What does the discovery of Bigfoot mean to enthusiasts [Ketchum Report]

The last Ice Age-- to many animals on this earth, it was catastrophic. It caused the extinction of many species of mammals and challenged the existence of the human species. Could the pressures of human evolution explain the rise of the Sasquatch people? Whitley Striebers has written a piece about "What the Confirmation of Bigfoot Means". He also discusses Bigfoot's "extraordinary" effort to stay hidden from humans:

But I want to go beyond discussion of what might have been then and what Sasquatch might be like now, and explore why it is that this species has kept itself so expertly hidden from Homo Sapiens that it was, even among the people of Tibet and the Native American tribes, both highly skilled in the ways of the wilderness, more of a legend than a reality.

From earliest times and throughout our history, Sasquatch has made an extraordinary effort to stay hidden. Not a single skeleton has been found. Very little has been discovered of shelters or habitations or nests. There is only an equivocal photographic record. Few people have ever come face-to-face with Sasquatch, not in modern times and not at any time.

Obviously, Sasquatch is quite intelligent and quite skilled, and seeks--or sought--this concealment. I say 'sought,' because when you hear the sounds on Dreamland this week and learn of the circumstances under which they were recorded, you will conclude, as I did, that they were being made by something that wanted to be heard. Many of the recordings are thirty and more years old, so, if Sasquatch has been making an approach to us, it has been unfolding very slowly.

Perhaps they are intelligent enough to have realized that, with all of our searching and collection of samples, we were inevitably going to discover them, and have been taking steps that they hope will enable them to control their side of the experience, so that we will not, either out of willfulness or an excess of kindness, destroy them.

Read the full article: www.unknowncountry.com


  1. Winner winner chicken dinner!

    1. I thought that also, until I say your mother naked! She had a fanny like a canoe...I wasn't sure to fuck her or jump in and paddle the bitch.

    2. WOW! I'm sexually attracted to that big black hole in the ice. Maybe it is called the muk tuk hole.

    3. ^ lol I hope he posts a picture of a train..

    4. yeah................Harry Potter

    5. Kinda reminds me of my ex-wife. The frigid hole, I mean.

    6. Anon 3:44, why the hostility? It's IDIOTS like you who RUIN the comments section! That was uncalled for and NOT funny.

    7. Blob, there are 1 or 2 people with spirit sticks stuck up their asses that can't use a scroll bar. Since they are also too stupid to figure out how to join the forum, where there is no anonymous clowning, you should ignore them.

  2. Replies
    1. It sticks in your throat I tried it, a gorilla is better only 2 inches.

  3. now stop right there one second.

    there has been no discovery of bigfoot.

    show me the paper that has passed peer review.

    1. You just need to worry about protecting your woman creature out there in bigfoot country a little bit better.

    2. Yes,Lon "Porkchop" Strickler is out there

  4. i wonder how many of the samples sent to ketchum were just people sending in their pubic hair

    1. I sent some of my ass hair.....I bet they will never figure out where that came from.

    2. It tested positive for bigfoot

    3. ^^^ Now that's FN funny right there I tell you what.

    4. You mean fucking funny? Look, you can swear like a cunt munching mother fucker on this forum and nobody cares.

  5. Yah, Like I been teling you. They screw with us.

    They are not a normal animal in any form. They got some tricks.

    1. its almost like they dont even exist!

    2. I never met you guy are you real

    3. What Bigfoot can do magic tricks now?!!! Think we are giving them almost silly levels of intelligence here, maybe if they are real they're just good at hiding in their own habitat I real don't think they are trying to expose themselves to humans gradually to control their side of the situation that is just crazy talk.

    4. They can sit and roll over?

    5. And lick their balls and pull rabbits from their taterholes

    6. That's not crazy talk at all.. Think about the sightings that do happen. Despite all these youtube vids where a Sasquatch just stumbles on camera walking from left to right, most eyewitness accounts state that they caught the Sasquatch watching them first. Staring at campers from the wood-line, peeping into windows or stalking hikers... It is obvious that they know more about us than we know about them. We are easy to find, they are not. There is no telling how much they know about us.

