Ohio Bigfoot?

Bigfoot Evidence reader Missy C. sent us this video supposedly taken in Ohio. Missy wrote: "Found this on Youtube. Don't know how legit it is, but looks scary as hell. Looks like the Bigfoot is charging him and can't tell if the loud noises at the end are gunshot or perhaps a noise the Bigfoot was making. What do you think?"

What do we think? We're not saying it's a squatch, but it certainly looks like one. Our expert analysis confirms it on several points including, coned head, rise-pause-fall movement, slope to back, and gray on face.


  1. Wow! I've got to say he did not sound like he was faking.

  2. That is one massive individual,,either way. This may be an interesting one to investigate my friends.

    1. How do you know it's massive?

    2. Might be computer animated as well. If it's real, it looks big. I think the ending reveals it is fake though. And why the short little section of footage only? What is the context of this film?

  3. WOW! Finally, proof there's an armed guy jacking off while watching his friend in the Parka!

    Wait! Maybe, It's The BlairWitch! Noooooooo!!!

  4. Oh my darth vader is wacking off to blobsquatch there he go choot'em

    1. Those weren't gunshots that was darth vaders arm going weak and dropping the camera while he chooted off his load on blobsquatch bravo bravo

    2. Finally someone chot bigfeets now we know the half assed human DNA its darth vaders running around chootin bigfeets with money chots as he sits back bein a creepy stalker

  5. So sad first has to be the first comment not the first to say it you bust be a confused individual

    1. No, not confused. Just a however havin a little fun

    2. A believer Auto correction and blurry screen protector is killing me

    3. I bust be an idiot probably just listening to all the conspiracy blabber made me feel somewhat stupider just for allowing it to even reach my brain

    4. In one ear and out the odder. That's what I sey

  6. Wow I'm impressed!! Nice one for sure. Anyone care to break it down and analyze it?

    1. It's your mom dropping a deuce in the woods.

      -M.K. Davis

    2. If anyone does, I'm sure they will notice a boob when the creature turns. Serious, I saw a boob. Wishful thinking?

  7. Lol if I saw a Bigfoot and was lucky enough to be filming at the time I wouldn't just film it for a split second. I would try to follow it around use the zoom on whatever device I was using to film it. And if he was charging me you bet your sweet fanny I would be getting that on film as I ran and I bet most of you would too

    1. I almost wish that bigfoot was real just so that you can get your dumb ass eaten by a charging bigfoot.

    2. Lol I wish he was real too! But most primates aren't meat eaters so he probably wouldn't eat me. Most likely he would break a few limbs then take my camera back to his habitat and make some porn

    3. Chimps will eat meat. Males eat a good bit of it because they need the protein it to sustain their muscle mass.

    4. Yes chimps do eat some meat but they have also been observed hunting and even to an extent making tools. So why no Bigfoot tools? Man makes tools primates have been seen making and using tools...

    5. Of course male chimps hunt, that's how they acquire meat.

    6. Who says they dont? They throw rocks, smash rocks and sticks together, and might even throw rocks onto prey. Remember that pipe with the blood on it? If a bigfoot is smart enough to smash both ends and trap the skunk in their, that shows a lot of intelligence. And primates do eat meat. Even Gorillas have been found with insects and small animals in them. Hominids have been eating meat for millenia.

      OT: I dont know about this. Shit like its size, long arms, the head and cupped hands (like patty), as well as this guys reaction, seem convincing. But is there more of this video? Is there a description? Until we know then its good, but inconclusive.
      Matt V

    7. Heck YES primates and Sasquatch eat meat. Sasquatch is know to catch and eat ground squirrels, woodchuck, skunk, and run down deer and elk.
      Maybe even humans when in starvation. Many legends by Amerindians of Cannibals of the Mountains and the Wendigo in Canada.

