Watch: The Bigfoot Report - Bigfoot News #2 - Melba Ketchum and Matt Moneymaker's Public Feud

Melba Ketchum comes under fire from the Bigfoot biggies. Finding Bigfoot's Matt Moneymaker has harsh words for her as does Dr. Jeff Meldrum. With tweets from Joe Rogan and Rob Lowe.


  1. Replies
    1. The disposal units ran night and day. We were that close to going out forever. But there was one man who taught us to fight, to storm the wire of the camps, to smash those metal motherfuckers into junk. He turned it around. He brought us back from the brink. His name is Connor. John Connor. Your son, Sarah, your unborn son.

    2. I said " I have to see this", not "Hasta La Vista".

    3. You still don't get it, do you? He'll find her! That's what he does! That's ALL he does! You can't stop him! He'll wade through you, reach down her throat and pull her fuckin' heart out!

    4. Maybe I need another beer and a few more shots......or.... and then your comments will make sense to me.

    5. There was a nuclear war. A few years from now, all this, this whole place, everything, it's gone. Just gone. There were survivors. Here, there. Nobody even knew who started it. It was the machines, Sarah.

    6. All right, listen. The Terminator's an infiltration unit: part man, part machine. Underneath, it's a hyper-alloy combat chassis, microprocessor-controlled. Fully armored; very tough. But outside, it's living human tissue: flesh, skin, hair, blood - grown for the cyborgs.

    7. I have detailed files on human anatomy.

    8. Ok so he's not like a Ken doll.

    9. I hav sertinly kunklooded beyond shadows uv douts that thir wuz no bigfoots ever in this werld ever.

      Thar ain't no bigfoots, ok loosers? Ya go it?

      I iz ultra smart ok? Jus bleev me cuz I iz crazy smart like a weezul. ok?

      I know thar iz no bigfoots cuz I got reel nowlej, ok? I bleev all newz an guvernments tells me. I bleev all newz an guverments. They iz all awsum an totaly troo an honest to me. I bleev watever thay say to me, ok? ya got it now?

      Everytheeng tha guvernments tell ya is troo, ya got it now? ok.

      Everythin tha newz tells ya is totaly troo, ya got it now?

      Everthin tha sientist tells ya is cumpleetly troo, ok?

      Ar ya smart yet like me? Huh?

      Anythin uffisials tells ya is cumpleetly troo, ok?

      Can't ya see I got nowlej? Jus lissen to me cuz I'm rite an stop bleevin in boogfits cuz thay ain't so reel ok? It ain't that akkurit to bleev in em sins I jus enformd ya they ain't spesialy real, ok?

      Thar ain't a boogfit, thar ain't a bigfoot, ok?

      Lissen to Timmy cuz he got reel nowlej based on wat newz tells me ok?

      Jus stop it ok? No bigfoots ever. Cuz I knows.

    10. Terminator guy, literally side splitting laughter... Please stop, I fell and broke a rib while out in the field, every time I read one of your posts I laugh and it hurts, but, laughter is healthy right? Sarah Connor is HOT!.

    11. thanks :)

      thats pretty much it for my terminator material, I will return tomorow with some new stuff!

    12. Take my hand if you want to live...

    13. Terminator posts were great--just finished re-watching the movies.

  2. gotta say FIRST.... eventhough I am third

  3. This is great stuff. I could make a career out of this guy! You see how clever his part is? How it doesn't require a shred of proof? Most paranoid delusions are intricate, but this is brilliant!

  4. Matt stopped "following" Bobo on twitter. That's another feud.

    1. Amazingly enough Bobo's a lot smarter than Matt on this subject.

    2. Why is that amazing? Because he looks like a biker and is down to earth?

  5. This is like the Battle Royale of the Bigfoot Universe.

    50 bucks on Moneymaker- look how happy he is. I can hear his voice:

    "There is nowhere for..."

  6. anyone have a link to the 2nd interview she did? i saw the one posted on here with bad audio via skype? wheres the other one?


      --Zorro!! strikes again!!

    2. Put Zorro on the BE payroll immediately.

    3. I thank you sir (or madam)!

      [Bowing, doffing hat.]

  7. Bobo and Randles are friends so I would expect the rift! Long live Bobo and Randles!

  8. Moneymaker is having problems I assume and is lashing out!

  9. Listen, and understand. That terminator is out there. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead

  10. Anyone remember the recipe troll? I liked those better than this movie troll guy.

    1. Listen carefully, if we attack tonight, our humanity is lost. Command wants us to fight like machines. They want us to make cold, calculated decisions. But we are not machines! And if we behave like them, then WHAT IS THE *POINT* IN WINNING?

    2. Just for you Terminator guy:

    3. I know now why you cry. But it's something I can never do.

    4. SN, although I am all Rush all the Time, I do like your taste in music, Rock ON!

    5. +1's for everyone, what a great day it is!

    6. Ah it's nice to be remembered.

    7. OK-who wins in a war between the Terminators and the Borg? Discuss.

  11. Replies
    1. Excuse me? You didn't click my link in a comment I made above.
      Technically I be first Rush ;)

    2. Sorry...I concede it to you

    3. Rumfer and Sasquai, you guys are great. Did you ever think or even imagine Rush would bring together Bigfoot guys? Awesome! Peace to you both.

