Dr. Matthew A. Johnson: Team Quantra DID NOT capture a Bigfoot

Dr. Matthew A. Johnson is one of the most credible people in the Bigfoot world. 11 years ago, Dr. Johnson had a "Class A" Bigfoot encounter with his family while hiking near the Oregon Caves. After his life changing sighting, he went to the public and described one of the most intense encounters ever.

Dr. Johnson has been following our coverage of "Daisy", the Bigfoot supposedly captured by Team Quantra. In the following post, Johnson explains why it's not possible for Team Quantra to have a Bigfoot specimen. Read below:

Team Quantra DID NOT capture a Bigfoot. It's NOT possible. Think about it. The Squatches know when people are out there in the woods. There's NO WAY on God's green earth that they're going to watch them put the trap in the woods and then turn around and walk on to a pressure plate. Also, think about the size the trap would have to be. It would have to be HUGE. Then think about how much such a HUGE trap would have to weigh in order to have the strength to contain a Bigfoot. Finally, think about how SLOW the walls on a pressure plated trap would be and how slowly they would raise in order to create a BOX for "DAISY" to be contained in. Unless a tranquilizer gun is used, a Bigfoot can NEVER be captured.

So the question remains, why are they risking their reputations on such a HOAX? To draw attention to themselves? They can easily walk away from the HOAX because "Ed Smith" can be the "Fall Guy" and take the heat. They can say that they never said any such thing and "Ed Smith" can simply state that he made a mistake and engaged in false assumptions. Once again, Quantra DID NOT capture a Bigfoot. This is a creative HOAX to gather attention that everyone can walk away from under the guise of false assumptions and miscommunication. Quantra needs to come out right now and let everyone know that they don't have a Bigfoot or they risk losing all credibility as well as their reputations.

Dr Matthew A Johnson
Owner of "Team Squatchin USA"


  1. Replies
    1. Same reason why everyone in this field hoaxes...because Footers are completely insane. Isnt it obvious? Look at Dyer, Ketchum, Patterson, Smeja, Freeman, Bobo, Moneymaker, ad nauseum. Bigfoot IS fake and nothing but bullshit, its proven everyday buy these kinds of stories .


    2. noone has claimed it yet ..... so i will..... FIRST!!!!!!!!!M!!

    3. Your Bullshit Fuck nut! Your a broken record!

    4. There are so many more reasons besides the obvious ones above that point to HOAX.... i dont think after this mornings posting that they can walk away from this without harm. they are in pretty deep now...

    5. The obvious being bigfoot don't exist

    6. Case closed! Lard ass doesn't run 6-8 miles a day because he is on this site 24/7 and is lying sack of shit! Your Days are over freak "Bigfoot is Bullshit"!

    7. I can walk away from this website proudly, with no harm to my sterling character.

      I am highly educated, unlike every one of you.

      I am also a girl.

      Dermal ridge evidence is not evidence because I am positive that hoaxers spend months intricately carving them into the soles of their phony feet.

      That is far more plausible than that the tracks were made by a giant magic monkey man.

      Excuse me a moment while I brush the Cheetos dust from my keyboard and ample knees.

    8. Now we know your uneducated and a liar^

    9. Damn right 244 is a liar, because like all evidence dermal ridges cannot be proven, especiall not in fake tracks, which we ALL know Bigfoot tracks really are...fake. And yeah, I run all the time, usually down old logging roads where I live in PacNW and never see anything more interesting than an occasional bear or pot farmer, no Bigfoot though.

      You boys are butt-hurt because a) there is no Bigfoot or real evidence for it, b) none of you have a real woman in your life and c) a real woman comes here and questions your total bullshit little games and name calling, that does nothing to refute the fact that "a" is true...Bigfoot is total bullshit.

    10. that's exactly what i say, good

    11. I think I love Bigfoot is Bullshit

    12. if you idiots don't believe in bigfoot then why are you even on this fb site? i thought this was for belivers not nonbelivers....why are you even wasting your time writing your nonbelieving bullshit

    13. I think BS is someone who knows me. I wonder... Oh well, running logging roads can be cool but I am surprised you survived the pot farmers.

