Nope. No Bodies, Says Derek Randles

Here's the official word from Olympic Project's Derek Randles regarding the rumor that they have the "Sierra Kills" bodies. Yesterday, journalist Robert Lindsay reported that two bodies were recovered from the "kill site" and that Bigfoot millionaire Wally Hersom is secretly keeping the bodies until Ketchum's DNA study is published. Derek Randles says this is not true. He posted the following on his Facebook page yesterday after reading about the rumor:

FYI!! Got to vent. I will say this very clearly. I do not have any BF bodies. Wally Hersom does not have any BF bodies. To my knowledge, no bodies were ever recovered at the Sierra site. Approx 2.5 lbs of flesh was recovered at the site. A piece of flesh was cut off the recovered piece and given to, and signed over to me. I submitted that sample to the Ketchum DNA study. My organization T he Olympic Project also submitted many other samples as well. Yes, I did the initial investigation with Justin, and yes I did work with him for quite a while, and he worked with me doing camera work in the area. After his reluctance to stop doing interviews I choose to stop working with him. He is still my friend to this day. I did organize a recovery effort several months later with Jeff Meldrum and others. The area was extensively searched by myself, other Olympic Project members, Bobo, Bart Cutino and others. The only thing recovered on that trip was a bone fragment with some hair on it. These are the facts, so help me God. You see, I'm an extremely honest person, and any of you that have worked with me know this to be true. I conduct my research with integrity, never embellishing or exaggerating anything. There are a lot of people spreading a lot of lies for lack of something better to do. I just wanted to clear this up...again. Thanks Robert and Shawn.

As far as the Ketchum DNA study is concerned, Myself and The Olympic Project are a large part of it, and we stand behind the study and Melba 100%. I'm very thankful she's devoted years of her life to help recognize and identify the Sasquatch. People can agree or disagree with her findings, that's cool, but the rudeness and sarcasm certainly doesn't have to be there. Sometimes this feels like middle school. Funny thing is, all this will very soon be going mainstream, and I for one really hope that a lot of us can come together collectively and do our best to work together and learn from ea"ch other. We would all like the world to take us more seriously wouldn't we? I know I would. If you took the time to read this, thank you. Derek Randles.


  1. Replies
    1. Justin is a damn fool and so is the driver, IF their story is true and they passed up submitting a body to science. A damn fool. As in, total idiot kind of fool. I blie e Randles but cant believe anyone who shot a real sasquatch would just leave it there. wow

    2. If I found a dead bigfoot I would do ANYTHING but tell anyone involved in the circus show that is bigfootery. Media/Science would be contacted, not some looney toon bleever.

    3. Well surely everyone would inform the media first! If you had a dead Bigfoot you don't give Meldrum, Ketchum or any experts a ring before you call CNN or any of the other news channels!!!

    4. Lets kill them all and make this place a brothel!

  2. Ha frozen bodies did anyone believe it anyway?

    1. He says "to his knowledge" there are no bodies.

  3. looks like this guy has been kept out of the loop!

    that millionaires got them bigfoots alrite

    1. yeap "TO MY KNOWLEDGE, no bodies were ever recovered at the Sierra site"

    2. the CHINESE millionaires have them

    3. Romney would have made those bastards give em back!!

    4. F* ckin Chinese own every Damm thing..God. bless America!

  4. This just in today from Bobo, via PM:

    "Hi Steve, I never said that. I said he shot 2."

  5. Now admit the sierra samples were from a coyote like Meldrum and Moneymaker implied, oh 10 years ago, and lets put this bullshit behind us. Sorry, I could never get around the idea someone shot a 'foot or two and left any kind of slam dunk evidence behind, no matter how self-serving and convoluted the reason.
    Maybe some good will come out of it though, like Bart Cutino's thermal footage and an entertaining documentary.

    1. ^Skeptic who only agrees with what fits his views.

    2. The reality is, Meldrum did not do any DNA testing on the samples, but guess who did? Just get ready to eat your skeptical words once the study is published. After that, there will no longer be anything skeptics can say or do to lock the truth away.

    3. Meldrum and Moneymaker both have a lot to lose if Melba's right.

    4. My guess is Sykes did the testing as that is his job not Meldrum

    5. I feel damn good knowing it's massive crow time for every asshole cynic out there pretty soon.

    6. 1:25 keep holdin yer breath. Bigfoot is TOTAL bullshit.

    7. The kills story made perfect sense, even if we can look back and say he coulda, shoulda done this or that. Plus, he passed a lie detector test. Ignore the facts all you want, but it seems way more credible than like a hoax, all things considered.

  6. Well damn I always take RL's word for gospel I guess I'll never learn.

  7. Randles: Talking nonsense about an obvious elk lay. Experienced outdoorsman? Which one is it man? Either you are complicit, or complete newb outdoors. I'm gonna go with complicit.

    What nonsense is next? haha

    1. "This isnt an elk because the proportions are all wrong. If it was an elk it wouldve been completely obvious" blah blah blah more confirmation bias + wishful thinking blah!

    2. Lol, your a loser who takes the time to reply to his own comments under different names...0/10

    3. ^^^Bleever that pays or lies or both.

  8. Very well said and much appreciated Derek Randles

  9. We can walk our road together
    If our goals are all the same
    We can run alone and free
    If we pursue a different aim
    Let the truth of love be lighted
    Let the love of truth shine clear
    Armed with sense and liberty
    With the heart and mind united in a single

    1. I went to his parties as a straight minority, never seemed a threat to my masculinity. How anout yours Cinderella man?

    2. Are you talking about Freddy Mercury?

    3. Hold your fire?whats up Rush?

    4. Cygnus X-1 Book II, just moderating a little...

  10. Derek Randles is awesome! Squatch on! This guy talks and there is good reason to listen!

  11. If Derek Randles says "To my knowledge, no bodies were ever recovered at the Sierra site.", I believe him. I don't know the man but he comes across as a stand up guy. He hasn't given me any reason to question his integrity.

  12. My friends, I am highly gratified at this magnificent display of effusion.

  13. I believe Derek, but I'm wondering if it could have happened without his knowledge?

  14. Thanks for setting the record straight, Derek! I've emailed with you a few times regarding some of your game trail pics and you've been nothing but straight forward, nice and respectable.

    It's nice to have people like you be part of the community. Keep up the good work!


    ~JP Smith (Treepeekers)


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