    4. I've been a Rush fan since the first time I heard 2112. That was probably around '77 0r '78.

    5. herb loves that song ,Rush

    6. man sn,Rush is right,nothing better than Rush and bigfoot,play some Rush in the woods sn and see if the big man comes out

    7. By all accounts, Bigfoot are percussive beings and Neil Peart is the greatest percussionist on earth. Who knows, maybe the hairy ones would be intrigued by it.

    8. @7:42 Sasquai whether it matters or not to you, you have my highest respect for that comment. By the way, as far as I am concerned, Canada is the birth place of the most bad ass, intelligent, and musically talented power trio rock band to ever grace us with their presence, of course RUSH!

    9. Sorry, but the last few Rush albums stink when compared to their earlier stuff. Test for Echo, Vapor Trails, Snakes and Arrows = boring.

    10. Combine Perts drums with Peter steels vocals and bf be comin out swingen

    11. i think Bubbles saw samsquamch

  12. This is horrible! At first I thought this DNA thing would bring us all together. Now I see that it's tearing us all apart! We need a calm, rational, scientific mind to take charge and guide us through these troubled waters.

    How about a Super Committee led by Tim Fasano and the Bigfoot Chics?

    1. Poop in a jar guy definitely needs to be appointed to that super committee.

    2. Now we're cooking with gas...I say we get Bobo and some American and Canadian Bigfoots and go kick the living shit out of Igor Burtsev and his commie snowmen!

    3. Poop in a jar guy trying to nominate himself To a committe! Moron!

    4. I second the nomination. We'll keep a jar nice and warm for him.

      Shit! I forgot about McCheese! All it takes is one little slip like that and the BF community will turn on you like a school of sharks.

    5. Yeah, where is McCheese, leon W and Prokill? Maybe Herb Gardner is throwing a party and they all OD'ed..

  13. I realize now the woman in the standard FB pic of Ms. Ketchum is not her. They don't look alike and and Ms. Ketchum I think has a gap between her front teeth, unlike the woman in the photo. They are both blonde and that's about it. The FB pic blonde is not natural blonde.

  14. Matt Moneymaker clearly sucks at what he does. He has been doing this for a long, long time and has NOTHING to show for it. And now he is getting very nervous that someone other than him is going to walk away with the prize. He's a grown man making a 5th grade argument. I call major league jealousy.

    1. moneymaker knows there is no such thing as bigfoot so he is correct about ketchum

    2. And I am right about Moneymaker... he sucks at what he does. This guy couldn't catch or photograph bigfoot if he was handcuffed to it.

    3. Hey! Hey! HEY! He knows exactly what he's doing! he's an expert! You want to catch a glimpse of an extremely secretive, cautious and elusive creature?! What ELSE would you do but go into the woods and start screaming and pounding on trees and making a most horrendous commotion?! DUH! He's The Expert!

    4. MM doesn't want BF proven as he will not be able to run a show called "finding Bigfoot" if BF is found, he wants this thing to run and run for more shows, the guy is a cock!

    5. Without a doubt he's wrong.

    6. What do you mean MM sucks at what he does? What he does is turn bigfoot into a gravy train. You go to work and he goes out in the woods and makes bigfoot calls. He probably makes more money than you do (LOL Moneymaker).

      He's an entertainer.

    7. A bit off topic, but--I saw Cliff in an interview on Attack Of The Show last week and, when asked what happens to the show if they do find one, Cliff answered then they'd look for another one.

  15. Great! comments from Mr *my lips are always chapped* Vaseline lips Joe Rogan and Rob Lowe? ... huh? ... wha? ... WHY?!?

  16. Replies
    1. dudes getting desperate for a "viral" video

  17. This is supposed to be exciting ! Why doesn't everybody rally around this DNA study ? We have been waiting for this. People need to stay calm and just be patient. Go Melba!

    1. Why thank you, dear.

      Yes, these attractors, detractors, and distractors should settle down and be quiet.

      Even the normally cool-headed Dr Meldrum should wait until he reads my paper.



      Hey! MK? Melba Ketchum . . . Davis?

      My God!

      Nevertheless, I thank you for your time.

    2. not gonna lie 7:01 was superb.

    3. Because Ketchum is a lying douche that will bring nothing but bad publicity for Footers ala the Georgia body fiasco.

    4. SamSquantch,you win the no-prize! While his show is enjoying ratings success and bigfooting is getting a thumbs-up from a bemused media, Ketchum comes in and shits on the floor. He is cleaning up the mess before it really starts to stink.

    5. ..was referring to Moneymaker, of course, but Meldrum is helping with the damage control.

    6. I'm waiting for those two apers to mate next.

  18. I swear this guy is made out of Bigfoot deterrent.

  19. Hi, I'm Matt Moneymaker, and instead of doing what people are doing 99% of the time when they have a bigfoot sighting like, I don't know, CAMPING, and sleeping in a tent, I'm gonna take out a handful of big smelly guys and run through the woods with a camera crew and make a lot of noise every week because it has worked soo well before. They should call his show, ' How to scare off a bigfoot and NEVER EVER SEE ONE'

    1. Not seeing a bigfoot seems like a small price to pay for all of that annoying fortune and fame. What the hell was he thinking?

