"They've Got The Bodies!"

I know.-- awesome headline, right? This is an actual story, and we just ripped it off from Robert Lindsay's new blog post today. We received a phone call from Lindsay about two possible Bigfoot bodies that's probably in the possession of Wally Herson, the mega-millionaire. How or where does he get this information? "Bobo" he says.

Read on if you like this blog title, via Robert Lindsay:

Those of you following the famous Sierra Kills story often wonder what happened to the bodies of the two Bigfoots that were killed at Mt. Haskell, California, in the Sierra Nevadas on that cold and fateful fall day on October 10, 2010. Many have expressed disbelief that one or more of the bodies were not recovered on that day or on later trips to the site.

I can now report that no less an authority than Bobo Fay himself has said that two bodies were indeed retained from the Sierra Kills aftermath at some point, either on that day or most probably later.

Bobo was at a recent Finding Bigfoot meeting for the show he is starring in. Someone asked him about the Sierra Kills and asked why no bodies were retrieved from the site. “No!” Bobo replied. You don’t understand! They’ve got the bodies!” This means that according to Bobo, both bodies from the Kills were retained at some point and are apparently being kept safe somewhere for safekeeping.

According to the official story, Justin Smeja did not go back to the site under 3-4 weeks later when there were several feet of snow on the ground. After a day of digging through the snow, about 2 pounds of Bigfoot flesh was recovered from one site. It was thought that this was from the adult male Bigfoot.

However, Scott Sandsberry, a reporter for the Yakima Herald newspaper, wrote a multipart series on Bigfoot last year. He conducted many interviews with all of the big players in the Bigfoot world. In the article about the Kills, Sandsberry stated unequivocally that Smeja went back to the site soon after “with a prominent Bigfoot researcher.” Note that this expedition has been elided out of the traditional narrative.

In addition, Derek Randles states that he did not have the time or money to go back to the Kills site until 8 months later. But this cannot be true. Randles stated soon after he learned of the Kills, “We have a team ready to go down there tomorrow.” Apparently the expedition to the Kills site would be funded by Wally Hersom.

Bobo has made other hints that bodies were retained. In a recent episode of Conan O’Brien, Bobo was asked about the Sierra Kills. Bobo said, “The whole investigation is centered around those bodies.” This implies that both bodies were retained and are being used in the study somehow.

In addition, on the Joe Rogan show, Bobo was asked by Ryan if the bodies had been retained from the Sierra Kills. Bobo hesitated for a few seconds and his jaw seemed to drop. He started to say something, but then he stopped. He asked Rogan, “Um, can I talk to you after the show?” Rogan said sure. Then Bobo launched into a spiel about how no bodies had been retained.

As we can see, Bobo has implied on two occasions and openly stated on the third that both bodies were retained from the Kills.

Obviously the bodies, if they exist, have been squirreled away somewhere. So who has them? I and my fellow investigators do not believe that either Smeja or Randles has the bodies. If anybody has them, it is probably Wally Hersom.

Why were the bodies squirreled away? We think that the bodies were hidden in part to preserve Ketchum’s study. After all, revelation of the bodies would have killed Ketchum’s study once and for all by showing it up. So the bodies were secreted away so she could be the first to discover Bigfoot. After all, a race is on now, similar to the race to be the first to find HIV in the 1980′s. Then as now, many people want to be the first.

Another possibility is that Ketchum has a Hollywood publicist and a Hollywood lawyer working for her. These are very shrewd folks. They may have figured out that having Ketchum’s study associated with something as gruesome as the Kills, with two whole dead bodies, including a juvenile, horribly enough, was deadly for the study.

As one of my fellow researchers said, “They probably figured that those bodies were Kryptonite for her study!” So in order to make something of the Kills, they sawed off a slice of the thigh of the adult male as a sample and stashed away the rest.

