The Holy One Matt Moneymaker Speaks Out Against Ketchum Bigfoot DNA Study (Update: More from Matt)

Here are some fighting words from Matt Moneymaker regarding Dr. Melba Ketchum's Bigfoot DNA claims. He says her study won't be taken serious and it's "all fake". One of the biggest issues Moneymaker has concerning Ketchum is that she told Lee Speigal, a Huffington Post reporter, that the "Bigfoot" samples came to her and she didn't purposely solicit for them. Here's the snippet from HuffPost:

"Well, it came to me, I didn't go after it, that's for sure," Ketchum said of the evidence of Bigfoot's existence in an exclusive interview with The Huffington Post. "I did not believe in these creatures. But my lab did a lot of animal testing, and we did species identification. We didn't have any hits on anything interesting until five years ago."
Moneymaker says the statement above is "Bullshit". She has been pursuing Bigfoot DNA samples for many years, including pitching to her to TV producers for shows like Destination Truth.

He tweeted the following message this morning to followers on Twitter:

Bald-faced mendacity of Melba Ketchum. She told Lee Speigal the DNA samples "came to me. I didn't go after them, that's for sure." Bullshit.

She's been pursuing BF DNA samples for years (bcs of their potential to attract publicity and funding). Even pitched herself to TV producers

For her to imply the DNA samples "just came to her" and she hadn't been steadily soliciting for them ... really demonstrates her dishonesty.

More than 5 years ago she pitched her BF DNA testing to the producer of Monsterquest, and later pitched herself to the producers of MY SHOW!

Yep ... Melba really said that to Lee Speigal. Not a misquote. I believe him. I know him. I've sat at his desk at the Huffington Post in NYC

@GregPrice13 Yo Greggy, Melba's study won't be taken seriously by any real scientists. It's all fake. Her "team of scientists" doesn't exist

She has hired foreign immigrant scientists who come and go at her lab. No established, respected American scientists will endorse her claims

@GregPrice13 Yo Greggy, you don't know what you're talking about. Meldrum has clearly expressed his grave reservations about Melba Ketchum.

@JordonFlato Jordan, lemme set you straight: I've always called out the hoaxers and charlatans who have succeeded in fooling the news media.

Who was the ONLY PERSON who was loudly calling out Biscardi as a hoaxer during the GA body hoax, when everyone else was uncertain about it?

[Update: More from Moneymaker]

@JordonFlato Jordan, you dont understand. The results will never be out. She has kept this situation pregnant for five years bcs it's bogus!

She succeed in attracting some legit BF samples by false claiming she had already confirmed some through "preliminary" DNA analysis. (Cont.)

Yes, she received a few legit samples but her "DNA analysis" and documentation was a sham and a scam. She made ridiculous excuses for years.

@FatherBruceW When hoaxers and charlatans succeed it getting news media attention, they can use the attn to swindle people who want to help.

The only silver lining to Melba Ketchum's scam: It helped encourage Dr. Sykes at Oxford (England) to seek BF DNA samples. He is very legit.

@lannistering Yo, Jess.. "respected American scientists" can be from any race/religion. Foreign immigrant scientists can be white Europeans.


  1. The herb gardener strikes again, firsst

    1. even more so as he's on record he doesn't read posts.

    2. Shawn is one of the most influential men in Bigfootery right now.
      Hope he tries even harder to stay the course, the straight and narrow, that rides on a flood of debris.
      If he continues to present all equally for scorn and ridicule he just might be do it.

    3. Did Kelba get botox injections or something?

    4. No but the BE blog guys here did, they're not interested in finding bigfoots they're clearly interested in not finding bigfoots and seemingly working against it when most they (Shawn & co.) post is anti bigfoot crap.

    5. Are you blind? Most of them.

    6. You are an idiot! What's wrong with healthy scepticism especially when most of the footage posted these days is so blatantly hoaxed or just a blobsquatch!

  2. ketchum might be wrong, but moneymaker is just a very sad person....

    1. Always looks happy on his tv show out in the woods..

    2. I hear he likes his chronic : )

    3. 'cause on his show Moneymaker, be da moneymaker. All that cash coming in without actually showing a Bigfoot would make me happy too!