    14. Well Dr. I see you are not on the Quantra team and are an expert on traps and the sorts of methods for capturing this creature and also an expert on bigfoot behavior. My name is John and I am going to be posting stuff! You are full of shit too for that opinion Dr.

    15. BiB clearly is one extraordinarily dumb broad, women usually have good senses but obiviously not all of them and some bitches just walk through life never noticing anything out of the ordinary. Because they're not looking so of course our head bitch BiB here never sees a damn thing as she races down Rape Path. Most men are like that too never paying real attention and lacking the brainy talent anyway for it, some people are like that born to lose and dumb enough to promote it openly.

  2. "one of the most credbile researchers in the bigfoot world?" OMG that's funny

    1. Agreed. Who did that quote come from? LOL

    2. I think anyone who reads this blog for two weeks is a qualified "Bigfoot Researcher", also gaining a PH-D in Bullshit! I'm screaming BS! You know why? Cause I'm a qualified Bigfoot Researcher, just like you! Show me a big ole, bigfoot'n taterhole, please... When all of this is over with, what are we gonna do then?

    3. Yeah, I thought the same thing. Credible? So blubbering about your sighting and saying that you had a mind connection with bigfoot during your sighting is credible?

    4. Anonymous concurring opinion, one minute apart. Very convincing, Skippy.

  3. They can not easily walk away from the hoax (if it is one). They have had ample opportunity to refute the story and have chosen not too. If they do not have a bigfoot they are hoaxers.

  4. I'm confused. Why would the Bigfoot that was captured also be there when the trap was being set up? Are Bigfoots like Santa Claus, they're everywhere, even in our hearts?

    And not to point out the obvious, there are plenty of ways to capture animals larger than humans, even without a tranq guns.

    God, I love a good kook fight.

    1. I agree. This guy is letting his imagination get the better of him. This is not superman or the incredible Hulk. If bigfoot exists, it's a large animal. This thing wouldn't need to be that enormous to contain a bigfoot. It could have been a modular design made of semi- lightweight metal, taken out into the forest in pieces using trailors pulled by ATVs and then assembled on site. Depending on how simple and well designed it is, it may have only been a matter of tightening a few bolts. In terms of the door closing fast enough, they could have had hinges at the top of the box and stepping on the pressure plate would release the mechanism holding the door up. Gravity makes door swing down in a split second and latches. Bigfoot caught. Wouldn't actually be very hard to do.

    2. Yup, Mountain Gorillas are big and powerful and get tranq'ed and tagged which is why we know they are struggling.

      5 Zoo's within 50 miles of where I sit have one or both species of Orangutan which are also pretty damned big and clever.

      I think the 'expert' is thinking they would have dragged a shipping container into the woods using a large team.

      If it was set up like Anonymous above suggests and left pre-baited but unset for some months then youngsters might see it as a free goodie wagon and harmless as long as the humans who leave the goodies have left the area.

      That kind of setup will trap everything from rodents to humans (it's one way hackers are caught and digitally finger printed for example)

      I have no bloody idea if they caught one but nothing is impossible and some things in life are pretty simple once you know the secret. Another reason for not letting the secrets out.

    3. Completely agree (only a moron wouldn't) with the above two.

      Every single thing "Dr. Johnson" bases his post on is immediately refutable.

      Every single living thing (that is real) on this earth can be captured given the time/resources.

      End of story. Good night. Good morning. Happy New Year.

    4. The reason you kooks why bigfoots would be there when such silly traps are placed is because they're always there knowing when the smaller loser cousin has entered their domain setting up these useless things, hominins are clever you know. Oh you din't know that and assumed bigfoots a dumb animal well clearly not the case since no capture's been successful including this latest stunt.

