Matt Moneymaker: Never forget...

Matt Moneymaker, after cautioning people about Dr. Melba Ketchum and her Bigfoot DNA claims all day yesterday, just tweeted this video of a very compelling Bigfoot conference in Palo Alto, California from 2008. Two men convinced the entire world (except Moneymaker) that they found a Bigfoot body. "Never forget this surreal 30 minutes on live TV in 2008. They tried to keep the world in suspense so they could swindle," Matt wrote.


  1. Replies
    1. Yep and Dyers name is all over this Ketchum thing too

      Why the fascination with faking Bigfoot? I dont get it at all..

    2. Whats really funny??? How MonkeyFaker inserts himself into the "right" side of ALL things Bigfoot.

      " Yes I was with Roger and Bob when they filmed Patty, holding their canteens and my little bag of herb at 3 years old"

  2. Matt, I will give credit where it is due. Nice call on rubber bigfoot.

    If u are right on the ketchum study, my whole outlook on certain researchers will change. It totally sucks, because the group and people I'm thinkin of are very admirable in the BF industry as well as their own personal lives..........

    We wait and see......

    1. He is calling this study a flat out hoax. That means there is nothing to wait for. I highly doubt a peer-review journal will publish pseudo-science or demonstrable falsehoods.


    2. Because Matt "MONEYMAKER" Says its a hoax we should all get on are knees and suck his d*ck !!!! Jesus Christ people this fat basterd is about worthless himself 25 year's of finding "NOTHING NOT AH NOT A DAMN THING" and yet he's the go to guy in the Bigfoot world you ever wonder if that's why we don't find Bigfoot is because jackass's like him are leading the way ? and we wonder why there are so many skeptics that think Sasquatch is just a joke .

    3. If you think MM has come up with nothing in 25 years then you haven't been around the scene very long. He has gotten all sorts of evidence, just about everything you can get short of a body. And if he didn't get it himself then it came through his group. Also, hundreds of people have attended his expeditions and have had encounters or heard bigfoots for the first times in their lives. That ain't nothing. You don't know what you're talking about.

    4. I wouldn't mention the 2008 hoax, Matt. Biscardi - the biggest joke besides yourself in Bigfootery - got involved probably deliberately to cast doubt on the subject and when revealed as a hoax stunt this would then relax the public back into submission and normality, leaving the subject damaged. All one big orchestrated plan getting that joke Biscardi to first do the press. With the Ketchum study we have science finally involved yet you don't like the signs for personal reasons, so you attack and trash it though you really should firstly be happy about its possibilities and secondly wait for the presentation because as of this moment you've chosen the losing side.

    5. How ridiculous can you get (Anon 2:39) with the idiotic conspiracy theories !!? Anon 2:39 can't accept the fact that Biscardi and "the boys" pulled off a media hoax for publicity and self-enrichment, and then were exposed. Anon 2:39 believes it was their plan all along to be debunked so as to damage bigfoot research ... Yeah, right ...
      That's some kinda taffy stretched explanation to make it look like MM didn't understand what was actually happening there, and Anon 2:39 has a better grip on things. My advice to Anon 2:39 is to lay off the PCP. It's causing brain damage.

  3. Matt Moneymaker is still made out of bigfoot deterrent.

    1. Matt Moneymucker is the head nurse of the gimlin guard.

    2. Matt Moneymaker is absolutely the greatest American that has ever lived.

      The BFRO sleeper cells in every city across this great land await eagerly to do his bidding.

    3. He is, afterall, the "Holy One".

    4. Holy shit make sure you tell me were you guys are gonna be so I can stay the fuck away when god strikes you down for worshipping false idols and a false god

  4. Wait a sec -- do we know for sur that the 2008 bigfoot body affair was a hoax? Maybe the hoax itself was hoaxed by certain "interested parties" if you understand my meaning.

    1. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. Let's question whether it was really a hoax in 2008 ... Duh.

  5. Right! because there is NO difference between two fucken bassackwards hayseeds and a Doctor that specializes in DNA evidence.

    BTW, if you never caught or gave proof of bigfoot, what the hell makes you an 'expert' besides the fact that you call yourself an expert? Matt Moneymaker's 3o minute video in comparison has shifted into half a decade of NO proof. Good job there slick.

    1. He's got as much proof as anybody else does...

    2. So much of the evidence that has impressed scientists over the years (sound recordings, Skookum cast, 1000's of reports, Kentucky footage, etc.) was obtained by him or other people in the BFRO.

    3. So? He obviously seems to doubt some of the best audio evidence like the Sierra Sounds, or so I assume he does anyhow, since I've never heard of gorilla type animals capable of speech.

