Enough With Bigfoot DNA, Let's Have A Laugh With Matt and Bobo To Lighten The Mood

OK everybody, we need some good laughs here to show people we have a sense of humor and that we're not all about the boring science of Bigfoot DNA. So, here's a few hilarious clips of Matt Moneymaker and Bobo from the last Finding Bigfoot episode.

Finding Bigfoot Matt Moneymaker Tells Bobo To Shut Up

Finding Bigfoot Bobo And Cliff's Hot Air Balloon Crash


  1. Replies
    1. Sigh.....you just HAD to put all those spaces in there? Hope you're proud of yourself. SMH. Don't you have some poop to put in a jar, or some "loony tunes" quotes to ascribe to someone's comments?

    2. C'mon Shawn. Moderate the mad spacer! He's just a street-level vandal trashing your page.

  2. So sick of this infighting and backbiting. For the record, NO ONE said definitively that the "steak" was IN FACT from the BFs Smeja shot. Melba never said it, neither for that matter did SMEJA, CUTINO or ANYONE involved in the submission of the sample. We have to STOP taking bits of RUMORS from guys like LINDSAY and making them into FACTS. Better yet, why not just wait until the study is actually RELEASED to comment?

    1. Doesn't really matter what Ketchum or Smeja said or didn't say. They're not part of the community or the conversation, and are just a couple of clowns trying to make a buck.

    2. Says YOU, ANON. if you know better, why come out with it and say who you are? Is this an opinion or a FACT? Say what you know, if ANYTHING.

    3. I know that the status quo remains intact. No credible evidence for or against the existence of Bigfoot, and no credible person waiting in the wings to alter the status quo but Sykes.

    4. What has Ketchum done or said PUBLICLY that disqualifies her from being considered a "credible" person in your eyes?

    5. Wow... really? Melba Ketchum??? Have you READ her copyright application for her motion picture back in September of 2010? Identifying the title as 'Sasquatch: The Hidden Tribe'? Don't forget the book of the same name, all proving Bigfoot is a race of modern humans and all proceeds going to her. In 2010 she wrote that.
      This is above her shoddy business practices, and beyond the crazy woman she allows to call herself her "publicist" (as if a real scientist needed a publicist, crazy or otherwise). It duzzint get more public or on the record than that application filing... PREDICTING what the findings would be... which is more than enough to trash her reputation forever.
      That's not haters, Blobby, and its certainly not the skeptics (who early on were at least willing to listen). She's done all that to herself by being an idiot.
      And so now its over. Nothing she will ever say or publish will ever make any difference, no matter what it is. Our only hope now is that Dr. Sykes never decides to go on America Coast-To-Coast...

    6. By 2010, she should have had enough data supporting that conclusion. So, that wouldn't qualify as a prediction. The copyright is a form of intellectual property, as is a patent. It's sound business to cover your discoveries with such filings to ensure that you can maintain some control over your work. The JavaBob, Studstad, Ketchum dispute over their partnership is a business dispute - pure and simple.

      Do people not realize that Sykes is also a business owner? Have you not heard of OxfordAncestry.com - a fee for service company that provides little more information about a person's genetic roots than what is already known by looking at them or from their own family traditions? Can you say "marketing?"

    7. Can you say "carnival barker"?

  3. Skeptics rule. Scoffniks drool.

  4. Shawn, my feeling is you know a LOT more than you are letting on about ALL of this stuff. So what gives? Are you trying to retain a sense of impartiality or are you just holding your tongue because it doesn't aid what you're trying to accomplish with this blog? If you know what's real and what's total BS, why not come out with it, man?