Assuming they exist, will the bodies ever see the light of day? No one knows. They may be hidden away forever, or they may end up being sold mysteriously to some millionaire in China.

Perhaps when things blow over a deal of non-prosecution is signed for Smeja, they could be revealed.

On the other hand, many players have insisted that no bodies were retained from the Kills. If the bodies later show up, they will be revealed as shame-faced liars. Derek Randles said, no doubt revealing his deepest fears, “I don’t want to be known as the guy who hid the bodies!” Sure he doesn’t.

But if they ever turn up, millions of fingers will point to him, and he will have a lot of ‘splainin to do. Randles and others’ reputations will be shot and may not recover. The bodies may well serve best hidden away for a very long time.

Read the full article at: robertlindsay.wordpress.com


  1. Replies
    1. Attention all planets of the Solar Federation,Bigfoot has assumed control

    2. One likes to believe in the spirit of bigfoot,but glittering prizes and endless compromises shatter the illusion of integrity

    3. My uncle has a country place, that no one knows about. They say it used to be a farm, before the Bigfoot laws . . .

    4. I get it home at 5 o'clock and take myself out an ice cold beer.
      I always seem to be wondering why there's nothing going on here!

    5. I see more of the bigfoot's and the places that surround me now!

    6. Damn it, I seem to be late to the show again! You guys are great! Keep the Rush alive!

    7. LMAO... This would be ground-breaking and well discussed if not for the source it came from... Where are all of you Lindsay supporters now? lol

  2. Footery at its best.

    You have 2 bodies that you could just show to the media but instead you send a sample to a cat vet? ERM lol.

    1. Best post here.

      And, not surprisingly, nobody has tried to challenge it.

    2. No. But I will chime in- No bodies exist, no DNA paper exists, this is all a bunch of horse shit spun by a broke-ass cat vet and a bunch of nutjobs like Robert Lindsay.

      IF there was a body, call any university and the press...extreme fame and fortune. Its all a lie.

    3. your going to be proven to be a dumb asshole
      that doesn't know his dick from his elbow,
      when the study is released with in 2 weeks.
      Seee ya then,jerk off

    4. That's funny your fearless leader said this week it would be released. But oh damn there was another unforeseen problem and it will be out next month, then next month...........BULLSHIT!!!!

    5. We just looooooooove you deniers around here. Something's seriously brewing in this bigfoot field finally, and has been now for a good while in fact, yet still the trolling carnival crow chewing clowns keep denying there's anything to it.

    6. ^ lol exactly what crow has been eaten when every announcement is more loony toons than the previous one

    7. I think Jesse Ventura should investigate the Sierra Kills

  3. Replies
    1. is it fun to be an immature dick?

    2. ^^Its fun to play with an immature dick!!! what kinda sick fuck r u : / ^^

  4. Really,why waste time on a DNA paper of bigfoot when you have actual bodies?pardon me but I think you might find a forgiving audience if you show an actual fucking bigfoot.This story kills the whole sierra kills story as just that,a story and nothing more.Bigfoot researchers sitting on bigfoot bodies,crazy stupid.

    1. -100. DNA tells us about lineage, and if this species is related to genus homo. If it related, the researchers are more likely able to get federal protection. Blindly throwing the body out there without protection would have lead to hunts. These researchers are smart enough to navigate simple game theory, as they have a deep, profound desire to protect these rare creatures as a first course of action.

    2. No it's just another bullshit story sorry :(

    3. Anon @642....Are you fucking serious! A DNA study by a cat vet is mire likely to stop hunts than a body. Drink the Kool Aid you will be just fine.

      This story is such BS! Your telling me instead of introducing bodies to the scientific community where actual scientist with millions of dollars behind them wouldnt be able to yield better results and increase awareness and protection!

      Fucking looney toons indeed!

