Watch this: Dr. Melba Ketchum On TV News Discussing Her Bigfoot DNA Paper (Update: TV Station Has It Up)

Thanks to The Crypto Crew for recording this video of Dr. Melba Ketchum discussing her Bigfoot DNA paper on local TV news Texas. According to Ketchum, her paper should be published in the next couple of months.
[Update] Click here to watch the interview on

Thanks to Lupe, Randy and Paul and everyone for the heads up about this video.


  1. Replies
    1. It's the gappy teeth and southern drawl that do it for me.

    2. Does she remind you of Grandma?

    3. Nah! a really old czech porn star, maybe.

    4. Yeah maybe had one too many double anals

    5. Braid her hair she likes that

    6. Grow up you freaks! You have to be a low life to talk crap like that about any woman !

    7. I agree but after five years of studying Ketchum I've come to the conclusion that she is a human hybrid thus fair game

    8. Damn orchestrated trolls they're actually the fair game now.

    9. We have an orchestra ? Cool love me some Vivaldi

    10. What no post credits scene?

  2. all i can hear is sombody pissing in the background

    1. Think it's a fish tank or something but it did make me wanna go pee!

    2. no he's frying bigfoot steak !

    3. They guy who filmed this was either zooming in from the shower or has a fish tank.

    4. It's Bigfoot peeing in the background...

    5. Feedback? Looked like she was on skype, broadcasting from an undisclosed location.

    6. Talking through her own anus

  3. Replies
    1. How that is the fugliest woman I've ever seen she needs to be beat with an ugly stick just to make her look better

    2. He didn't say he'd do her from the front now did he?

    3. wow, apparently you haven't seen very many women.

    4. I've seen plenty and I can tell you haven't or you'd know there are so many more out there that make Melba look like Monroe

    5. I was talking to the guy who said she was the ugliest woman he'd ever seen.

    6. That was a body double, not her. Can't be too careful with the MIB on your ass.

    7. Seriously you just wouldn't would you?

    8. Where the hell do you people live hat makes this woman look good my heart bleeds for you guys that is a sad state of affairs I'm sorry man go to a beach

    9. I'm a lesbian and I wouldn't do her

    10. I would go to Florida but some idiot redneck told me the Democrats had stolen it and I'm damned if I know where they put it

    11. Anon 12:00 could we watch you do someone else?

    12. I'm not really a lesbian I just wanted to see who would zero in on the word lesbian lol glad my husband did sitting next to me!

    13. Why are you looking to spice it up with a bit of threes company action?

    14. That was a Freudian slip if I ever heard one. Just ask your man if he's cool with two chicks

    15. From personal experience it gets a little dull after a while!

    16. I'm a tranny and I WOULD do her.

    17. Screw that where's that horny part time lesbian gone??? Come back :)

  4. Oh God I just shot DNA all over the couch again !

    1. it'll take 5 years for the results though

    2. Troll DNA always takes at least 7 years.

    3. We're studying trolls now? Cool when we testing the unicorn DNA ?

    4. Not soon enough got a barn full of unicorn crap that stinks to high heaven needs testing quick

    5. speak to poop guy he has lots of jars.

    6. He says he sold them at the market

  5. Yes, its all over mainstream media today. Everyone has picked up the story. Proven or not this better be a good series or the crazies out there are going to produce harm to those involved. One only need to read this blog to sense the violent attitude of some 'Footers.' Ketchum, Paulides and others may need to run for their lives! Hey, read past comments on hoaxers... You will understand.

    1. Cool, now maybe some science jornals will publish her paper sooner!

    2. Or avoid it because of the on coming media circus

    3. I don't think they have anything to worry about the clowns in the circus seem to be ok

    4. But clowns can be scary too like Pennywise in IT

    5. It'd probably be a good idea considering the crap people have thrown at Melba, to have someone like Paulides handle most of the coming press stuff and maybe get Meldrum on board as well now he's hopefully gone from the ape camp into the real world. Both are great public communicators and more used to it than Melba, Pulides nails and hammers it home every time like on C2C the other day.