  5. #looneytoons approved from the get go. Looks like its back to jerking off to pattys titties for you dumb footers.

    1. Patty's titties are no laughing matter. They're pendulous and spectacular and move like all titties should.

    2. BTW you accused 'footers of learning the word "pendulous" via Patty's breasts. I don't know why they were described that way; they are anything but. They are firm and high, not sagging. I don't find her attractive though.

    3. You actually bothered to deny finding Patty attractive! That shit's hysterical!

    4. STFU they were pendulous. I told you that the first time 'round.

  6. Dickey Betts was a much more valuable member of the Allman Brothers Band when he was sober.

    Please Discuss.

    1. Just like Bigfoot, there is no such thing as a sober Dickey Betts.

      Dude's still an amazing musician, though. I'd listen to him over Gregg the Narc anyday.

  7. My kittens breath smells like catfood.

  8. It would have been a better hoax if anyone had believed it, or were paying it any attention beyond wanting to see how it crumbles. At best, Shaun and Lindsay are getting some hits on their sites.

    -Sun Tzu

    1. Some people believed it. They just don't have opposable digits.

      -Sing Zoo

    2. I didn't bleeve it either, till it hit me square in the taterhole.

  9. But...we have several different levels of intelligence with humans, so why not with squatches? Blue collar trailer people are NOT the sharpest, so I imagine the forest people have a few not-too-smart too. (Respectfully, we have smart dogs and cats, and dogs and cats that are just NOT!) Perhaps they caught a squatch that wasn't so smart, or experienced? Thing is we know they are there, so why wouldn't a couple of highly trained special forces not be able to catch one if that was their "mission?" It's possible...Hey - not all of them can mind-speak!

    1. Fuckstick-2:24, I happen to live in a "trailer", and can bet I not only make more money than you, but also have a higher level of education (bachelors in geology).
      I CHOOSE to live where I do, so when I retire, I can travel the globe with my wife, because of the money I have saved.
      Bring it on, asshole.
      Just because you live rent free, in Mommas basement, doesn't qualify you to make such juvenile statements.
      Go back to your World of Warcraft session, and leave the comments to us adults.

    2. Stop rationalizing ! Your poor and on food stamps you trailer trash!

    3. Anon 2:24- Why would you make such a generalized comment? Occupation and living accommodations have nothing to do with intelligence.
      What a seriously stupid thing to say.

    4. Truth hurts, don't it Fuckstick?
      Mommas calling, its time for your "special bath"!

    5. I'm traveling the world now while I'm healthy and young. Oh by the way - those who brag about making more money than others usually make very little income and are arrogant liars. Piss off! Good luck wind surfing with your elderly wife and your oxygen tank while you travel in your golden years - if your still alive!

    6. You just made my point for me, Fuckstick.
      Traveling the world? Masturbating to Thailand websites does NOT constitute "traveling the world".

    7. Ziiiiing!
      You told him, trailer guy!

    8. I call it around the world in 50 strokes!

    9. Your wrong "Oh holy one who uses Fuckstick "! I actually travel on airplanes. Have u heard of them?

    10. Have to agree with Sasquaination. I live in an apartment, am single, and am NOT on foodstamps.
      What a douche you are, anon-2:24.

    11. Have you heard of proper spelling, fuckstick?
      Get an education, then come back and plead your case.
      The bathwaters getting cold, fuckstick...

    12. Who lives on a plane? LOL

    13. Your ok it's mr Fu stick who thinks he is above everyone in his trailer and his high income!

    14. Who said they live on a plane? Am I missing something? Who's Mrs Crabtree the spelling nazi? Geologists can't spell!

    15. No, fuckstick. YOU are the dumbass who stupidly decided to post such an idiotic statement about people who live in trailers.
      Too bad everyone has sided with me on this, because you are an uneducated idiot.
      Now go take your special bath.

    16. Too damn funny. Made my day!

    17. I'm not the same guy moron!

    18. I only counted 1 for sure, maybe 2 that sided with you if you don't count yourself pretending to be someone else . Trailer Trash!