    4. Right on poster that's what I say too you as well as I are no expert because no one has actually had a hand on this animal so no one has the right to claim expert in this field

    5. Moneymaker is an expert on bigfoots. Why do you think he got that TV series?

    6. Because they needed some one to feed to your dumb asses just like ghost hunters and since they are coming to the end animal planet wanted to have the next big thing for you gullible bastards and I do believe in Bigfoot I do not however believe in mm

    7. That's OK, because MM believes in you and your right to be an angry retard.

    8. You could tell moneymaker you seen a Bigfoot raping a three legged dog .... Not only would he believe you , he would have an explanation of why it was raping the dog .... In this day and age they can take clear pics of earth from space but they can't get a clear picture of something he been chasing for 25 years ... And he claims to be an expert ....

  6. Can anyone explain why the photos of Ketchum that I have been seeing for months on this blog show a semi-attractive youngish looking woman with perfect teeth and bleach blonde hair, while the woman I have been seeing the in the recent news interviews is a withered old, snaggled toothed crone?

    1. Maybe this is what happens when your around unknown DNA for hours at a time. Yikes!!!

    2. Don't criticize her because she's older. Women are ALWAYS judged harshly because of their age. If she was a guy you would never make an age-related disparaging comment like that!

    3. Right. Judge her by her work, or lack thereof.

    4. You're right about that of course, if her work is legitimate, it doesn't matter what she looks like or how old she is. I should have stated the point less offensively, but the fact that she put up pictures of herself which mislead people as to her physical appearance says something about her overall integrity IMHO.

    5. Yes. My comment was a lame attemp at humor. By all means..I'm for whoever has the knowledge,,puts in the time,,and gets their desired results. Period. I hope this situation surprises us. In a good way. I think the majority of people here,,even a few still non bleevers,,want this to turn out good. What ever that may mean. I'm starting to wonder myself. I seen a lot of great comments lately,,bringing this matter up. If the paper (or study,,whatever best term) arrives,,states yes. We have Bigfoot DNA!! Then what?

    6. Even if her work is illegitimate people should not comment on her looks. Its going to far, and not very funny.

    7. Glamor shots 20 years ago...

    8. I still say we burn the old witch

    9. See that's the whole misconception you assume she's tryin to look hot or pick up a guy the truth is she probably couldn't give a fuck what any of you think cause if her study proves right it don't matter how she looks she will be richer then sin

    10. Leave Melbas looks alone. We care about her study and results.

    11. Still, we expect a certain degree of professionalism. She should have used a spokesperson to get her message out. Liken Amazon Eve. That would have rocked. Maybe a little black lace from her push-up bra peeking out beneath her blouse. Just a hint of lace. A scandal of lace. Just enough lace to bring all of you virgin believers to your knees.

    12. Is she doesn't care about her looks then why did she shave?

    13. I would have an easier time swallowing that pill if amazon eve presented it

  7. I think it'll be wise to wait and see what develops. And I agree. Matt tried to warn everyone about this horrible chapter in Bigfootery. This damn video is hard to watch. This was back when I was ignorant of hoaxers. I was overjoyed. Thinking some great person out there somewhere,,had finally found one of these awesome creatures.
    Now,,looking back. Just hearing this gibberish of lies and non sense,,is it any wonder that so much of normal society wants no part of this great mystery??

    1. Your comment fits with my view of the situation. I believe there are certain immoral characters in the bigfoot world who do not want mainstream science involved with the study of the creature. The way things stand now, with few researchers participating, the field is open to frauds and scammers who use the idea of bigfoot for an easy payday. When hoaxes occur, it only serves to perpetuate the status quo. So we have many researchers purposely preventing the discovery. It's sort of like the era before lotteries were legal and mafia connected organizations sponsored such games underground. When states moved to create legally sanctioned lotteries, who was the biggest group opposing the effort? The Mafia of course! In the case of bigfoot though, outside of a few committed individuals and groups, there has been no sustained to effort to have the issue recognized by mainstream science and you can bet that the hoaxers are doing everything they can to keep things that way. It's a small pond right now and they are the big fish -- no way do they want to open the pond to the limitless sea.

