Listen: David Paulides Talks About Bigfoot DNA Breakthrough On Coast To Coast [Ketchum Project]

If you missed the Coast to Coast AM show Sunday, here's the segment where David Paulides spills the beans on the whole subject. According to Paulides, the results from Ketchum's Bigfoot DNA study suggests that "Bigfoot" does not have a lineage. Bigfoot is neither a Neanderthal or large primate says Paulides.

Former lawman turned investigative journalist, David Paulides, detailed a potential breakthrough in Bigfoot DNA research. He explained that, as a result of a five year study, his colleague has been able to "unlock a method to get to the DNA itself and how to test for it" within possible Bigfoot hair samples. As a result of this development, Paulides said, the findings indicate that Bigfoot is a "very unique homo sapien" species and that part of the DNA is "nowhere in the billions of documented DNA ever seen." He stressed that this testing has eliminated the possibility that Bigfoot are either Neanderthals or large primates and actually reveals that they are "thinking, breathing, intellectual people that are quite different" from humans.


  1. He says they are people, but not primates??

    1. Meaning, he has no idea what he is talking about when it comes to Biology, DNA or evolution.

    2. holy fuck stop taking things obviously out of context for the sake of skepticism

    3. 3:42 - and I suppose you DO have an idea what you're talking about?

    4. Anon 4:03, it's how these goons operate all the time knowing their bullshit's reached the end.

  2. I do say it's about time we brought a few more intellectuals into this debate.
    -Algernon Fortesque Leffingwell III
    DNA expert/gaddabout

    1. Indeed.

      Chauncey Kensington Beasley, esquire
      Level 4 fart lighter

  3. the human element is the scam angle being used to illict more funds from the general public..damn cant you see how you free stuff army (FSA for short) members are being played..i bet you support and give money to abolish fur trade then go around town in your mink coat...these ethiopian scam wannabees are just after your money and thats it...soon as they stated about equal rights for the boogers i hoisted the BS flag

    1. That's cause you are a moron, though.

    2. It may by a scam, but yeah the dude's an insufferable nazi moron.

  4. After a few days of thinking about things, I still this is a challenge to most people's ideas of Bigfoot. I know its been a big change in the way that I thought about the beast. No longer do I think it is just hiding, but now I think they choose to live in our shadows, and are not just big apes.

    1. They're not that elusive if it's true that they visit Scott Carpenter's porch every night to steal dog food. Not that he can get a photo, but yeah, they are right there at his house.

    2. Or they don't exist and a cat vet is misinterpreting contaminated human dna .

    3. Good. Glad to have you join those of us who knew that for years now.

    4. Your jaws are gonna drop very shortly guys if you're really still as dumb and slow to catch on, or just plain stubborn, as you portray yourselves to be here.

  5. Paulides also believes in the alien theory ("angel DNA") and gigantic government conspiracies.

    1. Can we lay this angel DNA thing to rest already. If you actually listen to the interview he explicitly states that there is no such mention of angle DNA in the paper. Sheesh.

    2. yes and that they've developed their own way to access dna from bigfoot hair,that outside the box thinking will come back to haunt the results

    3. It WAS in the original version of the paper, and Ketchum herself has declared that she believes the Bigfoot to be the Nephilim, products of fallen angels mating with human women. She is also the one who used the term "Angel DNA," perhaps somewhat figuratively, in private conversations.

    4. well I just have robert lindsays word on that,if its not in the paper its not in the paper

    5. No, Government dissemination

    6. that sciatic pain is a bitch,huh?might I suggest moderate rum consumption to ease the pain.I am not a Dr. nor do I play one on TV

    7. Think Herb would better sort that gentleman out with a little smokey smokey, it's supposed to be a lot better for pain like that. I've never used it for pain just for pleasure myself

    8. Be careful when you start taking Lindsay's word as the gospel. remember that she fooled him w/false talk of dogman DNA hahaha.

      Hearsay and rumor about this paper- worse than a sewing circle!!!

      All we really can do is wait and see if there is any veracity to this paper.

    9. right you are herb,as for you my pain bound friend,Joe Black claims to have the moneyshot of dogman which he says he will release when this paper publishes.if you believe joe then dogman is fact.

