Ketchum's Response From Peer Review Board [Bigfoot DNA Humor]

Bigfoot Evidence reader Mitchell W. claims the Bigfoot DNA manuscript above was submitted to an unknown known science journal for peer review. The Peer Review Board responded with the following letter:

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  1. Replies
    1. Obviously this is an example of the bad ol' guv'mint suppressing the report.
      You knew it was coming...

  2. Funny like a crippled retarded child. This is stupid!

    1. What isn't funny about mechanically assisted hand flapping?

  3. Scary thing is, she likely is using crayons.

    1. Hi, you must be Timmy's boyfriend.

      Wow does he talk about you.

      Not in too good a way any more, either.

      Bye, boy.

    2. Hey, Massive Douche,
      Your mom called, she said “get your fat ass home, my pussy isn't going to lick itself”.
      She then farted so hard that she passed out.

    3. Exactly Anon@7:58,Psycho @7:39 thinks it's just one guy posting. The dude is off his meds.

    4. Yup..he is an idiot. I left a comment sticking up for "poop in a jar guy". I use the toilet myself, but I get where he is coming from.

    5. LOL!!! Same here. I guess he's off his meds.

    6. Again the same guy posting and agreeing with himself! ^^^. I would have to say that anyone who talks about putting poop in a jar and talking and responding to oneself should be evaluated and on meds themselves! Wow look at yourself you delusional poop in the jar freak or are u to far gone mentally that you don't realize your F*cn nuts! Get your own psychotic meds freak!

    7. Can't troll cause he has shit fer brains.

    8. Poop in a jar posting again^

  4. Exactly! People who laugh at this also laugh at things that are not funny!^

  5. That appears to have been written by Timmy.

    Here, click here to enlarge me:


    Okay, thanks, I'm enlarged.

    Okay, bye.

  6. Very hateful! Not sure why people in the bigfoot community cant or wont support one another??!! No wonder people don't believe us.

    1. Sounds like melbas had some support. Pretty much a Vjayjay full of it apparently.

    2. Hello Melipsa Hoover.




    3. Scientists are not supposed to be part of the Bigfoot Community. They're supposed to be part of the Scientific Community. That's the problem...

    4. People do support eachother....just not her. She is a cat vet who has been doing this study forever. She says she can communicate with BF in her mind and they braid her horses hair! Her blurru stick structure evidence was hilarious and she pissed off Sally!

      She has as much of a chance of proving BF is real as Finding Bigfoot does while throwing a rave in the woods while cooking bacon and smearing the grease on their taterholes!

    5. People don't beleive because there is no evidence or science behind it big footers can be as unified as they want. Doesn't matter

    6. I agree with the poster who wondered why those from the bigfoot community don't support each other.

      I have kept up on the information about Oxford, Ketchum, Smeja, etc. since its inception. I had an encounter with a sasquatch in 2009. Prior to this encounter I did not believe in this creature nor had I given its existence much thought. After the encounter I immediately started reading/studying as much as I could in an attempt to wrap my mind around what I had saw/experienced.

      Most of the information about Ketchum that people are claiming is false based on all the info. leaked from various sites. What I have observed as a pattern is someone will make a rude comment simply to get a laugh and others will post degrading comments in reply. Before you know it, the comments are taken literally as facts and the truth (Or any shred of fact) is nowhere to be found.

      As far as Ketchum is concerned, her qualifications as a veteranarian makes her just as qualified as a medical surgeon to examine DNA. Neither specialize in this area w/o further training.

      If this isn't a hoax, I am assuming that the several year study is because of the attempt to have other labs authenticate the results and review the techniques used to gather them. The average submission to a drug lab in WV for tests on meth. pot, cocaine, etc. takes about 6 months. I have worked in law enforcement for years and this is just the norm. In rare cases when you have a trial coming up can you get the results expedited. This is for known tests with predictable outcomes. When you consider over 100 samples w/o any proven way to sequence them, the time does not suprise me.

      Ketchum may be way off her rocker, she may be an attention seeker but the idea of time being a concern does not send red flags up for me. Now, if we are still waiting for another six months considering she has just given a press release, then the paper will never be published.

      Oxford has jumped on board this past year because they had heard about the preliminary DNA results and realized that there was something to the findings that deserved another look.

      If I were attempting to document a new species of creature as controversial as Bigfoot and had most everyone from the Bigfoot community attacking each other, calling each other liar, hoaxer, loon, etc. you had better believe that I would take my sweet time about ensuring every "I was dotted and T crossed."