    6. Yeah but do you think they'll support her and let's not forget that we don't know how legit the study is yet we still only have Ketchum's word for it!

  6. Not only are her stick structure pictures blurry, but somehow her speech in this interview is as well.....hmmmm

  7. You're welcome, Shawn.

    Did you notice the bad audio so that it's hard to get everything clearly?

    It's possibly intentional, as the start of a discrediting campaign. Make her appear weak, garbled, hard to understand.

    Lots will be trying to discredit her. Professional skeptic "I Doubt It" is already foaming at the mouth and claims she will publish an expose/history of this "sordid" study in a "skeptical outlet." Nice girl, isn't she? She'd better be prepared for the "skeptical outlet" to be skeptical of her own work!

    1. And the guy in the studio has perfect audio. What a contrast between his and hers there.

    2. Watch the original, not this video of a TV screen, and yes Ketchum's audio stinks on the original, and the studio reporter's sounds perfect. They might be trying to present her in a poor light.

    3. The studio would have the latest cameras with good mics and high speed broadband.

      Maybe, she doesn't! I use a Logitech C920 HD Webcam and receivers say the quality is perfect and sound, vice versa theirs is pretty bad.

      Just saying.

    4. The interview is through Skype.

    5. Does Johnny Rotten get the feeling he's been cheated?

    6. What I noticed was that, in answer to a question about who has reviewed her findings, Ketchum says almost under her breath that, "It's in peer review now." And then she launches into some blathering nonsense about a nutjob Russian leaking her results. Classic liar answering tactic -- minimze the untruth as much as possible, and emphasize the crazy ass shit that she knows best.

    7. ..For anybody else, except for myself
      My beautiful self!

    8. Cool! Know any Ramones or Clash too?

    9. It's the "next generation sequencing" that will have to go thru the gauntlet first. This was apparently used to sequence the nuDNA, thus inferring a hybrid from an unknown non-archaic hominid. Also, I'm thinking that for the 3 or 4 other independent labs that produced the same results, she would have had to teach them the "next generation" sequencing, if she was the one who came up with it. If that proves viable, it is in and of itself worthy of high praise and invites from universities around the world to teach it. So, this new sequencing technique must be accepted, then the interpreted results that came from it. Two big hurdles. Correct me if I'm wrong here, anybody with a genetics degree.

    10. I've not got a genetics degree but what you're saying sounds pretty logical to me. Thing I want to know is if she has discovered a fantastic new way to extract DNA why wasn't this method discovered before? How does a cat vet discover a new way of extracting DNA that all the other geneticists have missed for the last 20 years or so? Think there in lies the problem perhaps it is this new method of extraction providing unusual results?

  8. Then she would have your DNA to analyze.

    Anyway, she seemed very truthful and sincere about the evidence.

  9. When is this site going to block all these trolls? This is the most immature brain dead bunch of assholes I've ever seen. Do your mommies know your in the basement saying these things?

    1. Being funny is NOT trolling. Comments, such as yours, ment to antagonize is.

    2. Shawn makes money on all these trolls. He don't care about the subject, just his cash flow.


    4. Yes actually she does I told her I was bored one day and she told me about this site and it was entertaining


    6. Leave a comment worth responding to instead of complaining about sarcasm. I agree comments about her looks are over the top, and I wouldn't make them.

    7. I agree we need to block all these bleever trolls!!!!

    8. No block the bigfoot haters, get your own facbook page you sickos.

    9. LOL, its so funny reading the proponent responses here. You guys are nuts! All of you spew shit about how the "trolls" (skeptics of bigfoot) are dumb, yet you'll believe some fool like Ketchum? LOL

      The egg is clearly about to splat on face. It aint gonna be skeptics faces.

    10. We need to block all those pricks talking bout Bigfoot all the time it's them that ruin this site! Why's no one talking tater holes no more??