    4. MM being 420 friendly, No, if he did that noone would believe him about is squatching endeavors, WAIT, NOONE ALREADY BELIEVES HIM, LOL

    5. Who's noone? You talking bout yourself in the third person? Hope not because Anonymous doesn't like that!

    6. This only seems to confirm, at least it pretty much does to me now, that he is indeed MIB undercover. That idea just came to me recently, and what better cover than to start it all yourself and be the head honcho whom everything has to go through. Not saying it is so but I strongly believe the guy is phony now, or just sickly jealous that (A) it's not him getting all the glory or (B) that the species is not his dream ape that mentors like Green and Krantz filled his empty little head with growing up. What a pathetic person he is, but those of us in the know KNOW he will be eating a massive dose of crow one of these days regardless.

    7. No shit he lost it on me once for doing that I had to threaten to kick his ass all the way up to his shoulders to settle the little prick down : )

    8. You had the chance to POP the fool and you passed ? I bet you wish you had another chance...

  3. what is all this stuff about DNA...didnt need analysis...duped not again..doctors need anal? Your guess is as good as mine

  4. Sounds rather defensive, what's he all up at arms about?

    1. Ketchum seeking fame by exploiting Bigfoot?

    2. Cuz, the show"Found Bigfoot", Won't do as well, maybe they need to rename it "Chasing Bigfoot", lol

    3. Moneymaker needs to look in the mirror, no one hypes Bigfoots more than he does. Not that theres anything wrong with that. :-)

    4. Yeah but at least the people involved in the show are pretty up front about it, it's not like any of them are going "I never wanted a tv show!" Think Melba is just chasing those 15 mins of fame and trying to make a buck out of it. If she was up front about it all and said "hell I thought it would be great to find out if this Bigfoot is real and what the heck make a few bucks too" then I'd consider her a more credible person or researcher, whatever! If she's lying about trying to get tv money or courting publicity she just looks like a charlatan. Just tell the truth if you lie it'll just bite you on the ass sooner or later!

    5. Give it a few years like Monster Quest, it will vanish and be forgot.

      Then they'll try and crawl back to Wally if hes still alive for support.

      Did I say people are fickle?

    6. I still watch MonsterQuest on YouTube or DVD now and again! It was a good show except for that "rods" episode! What kinda moron would think they were inter dimensional beings?! They were flying bugs!!! I get what you mean but think much like all that Twilight vampire crap Bigfoot is "in" at the moment. Also, with Ketchum being in the news more people might get interested but if either study finds good results then Bigfoot and Moneymaker will be around for a while! I mean if Meldrum/Sykes produce evidence then people will take note and networks will jump at the chance to have a Finding Bigfoot alike show. Which tv network wouldn't want to film the capture of a Squatch I mean how much money would that make for them just by selling the footage world wide??!!

  5. I figured it was a matter of time before this happened. It's about to hit the fan now.
    Btw,,is this what happens in the daytime here? Shawn gets in on the placement action? Cool.

  6. Mats been shooting for the brass ring this whole time thats pretty obvious...its going to get uglier before all is said and done : /

    1. Matt's merely bitter it won't be him finding Bigfoot, what a bombastic fat slob of a jerk he is.

  7. MM, good lord son, would you please drop this bunch of crap! This tit-for-tat-strategy makes you look like a somebody stole your marbles! If you have a problem with Dr. Ketchum's DNA results, then go to her privately and make your case! Enough is enough dude! Drop this public's only making the community of Bigfoot believers look like clowns!

    Best Regards,
    Les Williams
    USAF Retired

    1. I agree, this makes him look very childish!

    2. Unfortunately many of the Bigfoot community are clowns that's the problem

    3. In the few months that I have been seriously looking at the Bigfoot community I have to say that we are our own worse enemy (I include myself only because I gobble up all the crap that is being fed to me). I understand there is a huge payoff for #1 and nothing but Me toos for the rest of the researchers, and that is too bad. I have seen, heard, and read some very interesting people who are in the Bigfoot game now. I just wish there were some way to make everyone "play nice".

    4. That's right. Keep everything hidden behind closed doors. Don't expose hoaxers, don't name names. "It makes us look bad."