      I once watched a documentary on wild orangutans. They were up in the trees watching the researchers doing various things like hammering a deck and bathing with soap. When the researchers left, the orangutans started doing the same things, one picked up the hammer and started beating the deck while another bathing with the soap and even wet himself at the rivers edge to lather up and then rinsed himself off. These are just apes.

      If sasquatch is a human species, then there is no telling what they know or how they process the information they may gather by watching us. Think about the reports. That video of a buch of Sasquatch raiding an ice chest may or may not be fake, but that sort of behavior is reported as well as them raiding trashcans and dumpsters. They obviously know enough about us to know where we keep our food. One report stated that not only was their ice-chest looted, but they were selective and only took the Dr.Pepper and left the sprite. Maybe the Dr.Pepper looked ripe and the sprite was still green? or maybe the bastards just like Dr.Pepper lol I wish in that case they found the cans because if the tops were popped it would definitely show that they knew what they were doing. But in other cases where Peanut-butter was left out, they were smart enough to know how to open the jar. And how to remove the wrappers from candy bars.

    7. That's funny as hell I taught my Rottweiler to grab fans of coke and open his own peanut butter candy bars hE knows where his food is and how to open the cabinet with turkey jerky

    8. There's a big jump from doing things like raiding people's tent sites to organising themselves to gradually be revealed to us to protect themselves. If anything the ones that have been caught out over the years (that weren't hoaxed) were just probably sloppy Squatches not paying enough attention or the opposite and being inquisitive and wanting to know who or what we are. Yeah I would imagine that they do know more about us than we do them because if they are real we know Jack about them having never studied or captured one where as we roam all over the country with no reason to hide. I'm sure their secretive nature extends to all spiecies not just man I'm sure they hide from bears, cougars and anything else percieved as a threat like most animals do

    9. Tzeith I can't read all that shit you keep writing, please keep it to a few sentences like everbody else.

    10. Tzeith uses a whole lot of words that can be summed up with only one


    11. He should join the forum, a more suitable place for very long comments. We be pithy, yo.

    12. everyone else? You mean "First", "Bigfoot ain't real!" "Yes it is!" "Taterhole", "Do you like Rush?", "Ketchum is a nutjob." "No she isn't"

      No thank you, I like to back up my points. If I were to simply say I think they are as smart as us, some asshole is going to comeback with some wise crack about them using a computer and some dumbass is going to agree. If you don't like reading a wall of text, then... Don't!

    13. "AnonymousMonday, November 26, 2012 4:00:00 PM PST
      He should join the forum, a more suitable place for very long comments. We be pithy, yo."

      Obviously you do not go to the forum lol.. I write novels over there :P

    14. really,its impressive,your secretary skills,but theres nothing wrong with music.Is there,do you really have a problem with music?

    15. No, I haven't been over there since the beginning. I might check it out again. Thanks.

    16. Forum? forum? theres a fucking forum? holy shit, we are all doomed.

    17. "rumferlifeMonday, November 26, 2012 4:37:00 PM PST
      really,its impressive,your secretary skills,but theres nothing wrong with music.Is there,do you really have a problem with music?"

      Only that crap they try to pass off as music today. lol... Damn I sound like my Grandfather... I am getting old :O

    18. There is a fuckin forum, man. We'll get through it. We just have to stick together.

    19. Like a bunch of glued up family members at a wake fighting over the will, you mean that type of forum?

    20. I think its that kind, not sure. Long live Mucklegrunt!

  6. Sally here,
    What a monumental (and busy) day! After years of waiting it has finally arrived. A day I thought I might never see - I have been made a moderator on the Knot's Landing forum!!! Looks like I'm going to be exceedingly busy! All my other projects are on hold - my yearly watching of the whole Friends boxset for one. Looks like I'll be too busy to cook and much pizza will be ordered. Going to the store tomorrow to stock up on make-up and maybe a new sweater! Exciting and busy times!

    1. Maybe your boy toy will deliver your pizza good times

    2. every single time, perfectly executed, +1

    3. Bling bling some still pay attention good luck

    4. Well, how about you take out those big ol' meat balloons and show us that sweater meat before you start hiding them again?