    11. Hopefully because their posts have been removed. It's juvenile, repeated ad nauseam, and not funny anymore. We're all for a good humorous point, now and then, but the excessive use of juvenile humor degrades the site. Shawn will simply make more money if he cleans things up. I think he's realizing this now.

    12. I hear your momma cleaned her self up and makes more money now, she can charge $10 instead of $5

  10. She sounds like an idiot. Just sayn. Explains a lot. My vote is for looney tunes.

  11. This woman isn't Ketchum. She looks completely different from her press photos. Maybe pod people have taken her over. Would explain a lot.

    1. Poor woman, it's the strain of the constant psychic communication with the Sasquatch peoples

    2. 12 year olds sure are potty-mouthed jerks nowadays.

    3. Yeah I was thinking that when I wrote the comment above yours :)

    4. Yeah I was thinking that when I wrote the comment above yours :)

    5. I'm telling you, its a body double. Overt and covert(like SWP) MIB are looking to put the cabash on this study( Don't know why though).

    6. Because it's so ridiculous they're worried the believers will become skeptics and they'll be out of a job

    7. SWP, you should've taken a brain shave instead of the beard !

    8. Really mib and all this nonsense stop drinking the cool aid as long as you pay your taxes the govt could care less if you believe in bigfeets aliens unicorns or the tooth fairy just keep bein a good sheep

    9. SWP doesn't deserve to have a brain. He just doesn't catch on to even the simplest social ques. If you don't act with any class SWP, you simply won't be marketable. The things we do to ourselves.....

    10. Picture her in a lab coat and blue gloves making a ham sandwich

    11. Does Ketchum remind you of Miss Piggy? Is it the hair?

  12. No, they're out making money for the kid to spend. Times are tough, kid is on his own down there.

  13. She has real results.
    Anybody here have a job?

    1. wheres the paper then?

      no results.

    2. Herb says he's a gardener guess he's working

    3. No. I am on welfare and unemployment. Don't forget to pay those taxes! Thanks, but I gotta jump, the deli that lets me buy rolling paper and beer with my food stamps is open...

    4. That's cute nice little jab there but I can assure you I do work,pay taxes and use cash to buy my papers and booze.

    5. I was responding to Dave, not trolling you Herb.

    6. Oh really? Can you post a link to her real results? I'll just wait over here while you gather that up.

    7. Also, can you or the next reporter ask her if she has any collaborators? Will she or anyone who worked on the project be speaking at a seminar? Has a pre-print of the paper been shown to anyone and if so, what was the reaction? Did a bigfoot really braid her horses hair? If so, was the horse walking funny the next day?

    8. ^^ Get real. When/if the paper is published, you and the rest of the JREFERS will say that the publisist is a lieing idiot, the science is wrong and everbody everywhere is foolish except you and yours. You will close out your snorting/ravings by personally attacking Ketchum's looks, the publisist's looks or weight problems and then mention a unicorn or braided pubic hair. We all know the drill. No one cares now. You guys have to be sweating about now though. We "bleevers" got nothing to lose. If the paper is never published; So what. You people have been claiming that forever anyway. But if it is, we come away all smiles and you have to slink away onto another site to attack someone else. I know, you can find a sit who claims that the American Indian was never overtaken by the white man. Claim this event never happened and Indians do not even exist.

  14. Congrats Melba now you've hit the big time!

    Happy pay day to me
    Happy pay day to me
    Gonna roll me a fatty
    And drink some J.D.

    1. Sounds and looks like she has already :)

    2. Good thing 'cause she ain't getting any of mine.

    3. You could offer and get her wasted and she might spill the beans about the whole study or at least you'd find out how crazy she was? Maybe, you could teach her Bigfoot friends to roll a joint instead of braiding horse hair?

    4. Lol I'll drink to that comment 11:09!

    5. Send the roaches to the Sykes study for the DNA evidence!

    6. And shot # 4 goes to the comedy of 11:17!

    7. Well we want them tested properly!

  15. The return of the mack is near!

  16. Can we get Phil to breakdown the video please?

    Maybe clear up the audio too, thanks.