    10. He's right about that, too.

    11. Nothing but smear against Ketchum this is, same thing overwent Roger Patterson and anybody brave enough to have the goods or to think and suggest things outside the norm. The trolls are like the bearded old religious men or selfish scientists of past centuries destined to always miss the last boat.

  6. Has anyone read his book Missing 411?

    1. no,i really didn't listen to the interview either,I feel lazy tonight

    2. Missing 411 is full of holes. Clusters with 4, 5, 6 and upwards of 18 years between disappearances. People that he said vanished turns up found in news articles and misstatement of facts to make the reader think something nefarious is underFOOT in them woods. There's a guy that exposed him on Amazon. Lists all of his "expert" findings.

    3. I found it to be more full of typos than wholes. The clusters are geographic and time between events has little to do with it. He doesn't elude to Sasquatch in the books, but let's you decide if something doesn't add up. If you actually read the books you'll admit that many of the disappearances do not fit common logic. I'm sure there are holes, but I highly doubt each and every event was fictitious as you seem to imply.

  7. This is not a done deal and probably never will be without a corpse. The scientific community will be the final judge of the validity of this alledged paper. NOT an ex cop.

    1. Yep bring us a corpse or even better a live specimen to observe! It's one thing to test hair or whatever and prove it came from a new creature and another thing to have one dead or alive on the 6 o'clock news then there really will be no room for debate.

    2. You goofies are missing the point, if you payed more attention to what's being said you'd know by now the species is not an animal so there really won't be any corpses gathered or anything like that. We know now why those idiotic big traps people built years back never caught anything because the big guys were laughing their asses off watching safely behind the trees.

    3. I hear them laughing now,those smug bastards

  8. This is horseshit. Can't wait for Sykes to blow her theories out of the water.


  10. This is just pure downstream horse piss.

  11. I cant beleave there have been 28 posts and not one mention of a taterhole!

  12. I'd believe fasano over Ketchum any day

    1. he looks so serious in his car/office/mobile bigfoot lab/house

    2. That's because you're an idiot that thinks with his gut not his brain.

    3. Its true,my gut doesn't like you

  13. Should not her new process/methodology of extracting DNA from the hair itself be subject to peer review and refinement before it can be reliably used for anything, let alone being the basis of a Bigfoot study?

    Forgive me if it's been raised before: I'm new here but this struck me as odd.

    1. Of course it should have but who cares at this point there is nothing to discuss here the whole thing is circus act

    2. Most comments here for sure, the Ketchum study is not.

  14. First of all, humans ARE primates!!! Secondly, why is bigfoot not being a Neanderthal or ape make it a totally brand new intellectual being? By the way, I emailed Ketchum and she said the "angel DNA" is a false rumor...

    1. Because it has DNA that is not found in any of the other billions of creatures ever studied. That makes it not quite a primate as we understand and use the term.

    2. Exactly, which should also be a given if you've seen them like the Patterson film they look quite different from us and evidently more apelike in posture and proportion but otherwise all human it would seem. Guess the jerkoffs believing that film's a suit - it clearly is not - can finally kiss that ancient crap idea goodnight.

    3. "angel" is just an acronym for unknown. It's also used in investing circles as an angel investor or benefactor, someone who wishes to remain anonymous, for whatever reason, be it altruistic or legal.

    4. Apes are big but not that big,so is bigfoot the missing link,the point where ape crossed over to man?It looks like it,a mans face on an apes body,does bigfoot support the theory of evolution?I don't know,someone should write a paper about bigfoot dna.RUSH RULES

  15. Surely you could find a better photo of Dave than the top of his head.


  16. The only reason I still give a shit about Melba Ketchum and her whole DNA study is because David Paulides is involved. I think he's highly respectable and credible and he is the only reason this whole bigfoot thing has a shred of hope at being solved in my lifetime.

    1. I may be the only one here to say it, but I agree 100%.

    2. Finally some sense in here, yes thank you. You two wouldn't happen to be ex-trolls by any chance? LOL If so better late than never to join the real world and quit the cynical yapping and your wrong science.

  17. Anything to keep the money making going on this Bigfoot Scam

  18. I think Paulides is the missing DNA source

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