    4. Darn that Musky tomcat's at it again.

    5. broski - put the pieces together. the bodies were collected after contact with the bigfoot community - right? and this group would have back channels to the two dna studies - ergo the sample inclusion. don't you think they talked about getting the dna study out first, then dropping the bodies as supporting evidence after some sort of federal protection is requested? these bodies sat outside for some undetermined amount of time (albeit in the winter) - they will need autopsies by real scientists. i'm not sure the community has that kind of fire-power. it makes sense to release a body of evidence as a whole. and melba would be stupid to include bf samples without nda quiet period on the sample source's existence until end of report. would not be surprised to have some unpublished video of decent quality from a habituation site also released as part of 3 prong attack to make congress aware of the species (the bf scientist community could care less about proving bf to an amalgamation of half-spectrum posters on a bf board.) secondly it gives this community of insider scientist a chance to gain some value out of the decades of unpaid research they did, all while risking their careers due to the lack of solid evidence and low probability of such a find. it makes sense they conspire, and thus for those not in the small group - it made sense melba fired first if matt would not provide details of the finding bigfoot show's results.

    6. thats just nutty twisted logic thats becoming commonplace thinking here

  5. So if the bodies exist, they should be hidden so certain people don't look stupid. ??????
    I thought everyone was out to prove Sasquacthes exist. The idealist in me always takes a shit kicking.

    1. Sasquai are you ready to concede that it is quite likely this creature simply does not exist?

    2. well these guys don't have it,Moneymaker would have skinned it and made a suit for himself

    3. No, not at all. I'm just sitting back and seeing how this shit storm will play out.
      My trust in many of the big players has dropped considerably though.....IF this story is true. But we won't know that because we NEVER get the fucking truth.
      Bullshit, smoke and mirrors.

    4. Honestly and I'm not trolling here or doing this to be a dick to someone but how many people who come to this blog have actually seen a Sasquatch? I'm just interested to know cos everyone seems so opinionated either way

    5. Sasquai I feel a break through is coming from you soon :)

    6. don't worry SN,its not true

    7. never saw one thats why I keep coming back,but what a crazy paranoid world,and whats with Hersom?

    8. What about any of the other regular visitors here? Do you know of any of them who've seen Bigfoot mr rumforlife sir

    9. I've never heard from a single credible person that they have seen one.

    10. Hi Anon 6:12- I personally have not seen one but it's a strong interest for me. I've come across the occasional odd finding but it's nothing I could call evidence.
      I keep looking because I like a challenge and a good mystery. At the very least I get fresh air, lots of exercise, and I get to see nature and wild animals with no fence blocking my view.

    11. yes,well they saw some films but I don't know if they have personally

    12. Really 6:25, would you like to say more?

    13. I'm just asking the question mainly because I've never actually talked to a Bigfoot witness before I was wondering how many people on here actually have had a real experience just outta interest I guess.

    14. I live in the Pacific Northwest. I have seen one and know of several others who have too. It's not something one would speak of everyday due to the harassment of people who do not know the truth. You may very well know people with experiences, but there is no way in hell they will tell you. Look at the treatment we get even on this post. Quite alright though, as I know without a doubt what I saw. It was an incredible experience that changed my life forever. All you unbelievers - you are the ones who have missed out.

    15. Thanks for replying, was it recent or a long time ago?

    16. Thank you for asking...I saw it several years ago - before the internet. I originally thought it was a stump, but knew it was out of place. I was looking directly at it trying to figure out what it was. My mind kept saying stump as it was completely still. Once I looked away from it, it began to run on two legs, swinging its arms. Way too big to be a person and covered with black hair. The arms were long, down to it's knees and it did not move like a human. The thing is, it was watching me and did not move until it thought I wasn't looking at it. Until it moved, it really looked like a stump.

