Melba Ketchum's Bigfoot Samples Contaminated?

Now that scientists, skeptics and scoffers have gotten the full-dose of Ketchum's Bigfoot DNA news, the theory of a Bigfoot half-human hybrid species is next to impossible they say. We've heard from a number of critics, and most agree that 15,000 years is not enough time for nature to create such a species. "The bottom line is this – human DNA plus some anomalies or unknowns does not equal an impossible human-ape hybrid. It equals human DNA plus some anomalies," wrote one critic.

So, what sort of anomalies are we talking about? Human contamination? Science columnist, Benjamin Radford says Ketchum needs to tell us how the samples were collected and handled. "It could have been collected by the world's top forensics experts, or by a pair of amateur Bigfoot buffs with no evidence-gathering training," says Radford.

Here's an excerpt from Discovery News:

Any proof?

It's a fascinating theory.

So where's the evidence? Well, there is none. Not yet, anyway: Ketchum's research has not appeared in any peer-reviewed scientific journal, and there's no indication when that might happen. If the data are good and the science is sound, any reputable science journal would jump at the chance to be the first to publish this groundbreaking information. Until then, Ketchum has refused to let anyone else see her evidence.

Of course the history of Bigfoot is rife with exaggerated and premature claims about proof of the creature's existence. For decades, various types of evidence have been offered as final, definitive proof, ranging from Bigfoot hair to blood to dead bodies. Without exception, the evidence has always been hoaxed, misidentification or inconclusive.

Because Ketchum has released no information at all about her findings (nor have they been examined by outside experts), it's impossible to evaluate the validity of her conclusions. But an important clue can be found in her statement that "Sasquatch mtDNA is identical to modern Homo sapiens."

If the mitochontrial DNA is identical to Homo sapiens (i.e., modern humans), then this suggests one of two options. The first, endorsed by Ketchum, is that Bigfoot ancestors had sex with women about 15,000 years ago and created a half-human hybrid species currently hiding across North America.

There is, however, another, simpler interpretation of such results: The samples were contaminated. Whatever the sample originally was -- Bigfoot, bear, human or something else -- it's possible that the people who collected and handled the specimens accidentally introduced their DNA into the sample, which can easily occur with something as innocent as a spit, sneeze or cough. No one outside of Ketchum's team knows how this alleged Bigfoot DNA was collected, from where or by whom. It could have been collected by the world's top forensics experts, or by a pair of amateur Bigfoot buffs with no evidence-gathering training.


  1. And the first to announce that DNA cannot provide any chronological data.

    1. You are so wrong counselor. mtDNA has traced human movements all over the globe. They trace back to about 70,000 when all humans were nearly wiped out, and then expanded again throughout the world.

    2. guess what it was always human not some nephilim angel cross bread from 15063 years ago

      fuckin 'toons

    3. Well, well, well, my friends, I'm gonna tell you something because dating DNA is a little bit more complex and in fact, inappropriate expression. In some very rare occasions some tiny DNA evidences can be extracted from not so old and very well preserved bones, that's true but to date your DNA, you must date first your bones from stratum, geological formations, soft rock or technological processes like 14C. When the bone is dated then, you can with billions of cautions do some comparisons and rule some hypothesis upon human physical characteristics or population movements. It's not magic like some seems believe in. In sum, DNA can be dated yes, but dating is first based upon bones dating, not vice versa.

  2. And..... Bigfeets remain in the realm of mythology where they belong.

    1. Moneymaker says Bigfoots. Im going with Bigfoots.

    2. Bigfeets ? LMAO So many assholes think they're clever about this but they're all clueless it'll all be addressed when the study's released properly. Right now we only know a few bits and pieces of the bigger picture but places like this blog just lives for contradictory bullshit opinions to anything the Ketchum side says.

    3. When the study's released properly. Standing by for that.

  3. Bigfoot DNA related to humans was proven back in the 1950's.(CATCH UP PEOPLE).. Since I'm a Bigfoot hunter I don't, didn't, wouldn't and never have expected some people especially "Bigfoot Researchers/Professionals" to know this information. Also, bone fragments and hair have already been studied. However, any unknown primate material stays just that "Unknown Primate". Only when Bigfoot is contained for examination will this primate be confirmed. I'm a Bigfoot Hunter...Step Aside!

