Tim Fasano Compares Ketchum Study To "Piltdown Man"

Tim Fasano just posted a very informative article comparing Ketchum's Bigfoot DNA study to "The Piltdown". In 1912 Charles Dawson held a press conference in London and announced that he had found the missing link. The evidence was a fossil of an ancient skull discovered in the Piltdown region of England.

"What Dawson had done was put together an orangutan jaw bone with a modern human skull. He exposed all sample's to acid and dye to make them appear to be very old. The part of the skull that connects to the vertebrae was the orangutan. Scientist bought his hoax hook line and sinker. The reason? They were just as eager as him to believe and prove man evolved from apes," Fasano wrote.

He noted some parallels between what happened in 1912 and what's going on in Bigfoot research today:

"The Piltdown Man fossil was rarely taken out of its case and nobody was allowed to examine it. They only had access to replications. Scientist never got to handle the original. How could these scientist of not questioned that? Simple, they wanted to believe. That is what I fear is going on in Bigfoot research today mainly in the form of the Bigfoot DNA project with Dr. Melba Ketchum and David Paulides."
"Nobody has seen the samples that are being DNA tested. Nobody knows where these samples are being tested, and nobody can examine any of this important work. We are just told that one day all of this will come out. The conditions under which any of this 'evidence' was gathered in the field is suspect at best. You only have to just take their word for it like in the Piltdown Man."

Read the full article on Tim Fasano's blog at: www.floridabigfoot.org


  1. Replies
    1. I'd compare Tim Fasano to Piltdown Man instead.

    2. The man is a retard. Look at the way he writes. Fucking Cretin.

  2. Fasano feels bad about himself so he tries to bring other researchers down. It's classic douch behavior.

    1. Says the man bringing down another researcher

    2. your implying that Fatassano is a researcher? gimme a damn break lmao, too funny!

    3. Well he has a camera and a YouTube account isn't that all you need in this field?

    4. Yep, classic. He should hope Ketchum's work is validated and accepted. There's going to be more work for everybody if bigfoot is proven to be real. At that point, who's going to want to sign up with a low life loud mouth. There's better ways to market yourself than whining. Ketchum has said ALL along, results and details will be available after peer review and publication. What part of that doesn't he understand. Piltdown Man? Please, spare us. They both truly believe in bigfoot, he should consider her a colleague in the field. Damage control Tim, save yourself.

    5. Everyone suddenly has so much faith in the Ketchum study all of a sudden! Maybe T Fatz is all the things that people say he is but the sad fact is even assholes can be right sometimes!! Maybe Ketchum is a snake oil salesman? Maybe this great new way to collect DNA that she's invented gives her bogus results truth is we don't know yet! A couple of days ago she was a joke now suddenly she's some kind of untouchable super scientist who will go down as the greatest human to have walked the Earth! Let's have a little perspective here we don't know diddly about this study really so Fatz could be right but having blind faith in Ketchum is just as dumb as hating on her for no reason

    6. At least Ketchum is doing what she said she would. She's not trying to hoax the world like the Piltdown scandal, as he's suggesting, even though he hasn't seen the data. If he wants to go there, he should wait until he's actually got something to criticize. Problem there is, he's not qualified to interpret data in the field of genetic testing. We all have to rely on the experts in the field, just like we did and do regarding neanderthal and denisova dna and their dna presence in European and Asian peoples.

    7. We don't have a clue what Ketchum is doing or Sykes for that matter! No one knows diddly squat! How do you know she's done anything all we've got are big claims and no evidence and her word that it's been varified! She's got qualifications I haven't got and there's that commitee membership of the Cat and Dog breeders commitee or whatever but is this woman an expert in the field? Maybe she has the best intentions and believes in her study but look at this from the outside. Veterinarian discovers possible new human spiecies and solves Bigfoot mystery with radical new genetic extraction method that she has discovered. You saw that online or on TV would you believe it and have blind faith or want to ask how she has done something that professors and scientist haven't been able to do?

    8. I will just wait and see, without having an opinion on the matter. She started out as a vet, but also has many years of experience in genetic testing. Sometimes you get good by actually doing. If you're not making any mistakes, you're not doing anything. I don't have "blind" faith in her. I have zero respect for T Fatz, because of his whining and prejudiced opinions about Ketchum's work, when he doesn't have any relevant information. But, that doesn't stop him from running his mouth, unfortunately for him. Ketchum didn't go looking for this, Paulides came looking for her, because of her experience in animal sciences and genetic testing. They didn't know or expect to be finding human dna. They just found it. It's what their data showed. If Ketchum's work does turn out to be incorrect science, the experts in the genetics field will be all over it, so what's T Fatz acting like an animal for? Has he not two cents of wisdom?