    17. My mother had a sighting in 1945. I heard a 30 ft tall tree with about a 6 inch trunk diameter break on a ridgeline about 80 feet above me. After we heard the break the tree was thrown to a point 10 feet in front of me. I noticed as we passed the tree that the break was in a spiral, or a single helix if that gives a better picture. When we got to that ridge line we found the stump and it had the same corresponding helix. The wood was white and the needles on the pine itself were still green. A few feet away was a still visible puddle of the worst smelling urine I have ever smelt. It smelt like when a person who is severely dehydrated urinates, if that actually explains the smell to anyone I don't know. The area I was in was the middle of the Ozark National Forest in Arkansas and we were about 5 miles in on a hike who's trailhead was about 8 miles from the nearest paved road and about 30 miles from the nearest town. I have always thought they were real because my mother has never been a one to lie about anything and even today she KNOWS what she saw and smelt, the animal was less than 10 feet from her. I cannot think of a single animal other than one of these creatures that could twist and break a 30 ft pine in one motion and then throw it. The pine did not slide down, I heard the break, looked up and saw it launch over the ridge and land just in front of me. After we found the stump we continued on the trail and after smelling the same urine markings in two more locations we started to feel a bit threatened and turned back to the jeep. Now after hiking 5 miles back to the jeep I was putting our packs in the back and my girlfriend at the time called me around to the passenger side. In the falling light of dusk you could see a still wet stream of urine that went from the base at the back to the roof at the middle back to the base at the front of the vehicle. It had the exact same scent we smelled on the trail. Up until this point I had tried to convince myself some moonshiner or maybe somebody growing pot out there was trying to scare me off with some sort of elaborate prank, but who would backtrack 5 miles in front of us just to pee on a Jeep Cherokee. And how did they pee on the roof. Just for reference I am 6'4" tall and have tried to recreate this pee stream but couldn't do it. Perhaps my stream is weak, but I really don't think a person could have done it. This happened to me in August 2008 and there were two more sightings along the same creek we were hiking beside in the same year. To put that into perspective when I asked a ranger the next day how many people hiked this trail each year he estimated only about 200. I don't know for sure what happened that day, but it made me see things a little differently. There are some great out of the way wilds in this country and to completely write off the possibility of these creatures existence seems a little shortsighted to me. I hike at least a couple of times a month and have had some strange things happen to me, having rocks thrown at me on a couple of occasions when no one else should have been around, and several times hearing screams and whoops in the night. It is easy for people who spend 99% of their lives in towns or cities to scoff, but if you just go to areas with high activity and actually ask the people that live there you will realize that many of them have already accepted these guys as a reality, and many of them have had their own experiences with them. I haven't posted here for a long time because of how the comments section has turned and I am fully aware this isn't the type of sighting you were asking about, but I hope it demonstrates what you might find if you just looked. John

    18. A member of our flight test crew from Florida told us of a Skunk Ape sighting he and a hunting partner had. This was 5 years ago. They had 2 dogs that freaked out as they watched it from 100 yards. It stood and looked at them then swayed back and forth, turned and walked into the woods it was at the edge of. They never returned to hunt that spot again. They had to airboat to the location. The guy was very believable and only told us when he new I was into Bigfoot.
      Another friend tells of his uncle's sighting in the Skagit Valley of Washington.
      I've never had a sighting but keep a sharp eye out and a camera ready at all times when out and about hunting, hiking or just traveling the backroads of Washington.

    19. Sasqui, I agree that my idealist takes a constant shit kicking. Unfortunately my realist also takes the occasional cock punch. But I guess that's the short story of bigfootery. -- d3w177

    20. Wow, some really good experiences there thanks to replying to my posts guys would be nice to hear more maybe Shawn should make a thread just for people who want to share their sightings?


  6. morgan Freeman would know what to do.

    1. Morgan freeman is an actor, he mearly reads scripts.

    2. Paul freeman would know what to do

  7. Surely if there were bodies it would be in the interest of everyone to just get em out there on CNN or whatever! Everybody involved in both DNA studies seems to want to prove the existance of Bigfoot why wouldn't they just go here it is! I think proving the animal exists is more important than who is first to do it and I'm sure both Ketchum and Meldrum would agree. Man if you had a pair of dead Bigfoot would you be able to sit on them for 2 years and not say squat? How does Bobo know? If he knows why isn't it common knowledge in Bigfoot land?

