. If it does, then stuff me in a rhinestone tank top and call me Richard Simmons!

    3. Lol,your the best Mayor,so where are you hiding Daisy?

    4. Well she's not in the trunk of my lincoln continental if that's what you're insinuating haha. Ahh, I used to know a Puerto Rican girl named Daisy...

    5. I heard they don't mind getting stuffed in the trunk;).

  26. I can't wait to see video of this magnificent creature. Any word on when that will happen? I'm so giddy, like a little schoolgirl.

    1. Oh yeah, that's surely on the way. Expect it just after publication of the Ketchum paper!

  27. Has bigfooting reach an all time low? Discuss.

    1. On unmoderated boards? Yes.

    2. It's not as though Shawn can't delete the wildly off-topic, racist, abusive, profane and ignorant comments, and force these jerks to clean up their lazy act. Or block the ISPs of those abusing his good nature. Seemingly decent people stand by and allow this crap to continue, therefore:

      Ro - guilty by association
      Rictor - guilty by association
      Tammy - guilty by association
      Nadia - guilty by association
      Phil - guilty by association

    3. If Shawn went through deleting the crap and trolls, he would have no time for anything else. Using mods would help, but it takes away from the openess of this blog. He does run a regulated blog in the forums. But even though I was one of the first ten to sign up for the forums, I rarely go in because I enjoy this style more. When I want down to business bigfoot talk, then I go into the forums and to the BFRO forums.

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  29. Ohhhh, I just wanna BELIEVE! !!!

  30. Was this whole story fabricated to take the heat off of the Ketchum debacle? I guess they must be grateful that just when angel/nephilim DNA was turning out to be nothing more than Blackbear DNA and mindrape and psychokinesis were returning to the pages of cheap science fiction where it belongs, melba was saved by a gaggle of slack jawed yokels claiming to have captured bigfoot. Thankfully, since footers have the attention spans of squirrels, they were easily distracted by the next new shiny thing. They can forget all about their manic defense of Ketchum's absurd claims. The footers know she is right about tinfoil hats, stick structures, and the Sasquatch's ability to stun prey with mental electro magnetic energy blasts before draining their life forces. But yeah. It's definitely a mystery why science doesn't take footery seriously.

    1. No doubt the Ketchum fixation by a wild-eyed few makes all footers look loopy, as the above post so clearly demonstrates.
      She's a joke, yall! Let's get back to the cool eye-witness stories while we wait in the Sykes report!

    2. Alright let's repeat it for anon 7:49

      In Native American lore, the sasquatch could paralyze prey with immense vocalizations.

      One hunter reported witnessing this occur to a deer in a clearing.

      If you search the key words in this post you should find this sasquatch report.

      "mental electro magnetic energy blasts"?

      Maybe not; vocalizations? Apparently.

      Why do people keep repeating this "mental electro magnetic energy blasts" stuff over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again, when the other information is there in native Indian culture and supported by modern reports?

  31. You dumb ass buffoonic morons ALWAYS go FULL RETARD. You're seriously too stupid to breathe. I bet you 85% of people on this site believed this garbage and that includes Sasquai. He's really disappointed me. You just never truly know who the idiots are until something like this riot of a hoax comes around. It sucked practically all of you idiots in. Pure comedic gold and its like clockwork.

    1. Nobody here believes it, Skippy. We're just having some fun.
      You, on the other hand, still need to get a life. Start by trying to meet some girls. Not your mother's friends who poke their heads in the basement to say hello then whisper upstairs with her in worried tones. They don't count.
      I mean real girls, your own age... maybe ones who share your interests. There must be some girls, somewhere, who enjoy crucifying squirrels...

    2. The full moon, surviving the end of the world, looking ahead to see a fiscal cliff and pending collapse of the country, we just get bored and are finding an outlet to be stupid for a bit. Next week after the moon is not full and the cliff turns out to not destroy the world, we will be back to normal.

  32. Is that Sharon Lee I smell? She is so fat, she has to wipe her ass from the front, But all she has done is smeared shit stains up her belly.
    Now her aroma matches her personality. shitty

    1. Hey,the snack bar isn't far from the shit house,know what I mean?

  33. The next big hoax is going to involve bigfoot, a lack of evidence, carefully rehearsed excuses, a field full of shit and a box of raisinettes.

    Mark my words.

  34. Hey I made a comment and it did not get posted what's up with that? Again just as I said before the next big HOAX would some how some way involve the Bigfoot Chicks and Squatch Unlimited. And it appears I was right they are like Ticks on a dog, they can't do their own so they latch on to someone else. This Breaking News Flash from the guy who on video stated he did not believe anyone. He even stated the PG film was a Hoax oh you missed that one. Yea they took it down when it got negative comments and posted a video of them putting out Garlic Salt. Feel sorry for the researchers they latch on to and suck dry which I hear they are good at that. DW and MABRC better watch out laying with dogs you not only get fleas but Ticks as well.

  35. Rob is Pimping the Bigfoot Chicks so if you would like some just contact "Snatch Unlimited" he will set you up.

    1. Many a true word said in jest.

    2. Why would anyone want to be hooked up with either one of the Nasty Bigfoot Chicks ?

  36. This is the same old crap from the same old crappers who cares what this Tater Hole claims to know. He stated on video that unless he see it with his own eyes he would not believe. Plus he is using the Bigfoot Whores to promote himself maybe because he is hitting the blonde one.

  37. Can any of you provide the evidence to prove, beyond a shadow of doubt, that bigfoot even exists?


  38. I'll bet you believe in the invisible man in the sky. But no one has ever seen him/her.

  39. Oh, I've read that argument before. What? You mean to say that you have nothing further then irrelevant speculation and conjecture to offer, and no facts to verify your claims?

    Didn't think so.

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