  17. I am so sorry guys I couldnt be here to put #looneytoons on the first comment for this article. For those of you I have let down I am sorry.

  18. Breaking bigfoot news they have a yowie captured


    1. Some one has had too much Victoria Bitter today

    2. Finding Bigfoot team has audio of a yowie captured

    3. And what makes that so news worthy?

    4. I have not hear this audio yet, but there are a lot of crazy sounds in the Australian bush at night.
      Koalas, and possums just to name two, sound like monsters from some lovecraftian nightmare.

    5. Neither Yowies nor Bigfoots are animals - you trolls are.

    6. Was only asking about Koalas! I prefer Kangeroos anyways the females actually have 3 vaginas and the male's testicles are above his penis not below! The wildlife in Australia is just crazy and some of it damn scary!!! It's like some one put all the scariest most deadliest creatures all on one continent! Great Whites, Saltwater Crocs, funnel web spiders, red back spiders, box jellyfish and the Taipan snake which is the most venomous snake in the world!

    7. That's why England sent prisoners first

    8. That was harsh! Think the animals were discovered after

    9. Yeah but they knew from expedition about the cannibal aboriginies

    10. I know the natives of New Zealand were cannibals not to sure about the Australian aborigines tho?

  19. seems this blog is where two different groups of nerds collide. There's the attention seeking, no friend having, need to get laid nerds. And there's the cryptonerds. For the sake of humanity, someone give these attention seekers some tang!

    1. ^^And then there is the third angry because they don't fit in anywhere and can't get laid group.

    2. AND, you fall into both groups

    3. Better about we mate the 2 species, and then have Melba test the DNA of the offspring, Hybrid crypto/loser nerdsapiens.

      Shawn could follow the entire story.

    4. Which one of us speaks Klingon ?

  20. Jeepers. Was this recorded in a shower. If she is willing to talk with a local station she needs to get on with George Noory soon and I expect this will probably happen this week.


  21. Bigfoot rape is no laughing matter. She looks rough.

    1. Keep telling people it wasn't rape she consented telepathically.


  22. She got all purtied up for the interview, how nice.

  23. If that is her, how old are the pictures she uses???
    Nothing like the "glam" photos she uses for everything.


    1. Is the photo you use to publish articles on here an old glam shot or the real you?

  24. IMHO

    I believe the photo is one of her in her early 30ties she is now almost 50 and I see that the face structure is the same but who the hell am I and SWP you know I love you and your POD theory :)

    1. That was her in her 30's, hard life for sure. The photo that Shawn's used on this thread looks like a good companion piece to that Nic Nolte mug shot photo were he looks all grizzly and screwed up

  25. Did I hear her say that they ruled out human contamination by running the samples against the profiles of the samples' submitters? Can any sample submitters verify that this is true? Did any of you indeed submit a swab of your own DNA?

    1. She requested saliva and sperm from all submitters.

    2. Hey anonomyous, 1:55, I am sure the submitters will be on this site shortly to answer your every question. Get real. First, why would they answer any questions to John Q. Public prior to the actual paper coming out? Second, If Ketchum is as a habitual hoaxer as most of the JREFERs on this site think, she would have enough common sense to not say something so easily disproven by the submitters. I guarantee that when the results are made public, people who refuse to believe anything regardless of how concrete the facts are will claim that every single sample was contaminated or that everyone at the different labs(13 I think) were all in "ka-hoots" together to keep this HUGE lie going. "All to make a few bucks."

      If you JREFERs have any brain cells at all you have to realize that either Ketchum is a complete nut case OR this is the real deal. Don't believe me? Do a google search of Bigfoot DNA and see how main stream media this thing is now. She knows that every word she says is being posted all over the world. No person in their right mind believes that they can hoax the entire world and the press. Oh yeah I forgot, you are JREFERS. She does and she will just because you say.

  26. I wonder..would Morgan Freemando her.

    1. Morgan Freeman is an elderly man with only one hand that works. I'm sure he'll reserve her as a last resort for in case his other hand falls off.