    8. DNA testing shows that 97% of the neanderthal diet was meat. A proper hominid carnivore species.

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    1. All of the above and more!! God I love this site

    2. Its the end of the world as we know it, but I feel fine...

  9. I like this a lot. I think it's a real Bigfoot. Excellent video.

    1. You think everything is a real bigfoot.

    2. Shhhh! What was that? Must be a Squatch! -MM

    3. It's the brand of glasses he wears, Bigfoot Goggles, unfortunately they only come in granny style.

    4. Hi ! Robert ! Happy holidays to you!!

    5. Ay Oh Robo whataya know! : )

  10. Smooth step transition in snow. Nothing seems awkward at all.
    I like this one until proven otherwise
    Seems like we would have better video if people would stop running

  11. Looks like the post-provo flood gates have opened. Look for tons more of these.

  12. I agree, this looks legit. And it reconfirms that a Sasquash encounter can scare the shit out of you. Dont mess with the Squatch!

  13. PFFFFFT.

    How in the world did this video get so fucking blurry? You're fucking kidding me right? Why the hell don't these researchers purchase HD camcorders and get some real footage instead of coming up with these shitty ass blob videos?

    1. That's the stupidest shit right that's why I see cgi all the trees are in focus while blobsquatch matrixes the whole time

    2. Two words
      Auto focus
      Most of us that film use AUTO FOCUS and the dam camera isn't very good at knowing (especially in the woods when there is tons of stuff to focus on)
      Use a HD camera and MANUAL focus and I agree. Stand your ground, there are VERY few reports of a bigfoot actually hurting anyone and it will take someone with some balls to see this and stand and film it all....
      I figure if it ever happened to me I'd stand my ground as my fat old ass could never hope to outrun a bigfoot (and your not suppose to run from a predator anyways)

    3. Exactly if I had the opportunity to get a Bigfoot on film I would take a chance! To be the first to get some footage like that.... All you ever see are split second images and people " runaway". Most people don't even realize you can buy movie studio quality Bigfoot Halloween costumes online so easy to fake.

    4. If it was trying to auto focus you'd see the trees begin to blur I work with surveillance cameras and repair camcorders it's my job to know what they are supposed to do and there is now way the animal would look like a morphus blob it may look a little blurry but not so bad that you can't see where the outline ends and the pixels wouldn't run like they are

    5. So tell me then, video expert, what does explain the blurriness? Therenl are literally only two things to explain, the auto focus, and type of camera. Since you 'disproved' autofocus, lets look at camera. This guy isnt a researcher. He probly used a camera phone. I have a Galaxy S3, despite its hardware, price, and how recently it was released, when I film something afar, it looks REALLY blurry.

      Not saying this is 100%, but if skeptics are going to try to disprove something, use common sense and facts.
      Matt V

    6. ^^^^
      Man who ignores common sense and facts demands that others use common sense and facts.

    7. That's low pixelation but if that were the case the trees beyond the animal would pixelate also as the camera tries to distinguish between the foreground and background next time you try to cry bullshit make sure you know the person you cry bullshit about

    8. And as for a skeptic I'm not I believe in bigfoot whole heartedly but this video is not clear enough that could be my granny walkin around in black waders and a poncho

    9. Yes i understand what you all are saying. What I am saying is, why are so many people ripping on the vid for being blury? Its not like the subject is the only blurry thing in there, look at the trees where it is, just as unclear. The clarity of the video really has nothing to do with this, yet so many are insisting it should. Unless this guys a pro with a good camera, theres no chance to ever make out facial features.
      Matt V

    10. The footage looks good... The breathing obviously not real

    11. Commenter at 6:50 commenting on man, common sense, and facts:

      6:50 is not a man, has no common sense, nor any facts.

      Another self-appointed expert dork.


  14. Axe body spray not only attracts women but also gets you raped by Bigfoot.

  15. That's the real thing for sure, folks.

    1. ^^ You should have taken the red pill...

  16. It's me again. I know that I'm usually the guy on here scoffing at every single video. But frankly most of them, especially of late, have been total shite. This is the first in a very long time that contains bulk without being rounded. It looks just far enough off of human anatomy to be either a creature of some sort or at the very least a more complex suit than we have seen. I like the image.

    However, we don't see color. Saying that you can see gray on the hands and face is a stretch at best. And unless someone out there doesn't stop filming the very second they see this thing, then it's all for not.

    Image looks great. But there's no story here. So I will have to file this one under interesting bullshit. -- d3w177


    2. And I STILL have no idea what that means. -- d3w177

    3. d3w177:

      "And unless someone out there doesn't stop filming the very second they see this thing, then it's all for not."

      Someone already did that for you:

      Roger Patterson.