    1. The dude also said Santa clause is real and they have the body

    2. unless on close inspection you realized Bigfoot was just a big hairy human

  8. The Melba Ketchum circus train is derailing fast,can someone find adrian erickson and get his input on any of this.Just tell him the no comment ship has sailed.

    1. Looks like he ditched and for good reason too. Cults are dangerous.

    2. you're right,he probably ditched

  9. The NATA (North American Toona Association) also claim to have a body.

  10. They are going to be freezer burnt if they don't defrost them soon!

  11. Replies
    1. I think by the looks of the comments so far yes

    2. Of course its bullshit. Hidden sasquatch bodies? Why???

  12. Lindsay needs to cut the crap.

  13. Holy shit thats all I can say about all of this we know something you don't know secret shit.
    Nobody has anything it's all bullshit or it would have been put out there by now.

    1. I have a bigfoot skull ashtray,you can drop your roaches in there but no pictures please

    2. Thanks Rum it's a deal but only if you indulge in a few shots and a few hits with me.

    3. after reading this stuff we deserve it

    4. If you let me join in I will supply the music.

    5. i think we have the same albums

  14. If I were to find out I was related to you fork and spoon operators I would kill myself without a moments hesitation.

  15. Check out Joe blacks latest video

  16. There are no bodies. Justin Smeja never shot a bigfoot nor has he ever even seen a bigfoot.

    That, is fact.........

    1. He can't bring himself to when he's in denial.

    2. Grade A bleever logic in the two above posts - Prove Smeja didn't shoot a Bigfoot (the impossible task of proving a negative), and if you can't then that's proof that he did.

    3. If its impossible to prove a negative then don't claim it. You sound just as irrational as a believer...

    4. Anon 10:06 you fail at logic. Nobody has to prove a negative to dispute the assertion that there was no shooting. All you have to do is produce the body. Should be simple enough if the things were strewn dead on the ground.

    5. If it were impossible to prove a negative, then why do all my creditors claim I owe them money? They seem to be very capable of proving I have a negative balance on my accounts. "Impossible to prove a negative" is just a convenient, although bullshit, excuse trotted out by skeptics.

  17. I took this one sentence from RL's blog entry regarding the bodies and I think it sums his thoughts and opinions up accurately.

    "I haven’t the faintest idea of what exactly is going on"

  18. Look for the government to make a statement, disclose info or perhaps become 'an active' player in just about a week from now.

    1. why,does everyone have a body now,where can I get a bigfoot body?Is Dyer selling the things online?

    2. The gubmint? McCheesegate?

  19. I hope someone who is not a "big player" kills one of these monsters & just turns it over case closed and quits playing all these bullshit games

  20. you have a crazy ass hunter claiming to have shot them,you parade him around saying he's telling the truth,you even claim bigfoot chops cut from said bodies but suddenly your embarrassed to show the fucking bodies.If Moneymaker and Bobo are reading this,and they do like their press,maybe one of you yoyo's would like to step up to the plate and set us all straight.

    1. Are you nuts? Having that big lesbian running around with them and winking and laughing to the camera is ratings gold!
      Four year olds are toddling about telling each other there is nowhere for the owl to be!

  21. And the beat goes on..... and the beat goes on....... that reminds me.....gonna do some lyrics ' bout dis shit !!!!!!!

  22. Minnesota Ice Man all over again.

  23. There are no bodies. Linsay is an idiot.

  24. Let me get this straight. Bigfoot body, find of the century, hidden by conspiracy of Bigfoot researchers including Bobo who pretend there's no body, because putting it on display for the scientific community to study would prevent them from posting "FIRST!!!" in the history books, so they keep it a secret? What does that say about these so-called "Bigfoot researchers/experts" and their petty vanity games? As far as I'm concerned, until there's a body on display, THEY'RE ALL HOAXERS.