      Whether Ketchum is legitimate or not, she will get one chance at this. If her paper is rejected for any minute reason the main stream media and especially the Bigfoot Community will lynch her. The BF community has basically attacked her ladies sanity and reputation from day one. The press has given her more benefit of the doubt than us. Understandably so, with the Georgia hoax, but...

      Regardless of how this turns out, I will remain on the sidelines anxiously watching. I do not need the report to confirm anything for me, but it would be nice for the rest of the public to get a better understanding of why Bigfooters are so passionate about something considered folklore.


    7. If her were to write a book ^^ would be unable to read it unless it had plenty of pictures and bright colors with very little words.

  7. Replies
    1. Poop in a jar person is an IDIOT!

    2. ^Buzz off troll."Poop in a jar guy" is an honest person, something that cannot be said of people like Melka Betchum..

    3. Likes to roll dog turds and smoke them.^

    4. ^ same person posting about himself!

    5. ^same person posting about himself!

    6. Dammit, Hurr Durr, shut up!

    7. Same poop jar person^ posting about ones self!

    8. You're doctor called and he said to get back on your psychotic drugs.^

    9. Poop in a jar posting again^

    10. 4:44 Unlike you, "poop in the jar guy" has supporters. When you incorrectly guess 1 person is assuming at least 2 identities, you make a dick of yourself before at least 2 people.

    11. Poop in a jar trying to make himself feel good by posting as different people again! Same dude posting over and over^^^You don't have supporters because it's just you posting Dick!

    12. How do we not know you're the poop jar dude?^

    13. Poop in a jar guy sounds like a fool and those of you who are supporting him are probably horn reamed glasses, zit faced, dungeons and dragons geeks who masturbate and tell you goofy friends that you got laid. Go away from this site you are the reason that Bigfoot topics is looked upon as ignorant.

    14. What town do you live in?
      Let me know that way before you go postal on the city I can gtfo.

    15. Anon@ 2:09-You are seriously deranged.

    16. 2:09 speaks the truth! Poop for brains is not liked here or wanted! Go away poop in a jar!

    17. What a dick.I posted a couple responses myself.


    18. Poop in a jar responding to himself^

  8. Afturd insemenation, we tooked a closer look. We's found that that Toast bitch is fulla it. Hear what I'm saying bubba? Done took a load in hur vuh jayjay. Fer siense.

    1. Yes, you sound like some scientists I've met, come to think of it.

      Ta ta!

    2. Sound like a complete idiot. Never been laid. Never will be unless it is with one of your butt buddies on this site who wipes his own fecal matter through his hair that he keeps as "hair gel" in one of his jars.

  9. Why do u keep poop in a jar? Screw Loose in your F'cn Brain you Nut Case Jerk off!

    1. He keeps his pickles in the toilet so he has no choice you see?...

    2. Dude,STFU!That's Poop In The Jar Dude.He's a regular around here.

    3. Stop posting about yourself^

    4. Doesn't keep his poop in a jar.^

    5. You guys are awesome : ) dosent matter what kind of shit I may be dealing on any given day I turn it on and there you fuckers are poop in a jar guy and all the rest of you cant tell you how many times you guys have made me smile or out and out cracked me up ::))) going to hit some Alien Budder and call it a night good times good times...goodnight...oh and thanx

    6. Poop in a jar guy commenting about himeself^!

    7. I like poop in a jar guy! Leave him alone

    8. Stop posting about yourself^

    9. Poop in a jar posting again^ did he also just call himself a dumbass? Lol

    10. Likes to shove bananas up his taterhole.^

    11. 7:45..Give up..It is not one person. Clueless.

    12. I've seen this guy troll other people. I guess he's just trolling poop in a jar guy cause he ran out of toilet paper and had to use a

    13. Again poop in a jar commenting on his posts as another person! Why because everybody else moved on and are not commenting on this subject anymore! Just poop in a jar freak!

    14. Agree ^^^ poop in a canister fool is setting in the damp basement of his parents home. Belly large and hanging, dirt rings on his sleeveless undershirt. No friends, only the dry fist which he uses to occasionally dig around under his belly to find his tiny penis in a meager attempt to please himself. Then he wipes away the sperm to write about his collection of fecal matter. Sad. Sick. Dangerous to little children.

    15. Same guy posting as someone else!^

    16. Anon 2:16 I'm laughing so hard that I peed! Lol. Accurate description of poop in a jar dude!

    17. Same guy trolling poop dude.Get a life man.
      I for one enjoy this site after a day of work.
      Let it go.

    18. Same poop dude trying to act like someone else responding. Poop in a jar^

    19. "Same guy trolling poop dude.Get a life man.
      I for one enjoy this site after a day of work.
      Let it go."