    2. Outstanding! That's something I've never considered. The hoaxers hopefully will become few,,if some definite proof of BF is ever released. I've read a lot of good thoughts and speculations lately,,esp. about when such proof is revealed or shown,,the everyday people out in the world,,ones who may have caught awesome footage accidentally and will not post them because of ridicule,etc,,or habituators,,who's bound to have great photos/videos,,will show up in droves. The cash for BF photos/movies will drop(again,supposably,,may skyrocket?). Or vice versa,,the die hard researchers,,most of us know them,,whatever personal opinions,that's been out in the field,,knows a lot of good info and has unreleased footage,,in the end,,will hopefully slow or stop hoaxing by showing locomotion/other features of these beings that humans even in the best suits can't compete with.
      Hopefully in the long run,,and if nothing else,,the hand full of people out there that do the detective work,,and do it well I may add,,that when a new video/photo is put out,,,they get down to business. Finding out everything. Maybe if these hoaxers keep seeing their peers get busted constantly,,and seeing a possible flogging from a stranger (again,,pure speculation folks. :)if caught in the act of hoaxing,,it may end. Then again,,we know there's a rare few that never learn.

  8. I just about fell over when I heard "The greatest bigfoot trackers in the world"
    Lmfao. Shameful.

  9. This is a win/win for the critics. If Ketchum's on
    the level and her data holds up, nobody will be happier than believers like Moneymaker, who finally get to say they knew it all along. If she's a looney or a hoaxer, Matt will be right again, just like he was in 2008. Either way it will come out sooner or later.
    Until then, he's right to remind us about this. Don't EVER forget the ice box Bigfoot hoax and how it set us back. People hoax. I don't understand it, but it happens. So let's demand the HIGHEST standards of proof, without the slightest hint of mysticism, slight-of-hand or pay-for-view malarkey.
    If Ketchum's got the proof, all criticism will be forgotten and she'll get the last laugh. But if she's pulling another hoax on us, by all means let her and all other hoaxers be ripped and flamed by everyone, now and for all time.
    Ya hear me Rick Dyer? Forever.

    1. He knew in 2008 because it was planned so. This time though it would appear not to be the case and the study very secret thus far, and still he bashes it without knowing more about it than any of us here. It's his personal opinion it's phony just like it's mine that he is.

    2. Anon 2:48 is another one who is completely nonsensical. He sounds like a wasted drunk at a bar.

  10. Anyone with half a brain knew the Georgia body was probably a hoax.

  11. Some dumbasses in the dumbass media believed Biscardi, but no one else did. Knowing Biscardi was full of shit was no exclusive discovery or prophecy of His Majesty MM.

    1. Biscardi was just the media go-to guy at the time. When they contacted him, he realized they were buying into it and began scheming away. The media gave credence to the story, initially anyway, because of the involvement of a cop and a former corrections officer.

    2. Sometimes I think Tom may be guilty of something we all are sometimes. Being in the wrong place,,at the wrong time,,and way too damn enthusiastic about it.

    3. Sometimes I just can't bear to look at Patty. The realism strikes me so hard that I end up feeling bad about how the truth has been locked away for so long.

    4. Yes that's very true it's been a sad cover-up going on for too long and it's still fought with the latest slamming of Dr. Ketchum, backed by a press not really interested except in keeping it a tabloid myth. The backstage fakers know this and know the majority of the public at large is busy with other things and way too stupid anyway to ever fully understand or care, it's their luck people are as numbed and confused as they are.

  12. A little reminder:

  13. I forgot.

    But looney tune in next week for the next satirical comedy hit 'Not Finding Bigfoot.'

    Not finding bigfoot at all.

    Not finding bigfoot ever.

    Tune, taterholes.

  14. I'll come out of retirement for a bit.

    Spicy Venison Stew

    Prep time 1 hour

    Cook time 1 hour 40 mins

    Total time 2 hours 40 mins

    Serves: 4-6


    1 cup dried pinto beans, rinsed and picked over
    1 venison or beef roast (3 lbs.), trimmed and cut into 1 ½” inch cubes
    Salt and pepper to taste
    Spicy Seasoning Mix (recipe below)
    3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
    5 tablespoons vegetable oil, divided
    2 large onions, diced
    6 cloves garlic, minced
    2 tablespoons, sliced jalapeno peppers, diced
    3 tablespoons tomato paste
    1 ½ cups red zinfandel wine
    2 cups beef stock
    2 cups chicken stock
    1 (28 oz.) can diced tomatoes, drained
    1 smoked ham hock or hambone
    2 cup carrots, chopped
    1 cup frozen peas

    Spicy Seasoning Mix:

    2 teaspoons ground cumin
    2 teaspoons ground coriander
    2 ½ teaspoons chili powder
    2 teaspoons dried oregano
    1 ½ teaspoons dried thyme
    ½ teaspoon ground cloves
    ½ teaspoon ground allspice
    ½ teaspoon cinnamon