      What can talk like that REALLY mean other than somebody is afraid of losing their little BF cash cow? Moneymaker doesn't have to play your games anymore.

    5. I love all the bigfoot community,especially the clowns.thats what makes this sport unique,they should sell trading cards

    6. I love cards....better watch out $maker....will rip that off and make even more $$$$ I can see it now....I"all trade you ( 4 ) NY, BIGFOOT, swinging from a tree..for ( 6 ) VT, BIGFOOT?.. holding baby in apple orchard.... just have to wonder about this guy....can't think of how the saying goes....something...about insane ...when you keep doing same time thing over and over...and the always the same....Matt 25 years and you have squatch...over and over...I can't wait till some hunter puts 2 between a BF eyes...end of story. ? ? ? Maybe that will be me.Matt should I give you a call first when I do? ?

  8. Ok, you call Melba dishonest, we all know that. The problem is, if you are claiming all these outlandish things on your show FB to be a Bigfoot, then no doubt you are a dishonest person as well.

    1. ME, being dishonest, well I ..."What was that"?...Matt what was that?...It was a SQUATCH! No Matt, that is Melba Ketchum, "She must be a SQUATCH!!, OH Matt!

    2. Thats fuckin funny right there.

    3. That's not dishonesty it's stupidity

  9. I'm impressed by Moneymaker's tweets especially when he's ranting like that, because his tweets are always 140 characters in length no matter what. That's not easy to do. He must be obsessive/compulsive about it. It's very consistent.

    1. It means he had more to say, but had to edit.

    2. Worth reading all the trolls to get to this one!

    3. dude look at those wild pink eyes....he's a blow monkey, probably 4-5 lines per scene shoot

  10. His name is Mat MONEYMAKER!!!!! lol

    1. How can you trust ANYONE with a last name like that!

    2. He ought to change it to Monkeymaker because that's what he is now.

  11. According to MM everything is BF until proven otherwise. If there is deer, there is sasquatch, according to him. Also they are apes/animals not human in MM's world. His entire hypothesis would be incorrect if thus study is true, which i am not saying it is. Either way, doesn't MM remind you of some snotty brat kid you went to school with?

    1. I believe that is what he is up in arms about, not the study, just his theories will be flushed if the study comes out as advertised!

    2. It is too bad that people have put themselves in two different camps. Let's see, Ape (none human) or ancient human. Does it really matter who is correct? Unless you are Justin and just shot two of them, they can be giant ancient humans and it is just fine. And if it turns out to be just a big flat footed monkey, that's fine too. The main thing is, we need to see the mainstream of people quit giving us goofy grins when we tell them that Bigfoots are real, living, breathing beings (and no, they don't pop in and out from other dimensions).

    3. It doesn't really matter what the species is no but I'm pretty certain it ain't gonna be Matty who's right. I could tell the first time I ever heard Melba talk about this study on BTR, forget which Bigfoot show it was now, that she's totally sincere on this as is Paulides they're both the real deal. Their enemies in the field have just been waiting for the results to come out to bash them, just forget clowns like Matty.

    4. Are you so clueless that you think Ketchum was working for free? With no personal plans to exploit her work with her already copyrighted movie and book proposals? "Totally sincere" hahahaha!!!!!!!!!

  12. Oh jealousy you are an ugly green eyed monster and your name is Mat moneymaker : ) lolol

    1. You think MM is jealous?? Melba and every other sorry BFer wishes they had the top spot like MM. He's winning, what are you talking about?

    2. Winning, what is he winning? The guy's a loser he's looked for decades and not proven the species real yet, now along comes a woman and does it all in five years. Of course he's jealous and furious probably because it also means his dumb show is kinda floating in the water like a dead fish and may not get another season (cancelled now?), so yeah while he's a rich man now he's also a poor man when it comes to Bigfoot and that surely must piss him off gigantically. All his jive on the show means nothing now, the lame cartoonish animal monster theory just got shot to hell.

    3. Here's your "dead fish". Dream on. MM doesn't need the support of the whiny BF "community" any more.......


      -- FINDING BIGFOOT Looms Large, Helping Network Secure a November to Remember -

      · On the heels of a successful November performance, Animal Planet is on pace to post its most-watched year ever in prime among multiple demos, including HH (480K); P25-54 (294K); P18-49 (271K); and M25-54 (159K). Year to date, Animal Planet delivered 650K P2+ viewers in prime.

