Watch Michael's Ermine White Weasel Because It's Cute, That's Why

This video of Michael Merchant's white weasel is too cute. If you don't like animals or cute things, please don't watch this. It's filmed in Maine using the new Go Pro Hero II portable camera.


  1. Replies
    1. ^^ Gramatacially inappropriate.

      First to say first, bitches!


    2. Well done mr smarty pants how's being so clever working out for you huh? Sorry sour grapes :(

    3. Well I did it properly on the next thread :)

  2. Guys! You werent supposed to release my bigfoot specimen video yet!!! Please pull it down until I release the paper (cough*never)

  3. This blog post shows what a homo shawn is.

    1. Why? I've not seen the video yet does Shawn stick it up his ass?

    2. Richard Gere called. He wants his weasel back.

    3. Guess there's a million uses for that bacon grease right Richard?

  4. What I want to know, did they swab the lens for DNA?

  5. Lucky me was ant thair!

    Bucky Katt

  6. There's no such thing as weasles, therefore there is no bigfoot.

    Sorry bleever boys. Don't cry now punks.

  7. must be thursday,no bigfoot action so some guys gotta pull out his white weasel and plays with it on film ..yah thats original!

  8. Dunno been quite a news full day think maybe Shawn likes weasels

  9. I've got a one-eyed, white weasel. It's the damnedest thing, he likes to hide in female cravasses.

  10. Since no one else is going to post a serious comment I think I'll just go ahead and point out that those ermines are actually very small. It's hard to gauge its size in the video but those things are actually tiny little mammals and have no where near the mass of the polecats they so closely resemble. Until I saw one in person I incorrectly assumed that ermines were much larger then they actually are.

    -Johnny Informative

  11. Hoax !, it's a rat in a suit.

  12. Didnt Richard Gere shove a weasal in his ass one time and it had to be surgically removed?


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