  27. Melba is a pioneer in bigfoot DNA and will be noted forever in science. Hard work pays off and speaks for itself. Good luck to the trolls-clutch the bible harder and keep thinking that the moon is made of Swiss cheese.

    1. I'm so sick of the weak minded, arrogant anti-religious comments. This study in no way, regardless of how it turns out, will affect people of faith. Ape? Human hybrid? Missing link? Who cares! It doesn't affect religion or faith. Get a clue!

    2. On the flip side I don't see how people can claim it disproves evolution either! Someone was saying yesterday that the discovery of Bigfoot is earth shattering to religion and that all the biology text books would have to be rewritten! Surely all it means is there is truly a rear creature out there and a new spiecies to investigate and study right?

    3. I agree with you it wouldn't affect religion it can all be that evolution came from interbreeding that's why god said don't sleep with beasts you dirty sheep fuckers

    4. He looked down one day and said come people that's fuckin disgusting do I need to make rules about everything for you fuckin tards

    5. I'm sick of hearing about this God guy all the time, geez get a room already ! What's he done for you lately huh? Girlfriend you need to kick his ass to the curb!

    6. I wonder if Gid has big feet?

    7. I don't know man atheism is new three major world religions can't be wrong I'd rather live being a decent human being then be a dick and die and hope there isn't a god

    8. Yes they can be wrong, very wrong! What if the Pagans were right? Or the Greeks or Romans? The Egyptians maybe or Hindus or Scientology? How's about none of them are right? How about they were just away that our ancestors sought to explain things that we can now prove scientifically ? Surely if you've lived a good life and treated people right not broken any laws or hurt anyone then a truly just God would let you into heaven whether you believed in him or not right? Just because you don't believe in God doesn't make you a dick you can be a dick and be a member of any religion! If people do bad things it's cos they're bad not because they have no faith! Answer me this how come the prisons are full of religious people?

    9. Cause everyone finds god when they're waist deep in shit I suppose but a true repent wouldn't get out of jail and go right back to what they did I just live right and have blind faith just like my belief in Bigfoot never seen them but I believe they're there I can only live right by me for I'm not my brothers keeper nor would I try to kill him and throw him in a well

    10. Neither would I but belief in God doesn't stop me morality does, spend this life living to the full as it's the only one we get

    11. Hence my first comment in the beggining that's all gods laws were just to give moral compass for instance look how many people are broke for coveting their neighbors shit nothing more then a guide for someone with no common sense

    12. "blessed are the cheese makers, for they shall inherit the moon"

    13. And look how many Christians turn the other cheek these days

  28. Did you people ever stop to think that maybe her "samples" were cross contaminated with human DNA and how can she possibly give a date of 15,ooo years ago.... Learn the science people stop following the hype. Any scientist with any type of ethics would gladly produce the evidence so that others may study it. That's how the scientific community works in real life. You WANT your peers to review the evidence and make contributions to your findings.

    1. obviously know about next to nothing. The protocol is to wait for peer review and publishing, before releasing the work. THEN the rest of the world gets to see it. The REAL scientists will wait for the published data, before rendering any judgements.

  29. HELLO!







    Did my message get through?

    Is this thing working?

  30. So. The infamous Dr. Melba K. Scrotum speaks.
    I guess I had kind of built her up in my mind, to be 9 feet tall and wearing one of those little I Dream of Jeanie outfits.

    She's from Texas, Larry Hagman was on Dallas. It's all coming together nicely. Now where did I leave that pistol?

    1. Next to the tv remote, don't get the two confused again :)


  31. Blurry image and bad sound, just like the average bigfoot video, how poetic.

  32. It's a Blurry Melba-squatch photo... lol

    im rolling

    im rolling

    can't breathe...

    oh, my ...

    wow, this Website is awesome therapy...

    it's so funny, it's so funny...

    * * * * * *

    But I do feel for Dr. Meldrum if someone of these people turn out to be illegitimate.

    1. Well I know I'm not my mommy was married in June I wasn't born till July


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