    1. - Bigfoot DNA related to humans was proven back in the 1950's.

      Just for my own curiosity, do you have report, source or references about this release. Even a link would be appreciate.

    2. You must be trolling. There is no way you are being serious.

    3. And just how many bigfoot scalps do you have on your belt?

    4. The guy is full of shit and just wanting attention

    5. bigfoot steaks have been eaten since the 1950's also.

    6. Thankfully not anymore now they are widely recognised as human beings, my Grandpappy told me he had a Squatch steak once said it tasted like chicken

    7. DNA testing didn't start until the mid 80's...

    8. You mean blood typing. DNA was not even fully understood until 1954. (Crick, Watson, Franklin and the other guy.)

    9. Jim LeBus, weren't you suppose to bag a Sasquatch 6 months ago?
      Using the word "hunter" would indicate that you have obtained one. I've never met a "hunter" that hasn't captured his/her prey.

    10. perhaps bigfoot hunting guy would be more appropriate

    11. he was gonna get a sas with his net gun or some contraption....guy was awackjob but Im cheering for him to get a specimen....

  4. All it takes is one amorous night to create such a species.

    1. Not if you are a taterholer!

    2. I think we should all just stop questioning it and just go with it. For example, how was I created? Did my dad blow his nuts in in a cheeseburger or did my mom fuck a bull? I just stopped asking after a while because it was too crazy!


    4. someone needs a nap there,Mayor.

    5. Yeah, I was kind of pushing the envelope there. Truth is, I was made in a lab by scientists who were trying to create the perfect politician. They knew the American public loved cheeseburgers, therefore they created me in its' likeness. This, they felt would guarantee my election. My career was going great and I was on the fast track to the governor's mansion until a scandal ruined everything...

    6. Is the scandal to which you referred the one involving the lawsuit by Kroffts in which they proved that the Mayor McChesse character was a rip off of H.R. Pufnstuf or the rumored homosexual affair that occurred between Mayor McCheese and Officer Big Mac?

    7. Ummm no, actually it was a DUI. I have no comment when it comes to your allegations Coconut Coyote.

    8. Sorry Mayor, I should have thought more about it before I posted those allegations. If there is one thing we should have learned from the Ketchum affair, it's that unfounded rumors can ruin the well earned reputation of a fine public figure.

    9. That's true CC. I forgive you. I will come clean though and say that a few months after the DUI I got drunk at Seaworld and took a piss in Shamu's tank and was arrested. But by that point the damage had already been done and I had lost most of my support.


    11. F*ck u as*hole leave the mayor alone he ain't hurting nobody

    12. Capital locks guy, why you trolling the Mayor? This ain't like you. He is good peeps.


    14. It made me laugh thanks guys :)

    15. Leave caps lock guy alone. He's hard of hearing.

  5. Let me just add..... There are many forms of DNA. So don't come at me with "They didn't have DNA testing in the 1950's" Only a "Bigfoot Hunter" knows this information.

    1. And what makes u bigfoot hunter? I also thought last year you said "your team of survival experts would prove the existance of bigfoot". Hows that going for u? Haven't heard from u in a long time......

      Heres a refresher

    2. this jim guy has about as many brain cells as a toona sandwich

    3. Trollers be trolling hard.

  6. mainstream media is laughing hard at the bigfoot community right now.. and rightly so.

    1. Minstream media my ass, we've been laughing hard rightly so at those TV and press clowns for decades.

    2. Yeah and they've really been hurt by that shame on you sir for being so nasty to the mainstream media

  7. todays funny from the BFF:

    Mulder - "I think that until this issue is settled, "pro kill" MUST come off the table. If they are close enough to us to be human relatives, then I cannot in good conscience argue for shooting one just to "prove" something to the "Scientific community".

    Honestly, can't justify it even if it isn't a human relative. The days of "shoot and mount" zoology are supposed to be OVER. "

    1. whos mulder? and whos this fag/loser/closet bleever who constantly brings him up?