    4. Dark wing duck was the hero or the jet in duck tales with Scrooge mcduck and his nephews Im 32 and remember that

    5. Anon @ 9:26. Sure, but that's my point. Patty was filmed from a full size movie camera whilst falling off a horse. Surely some jackass in the last 5 decades could hold out their canon sure shot or Iphone long enough to get REAL evidence.

      Anon @ 9:40. I remember Duck Tales, Huey, Dewey, Louie, Launchpad McQuack, and yes even Darkwing Duck. But I don't see what he has to do with me or with Bigfootery.


  17. Hi everyone, This is my first post to this forum.
    I have seen lots of vids on this Website, Most are ??? Somthing about this vid look very convincing.You have to go with your gut somtimes. Like others have said very Patty Like, bulky and rounded, This type of shape is harder to fake in a suite.

    1. Welcome! You have to pay attention to back stories as well, and I was surprised at how many people ignore them when I first got into this topic.

    2. Leave. Nobody wants know it apps like you around. There are enough of us already

    3. Not true. We're perfectly happy with "know it apps". It's trolls like this anonymous thumbsucker a t 8:29 that we have problems with. -- d3w177

  18. Randi owns the shit out of you footers

    1. The only thing randi owns. Is an old beat up Farrah Fawcetts poster and a roast palm

    2. Sorry boys and girls. I did not know

  19. Just before the person taking the video bolts, look at the figure bend down like its pushing off with it's arm. Very ape like. This is a, very, interesting video. Just wish there was more to it.

  20. You can tell it's fake. Just look at the feet. Obviously not real feet.

  21. Why is there only a few seconds of film? It sounds like the breathing was added in later.

  22. That bigfoot is doing the 'Gangnam Style' dance !! OMG!!!

  23. Where's the rest of the vid? Why is it chopped up? PHILLLLL!

  24. Really glad you stopped by, its nice to see such an original comment for a change. Well done!

  25. Hey, Bobby baby penis,
    I don't know why so many footing assholes take valuble time to lie and hoax and attack logic, reason, and biology.
    You should go kill yourself dickweed.

    -A Reasonable Person

  26. Where in the heck is the rest of the video?

    1. He got ate by the Bigfoot.Therefore no more video.

    2. "he got ate by the bigfoot". now thats reason i read the comments. there are some gems like this one. so witty and cutting edge hunor.

  27. There not skeptics, they are trolls. Some skeptics actually talk resonably here and are level headed with an open mind. That is how all skeptics and believers should be. The majority of people who claim to be skeptical are just trolling. Stay tuned in. Some are funny and enjoyable to read. Others, like the people who reply to comments starting with '^^^', are just the same old same old; trolls that arent even funny and dont piss anyone off = a failed trolling attempt.
    Matt V

  28. ^^Jrefer waiting for the weekly "Changing of the Golden Vibrating Butt Plug of Skeptism" tonight and Stank Ape has been chosen once again as the"Imperial Changer" cause he does it with his teeth and then rubs some soothing sab on J.Randis sore taterhole with his tongue.

  29. Questionable. If you check out their channel they have several *Bigfoot* videos as well as ghost videos. When asked where the rest of the footage went, their post was they "Didn't have time" Yet they had time to edit and splice this, and to upload 2 versions. Their comments are set to approval only, and they have disabled ratings. A bunch of red flags.

    1. I checked them too imediately and i share your opinion. But on the other hand its atmospheric and scary and - if hoax - done really well. We usualy joke about bigfoot, but you can imagine that bulk of body coming after you in snowy forest. I suppose you will have similar looking video from the encounter. Also - are there 2 shots in the end of the video?

      And remember this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQVyxA3ROys
      It looked like the shape of the creature was morfing in the run - but it was hoax in the end. On the other hand you can see even fingers in this bigfoot video.

      Am i playing devil's advocate too much? I wish this was real and not fake :D

    2. Thanks for the investigation guys. Unless someone starts putting out videos longer than a sneeze, you can't be expected to consider the video as evidence in any way. -- d3w177

  30. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^



  31. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^



  32. The guy trolling "Poop in a Jar Dude".^

  33. Some of the berzerk naysaying deniers are paid-to-post, that's why they appear persistently and seemingly uselessly. If this is some program or experiment you'd think they would have dropped it now due to failing marks. You can earn a certain amount per post, a few bucks per post, etc, from blogging agencies. Others will be drawing a salary; draw your own conclusions about the latter.

