Jim LeBus: How to catch a Bigfoot

After being away for months Jim LeBus tells why he stopped making videos and what to expect in the future. Also he shares 2 of the 5 ways to catch a Bigfoot.


  1. Wow this guy really knows his stuff. Everyone just go home and wait. I'm sure he will have a couple of dozen bigfoots before breakfast.

  2. Seems like the right place for a shameless plug. "Like" my biz SQUATCHWEAR on Facebook

  3. You guys are idiots! "First".. who gives a shit.

  4. What a bozo this guy is, is this Rick Dyer or his brother.

    He didn't say anything.

    1. Hey,we don't say RD.He is and will always be FREEZER BOY!

  5. This joker was on some lame ass show about inventions the other night. It was stupid, just like him.

  6. Only said what is the obvious.

  7. Didn't this deranged imbecile hear the news? MK has established that bigfoot are "people" and therefore are entitled to constitutional rights and human dignity. You can't go around setting up booby traps to ensnare "people" unless you want to spend the rest of your useless life in prison. Luckily for this dunce (and perhaps unluckily for anyone who personally knows him), his chances of trapping bigfoot are about as likely as him becoming the starting point guard of the Harlem Globetrotters.

    1. Why are you being so rough on this guy? I appreciated his frankness about his basic cable ambitions.

  8. This is a case of being lonely and feeling a need to be an out cast.

    1. Or he's just an outcast hence making him lonely bat shit crazy will do it alao

    2. I agree he is lonely and has to catch his imaginary freinds

    3. that's a bitch when even your imaginary friends are tryin to shake you

  9. My Sasquatch beat up your Honor Student

  10. They lived only to face a new nightmare: the war against the machines.

    1. Go back to doing the Big Lebowski shit,it was better.

    2. No, positive they're both gay.

    3. The unknown future rolls toward us. I face it, for the first time, with a sense of hope. Because if a machine, a Terminator, can learn the value of human life, maybe we can too

  11. Does anyone know whether that debate was resolved as to whether the poop jar guy was replying to his own posts?

    1. the poop guy just informed me he will be on holiday for the next week. i will be filling in for him while he is away so i am currently writing new material

    2. Okay bud, I will look for some fresh jokes. Thanks for the update. =-0

    3. How about pooping in a vas? Not a vase, a vas. Maybe we can attract a more sophisticated audience.

    4. I know for a fact he was not responding to his own posts since I was one of the responders. Can't prove it though!

    5. I, also, have often responded to him, as well. And so have these six naked women I've drawn.

    6. See! That makes 8 of us. Thanks!

    7. One of those naked women look like my wife you asshole!

    8. I responded to poop in a jar guy too I'm thinking of stating a fan club... You know poop in a jar, posters tshirts

    9. Maybe a picture of Bigfoot next to a jar of poop poop in a jar guys face can never be seen

    10. you guys are hilarious especially 4:37 : ) Ive also responded to his posts truth is Ive been laying into douchebag about....well about him being a douchebag : )

    11. I also posted. I check the blog out when I get to the house. I need a T-shirt also!

    12. presumably everyone knows whom Im referring to when I say DOUCHEBAG : )

    13. Poop in a jar posting again about himself !

    14. It was Poop in a jar responding to himself. He just made up all the posts here too! Moron poop in a jar!

    15. He did not I can't prove it but I have commented on comments from poop in a jar

    16. Poop in the jar guy is full of sh*t..well maybe not but his jars are..i think his dad is making him get rid of his collection..

    17. Poop on a jar is anon 5:55! You don't give up Moron!

    18. I want a tee-shirt and a coffee mug! The mug can say " The caffeine is in this cup, but the poop is in the jar"

    19. Tip is on the table and shit in the bag!

  12. Pardon me, do you have any Grey Poupon?

    1. Now that's some funny shit right there I tell you what.

    2. Poop in a jar responding to himself ^!

  13. The future's not set. There's no fate but what we make for ourselves.

  14. Wtf! If he says he knows how to catch one then catch one and post the video of a bigfoot in captivity ( we won't tell PETA)

  15. At 1:23 you can hear a vehicle so this guy's just off the road. Gullible bf community and worse, gullible Americans.

  16. Pnce bigfoot sees the attire this nit wit is wearing they will be falling out of trees in hysterics

  17. Gud dammit I jus tol you loosers on unuther post thar ain't ever sich thing az bigfoots!

    Geez! I told ya alredy!

    I totuly kunklooded thar ain't ever sich a thang ok?

    I am kumpleetly shur with kumpleet kunklooshuns thar ain't a sich thing ok?

    I keep telin ya looser bleevers sept ya never bleev me!

    how kum ya never bleev Timmy? Huh? Why? I iz trooly a smart guy! Kum on!

    I lissen to tha newz an they laff at bigfoots an I wuns saw a sientist laff at bigfoots so I now I got big reel nowlej an thar ain't a sich thing!

    Kum on! take down this blog wudja? It ain't akkurit this blog cuz it ain't akkurit to bleev in bigfoots!!!!

    How kum no wun bleevs Timmy? I get reely pizzed off man. No wun ever bleevs me. Krap I keep tryun but they jus laffs at me.

    Hey kum on! I said take down this blog! Timmy sez so jus do it ok?

    Timmy got big reel nowlej.

  18. Jimbo would make a perfect addition Team Tazzer Bigfoot.

  19. Jim Lebus rode the short Lebus to school, helmet and all.It's quite obvious actually.

  20. He is so deep in the scary wilderness you can hear traffic noise throughout his video.

    and...what? you can catch a bigfoot by stumbling upon a bigfoot or bigfoot stumbling upon you...? what? I suppose you could catch a water buffalo the same way. It would be fun to watch him try.

  21. A Must Read --

    "Almost anything we do to Sasquatch now will carry him out of his long journey in balance with nature and into some version of the struggle in which we are ourselves trapped. Our merest touch is likely to unbalance him, causing him to repeat in his own unique way the same fall into knowledge that we have experienced, that is so eloquently recorded in the first chapter of Genesis."

    Read the original source: http://www.unknowncountry.com/journal/confirmation-bigfoot-and-danger-left-hand-path#ixzz2Dn1Q2CKB

  22. If there are 5 ways to catch a bigfoot, why has no one captured a bigfoot? None of these 5 ways must work. So, there are currently no ways to catch a bigfoot. He's got to come up with something else.

  23. "3 Scoops Of Crazy"
    It takes 6 Scoops to become a Bigfoot Hunter.

    I've been away Drag Racing 12-1-12 for "Toys For Tots".. Tis the season. "Give For The Kids" is what I say. Huge crowd! Made many new friends. Spent 2 hrs in the booth making announcements. Took a lot of pics and videos. Maybe I'll post some?
    Now to some of the post at hand.

    1st, I don't make Bigfoot videos in the deep back woods. Instead I make survival videos there. I'm a "Survival Expert".

    2nd, there are 5 ways to catch a Bigfoot. None of which have been put into practice as the expedition is scheduled for April/May 2013.

    3rd, its better to post reasonable questions than to assume or wrongly conclude something below ones qualifications.

    Don't prove yourself to be the same as a Bigfoot Researcher or Bigfoot Expert in the whirlwind of assumptions.

    Be a Bigfoot Hunter, and know what to conclude.

  24. They caught king kong with a hole then some gas, that may work.


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