    9. No probably he doesn't but it never seems to stop anyone in this field! Yes she did start out as an animal vet and yes she has worked in the genetics field for quite a long time probably successfully I don't know and neither do you! I do know the other DNA study is being done by a Professor of genetics from one of the most well respected educational establishments in the world. Based purely on that I wait and see what Meldrum and Sykes come up with as Sykes has been working in genetics for what 30 or 40 years? Look him up on Google







    6. I'VE GOT A MIGRANE NOW !!!! DAMN YOU!!!!!

  4. what a flip-flopper! one minute he bashes her and the next he says he backs it 100%..

  5. Why doesn't he give the thing a chance to be published?

  6. Hey tfats, no one gives a shittttttt about your "research", please go off your self tfats, please. All this is, is a look at me, look what I got on film, you have nothing tfats, no significant other, no good paying job, and no respect from the majority of those that actually matter in this field....you pussy

  7. I could ask Tim the same about his "Bigfoot" video, trackway and casts.
    In fact, I have heard no results from his recent finds. Have any reputable people examined HIS evidence?
    People who live in glass houses......

  8. Fasano has charges pending against him for child molestation.....of a juvenile skunk ape

  9. I, sir, am not a hoax!

    Would you all please step aside and let me pass?

    Thank you, gentlmen, most awfully.

    Now, would you chaps care to retire with me to the conservatory for tea and biscuits . . . perhaps something stronger?


    I'll lead the way . . .

    1. I'd love a snifter of port or maybe just a little brandy.

  10. shut thefuckup fasdano you got anthing either.

  11. Bigfoot Evidence
    Saturday, February 18, 2012

    Tim Fasano Now Says The Ketchum Bigfoot DNA Project Is Legit.

    Translation? "I was against Ketchum before I was for Ketchum before I was against Ketchum."

  12. What a dumb fuckin nit-wit, she will documentation
    on all the samples. I can't believe how stupid most
    these so called researchers are, they swear she bought
    a DNA for dummies book and this was her first time doing anything with dna. She isn't a fuckin numb skull like you fasano, filming coconuts on a stick and then claim "IT'S THE BEST FOOTAGE EVER " hand it up,
    your a worthless piece of shit.

  13. Give me a break! T-Fats is SO frickin' jealous that anybody and everybody has better BF evidence than he does that he just can't stand it! I'm surprised his head hasn't exploded over this one. The attention has come off of the attention whore for a minute and he can't handle it. Well, too bad. You are a LOOSER. You will always be a LOOSER. And you have nothing to show for your "research" except for some bushes moving around and some monkeys in the swamps of Florida. Get over yourself, T-Fats. There are people out there doing REAL research and they are bound to come up with answers that you can't possibly fathom in that stupid, fat, Charlie Brown shaped head of yours.

  14. Herb- I got some purple platinum seeds you'd like.
    -Grand marais bf dude

  15. I would love to comment on what a douche-bag this guy is, but that would be buying into his desperate grab at more attention. He is not a legitimate researcher. End of story.

  16. Fasano despite all of his faults makes a valid point. Ketchum's paper will always be disputed unless she can say the samples came from a body which she can prove its existance..

  17. Fasano is mad at the supposed results Ketchum attained. He is in the "ape" camp and cannot fathom bigfoot may be more human THAN HIM.


  18. I have never understood why there have been the ape camp and the human camp. I believe bigfoot to be a separate species of itself, it is neither man nor ape.

    1. Well if it's not ape or human what is it? Hairy jello or an alien what you think it is?

    2. It's a North American Platypus.

    3. Did you know the platypus is the only egg laying mammal and also has poison spurs?

    4. same here and ok im a huge bigfoot believer but i just get a weird feeling from this lady and i always thought to my self bigfoot was not human or ape ether they are there own species all together

    5. How, what are they evolved bears or raccoon or what? Surely from the eye witness reports they clearly appear to be primate in looks so unless they are some make believe creature if they do exist they must be linked to primates in some way?

    6. The echidna is also an egg laying mammal.

  19. Part human or not, I will still shoot the first bigfoot I come across...

  20. There is a time to laugh and a time not to laugh, and this is not one of them.

  21. Keep....digging....the .....hole....deeeeeeeeeeeeper....what a dumb@ss....quit givin this guy time here....worthless drivel.....

  22. Bigfoot responds: http://arts.nationalpost.com/2012/11/28/qa-bigfoot-himself-comments-on-new-findings-that-confirm-his-existence/

  23. Why is the BF community full of fiftyish men who like to shoot their mouths off about everything and anybody Bigfoot related?

  24. Wow! I was going to get on here and really let Tim have it. It looks like everyone else said it for me.

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