    2. A referencelittle to sthe 90s TV show, way beforeto your timre. Its meant as an insult. "I WANT TO BELIEVE". Get it?

    3. Google Mulder and mod blanket. You're sure to find him cozied up in there somewhere.

      He's just another looney tune that sits dick deep in a tar pit for fun. Even pays for it.

    4. Right On Kerchak!!!! I made a gif of how fake Patty is and how wrong we've all been.

      It's very interesting.

      I'll post it later, when I have time :)

      I also wonder why Bill Munns won't return my calls. It's like he's abandonded bigfootery altogether.

    5. You hush your sweet taterhole honeypot, chile.

      Your crappy gifs are the only thing standing between me and a 95 Pontiac. Don't fuck this up for me son.

      The Mill Bunns can switch sides of the fence any time he wants. Finders keepers, losers weepers shall definitely apply.

      If all else fails, there's always a place for me in fx work.

      Ohh, shit, I forgot.

  8. The photo of that lamb is just sad.

    1. Damn thing has seven legs! I'm amazed they caught it.

  9. The Guy who wrote the article never got his facts straight or researched it before he wrote it. He claims that Melba didn't know who gave her the samples or where they came from. Really! It's no secret where the came from. She knows exactly who and where . Oh and all 109 samples submitted from various partys are all 100 percent contaminated- gimme a F*cking Break. This guy shouldn't be allowed in journalism! Period! Again idiots making statements without any merit. How hard would have it been for him to interview or call someone? The Internet tells who submitted most of the samples. Just had to call! Dumb F'n article!

    1. trust in the internet will probably get you killed

    2. Or turn you into a whack job

    3. Never said trust the Internet Dipshit . I said make the calls after researching the info! Human to Human call! Check sources like all Legit Jornslists!

    4. Journalists! Damn little phone keys!

    5. Rumferlife - actually read what anon 12:19 wrote. Never said use the Internet as the final source. He said to call.

    6. This blog evidently wants Ketchum to fail so badly they'll put any freak's crap up just for laughs.

    7. What this article does not explain is the unknown nuclear dna ketchum says she found.Fair enough the modern human element of dna might be explained by contamination but how do you explain the unknown species element that she claims to have discovered ? Wait for peer review and ignore journos.

    8. I never said you said that did I, I said that you lumpbrain

    9. @ 1:00 PM, the unknown species is the contaminant, not the human element.

  10. Where's the evidence? They submitted it Dipshit! What does he think they Took DNA from? A Racoon? 109 different ones precisely ! What Moron wrote this article! Oh that's right he writes articles on the chucaraba ! Wow that gives him credibility!

    1. Just another bullshit cynic posting before the shit hits the windshield for real, and emphasize real here.

  11. Yahoo picked up on the story of the Ketchum bigfoot study today:

    1. Thanks. The article claims there will be no peer review and that her source for one of the samples was a blueberry bagel bigfoot took a bite out of. Highly dismissive piece.

    2. Yeah. Why didn't we hear about the smoking blueberry bagel gun before this?

    3. If you think about it, it's highly logical that a bigfoot, after exhausting hours braiding the manes of horses, would want to relax with a blueberry bagel. This is the one part of the story that I completely accept.

    4. The Bigfoot I have a psychic bond with prefers donuts

    5. Solid supporting evidence as well. Michigan is the blueberry capital of America.

    6. How did Ketchum's DNA company receive a grade of F from the BBB? The obvious answer is that a conspiracy among religious groups and the scientific community (likey headquartered in the Vatican) has orchestrated a savage smear campaign to discredit Ketchum so that no serious person will lend any credibility to her groundbreaking work. The fact that such an effort against her is being orchestrated by the most powerful global institutions actually serves to prove the validity of the conclusions of her soon to be published paper.

    7. Yes so right!! This conspiracy of evil powers determined to silence this beautiful beacon of truth!!!

  12. 1) Hybrid with what ape? One with 46 chromosomes? Bigfoot should be intermediate in size between two species, a 12 foot tall ape? A cross between two very different species resulting in a fertile offspring? The offspring of a 12 foot ape and a maybe 5 ft human female fitting thru the human birth canal?
    2)Kechum's press release removes the ability to publish in any well known peer reviewed journal. This means no review of the "nonhuman" sequences by people who know what to look for, i.e. contamination vs. historic finding
    3) wait for the Oxford group's results. Less whifty.