      Nope,that was me. You really need some help Bro.

    20. ETA-If this is what you do all day then maybe you need to get a job and quit living off of us tax payers.In a sad way I actually feel sorry for you.Dammit man,do you sleep at all?

      You will probably say "Same poop dude trying to act like someone else responding. Poop in a jar^
      But you couldn't be more WRONG!

      I come here to read the humor and the updates on the Bigfoot world but not in that order.The humor is just a BONUS.

      There is no site like this and I enjoy it after a hard day of work which evidently you don't work cause you troll all day long.

      How's that Government cheese you've been eating?Tasty isn't it.You should be thanking us people that work so you can eat and feed your children. Troll the shit out of poop dude if that's all you've got right now but dammit man,get a job and maybe you could eat a rib eye instead of dog food.

      I'm Dick Trickle and I thank you for your time.

  10. Who needs ignorant skeptics when we can debunk the science ourselves before its even released.

    1. Hey fucktard, I dubunked your mom last night. Bitch was on my bunk so I kicked her fat ass off.

  11. Timmy's response when faced with accurate actual Sasquatch DNA:

    I iz grate smart guy. reeally sooper guy me. Uh, sins thar ain't no bigfeets ever at all in my lifes ever, never cuda wuda shooda ever never, thar never wuz a such thing ever in my entir hole life ever, then I sinseerly kunclood thar ain't no bigfeets ever in my life ever.

    Ferthermore, thar ain't ever been no bigfoots.

    I even sayin thar never was wun ever.

    Ya heer me footer peeples?

    I am sayin it gud and cleer.

    Never wuz cud be ever never cud be never wuz ever cuz never cud be ever never wuz a such thing.

    Sins thar never wuz sich a thing, thar never is sich a thing. thar ain't sich a thing. Thar ain't no bigfeet, even a leetle bit. thar ain't no bigfeets at all, in fact.

    I nowz it sins I am sooper smart guy, reely grate brite sooper dood, I am Timmy and I sez thar ain't no bigfoots in my lifes ever times never.

    Ya got it, bucha loosers? Huh? U want some trubble? Huh?

    I iz sooper smart timmy good bi

    1. Why does Timmy sound like a Russian mail order bride?

    2. He sounds to me like one of the crazy ass craw fish people from Louisiana

    3. We prefer to be called crayfish.

      -Captain Crustacean

    4. Crawdads or Mud Bugs,but either way they are great in a homemade Jambalaya!!

  12. Replies
    1. May I recommend a find selction of colourful carefully enamelled highly decorated jars instead?

      I'll be looking for you there!

    2. Yea,why?Try flushing the toilet.

    3. This is the most stupid conversation I've ever seen!

    4. You haven't visited this site often have you?

    5. NEVER! Poop in a jar poster^

    6. Scoop your fecal matter from the toilet and mail it to the fool who collects it and uses it as hair gel. Watch you anus though. Rumor has it that this weirdo will go after your brown eye.

    7. That's a taterhole around here,jackass.

    8. Agree ! Poop in a jar is a jackass! +1000

    9. Can suck his own penis and loves it.^

    10. You Sir are one of the people that needs to be watched over all the time (LOONY TOONS) if you think the poop dude is posting all these responses.I know that I have posted in response of your postings (At least 10 to 15 of them).This will be the last time I post about this debacle.Debacle,LMAO.

  13. His poop won't fit in normal jars.

    1. If it won't fit in a regular jar he might be on medications that cause constipation and can only go once in awhile. But only poop in a jar can tell us what the situation is... Personally I think he should divulge why a jar? Was this something he began in childhood? Or was it brought on by some sort of trauma? Gas he sought help for this?

    2. Maybe he thinks "Out of the box",or

  14. Replies
    1. Does it still fit on your head?

    2. fuck you guys are killing me!!! way funny stuff : ) I want to turn in but I just cant seem to stop reading and fuck Im not sure if its the chronic or that you guys are particularly funny tnght but the more i read the more im convinced that Im witnessing some rare type of retarded comedic genius lolol

    3. This again is poop in a jar dork commenting about himself ^ grow up and quit wasting space on here.

    4. I agree. Why cant this site be moderated? Fecal matter in a canister fool has single handedly caused me to virtually stop checking this site. The only person posting here is this fool talking and making comments back and forth to himself.