    19. Couldn't care less what you think. My posts contain your name.- fuckstick-
      Ok fuckstick?
      Have a masturbatory day, traveling the world with your right hand...

    20. Anon 2:33 is the same poster who goes by. "Bigfoot is Bullshit" ! What a moron. The trailer trash profile fits the bill!

    21. Apparently you do care Moron! Look how pissed u get! Lol! Those who talk about masturbation so much usually masturbate themselves . Your a Dick! Trailer Trash!

    22. why don't you all shut the fuck up and grow up and stay on the subject

    23. Subject of trailer trash?

    24. So, footers are blue collar jackasses?

    25. Nope . Just the sceptic jackass above with the high income living in the trailer house with his old lady. Footers come from all walks of life. Presidents to cops!

    26. Anon 5:52 is not a footer and is generalizing !

    27. I'm not American, so maybe I'm missing the cultural nuances, but I wouldn't try to travel the world in a trailer. A boat, maybe. All those ferry crossings on a trailer would get rather tedious. Also, if there is an issue with a blue collar, try to wash your whites and coloreds separately next time.

      Don't bother to reply to thank me.

  10. Prove it Doc! Where is your proof?

    1. Lack of proof=evidence

      Taterhology 101

    2. So the doc had one sighting and that makes him an expert? Oh come on!

      So if he sees a surgical proceedure once that makes him a specialist?

      Sorry doc not buying your BS.

    3. The judge of bigfootedness wants yous all to stop slammin the salmon that is/was the pgf
      yous dont know the flm speed/height nor impetus of it all.
      Please, skoftics, stop your conjecture until you have proof of BigfooT

  11. Matthew Johnson is a blowhard buffoon. Pay no attention to his ranting.

  12. Lack of effort= No job!
    Lack of Brain cells=Duh

  13. Sounds like he is afraid the competition trumped him.

    Sour grapes

    1. Patty's ASH ratio trumps anything you taterholes have to say. Also Patty's mouth moves, her fingers bend and she's smoooooooth and marvelous.

    2. Sounds good to me

      Goddam skoftics

    3. Sounds like sweet chin music to me, sweetie. Just a-drippin off my chin.

      Btw, my gal is shooped and bigfoot is real

  14. I don't see how Ed Smith or DW can retract what they've said. They have made definitive statements and didn't use ambiguous language.
    As far as the trap goes, I think a device could be made that would allow the walls to close quickly, but how do you hide all that from a Sasquatch?
    I'll agree that the story doesn't make sense, but to say capturing a Bigfoot is NOT possible, is only your opinion.
    It's the usual wait and see game.

    1. I think if they created enough curiosity in setting everything up, then literally abandon it, bigfoot might just go check things out. Think how many reports of bigfoot touching tents there have been.

      They know people went in the tent. They hear them snoring. But wonder why they can't see them?

      Do the same with a trap. Biggie walks in carefully, looks around. Steps into trap, nothing spooks it, it starts getting deeper in, steps on hidden plate, BAM, bigfoot in box? It IS possible, but would require a lot of things working just right. Including bigfoot being in the area and real.

    2. Totally agree. Whos to say it isn't possible?
      Wait and see.

    3. Just put a bullet through the somebitches skull and cut off the head and send it to the Sykes DNA study.

  15. You know I think ppl should just stop talking shit and wait. It's simple either this story is real or it's fake. It's only a matter of time before the truth gets out. Everything has a process even hoaxes..

  16. Thanks for clearing all this up for us Dr Johnston. Seriously. Anyone else fancy stating the obvious?


  17. i don't know ed smith ..... i do know DW and i have always respected him..... i say unless you have been on cointact with them you don't know a damn thing ....... so many ASSume they know something and they know absolutely nothing.like this "DOCTOR" . he has a defeatest attitude and will never be a succeess in life like many of these "researchers" that think they have all the answers

    1. The "DOCTOR" was already a success at the time of his sighting, and he still is. On the other hand, nobody is an expert at "bigfoot", especially after one sighting. I think they're to wary to go inside a suspicious, obviously man made structure.