    Place beans in a small saucepan. Cover with cold water and then bring to a boil. Remove from heat and allow to bean to sit for about 1 hour, adding more water as needed to maintain the water level.
    Combine all ingredients for the spicy seasoning mix. Place venison or beef in a large resealable plastic bag. Add salt and pepper to taste and 2 teaspoons of the spicy seasoning mix. Seal bag and shake to coat the contents. Add the flour, reseal the bag, and shake again until meat is well coated.
    Heat 3 tablespoons of oil in a large, heavy bottomed stockpot or dutch oven, over medium high heat. Add meat and brown on all sides, about 5-7 minutes. Remove meat using a slotted spoon.
    Add the remaining 2 tablespoons of oil to the pot. Add onions and garlic.
    Remove 2 teaspoons of spicy seasoning mix and set aside.
    Add remaining spicy seasoning mix to the pot and stir to coat onions and garlic.
    Add wine, being sure to scrape up any browned bits that have stuck to the bottom of the pan.
    Add chicken and beef stocks, tomatoes, and ham hock. Bring to a simmer.
    Drain beans of any remaining liquid. Add beans, meat, and reserved spicy seasoning mix.
    Reduce heat to low.
    Cover pot, leaving lid slightly ajar. Simmer for 1 ½ hours.
    Add frozen peas. Continue to simmer for an additional 10 minutes until peas are heated through.

    1. Fuck you your recipe has no taters.

      You don't get to do that here.

      Show me the taterhole.

    2. Cherokee Sweet Potato Bread

      1 quart corn meal

      1 teaspoon soda

      3 cups diced sweet potatoes

      12 corn blades

      Mix corn meal, soda, and sweet potatoes with enough boiling water to make a stiff dough. Knead well to make firm bread. Wash corn blades and scald them in hot water. Put the dough on the large end of the blades. Be sure all sides are covered with the blades and tie end of the blade in a loop. Drop bread in boiling water. Boil 45 minutes.

    3. I can't believe I found this. Heres your taters mother fucker :)

      Cowboy Sausage and Sweet Taters


      2 Lbs Sweet Taters

      1/2 C. sugar

      1/2 C. brown sugar

      1/4 C. water

      2 tbps. butter

      1 tsp. salt

      1 Lb. of your favorite sausage

      Parboil the sweet potatoes for 15 minutes. Peel and cut into strips. Place in greased oven. Mix sugars, butter, salt, water and boil in a sauce pan. Pour syrup over the potatoes and bake for around 40 minutes. Place sausages on top and bake for and additional 30 minutes.

    4. Sweet potatoes are fuckin disgusting but you showed him that's fucked up a tater recipe

  15. And cashcow knows about hoaxes, remember the Hoax on his show, the fake Thermals...

    1. He knows a lot about hoaxes because he's been debunking them since you were grammar school.

      He wasn't the editor who inserted that fake thermal footage into that episode, but he was the one to expose it, at risk of losing the series.

    2. Wow. Those are polar opposite scenarios guys. I wish I knew who was right.

    3. Moneymaker is right 99% of the time.

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  17. And Dont Forget the Fake South Korean Stem Cell Line that was said to be created.

    And Dont Forget the East Anglia Global Warming SCAM.

    1. Yeah, Global Warming is a scam to take money out of your pocket.

      With Carbon credits, it's just taking money. What is Money? Money is freedom to drive some place, to buy Bigfoot Hunting toys, to buy food and Entertainment.

      Some people love separating you from your Freedom and your money.

      If you have a Quarter tank of gas in your Beater car, that's not a good place to be.

      Freedom Freedom Freedom Freedom Freedom Freedom Freedom Freedom

    2. Cap and Trade too.

      Tax you.

      One day you'll be forced to live in a cold home in the winter and a hot house in the Summer.

  18. just like monkeyspanker to say everyone else is out to swindle the world when he is the biggest bullshitter out there. has he ever seen a shadow or heard a noise that wasn't a bigfoot?

    1. My mom bless her heart always said it takes one to know one : )

  19. Painful to watch this video. I hate liars !

  20. Is that a Keg in your pants? I'd sure like to tap that!!

  21. I got me a date on "Filipino cupid" !! Boyeeee!

  22. Soup Nagasaki

    With your microwave set on it's highest setting, put 5 cans of unopened Campbell's Soup inside and get out of there fast.

    1. Works better with 10 eggs wrapped in tin foil.

  23. "They tried to keep the world in suspense so they could swindle"

    At least Biscardi didn't do it weekly.

  24. MM is one of the best hoaxers.

  25. best line tonite's episode, "matt's got his knockers out.'


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