    You'll notice that the more merit a video or piece of evidence has, sometimes the greater the attempts to dismiss it are. That is, the better the evidence, the more urgent their positions and jobs become, so the more vitriolic and numerous their posts become.

  34. Shut up,really? Where's my check?


  35. its fun to laugh at dumb bleevers no harm done

  36. Its a hoax. Move on to lunch with this video behind me. The shots were a nice effect though.

  37. Top reasons why Justin Smeja is likely not telling the truth.

    "you always hunt and come home with nothing", he hunts with a gun, from the window of a pick up truck and he gets nothing (???). I was frustrated "so I shot Bigfoot". Did I mention I was afraid for my life.

    "my brother handles my loads (bullets, cartridges)."

    But, but "I was a hunting guide in Alaska".

    (commentary: this guy is an Alaskan hunting guide but doesn't know guns or bullets, cartridges).

    "I've shot 200 deer" or "i've shot 100 deer" Uh, which is it? But my friend, "he has shot 10" So he is inexperienced. 

    (commentary: 10 can happen over the span of 5 years that's not inexperienced).

    "I had never ever heard anything about Bigfoot"; but then he says, "if no one kills one then how will we know if it exists"
    (commentary: where did you get that idea if you knew nothing, and I guess you regret not harvesting the body).

    BF hangs out on busy hunting roads in California, "where if a gun shot goes off the game warden speeds over to see what's happening." "And the game warden stops everyone on the road - he stops about 150 pick trucks".

    The bodies just disappeared, or the Game warden that runs up on everyone's hunt - stole the bodies.

    Rifle bullets cut like a knife and make steaks.

    "I never took a hunting ethics course".

    "I only go to the shooting range once a year, the day before hunting season."

    Smeja is not a 90 year hunter that would shoots a person and claim it looked like a bear, as sometimes happens. 

    Where in the literature does a BF raise it's hand over it's head and runs toward a Truck?

    Meldrum, the BFRO and others beware of tales.

  38. Does anyone know where in Ohio this was? I'm 50/50 on this one.

  39. Seems like the right place for a shameless plug. "Like" my biz SQUATCHWEAR on Facebook

  40. Sing us a song, you're the Bigfoot man
    Sing us a song tonight
    We're all in the mood for stupidity
    And you've got us feelin all right

  41. I like website s lot better when Im drunk and listening to Gucci Mane.

  42. im usually very sceptical of most BF films. this one does seem interesting. my only gripe is why he didnt stay about and film it for longer,it wasnt like it was coming towards hime/threatining him, so why not stay and zoom in and get the money shots!

    thats a red flag. that apart its an interesting video,as others have said,if its afake its a big guy theyve got to put a suit on. the figure does appear to be huge. the bulk is easy enough to fake the height isnt

  43. Gorilla. Look at the right hand curled. This was a fake video. Yes there are videos of gorillas in the snow as well. BTW bobbyhungbig at 8:18 is right about you losers living with your parents. Get off you fat ass and make something of your pathetic life.

  44. I think this is a clip ftom a video called old ridge bigfoot which is a joke video, I wouldn't call it a hoax, because I don't thinkthe filmer thought anyone would believe it

  45. hoax:

  46. The scariest part are the two shots right after the apparent tossing aside of the camera. The gunfire sounds like an auto-loader shotgun to me. The report and cycle speed are reminiscent of a Remington 1100 (or later model) shotgun.

  47. ...That would be consistent w regs in many parts of Ohio requiring shotgun w rifled slugs. A slug gun would be a potent weapon against a charging elephant, never mind a squatch. Buckshot would be even better as you would only need to point and shoot assuming a state of panic (like this chap sounds like). Be interested to see how this report develops, looks real!

    1. Looked promising, but it's a Hoax. These guys took a clip from another fake video. Just check the youtube link Drui Coyote posted

  48. Yup, you're right! Fooled me :-(

  49. Stupid video this is a fake, org video back in Jan 2009;
    It's a guy in a suit!

    Sasquatch sighting in New Brunswick!

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