      · Animal Planet remains on track to achieve its most-watched year in network history in today day among all key demos, including P2+ viewers (436K); HH (344K); P25-54 (191K); P18-49 (183K); and M25-54 (96K).

      · This month, Animal Planet earned its best-ever November prime and total day delivery among P25-54 (278K, 182K).

      · On Sunday, November 11, the return of FINDING BIGFOOT brought in a total of 2.57M unique P2+ viewers with the 9 PM special, BIGFOOT: UNTOLD STORIES, and the all-new episode, "Ripped from the Headlines," that followed. Alone, the episode premiere riveted 1.28M P2+viewers, and the pre-show special singularly nabbed 863K.

    4. ^ That is correct. She is setting the field up for a lambasting when her findings are found to be bogus and her motives cynical. He is distancing himself and his show from this dna circus, which comes at a time when the media was looking at FB with benign bemusement.

      This the REALITY of the situation.

    5. It's not all about money, you're clearly underestimating AP they care more about their own reputation and credibility than some damn show about a fantasy animal this dumb twit MM spouts about. Now that Dr. Ketchum has her study soon proving bigfoot human not animal this MM fears he'll end up just as big a joke as all the naysayers will so it's purely in his own selfish interest that he says what he says, no one else's. His own name in this field's on the line now.

    6. It's not all about the money? Are you high? WTF You think Animal Planet care if Bigfoot extists or not if they're making hand over fist ? Only reason they might care is to a do a Finding Bigfoot Ketchum special and get more ratings and money!

    7. Yes I think they care because they're called Animal Planet not Monster Planet chasing elusive legends.

  13. MY SHOW? Shouldn't it be OUR show? Or Bobo's show?

    1. Oh come on, that is just an expression, Mike is not trying to take sole possession of the show, he just means that it is a television program with which he happens to be invovled. It would be kind of like someone referring to "my family."

  14. Never been to menda city. Where is its?

  15. I remember people saying all the same things about Moneymaker in the summer of 2008 when the Georgia hoax was happening. Moneymaker said the whole thing was a hoax from the start but nobody would believe that a police office would make up a story like that.

    Lots people said Moneymaker was jealous of "the discovery". Other people said it was very unbecoming of him to badmouth a "fellow researcher".

    He was warning the media to not be fooled by it. Some listened but others apparently didn't, and they got burned. The media listens to him now in these situations.

    1. I remember that too. Most of the nimrods who comment on this blog weren't even following the subject in 2008, so they wouldn't remember how that shook out. I think most of the people here must be high schoolers.

    2. Moneymaker did call it right....BUT...consider who was at the center of it,Biscardi. A high schooler could have called it.

    3. Or like me, old farts who just started following up on old interests. No, I wasn't aware Moneymaker was blowing the horn of caution in 2008. He may be right, but that doesn't make him any less jealous.

    4. I remember a lot about what Moneymaker claimed in 2008 about himself that turned out to be untrue.

    5. Was this after he picked you up in that bar? If so that's really not fair on Matt all guys lie about size

    6. RULE #1 of business: Past performance is not always indicitive of future results.

    7. It might not make him any less jealous but equally it doesn't make him any less wrong about this, I've said before just cos you don't like the guy it doesn't mean he can't be right

    8. The difference is though, Melba speaks like an intelligent person who knows what she's talking about and the drooling Matt doesn't.

    9. You're right. She was particulary "intelligent" in dealing (NOT) with her BBB Grade F complaints, and so very "intelligent" describing the bigfoot braidings and picnics.

    10. Melba speaks like an intelligent person?

    11. So what exactly did Moneymaker claim in 2008 that turned out to be untrue? Care to list those things?

    12. if I had been doing this in 2008 I would have given up by now,do you high school kids still listen to Rush?

    13. Knew the trolls would bring the braiding up. LOL

  16. Intelligent people know they are intelligent. They also know that one person cannot know all, hence a person is not stupid simply because he is ignorant of one thing or another. They know that, to another intelligent person, they will not appear stupid in asking for an explanation of what they do not know, and so their ignorance on any particular issue does not become an embarrassment.

