New Footage: Pennsylvania Bigfoot?

This video was just uploaded by YouTube user MoorBiiD. It was filmed back in October 2012 in Pennsylvania. The footage is very shaky, but you can still make out the dark figure.

Watch below:

"I uploaded this video to my old channel but in October of 2012, in the woods outside of my house, I saw a figure moving through the brush. So I grabbed the camera and this is what I caught." - MoorBiiD


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, I will repay the favour at your request

    2. Can I be 10th? it's a sex thing.

    3. No it's not, better than sloppy seconds.

    4. Sorry I missed ya there rumferlife, at least the guy filming went towards what ever that was...

  2. Replies
    1. I can't stand having missed out on another Rush rally, damn it! I can't get the song Half the World out of my head!

  3. 15 posted comments and not one intelligent remark!

  4. Back to the topic at hand. The guy follows the "Bigfoot" and makes a lot of noise, yet the subject just casually strolls amongst the trees.
    It seems unlikely that this would happen.

    1. But isn't that exactly what Patty did? minus the trees.

    2. It doesn't look like much of a forest. Looks like thick brush, but all open sky in the background.

    3. That's a Hovey Bush, way more deadly.

    4. noisier than fasano with his popcorn bag shoes,bigfoot didn't seem to give a crap about him.

    5. True enough Herb, but this one acts as if nobody is around. I didn't see it look at the camera person.

    6. are you shitting us, mister I'm an expert?

    7. The subject appears to cut back and forth several times, while the photographer runs into the sparse woods after it. Why would a Bigfoot plod back and forth several iterations with a photographer crunches through the woods after it? Patti did not do this. She left a clearing of people for the woods.

    8. It sure has short stubby arms.

  5. I used to have a sex life until I started reading this forum. Now? I can't get it up...all I think about is Ketchum and her pipettes.

    1. an older honey boo boo,ketchum.

    2. Ketchum and the Pipettes were they on Stax or Motown?

    3. If you are a stereotypical fat redneck baseball cap wearing bigfooter, you might have trouble with ED. You'll need to lose weight and get your heart working again. Lose 40-50 pounds and get in shape and your ED will likely go away.

    4. Alas I'm not. I'm your typical healthy cracker oat eating mother fucker.

  6. This is it's the real deal.
    We can all go home now.
    It's been nice knowing you all.

  7. The end is near, and frankly, I can't wait.

  8. nice time have your buddy wave at the camera. Or at least do some kind of trick

  9. the crazies are out in force for that 10 million bucks on offer expect a glutton of these shit vids.

    1. The reward is only for the participants of the show.

  10. I get excited when I see Pennsylvania but I'm not even gna watch this video... You know it's bad when hardly anyone comments about the video itself...

  11. Deer season. Shoot anything that moves.

  12. 25 more days till Dec. 21, 2012...

    1. Oh great thanks. I lost my wife and children last year in a car accident on that date - just what I need a reminder! CUNT...........

    2. It's not gonna happen as much as I'd like it to end the world will still be the same on Dec 22nd

    3. oh don't I fell all warmn and happy now. Go fuck yourselves, the lot of you.

  13. I guess the Mayans changed their minds.

    1. Not really their calendar ended that's all don't think they mentioned any kind of apocalypse just didn't think we would last till 2012 so why have a calendar that goes on and on

    2. No, they knew Obama would get re-elected, so they figured that's it--the world is full of idiots and so it may as well end.

  14. Again with the fake as hell shit!!!!!!!! The only damn thing that is going to end all this stupid bullshit is a fucking body!!! They are always going to say every video or picture is hoaxed and that the dna has been contaminated. I dont want to see one killed but im starting to believe that the only way to solve the bigfoot question is the undeniable proof that a body will provide!!!

  15. At 0:05 to 0:08, watch the base of the second medium size tree in the foreground.

    WTF is that?

    A juvenile sasquatch that momma is leading the videographer away from? Another hoaxer? I can't make it out, but if you watch it frame by frame on full screen, something dark clearly moves forward there.

  16. I can't wait till some drunk redneck..errrr I mean, some hunter puts a hole in somebody's just rented hairy suit! Then, and only then will the hoaxers be happy.


  17. the ohio one was interesting,although probably a fake[why didnt he zoom in and stay longer?] this is just stupid and shouldnt be allowed into this site
    if bf were this black and stood out like this we would be seeing/filming them all the time

    thats the main reason why i think its a myth sadly,as i really want to believe, apart fron no decent film,bones/body etc etc etc when we live in a modern age with equpiment that would capture 8-10ft 600-800pd apemen and their families no bother
    and find and film them. North america is a shrinking enviroment and there is nothing in the way of evidence,regadless of what those people at fb/fb say, who are trying to make name/cash off of a myth through books and documentries etc...

    Ive asked,almost every time ive commented[boring i know] am i missing something,what is the evidence that makes some people ,on here, believe so much?!. the finding bigfoot" guys all say "they are here","we have seen them" etc,,, yet they have zip in the way of actual evidence.

    again all we really have is footprints and eyewitnrsses

    again boringly,loch ness[where i stay nxt too] had pastors and police witnesses saying they saw the thing onland even. all you have to do is have a wide spread myth and people see normal natural things and their mind plays tricks on them.
    people speak about pandas and gorillas only being found a 100 years ago. the fact is though as soon as people wanted to go and find them they found and filmed them easily. nothing blobby or fuzzy etc...if i was in washington[which ive een 4x with family camping] and saw a bear standing up behind a bush/tree its would be easy to thik its BF especialy if that why u r there or its dark

    ill keep hoping and looking on this site fir something interesting
    the ketchum reprt is going to be a joke. its becomng clear. scott carpenter[just another crazy youtbe researcher] is one of your evidence givers. might as well ask timergiant or fasano! a joke
    time to admit guys its not there,if it were it would have been shown a century ago

    anyway end of commenting. ill pop in from time to time. but thinking its there or commenting is finished. lookto the ocean for unfound creatures not north america


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