    1. Wait for whatever you want, Melba will soon be the Queen of science.

    2. Queen of blowhard bullshit science

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Do to a prior signed "Agreement Form", the expedition has been postponed to April/May 2013. Correct Beer-Man earlier this year I created video's and post. However many people didn't catch the concept. (Probably my oversight). So I discontinued posting. That being said, the concept was and is to bring people into the options and decisions I'm faced with while planning this expedition. However in those past videos and post I discovered many people were (and probably still will) compare me to "Bigfoot Researchers and/or Bigfoot Experts". I do not respect the Bigfoot Researchers and Bigfoot Expert who come with empty sacks and claim "Bigfoot Evidence"!?. They try to conclude assumptions. That's pointless and really it's the major factor to which anyone has the right to deny or at least be doubtful towards the existence of Bigfoot. It's also (in general) the reason why some people choose to post ignorant comments and replies towards people who have that same right to believe in the existence of Bigfoot. The "Agreement Form" has expired. I'll be posting videos and comments soon. I'm not bothered by those who will relate me with Bigfoot Researchers or Experts. Misunderstanding people need something to do. My definition of "Bigfoot Hunter". (A person who pushes Bigfoot Researchers and Experts aside so that conclusive Bigfoot evidence can be obtained. A person who has physical material connected to their statements).

  15. Melba's brain is contaminated.

    1. One of the nasty side effects of having such a strong psychic bond with the Squatch damn it this woman suffers for us and all we do is ridicule her!!! :)

  16. what the.. how come the earth is not shattering and i am still breathing normal. i thought this whole dna was the end all and be all of foots... there is no breaking news banner on any of the the tv channels.

    1. They will catch up. They need to verify Michigan has blueberry bagels.

    2. I live in Michigan, and I can verify.

    3. there will be an update during the saturday morning cartoon block

  17. Melba brought all of this ridicule on herself.I don't see anyone bad mouthing Dr.Sykes why is that?could it be because Sykes just said I'm doing a study and when I have the results you'll have the results whereas Ketchum has acted like a complete jackass for the last five years.
    Some of the things being said about the Ketchum study are not true but some are and they are completely insane.I won't believe one word from Ketchum until it goes through the proper channels and then I will be happy to admit I was wrong but for now I will wait to see what Sykes says.

    1. Hit the nail right on the head there sir.

  18. This whole story just reminds me a bit too much of the 2008 frozen bigfoot body debacle - a ton of press, huge claims, all before any actual evidence is released - then it comes out as false. Actually, it seems like just about every big sasquatch evidence claim.

    I want the story to be true, because yes, I believe in Bigfoot. But I'd put my money on this story fizzling out.

  19. (Though I'll be glad to be proven wrong)

  20. "It could have been collected by the world's top forensics experts, or by a pair of taterholes with no evidence-gathering training," says Radford.

    I'll go with the taterhole theory.

    But those of us who dont bleeve in unicorns and who don't snort fairy dust already knew that.

  21. The possibility of contamination can be ruled out by (a) the mtDNA being the same across samples, and (b) the haplotype. It would have been ruled out already, as an obvious objection.

    Also, this implication of creation of a new species is quite wrong. A single sapien female breeding into a larger BF population would have had her phenotype diluted. The BFs are the same 'species' as they were before the mating event. They just have some sapien DNA. That's the exact same case with the denisova and neanderthal mating with sapiens. We did not become a new species. We just incorporated some other DNA.


    1. Wow some one saying something interesting for a change

    2. Yes! Tell us more of these elusive 'blueberry bagels'!

    3. WOW, TY, You saved me a lot of typing, BTW the have 3 full replicateable nuclear DNA

    4. You use a lot of words, but you're still just a taterhole with no evidence.

      Move along son, the name of the game is bigfootevience.

      I can prove the existence of taterholes, looney tunes, Musky Allen AND the beard of Bob Titmus.

      Can you prove the existence of sasquii?

      I thought not.

  22. As usual, cynics expousing opinions before all the facts are on the table. Doh! What a bunch of unqualified, uneducated, inexpert fools.

    1. As usual, rubes blindly believing anything despite no facts being on the table.


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