  17. Who is this Moneymaker guy anyway and why is he the Bigfoot messiah.???

  18. Moneymaker is nothing but a fat-assed, greasy haired, fuckin joke. When South Park makes fun of you, you've reached the level of "Biggest Douche in the Universe!" Most of the so called "Bigfoot Experts" are nothing more than just "Leeches on the Ass of Society!" Get real fuckin jobs, assholes! Quit preying on stupid people like all the dumbasses that stood in line for fuckin lottery tickets yesterday.

    1. Hell yeah you tell him buddy!!! Do you know last nights winning numbers?

    2. At least he is known enough to be made fun of on South Park. You're a fuckin nobody.

    3. MM has a real funkin' job -- he's a successful TV personality and entertainer. Next?

    4. Yes. The in-house producers of the show are looking at some nice Christmas bonuses for creating a successful show. A large part of that success is due to the casting. Regular folks see them as likeable eccentrics.

  19. Moneymaker elicits dual personality disorder and psychotic fits of rage, delusional reality complex, napolean complex, bipolar tendencies and a real text book case for analysis.Oh yes, I value his opinion, NOT!

    1. ^ Exibits delusions of grandeur and paranoid tendencies and possible narcassistic personality traits

    2. He not short enough to have a Napolean complex, dumbass.

    3. You not clever enough to use proper grammar asshole! Plus I was commenting on the anonymous poster who was talking bout Moneymaker jackass!

  20. I've finally figured out what is taking the Cat Vet so long to get this paper out. The Bigfoot DNA is blurry.

    1. Just wipe off the bacon grease it might get clearer?

    2. The next time anything but pig shit comes out of your mouth, snow walker, will be the first time. Jealousy is a stinky cologne mijo.

    3. If that's the case thank God we don't have smell-o-vision or no one would watch his videos

    4. ba dump dump chshshshshshshsh

    5. Way back when you lampooned the idea of discovering a rather large animal through teeny tiny bits of dna. Of course, now that this has reached the outside world people are saying "If you can get the hair, why not a damn photo."

      I know dna is important for classifying and understanding relationships between organisms, but that comes after you get the the thing in a box!

    6. Too right! DNA is just the first step show us the Squatch!!!!

    7. We will, there'll be videos too.

  21. Matt's right. Its bullshit. Don't you see we're getting jerked around again?

    1. Everything Matt said is probably true. He is friends with Wally Hershom and has contacts in the basic cable industry.

    2. Well he's bound to through producers on his own show and if his source from Hufington Post is correct then his views on Ketchum might be too

    3. No he's baking his own cake here that's all, he's as clueless as everybody else outside the study.

  22. I'm KING of the DOUCHES, and my name is Matt!

    1. I've got a big beard and I'm kinda fat...

    2. I also have a big, fat bank account, losers.

    3. Perhaps, but no integrity.


    1. What be the first to mate with an ape? Surely not his wife would be pissed for sure


  24. Can't wait for this issue to flesh out. Somebody's gon a have mayonnaise on there face and hair

  25. I'm as skeptical as any, but MM likes to make these battles personal, that way he can involve himself in something that he had nothing to do with. He also hates to be challenged by a woman. That really gets him going, watch what happens whenever Ranae makes a comment, eye roll/name calling generally discredits her character through logical fallacies. I wish cliff or bobo hosted instead, they are at least decent.

    1. Agreed, those two should be at it alone and maybe they could have a new famous Bigfoot reseacher along every week one episode Meldrum one Bindernagel one Randles one Morgan, etc.

    2. I'd say it just happens to be because the only cast member who is a full on sceptic is Renae and Matt's a class A believer, I wouldn't call him a misogynist based on that. I'd say unable to accept another's point of view but nothing specifically to do with gender

    3. What to see some real misogyny at work look at some of the comments on the previous thread bout that woman's YouTube video

  26. Like him or not, I think MM is dead on about Kechum! Based on Kecthum' comment and behaviors, I'm truthfully more interested to see what Bart and Tyler and company get from the labs they used with sierras samples as a little birdy told me that finally they are starting to get some confirmations back and those guys are going for full transparency. Won't things get interesting if the results they get contradict her claims.