    1. bodies of a grown adult and child would trump dna and prove an active breeding population,but why prove that?

  25. Trouble in paradise? Bobo a few minutes ago:

    "Such a joke!! So called outdoors people sleepin in hotels when they're supposed to be out solo camping bcuz its cold!!"

    "Anybody not afraid of little cold and loves outdoors want a well paid job squatchin around the country? Apply to Animal Planet."

  26. Lindsay is a huge douche bag. I don't believe one word he says.

  27. Let me guess, the bodies are tucked away in a freezer? Bobo's a resinhead.

  28. Linsay is just a turd in the shit storm! Don't start rumors Robert until you verify directly with the source! If you claim something be 100 percent Positive what your talking about.

  29. I can see why they would hide a body. Even if they did hide one and lied about it, it will not do anything to anyone's reputation. All they will say is they lied to protect the study, person, bigfoot, etc until a complete study was done. But once a study is published if they still hide one, that will mess up reputations.

    I have explained several times how I would handle a body so I won't repeat it. Until all the studies are published, I doubt we will any body. Too much money is at stake now.

  30. Everbody done knowed the gubment done got em fool.

    1. Nice to see a good well informed Republican on this site!

  31. Scarlet Johansson has a body - A great one !

  32. Would someone wear a go pro next time they go Squatchin so we can get good footage instead of your word. Jesus! Oh, leave it on the whole time

  33. Ok, not even going to read all these replies (obviously a very interesting report!) to see if someone has mentioned this, but PERHAPS if they have the bodies they are doing the RIGHT and ACCEPTABLE thing of keeping it quiet so they can do the research on them in peace! Maybe someone is learning from the Ketchum study and the attacks she has received, the nasty rumors, the discrediting? Besides, most research is done shrouded in secrecy to avoid this type of thing...and theft of the idea, etc. When they have the results, the paper is submitted, the peer review done, the paper published, then and only then is the secret is revealed to the world. If *I* had the bodies, this is exactly how it would be handled.
    Also, it was actually something a friend, Tom MacDermott said that brought the angel DNA thing to mind. He made me dig deep into the recesses....

  34. "they may end up being sold mysteriously to some millionaire in China"

    Yes this is clearly the most likely scenario of what would be done with a Bigfoot body.

  35. BoBo and MM are a couple of pussies and lying BSers. Getting their 15, er, 20, minutes of fame. Losers.

    1. Well actually they get 1 hour of fame a week douchbag!


  36. Bigfoot bodies, part ape, part human, stored in a secret location? DNA evidence soon to be forthcoming?
    Am I the only one who thinks this sounds familliar?

    Exerpts from THE TELEGRAPH
    August 15, 2008

    Rick Dyer and Matthew Whitton say they will produce DNA evidence and a video of their find at a press conference in California today.

    They have already released a photo showing what they claim is the dead Bigfoot in a freezer, with what appear to be intestines protruding from its stomach.

    Mr Dyer and Mr Whitton claim to have discovered the body in woods at an unspecified location in northern Georgia, and to have spotted three living Bigfoots as they dragged the carcass into their car.

    “There’s a lot of comment being made that it looks fake, or it looks like a suit,” said Dyer, “but these people wasn’t there when I was sweating, pulling this thing through the woods.”

    The creature, which is being stored at a secret location, is 7ft 7in tall, weighs more than 35 st and is part "human and part ape-like", they claim.

    Wait... I think I know this song... sing with me...

    1. If this is a hoax, it is on a massive scale. I don't think I'll sing along this time.

    2. Word has it Kulls and his torpedo heater and hair dryer is ready to be dispatched.

      Rumor has it Wally bought up an old ice plant in the dakotas. Just like missles, they put dem bigfoots in the middle of the plains so the commies can't get to them so easy.