    2. Fortune and fame? How about a decent salary and a handful of really strange teens and greasy fat guys over 40? Look at these comments for example on this story... are these the type of people you would want following you around and wearing a picture of you on a fucken

  20. LOOK people his name says it all
    can't everyone see what he wants ????????

    he wants a little slice of the pie

    oopps excuse me he wants the whole damn thing fpr himself only he does not know how to bake so he just bitches about other more INTELLIGENT people who may actually have something , that he has nothing to do with

    DAMN that bigfoot destroying his life like this and to hell with the more QUALIFIED people in this scientific world for taking away his dream of being something.

    and him as an attorney?????? well we can all se where that went!!!!!!!!!!!!

    NOT to mention he went supposedly to law school in OHIO really I did not know that great attorneys came from OHIO!!

  21. Melba looks like some weird 10th generation Julie Andrews clone.

    1. ... and Moneymaker is still made out of Bigfoot deterrent.

  22. I think that like all the others that have "played" the BF community, when this is all shown to be garbage (which I got bored with and said 2 years ago), she'll continue to seek attention and pretend like nothing ever happened (It's all part of the sickness).

  23. Can't we all just get along!

  24. THIS is not about us, but it's about the study of this animal and the proof! WHY are we not all working together! Isn't this what Moneymaker wants? The proof and discovery of this species? I don't get it!

    1. It's about the discovery yes, but Matty doesn't like the way the arrow's pointing now because it'll destroy his childhood dream of finding a magic monkey, instead Melba cracks it now for him and he doesn't appreciate that especially as it'll prove his philosophy wrong and outdated.

  25. Ha Ha - Moneymaker vs. Melba! I love it!


  26. Jim Lebus is gonna nail that big fucker right in the chest with his pop gun grenade launcher. I tell you what. It's gonna be Epic.

  27. Moneymaker seems to be trying to discredit anyone or anything that reports anything new from the Bigfoot world. I would buy into it if he didn't do it every single time.

    That being said, I'm glad the Bigfoot world has Moneymaker...he's brought a lot of light to the subject and has created alot of enthusiasm.

    1. He said the other day he only calls out hoaxes when the media contacts him. Seriously, did he dump on anything that may be decent?

    2. You serves MM's interests or you are the enemy to be derided.

  28. Melba Rocks! Thanks for the hard work!

  29. light and enthusiasm huh? ... yeah, that's all fine and dandy, but without results of any kind he's just another snake oil salesman. If he really wanted to get proof, he'd go live in the fucken woods until he had it... Jane Goodall anyone?

  30. This week on the Matt Moneymaker hour, Matt screams into his cupped hands while the rest of his loud and noisy 19 man crew looks on in awe.

  31. This week on the Matt Moneymaker hour, celebrity guest star Tina Yothers screams into Matts cupped hands 300 ft into his 1/2 acre property... will they survive?

  32. MM is a proven hoaxer, Team Taser just make those spoofy videos that are supposed to be funny. Why should we care what they think or say?

    1. The only people that care are their family and friends, who by the way are most likely the ones that pepper these comments and forums.

    2. My dinner last night was COT's second cousin, twice removed..

  33. I think the mtDNA was contaminated and that I will agree with most of my Bigfooter and Squatchy Friends, that the samples are inconclusive or contaminated and they are wrong!!!! :)

    1. Because you know so much about how to extract DNA ... right?
      Your criticism has been noted, discarded, and forgotten.

      Thanks for your input. Next time we'll try 3 fingers.

  34. Why does Moneymaker often look like he's lit up?

  35. well now come on everyone he has been tracking bigfoot for 25 years!!!!!! DAMNIT

    so do not try and tell him how to FIND a BIGFOOT he already knows that I mean he finds one every week with his 25 man camera crew stomping around in the woods where a sighting MAY have happened 10 or so yrs ago and maybe some others took place within the last 2 years

    so don't tell him how to do it hey he started the BFRO all by his lonesome don't ya know,
    which is actually quite funny to hear him say because I myself remember reading the sightings database years ago and remember reading the thanks to other well known researchers and b/f enthisists Namely JEFF MELDRUM who got away from the BFRO were also involved in making the BFRO what is is and was BUT I guess when you are the last original member you can say you did it all YOURSELF
    YEP that is a MONEYMAKER fo show

  36. Since when is Joe Rogan a celebrity?

    1. Since he invented that stuff that regrows hair.

    2. and why are his fucken lips always chapped and white? This is for Joe Rogan... *shits in hand and offers it to Joe to freshen his breath*

  37. monney maker is atrwerp. ketchem is a hore and meldrom is a rabbit tracker at best. it all makes me want to wipe my shitty ass on a mike rug.

  38. Melba is trying to make money of this whole thing so that her ugly ass can get money for plastic surgery!

  39. Melba is actually the Bigfoot chick Melissa Adair!


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