    1. Luckily for this discovery I think you're wrong, Ketchum seemed a truthful honest character from the first time she spoke about the study but she's up against a powerful anti-discovery power clearly present here too with its vermin fangs. I bet the same geeks pretending they don't think she can prove this are the same zits who'll be cheering at anything ogvernment official like NASA's upcoming Mars stunt, it's all about acting the ever-trusting of the establishment and fight the intruders tipping the scales. You are indeed slaving wankers being jerked around and you apparently like it. LOL

    2. I agree Doug, I will be shocked if mela ketchum is legit as the guys you mentioned seem to be doing things the right way but I'll reserve judgement until I see what everybody comes up with

      Maybe things are moving along now though at least as Im tired of the fantastic claims and no evidence

    3. You know what I really hate? People who act all rational and have no blind faith in people they've never met doing studies they don't understand! Damn it I hate logic!!!! Rationalism what a gucking joke!!!! All you people who think in terms of science and logic make me wanna puke!!! This woman I've never met and whose credibility I have no idea about in a field I have no knowledge of will silence all you sceptics !!!!!

    4. If Cutino or anyone else brings in evidence that contradicts her I'm going to laugh my ass off as it wouldn't surprise me at all at this point.

    5. 12:58, I think you're totally right.... Has everyone already forgotten Ro's April-ish interview with Richard Stubstad (may he rest in peace)? Stubstad seemed to be a very clever guy, and he definitely had respect for Ketchum's work. The dislike for Ketchum here is depressing and weird.

    6. Eaxactly, and like Paulides put it in his talk with Knabb the people out there in the know already know this is a human species while other sides like Matt's and other phonys are selling the caveape bull. Looking seriously at the evidence we have like videos and audio revealing speech and tracks there's little else they could be at this point, so Bart won't be doing any such thing unless he's a fake.

  27. MM sure is a fat-ass. He should get a trainer.

    1. Who do you think was in the Patty suit?

    2. Patty. Seriously dude, no one thinks it's a suit anymore except you flat earthers.

  28. Mr. Moneymaker, I sincerely hope for your sake that you are correct. Otherwise your reputation and livelihood are in serious danger from your comments. At face value your comments appear to be based on survival, but then again you might be right. Time will tell. I'm just glad I make my living in a different field and consider myself a BF hobbyist (well a BF hobbyist with plenty more evidence by "not screaming in the woods" than I've seen on your show).

    1. Don't worry, he is spot on. This guy is in the loop and is probably doing himself and all of us interested in the topic a favor by pointing out a cynical hoax or money-grab. She is gonna get demolished, and he may be worried the entire subject will be held up for ridicule.

    2. You're dumber than two sacks of cow dung troll, the study's close and Matt knows it too so he's merely fighting for his own survival now fearing the end for the show and what Krantz already predicted years ago - once proven a real species by science all the nerds like Matt will be brushed aside.

    3. What a ridiculous bunch of crap !!!

      Melba's study has been "close" to release for years now. The Oxford-Sykes study began only a few months ago and will be completed within a year. Then maybe you can explain why Melba still can't produce anything reviewable ...

      It's an even more ridiculous pile of crap to suggest that Melba's release would somehow negatively impact Moneymaker, or his expeditions, or his TV show. Suddenly people aren't interested in the subject anymore? Or they're not entertained by the show anymore, bcs of some strange article claiming BFs are human-alien hybrids? Anything that makes people more interested in the subject is going to help Moneymaker and his show.

      The truth is, it sickens legit researchers like Meldrum and Moneymaker to see the media taking Melba's study seriously.

    4. Demolished or ignored....hopefully the latter you fool

    5. And screw you too 6:57, you know it's game over for you clowns now. Matt's legit? LOL Probably the one thing he's not he's fat and all that but not legit.

  29. Now I lay me down to sleep
    I pray the Lord my soul to keep
    And if I die before I wake
    I pray the Lord my soul to take
    God bless Matt, Bobo, Cliff and Ranae
    And please bless Shawn Evidence and his family
    The rest of you losers can all go straight to hell.