      But, if they're sick or injured, they might try to get an easy meal, take more chances, change their behavior. If it's winter time (and it is)
      and you don't have the plant life to eat, and you can't catch the meat...who know's what possible. The Lions in africa start eating people when they get older, or game gets scarce like the "Ghost and the Darkness" lions of lore.

    2. I agree if the quanta are as well equipt as they claim hundreds of cameras,thermal,motion sensors etc and if there initial objective was to monitor prepair a location bait the trap remain hidden and whamo! There's no reason a well trained military ops group could not capture a squatch it comes down to the math no matter how smart,strong or otherwise a squatch may be they wouldent stand a chance against that much technology and man power lastly Ile add albeit presumptuously that they probably did nothing other then monitor behavioral patterns for a long time after initial contact and in all likely hood utilized what the learned ie: curiosity behavior travel times and methods communication etc to trick there quary is it doable absofuckinglutely :@ ) sorry about the long post

  18. Why the hell would any of you who say "Bigfoot is bullshit" be reading a Bigfoot website??? I don't understand you.

    1. You don't have to bleeve in bigfoot to have an interest in bigfoot.

      If you want to see a site overrun with unconditional bleef go elsewhere.

      Like it or not the absurdity of the comments is paying Shawn's utility bills.

    2. ^datz it
      free zagnutz fo errybodi

    3. It's called an open mind! If you come here just to bash then your not interested in Bigfoot . ! If you have an interest in the subject then your comments would reflect it. If you have no interest then you just rip on the people who comment. . That's the difference!

    4. Because this is the best carnival act in town right now. Its actually funny to read all you pathetic so called researcher/Bigfooters go all in a craze about something mythical.

      If The PG film was real I want to bend Patty over and make babies hahahaha... Oh wait no tater crack there... I'm still good with ass fucking a man in a suit! Lmao

    5. You are one sick puppy^^@3:31
      When Ketchum's paper is published, you're going to have nothing to talk about except your pathetic sex life.

    6. I already talk about my pathetic sex life anyway

    7. Deniers of bigfoot will be deniers they're just as religiously fanatic about it as Islamists or Scientology or Jehovas.

  19. MABRC form has been hacked. I went over there to check on Dasiy and it said:

    We have identified the source of the hacker attack and working to clean the system, please bear with us as we work on it. The forum will be back online soon and will be clean.

    1. Fasano has a hard time hacking through a pot pie that's why he eats it all in one bite.

    2. It means that the hoax will be identified and verified soon.

  20. See!!! This is their retraction in the making! It was all a hoax by a blog hacker... This what a fucked up mess you loosers let yourselves in for!!

    1. You're here doesn't that make you a loser too?

    2. Thats what I was thinkin but then its been going on a few days now so it would be lame for them to say that.

    3. Hahaha,anon@3:35-you slammed his trollin ass!!

    4. The dumb bastard can't even spell loser right.
      That is a true loser.

    5. Mrs Crabtree spelling Nazi^. Who the F cares!

    6. I bet it drives anon 3:51 crazy that people use " u" instead of "you" Or IDK instead of I Don't Know! It's the Internet Freak! Get over it you Correction Czar! You must be the fun one in your family correcting every fucking thing people say jackass!

  21. Hacked my ass. DW can't even run a website properly much less identify a hacker.

    Prediction: Website comes up with no mention of the Bigfoot capture. It's all going to disappear.

    Just like their credibility!

  22. I've been hacked!

    Melba right after she was exposed as a fraud.

    Now MABRC!!!

    Frauds all of them!!