      I hope the study is published before the Mayan end of time, would be a shame for all that work to be overshadowed by the end of the world.

  37. Note to self: If I ever come to posess a Bigfoot body, post motherfucking pics.

    1. Seems so simple doesn't it?

    2. Why? No one will believe the pics. Take the body to your local news media in the middle of the afternoon. Right before the news goes live. Lots of people will be around to see it and it will get on air then. After that, no one could dispute it.

  38. I say they are lying.


    Prove otherwise.

  39. I don´t believe this at all, the Smeja story was growing old and had too many holes in it, so they bring this out.


  40. There are holes in Smeja story because they recovered bodies and took them away to area51. Same place they took Dyers body in 08. Dyer is laughing all the time as he was paid off so he would take the blame it was all a hoax while they swapped out the real body with the suit so people wouldnt freak out. Meanwhile the lab coats disect

    See the skeptics think they r so smart when in reality they are just the pawns needed to keep things bottled up. Skeptics are the real fools in all this. As long as they can keep the Skeptics fired up, the longer they can keep this covered up.

    Another great article Robert. I always look forward to the next post.


    1. yes..those crazy skeptics are the ones keeping the world from finding out about bigfoot,thank god for you my friend,an honest believable broker.

  41. This is worse than the National Enquirer!

  42. Leon W,is that you in the middle with the red jacket on? Serious question.You Old Dog you!!!!

  43. How can anyone take these clowns seriously? I have more faith in Anon sightings.

  44. My mother had a sighting. She was drunk on her butt one night, as usual, when we heard a 400 foot tall spruce tree yell at us from the distance. It was falling over drunk itself and cursing up a storm.Well, my dad and I hobbled on down to the creek to see if the tree needed to be helped up and low and behold there was a bigfoot standing there on top of the tree truck laughing up a storm. He just knocked it down and was gloating about his big muscles. I was so upset at the sight of that interdimensional tree just laying there crying that I phoned Ghost Busters and had them come and help us get it back up.
    We whooped that Bigfoots ass with a stick and sent it home. Darn vandals. But, if my mom hadnt been drunk we wouldnt a seen this here bigfoot.

  45. When I was on a florida flight crew, I crashed in a florida swamp on sunday morning. I was feeling kind of stupid. anyway, my girlfriend Flo, the one who now does the insurance commercials was not with me.
    Now, I saw a skunk ape rummaging in the trunk of some Italian guys car. So I run it off with a 2X4 and some choice words. I could smell that thing a mile off. Smelled like Axe cologne I think but I can't be sure. Anyway, we took the plane up again after we fixed it with duct tape and some caulking and spotted that there skunk ape running down the highway with its bare behind sticking out, so we shot at the thing with a slingshot and got in a couple good hits to the behind.It yelped and jumped around. Them things can run pretty darn near 100 mph when they get going.

  46. My first bigfoot sighting was on a commune in the 60's outside San Francisco. It was sitting on the corner of Haight and Ashbury when I came around the corner and startled it. I ran as fast as I could in my sandals.
    I took a lot of blurry shots of it with my Brownie instamatic camera but I never did develop that film until 1998 and by then the local Target was charging and arm and a leg for photo developing.
    I did get to shop for new towels while waiting for the photos.
    I cant show the photos though since they are far too sensitive and must be tested for bigfoot/angel DNA by Dr. Melba Toast who is first in her field on her farm.
    I am too modest about my huge discovery to make a big deal off it.

  47. I was one of the horses on the Patterson Gimlin expedition and I know it was all true!

  48. Do any of you go squatch hunting at all? Or are you just posers? I haven't been but there is only one area near where I live that there have been sightings and only during the late fall (possible migrating?) Missed the chance this year but next year I am going hiking and camping in the area. At least I will have given it a shot. Can't wait.

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