  30. I would rather be holy then a homo like shawn.

    1. You could be both especially if you're a Catholic Priest

    2. catholic priests are pedos not homos big difference there.

    3. There is a massive difference!

  31. MM is hardly one to talk about credibility or truthfulness i seem to remember his show hoaxing some IR footage...

    1. The most insincere bigfooter in the whole of Bigfootery he is, we'd all do wisely to listen to just about anybody else but him. He's a circus act of an era fast dying and he's being rendered useless now by the likes of Paulides and Ketchum.

    2. That's gotta be sarcastic .... Paulides and Ketchum are the most insincere researchers on the whole scene. Moneymaker is among the most credible. And he's the biggest bigfoot research celebrity at the moment, and deservedly so.

      The only reason anyone knows his show hoaxed some thermal footage is because Moneymaker exposed it and debunked it. Paulides and Ketchum are both totally sleazy and would have let that slide, if they thought it would help their bottom line.

    3. Stop writing about yourself Matt! LOL You're doing an idiotic show running around the woods shouting like some weird hillbilly with a stick on fire up your butt, banging on tress too. Paulides' right and you know it, had Ketchum been a phony like you she'd been on TV dozens of times instead she's done this the correct way by patience and precision - not trotting around forests at night loudly with TV crews in tow.

  32. Matt's longterm goal is to be the GO TO MAN in Bigfoot research. Right now, there are two people that stand between him and that goal and he can take both of them out of the picture by discrediting Dr. Ketchum. Those two people are Adrian Erickson and Dr. Ketchum.

    Unknown to most people, Matt hoaxes on ALL OF HIS EXPEDITIONS. He does it in two ways. He disappears before evening, while knowing where Bobo will be taking people to listen or broadcast screams, and then he drives within hearing distance of those locations, and does his own screams. This convinces paying customers that there really are Bigfoot out there.
    His second method is to have his BFRO retired Army Colonel or another BFRO person on the trip, to make a false claim well after there were any non-BFRO people to dispute the claim, that they saw a Bigfoot. The women BFRO are most effective at this because they are unimpeachable.

    Matt is also the person that buried all paranormal sighting reports, that Thom Powell dug out for his book, The Locals.

    Matt has made claims in the past that he was an attorney, and that he served in Bosnia. Neither is the case. He was too absorbed in Bigfoot to pass the Bar in any State. In his early expeditions, he refused to leave camp when the road walkers were radioing in that they had several Bigfoot following them down the middle of the road. If you watch real closely on Finding Bigfoot, you can see both his and Cliff's lower lip quiver when they think that they are real close to a Bigfoot.

    Regarding Dr. Ketchum, Ketchum was not pursuing DNA samples if the samples had not yet been found, taken or secured. Because once they are secured, they are rushed to a lab. Ketchum may have simply been making it known that she was available to do the studies. They call that marketing in the business world. Some labs will simply throw them away, so it is handy to know who will honestly study them. There is no harm in advertising, but Matt has found a way to discredit her with common business practices. Once the samples were eventually found, then "they just came to Dr. Ketchum". Which would be an accurate statement. Matt naturally wants to tell the story a completely different way in order to clear the decks for him being the GO TO MAN.

  33. Good catch! That is Matt Moneymaker posting at 6:57 AM on Nov. 30, pretending to be someone else, and complimenting himself while tearing down his competition. Only one person on the planet that uses the phrase "and deservedly so", and also likes Matt, and that is Matt Moneymaker himself! This is too funny! If you watch the Finding Bigfoot series, of the 2 episodes that they had non-BFRO researchers there to study, Matt Moneymaker was less than complimentary to both of them and their evidence. Surprise! Surprise! And here he is again, attacking a PHD and professional in her field. Is Matt a professional in anything? Certainly not! No professional uses the word "legit". Only east coast Mafioso, New York TV detecitves and hoodlum low life use that word. But those are Matt's strong points. I don't think we have enough barf bags to go around, to cover the real Matt Moneymaker.

  34. Matt Moneymaker is a terrible person!!!!

  35. Calling it Bullshit! Funny coming from a guy who thinks EVERYTHING he hears in the woods is a SQUATCH.

    BOBO Farts and Moneymaker says "that's a Squatch"



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