  23. And all of this time we thought Dr. Johnson was just some dumbass dude that dressed stupid!

  24. Yknow the only thing crazier than people who believe in bigfoot are PEOPLE WHO DON'T BELIEVE IN BIGFOOT AND SPEND THEIR TIME COMMENTING ON WEBSITES DEDICATED TO BIGFOOT! Seriously people, if Footies need to get lives WHAT DOES THAT SAY ABOUT YOU? It says that youre still angry at your mom for walking in the basement and catching you spankIng it over her old high school pictures and so you decided to use that pent up aggression on people that you disdain yet can't quite stop following them.

    1. The "mom's basement" insult is played out man. Played. Out.

    2. What's so hard to understand about people wanting to amuse themselves by watching a carny sideshow? It's what keeps Honey Boo Boo on the air. Lot of projection in that post too.

    3. Because your here for all the wrong reasons! Footers and non-footers are all welcome , but when you just come on here with one purpose to piss people off and have no interest in the subject then you just plain don't belong. Assholes are created every minute and this site attracts a lot! Especially the Bigfoot is Bullshit Idiot!

    4. Yes idiots with no lives get off on this trolling, especially subjects like this clearly too big for their small heads to wrap around and Shawn & co. feed right into the madness gladly.

  25. Bigfoot believers are all blue collar jackasses?

    1. Wrong Moron read the earlier posts ! Freak show!

  26. Just another pile of shit... Pretty sad commentary.

  27. Evidentially your just another piece of shit! And your post aswell as I suspect your life is just another sad commentary : (

  28. Im not 100% sure that bigfoot is out there but if he or she is then yes there are traps that are big enough and quick enough to catch. We dont know alot of info on how the set the trap up they could have had the trap in the area for months getting the bigfoot used to the trap and then setting it one day. I read a report of a possiable bigfoot getting caught in a grizzly bear trap and it was destroyed from something on the outside on the inside. That would be my question if it was a female then there would have been a good chance that there were other bigfoots around and probable when crazy if one of them was trapped. I think that if one could be trapped it would have to be a roaming single male. But back to the trap, have you all seen some of the traps they use to catch rino's in africa, im sure that one of those could hold a bigfoot no problem, if you could some how fool a bigfoot into one which i think would be very difficult because they seem to be some what smarter than the people trying to catch them! Anyway i just want the true to come out no matter what that maybe, a hoax or a bigfoot!

    1. Don't worry pal we'll all see these guys eventually in our lifetime, they can't keep it hidden forever from us if there's any democracy left in America or it's already turned into a police state.

  29. The fact that the dude claims to have seen a bigfoot makes him unreliable. He is delusional at best.

    1. The fact that you bothered to make that comment makes you look psychotic.
      You are an idiot at best.

  30. According to Ed Smith who designed "95%" of the trap.

    "The materials used are steel, aluminum and carbon fiber.

    The dimensions are 11.5 feet in width and 17.8 feet in length, 8.2 feet in height, excluding the pressure bottle rack.

    The unit is transported in parts to a staging site and assembled. The assembled unit is skid mounted can be moved by a tractor or wheeled loader. It is also designed to be lifted by helicopter.

    Explosive cylinders much like an over loaded 12ga shot gun shell. Would blow the trip laches on the door and actuate the tensioned springs snapping the sliding door shut.

    A weight sensing module is placed at the entrance to the unit covered in ground material would allow a reasonable weight to be attained.

    A second weight sensing module is embedded in the floor of the trap unit allowing the electronic controller to activate the explosive latches and servo valves on the nitrogen gas cylinders in the knock down gas system which forces all oxygen out of the space an forces the specimen in to an unconscious state. Side panels could be opened a tranquilizing agent (dart) could be administered.

    The dosage could be determined because of the weight data collected at the entrance would be available at this point.

    The trap unit can be camouflaged made to look like a hut (out building) or a stone out crop this is achieved by using modular or gunite concrete (shotcrete) units then painted or stained to match the surrounding rock features.

    Then baited with temptation materials.

    The unit would be under video observation at distance and video coverage would be inside the unit and at the entrance. Small video cams and lipstick cameras would be utilized for this application."

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