  7. what happened? a couple months back all the bigfoot proponants were hating on ketchum and she had been pretty much dismissed by the community.

    now she releases a little "teaser" (no actual results or any sign of published paper) and the bigfoot proponants are suddenly ALL over her again.

    1. The damn trolls are one and all essentially little Fasanos, changing views depending on what's hot and what's not.

    2. Fasano often donates sperm. I scratch my ass alot and grunt, how about you guys? Maybe we are siblings. Call me!!

    3. Hey you must. Be one of my brothers too

    4. The "community" is nothing but snake oil salesmen and charlatans, and idiots that give them legitimacy that follow them... they are irrelevant, except of coarse to all the rednecks and morons that follow and post 'taterhole' on sites like this... she's a doctor, not a hick outdoorsy buffoon.

    5. With no credibility and if reports are true crazy as a hick buffoon.

    6. This is funny, where do you get no credibility?

      "Dr. Ketchum is the founder of DNA Diagnostics. Established in 1985, DNA Diagnostics has become a leader in all types of DNA testing including: human and animal forensics, human and animal paternity and parentage testing, disease diagnostics, trait tests, animal and human identity testing, species identification and sex determination. Most common species of animals are tested at DNA Diagnostics. Dr. Ketchum has also established a research program ranging from gene mapping to developing the VeriSNP™ (patent pending) platform for universal genetic evaluation in multiple species of animals. Other research includes genetics of disease, population genetics and other genetically important traits such as coat color in animals. Dr. Ketchum is a past three-term Chairperson of the International Society for Animal Genetics Equine Genetics Standing Committee. She has also been Dog Map Chairperson and a Committee member on the Dog and Cat Parentage Committee. She is a former Treasurer for AFDAA, The Association of DNA Analysts and Administrators. She aided in the analysis of the DNA sequences from the World Trade Center Disaster." http://dnadiagnostics.com/staff.html

    7. That doesn't prove anything it's just the blurb from the homepage of her company's website! She could claim anything on there, of course her credentials as comitee member of the Dog and Cat Parentage Committee are very important and lend such credability to her work! Basically her business is finding out how and why an animal died, finding out who some poor kids deadbeat dad is and whether some race horse is worth buying. She could say anything on there it doesn't make it true, Dr Melba Ketchum I invented cheese please hire me to test your Pug!

    8. Go look up Professer Brian Sykes and see which one has more credability the guy who has written several books, teaches Human Genetics at Oxford and has done pioneering work studing Y-chromazones and mitacondral DNA or the vet who has a farm full of Sasquatch hairdressers! See I can Google people too and get information from their websites too

    9. Well, even Sykes had to start somewhere. But say this is all legit and her paper is being published as we speak. At this point it will not matter what journal she is published in, it is done. If Sykes then gets the same results as Ketchum's, then all this does is Boost both Ketchum and whatever Journal Published her work. Unless he just slips into the shadows or finds something entirely different.

    10. two sentences dipshit, didn't you hear me?

    11. That's the thing he doesn't have to slip off anywhere he's got a business of his own and also he's a professor at Oxford. This is Ketchum's 15 mins of fame I would imagine Sykes is doing this not for fame but just out of interest and to see if there is anything to this Bigfoot thing. It could also be because it might be a fun thing for his students to be involved in, who knows? They've been doing fake research into what would happen if a zombie plague was real just to test out how they would contain an outbreak as like a kinda theoretical fun thing to do maybe Sykes is using Bigfoot to prove or test a theory. Maybe he's a closet footer or the opposite and thinks he should prove once and for all Bigfoot is fantasy?

    12. I've come to the conclusion that people who write more than a few words on this blog are wankas.


  8. I would like to respectfully but categorically deny "being all over" Dr Ketchum, I have my standards you know.


  9. Hang on a minute is Whitley going to go all esoteric on us, makes me wonder how many more people are gonna jump on the band wagon if this dna pans out.

  10. I will believe this when I see it on CNN it's been three days and not even Google news has anything on this. Nothing has changed still no Bigfoot proven to exist.

    1. noo!! its the most important discovery of the modern age!!!!! but those big bad meanie scientists wont accept it!!!