  15. Is there anyone who believes her at this point?

  16. Poop in a jar keeps posting and then posts responses to himself ! Your an idiot! Stop posting about yourself freak! We think your the same multiple poster- knower , melba, Sally, looney toons, and Butt Cheese! Same writing style. F U!

    1. Leave poop in a jar alone! He's a welcome bit of light relief!

    2. Yeah go fuck yourself pecker head! poop in a jar guys got friends in this here town pardner an less your a reckoning ta get yer self strung up I reckon ya best be off to wearst abouts yall came from ya good fer nutin sap suckin yeller bellied varmut : /

    3. Poop in a jar ^ commenting again. Stop posting and pretending your other people. Go find another site. Your man child comments are useless and annoying. GROW UP!

    4. Really? You think poop in a jar is a freak and your sitting here posting about imaginary Bigfoot? To me there is no difference between his reality and yours

    5. Poop in a jar ^ posting on himself again. Even Funnier that you are here retard if you don't believe in imaginary bigfoots! REALLY - now you really sound stupid Moron!

    6. Anon 5:03 - someone who talks about poop in a jar is not very mature! Should question yourself why your here!

    7. Who says he's here posting about imaginary bigfoots ? Assume much? Could be Posting about real bigfoots moron. Your here for what ? Poop in a Jar? Really? Idiot anon 5:03!

    8. Anon 5:03 is immature enough to believe in poop in a jar but doesn't believe in Bigfoot ???? Wow, just Wow.

    9. Stank Ape the Cork Soaker. ^

    10. Poop in a jar commenting^Again.

    11. Wrong dildo breath!
      Fuck off troll.
      Paranoia will destroy ya! Leave poop in a jar guy alone.
      Do you really think it's just one person posting on this site? If you do,you're really STOOOOPID!!!

    12. Poop in the jar guy ^ commenting again ! Know why ? Look how defensive you are! Nerd!

    13. Oh by the way- yes I do believe it is the same person posting ( poop in a jar) know why because there is only one counter post each time! There is never a bunch supporting poop in a jar and the comments are always defensive so looks like you the stupid one and I'm the smart one. The ones that are not the same person are the ones having more mature and on-topic conversations Immature Freak!

    14. See this whole problem could've been avoided if there weren't bike helmets cause then the ones too stupid to ride a bike would've died off

    15. Exactly! Poop in the jar wouldn't be around!

    16. George carlin said it best kids who are too stupid wouldn't grow up to have kids of their own

    17. Great advice for poop in the jar guy^

    18. Or sorry kids who swallow to many marbles wouldn't grow up to have kids of their own

    19. Again great advice for poop in the jar poster^lol

  17. To the fucking gear box who gets off on hating on poop in a jar guy Ile have you know that it was myself and others who rallied to his defence see we like poop in a jar guy hes part of our community as someone previously pointed out he provides a welcomed bit of comedic relief so BACK THE FUCK OFF!the next time you attempt to shit talk one of our own I will unload a barrage of hate on your ass so venomous it will make the time your daddy ass raped you seem like a fucking cake walk fuckinggearboxtaterholeeatingdickwad : )

    1. go eat the shit out of his jar

    2. He is a kid, and does not understand sarcasm. If he wasn't so obnoxious I'd feel bad.

    3. cant all out of jars stuffed the last one up your moms taterhole dirty pig loves it when i stuff old dirty mayo and pickle jars into her stank hole she says the odour of fermenting mayo reminds her of family fridays when she would rub mayo all over her dirty cooch and hide pickles up her taterhole and the first one to find a pickle got to suck daddy's pecker...fucking douche bag : )

    4. Sorry Shawn went a little mental there for a sec : )lol

    5. All poop in the jar comments^^^. likes to hear himself talk. Wastes all of our time! This was an experiment to see if the waste of life ( poop in a jar) would keep going on and to prove that he fills this blog with tons of useless crap! It worked . He kept coming back answering this story when others moved on. Poop in a jar commented on his own posts dozens of times and pretended to be someone else. He screams meds, but it's apparent he needs them himself! Good luck poopy freak.

    6. Dude,you really don't get it do you.^

    7. Dude, it sounds like you don't get it^ your pathetic

    8. What is sad about this site is that I can see an article that I assume is interesting because there is over 100 comments. I begin to read the comments only to realize that this fool who refers to himself as shit in a jar has about 95 of the comments. He writes a comment then repeatedly talks and brags on himself. This site has lost all credibility because of this fool.

  18. You don't ban anon 11:29? That was just nasty!

    1. Sorry I meant anon 9:15 not anon 11:29! 9:15 was nasty!

  19. Thank you! Very much look forward to reading about your next big thing!


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