  5. Bobo rolled out of there like a boss hoss.

    1. He sure did, it was great. He should've kicked Matt in the nuts for telling him to shut up though.

  6. Don't know about you guys, but I'm getting CRAZY frustrated with all of this "he said, she said, he SUPPPOSEDLY said, she MAY HAVE said" BS

    1. Breathe, buddy. Don't lay so much on it. Let's think about it, talk about it, and have some fun.

    2. Great advice, my friend!

    3. What will I do now? My entire adult life is based on the subject of Bigfoot.

    4. I AM THE BLOBSQUATCH, yes, you're sounding a bit crazy and it's out of character for you.

      First, this isn't a Ketchum/DNA story here, it's a Bobo topic. Anonymous at 10:21 does bring up valid points in rebuttal to your question above.
      You know what I do when the Bigfoot community drives me crazy? I eat crayons, run with scissors and drink beer.....Okay, I was lying, but I do love my beer.
      Just let it go and see what happens tomorrow, or later.
      Don't let this stuff make you mental.

  7. That first video really makes Bobo look bad.

    1. No, that would be the Kenny Loggins video! Lol!

  8. years & years of lies, excuses, hoaxes, and horrible footage. thanks for all the false hope & wasted time. there's never any solid proof.

  9. Replies
    1. Bobo and Ranae should crossbreed.

    2. i like that one kids post a couple weeks ago "i'm just waiting for bobo to lose it and rape renae of cliff"

  10. Think its pretty simple. If BF is discovered this page becomes a nature blog and a lot of traffic ($) disappears. So if you create stories like the Sierra Kills, or Matilda, or Dyer killing one in front of a BBC crew you create interest and traffic which means $. If Bigfoot is discovered it means documenting Bigfoot instead of Finding Bigfoot and ratings go down. Its all a sham.

    1. Eh... maybe so... but not till after A LOTTA commotion, which wouldn't settle down for a VERY long time.

  11. Broski, I hope you're wrong. As for the DICK Dyer, he's looking at doing some TIME for an EBAY scam. What a SHOCKER, huh? Call me crazy, but I believe in Dr. Ketchum, and as far as I know, SHE NEVER mentioned any of those tales you mentioned, so does that buy her some credibility in your eyes? Hope you had a Merry Christmas, bro!

    1. Whats up Blob? I had a great Christmas. Cant go wrong when the wife buys you a box of cigars and my brother gets me a 28 yr old bottle of scotch.

      I hope Dyer does serve time for that.... I believe Ketchum has mentioned Matilda before and now owns Ericksons footage but who the hell knows! With these dumb NDAs floating around its a big ass secret. Sounds like they are hiding evidence instead of using it.

      Back to Dyer: when I was living in Yellowstone in 2007 I was lucky enough to accompany a bro who was a guide on an Elk hunting trip that BBC sent cameras to follow for a hunting show they were doing. 3 guys were with us all in our 20s ended up spending 4 days hunting.
      Anyway I kept in touch with these guys since I visit my bro and his wife in England and it never hurts to know people. I emailed them last week and not one guy heard anything about Dyers story. Is it true? Who knows! There just always seems to be a layer of BS around Bigfoot.

    2. Nice gifts, Broski! Yeah, there is so much BS surrounding BF it's suffocating. I think DICK Dyer is SURELY full of it, but I'm sticking with Ketchum. Be good! Happy New Year!

    3. The Dyer thing was from two years ago. It was his ex-wife, he was out of the country and the charges dropped against him.

    4. Yes that was an old one on Dyer. This one is fairly recent though.


  12. "Mind Rape" Melba has been mentally sodimized by squatch hogs to the point of insanity. Anyone pinning their hopes on her for proof of bigfoot life is in for nothing but embarrassment and disappointment.

    1. You are an embarrassment to yourself. Best to keep your mouth, rather than remove all doubt.

  13. Didn't Moneymaker squawk out a comment when Bobo thought he heard something in the episode before this one?

  14. It's over for the magic monkey man. Hit the lights on your way out the door.

    1. ^^^Your lightbulb is about as dim as a firefly's.

  15. And Bigfoot said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.

    The forest people need us, in their time of need. This is their darkest hour.

  16. Bobo talking to Rene, "He got a response and 'we' stepped on it. Rene is like,"what do you mean 'we', dufus..."

  17. Matt is such a douche. Don't they make of recording of the sounds they pick-up on the parabolic mic? How come they never play them back?


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