    2. Its a bigfoot blog,how many more deer stories do you want to read

    3. I would like to see a deer get hit by a car while trying to rape someone.

  11. Screw Ketchum, this is still another one of her "soon" statements to get us to pay attention to her again, at least Dr. Sykes has not made claims of being raped by a bigfoot, can't wait to see his study.

    1. The victim feels ashamed,leave him alone

    2. The bitch was beggin for it, and is crying rape to jam me up 'cause I split in the middle of the night...


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    1. Do you sell clove cigarettes?

    2. Cloves are disgusting you must be in hs

    3. I'll take that as a "no" then.

  13. Bigfeets aint real you silly fucks you.

    1. The funniest shit I've ever seen was voodoosixx tossin beef Jerky on fishing line I almost pissed myself

  14. I didnt know where to start, her box looked like road kill, more hair than then bearded woman in Michaels on the Cov Road and it stunk like a fishermans creel. I got stuck in anyway, it was like trying to get your fingers through some industrial strength velcro but I eventually managed it and she was soon flowing like the Brook on a rainy day.

    1. That is soooo wrong! Tell us more, though..

  15. It's Streiber.... There's only one of him!

  16. well looks like jref have exposed this dna circus for the fraud it is, better luck next time

  17. I read this forum last night. Today when I woke, I had a pineapple in my anus! Now, don't get me wrong I am NOT accusing this forum of anything, but it's pretty strange.

  18. Once again, nobody is making any discovery. You are all simply researching subjects in Native American stories and calling it a discovery. It's not a discovery it's a confirmation of truth. A truth from the mouths of people who have experienced these creatures first hand.

    I can understand that DNA is complicated and brings a scientific level of understanding to the issue; however, "bigfoot, sasquatch, wild men of the forests" are not being discovered. If anything they're being proven real to science and only science. Most people already know that they're real.

    1. you do realise there is no confirmation of this, only wild claims

      your magic forest monkey doesnt exist

    2. Ape please, monkeys have tails

    3. Ummm they haven't been proven real to me at least... My brother claimed to have seen Santa clause when he was seven doesn't make him real

  19. It's raining like fuck outside, anybody else pissed off with the weather?

  20. nothing has been published. Let me repeat this in language even a bigfoot believer can understand "IT HASN'T BEEN PUBLISHED YET"

    You are writing as if this is a post-peer reviewed journal entry world where DNA was actually tested and reported on. IT HAS NOT BEEN.

    nothing has been published but a press release

    until such time as an actual peer reviewed journal entry has appeared, you are hyping a hoax.

    You are reporting on what people think of a PRESS RELEASE. NOT THE ACTUAL PAPER WHICH DOES NOT EXIST.

    1. No, I seen one!

      He had on a football jersey and it said "cain" on the back!

    2. it's still fucking raining.

  21. BIgfoot Evidence has just taken on the same tricks of National Enquier - whatever bogus headline will bring em in, use it, whether it's true or not.

    Cancel my subscription - oh wait, there ain't one. OK, delete the bookmark.

    Buhbye, liars.

    1. see ya, dont let the door hit you on the way out

  22. Sasquatch Steak
    Sasquatch Burgers
    Sasquatch Stew

    1. Sascquatch taters ole casserole

    2. They also make excellent stroganoff, taco meat and jerky!

      Stay thirsty my friend

  23. Sasquatch steaks are people it's as the aborigines called long pig to not let on to being cannibals

  24. Um can someone please help me out with this.
    The comments section has gone crazy with the forum people and even us comments section trash about this whole Ketchum thing and my question is why?
    From where I stand nothing has really changed I don't see any proof yet so what's up?

    1. ummm,soon? it is getting repetative

    2. I don't get it either! There's crazies coming out the woodwork for sure

    3. Simple really: Igor, David and Melba in turn farted and the forum people took this as a sign of their deliverance and jumped over here to bash the skeptic trolls. It worked too, "poop in a jar guy" is out of action...having a hard time crappin that crow into a jar, I guess.

    4. Not if you pull off the feathers first.

    5. Yeah but that beak's gotta hurt!


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