Jim LeBus (Fireball Cannon) Back on "Invention USA - Season 2 Premiere" Tonight at 10/9c

Tonight at 10/9c on the History Channel, our old friend Jim LeBus returns to a special episode of Invention USA where he will be showing-off his fireball gun for the second time. Last year, LeBus made a video on YouTube claiming he was attacked by a Bigfoot and was determined make himself a fireball gun that could take down the monster that pushed him into the ground while he was asleep in his tent. According to LeBus, this is what happened to him a couple of years ago in northern California:

"Its a deterrent for a situation out in the woods. A couple of years ago I was in northern California... I was attacked by an animal and I was in my tent. I see this shadow go past the moon. So this tells me this thing is, like, 8 feet tall. And whatever it was, was pushing me into the ground...I'm assuming it was a Bigfoot. I had a .38 with me, but you can't just start popping off rounds. If you gonna cap Bigfoot your just gonna piss it off."

Last December, after being criticized by the Bigfoot community for wanting to bag a Bigfoot, LeBus wrote the following email message to us stating he was disappearing for a while and would not return without a body:

Since my first public YouTube video exposing my Bigfoot expedition I've noticed each word written or said is on a very thin line among the Bigfoot community. That line is correct for where and what it is. But it appears that some people have over looked the basic concept of this expedition. We are not Bigfoot killers. That is in fact the opposite reason for this expedition.

At present there are many locations where people can kill as many Bigfoots, Yeti's, Snowmen...etc as they want. There are few (if any) protective / preventive killing laws towards Bigfoot(s). To create those laws Bigfoot(s) need to be proven. As a survival expect I have written and said many times "Preventive survival is the best survival." Preventive measures (in any aspect) are the most important ones.

My team has many members who specialize in many fields. Each 1 person has a credible reputation in their field and plays a key role in this expedition.

In keeping their credibility and reputations solid, they won't make claim their involvement with this expedition, as it may fail. I put together this team after my situation in the forest. It was tough going at first "Jim's seeing things" kinda deal.

But the team finally came together. During the process of building this team I didn't contact any Bigfoot people or organizations. We have all heard and seen what might, maybe perhaps be the possibility of Bigfoot screaming or the pictures/videos of Bigfoot walking along the meadows. I want no part of that! None of us are involved with any prior or ongoing Bigfoot research.

We are not part of any Bigfoot organizations, groups or clubs. Although it’s great these resources exist, we have no need for them. The ground team and I agree (at the moment) for a 1 time 14 day expedition. We don't do Bigfoot things for a living and for that reason its complex to organize set dates and time frames. After the expedition deadline (with or with-out Bigfoot(s)) we're done.

We're not taking our sorry asses to other locations. Researchers deploy devices of interpretation (from safe locations.) Audio, Video, Still Photo's (while those are interesting) they confirm what? It’s that same research that has brought the same result as over the past 70+ years "Is Bigfoot Real?" And as always it’s done by playing with the latest high tech toys of its decade. My ground team and I don't play with toys.

We don't train in safe locations. I and my ground team are the first out. My science and documentary team come after the "all clear." BTW some of them are pissed at not being a part of the ground team. Again, it’s taken 2 years to get this far. Putting aside all of that, I and my team have hope that Bigfoot(s) will be discovered (conclusively) before our expedition. We're not interested in fame.

We don't have a (For Hire Bigfoot Hunters/Researchers) website or organization. I hammer on "Bigfoot Researchers" by way of none conclusive evidence.

But until those folks can offer up any conclusive Bigfoot evidence, they best stay in their safe locations and play with their toys of interpretation while we go out and give it a try.

It’s time to get the job done!

- Jim LeBus

We were quite surprised Monday morning (almost a year later) when LeBus sent us another email message to let us know that he's being featured on the Season 2 premiere of Inventions USA on Thursday, November 28 (tonight). He tells us he's still searching for Bigfoot:

I'm still around and still been active with the bigfoot exploration. Invention USA Nov 28 @ 10.00 p.m, I talk a little about bigfoot and bigfoot researchers (not sure if that part got edited out). The concept of my past youtube videos were/are to bring people into the journey of what it takes to be a "Bigfoot Hunter" but it seems many people didn't grasp the concept. Never-the-less I have some new youtube video's coming out. A lot has happen over the last few months. I've create video journals of all events, I might post them soon. I'll explain the concept for my video's. - Jim LeBus


  1. That that monsters got a dick. Aim for the dick

  2. This heres Jim LeBus. Watch me test my new firegun and listen up good. I am gonna bring me down one of these Sasquatch critters. If NDA says they are human that will only make the hunt that much more thrilling.

    We are going out again soon at a very secure location. We have a good idea where we will have the best chance to shoot one and thats what we are going to do. We are looking to get as many as we can and are gonna shoot up everyone we see. Be prepared because Jim Lebus and my survival storm troopers is gonna get the job done.

    1. what a piece of trash you are.I hope a Bigfoot rips you and your buds up tough guy.

    2. What happened to this past summers trip..I thought your homies were ready to go

  3. Not only in the comments but also first among all Bigfoot Researchers!!!

    God bless you Tim Fasano and please keep up all your good work.

  4. ^ Looney Tunes, maybe you can "bag" a unicorn while yer at it. Stay Thirsty.....

  5. Jim, I was just wondering what it would take for a guy like me to become a member of your elite team of bigfoot hunters. I have some formal training in hand to hand combat, I'm handy with a rifle and I own my own camoflauge clothing. They are not military issued, I got the jacket and pants at Walmart and the T-shirt from a gas station. It looks pretty sweet though when you wear it all together...

    1. Yes but can you get all the chicken mcnuggets and hot fudge Sundays that we can eat for FREE. What we don't eat we will use for bf baiting

    2. No you are a valuable asset. We will not risk injury to yourself,sir, by making you part of the ground team. You are assigned to the second science team, and after the all clear we expect you to use your political and rhetorical skills to interrogate any hostile bastards the primary team abducts.

    3. I second that. I'm fully equipped for a Bigfoot hunt. I have a Swiss Army knife with can opener function. I don't have any camouflage gear, but I probably have a black t-shirt or two. Oh, and some shades. Can we leave now? I only have about 1/2 battery life left on my phone with camera function.

    4. I also like to wear my full camo gear in my back yard and at the supermarket.

  6. Its all you big fella, congrats!!

  7. #1 is it is in violation of U S Fish and Wildlife Service regs to shot a non-game animal. Is the Sasquatch a non-game ANIMAL?. Is it a hominin? Both probably.
    So what gives anyone the right to act in such a caprisious manner. If Sasquatch is near homo (proported to be 1/2 BTW) you would think that these types of shot first and ask questions later menalists would step back and consider the fact that what ever Sasquatch is is living in the wild by choice and in harmony; it doesn't need to be exploited.

  8. I don't think even Morgan Freeman would understand what he was talking about.

    1. Morgan Freeman is too busy inventing other nonsensical notions to spread and has no time to decipher any garbled ramblings of others.

  9. Gonna Choot me a Squatch I am Iam, Gonna skin em up and wear em around, Mount his head above the mantle and make a pair of wooly slippers.

    1. He seems determined. Too bad he also seems to have done no research about what to expect, their behaviors, and so forth. Any sasquatch will stay far away from these guys.

  10. The Sasquatch in the picture looks highly agile and ferocious! The cardboard tube bigfoot doesn't stand a chance. A real biggie? Well, he'd likely shove your flame thower up your ass.

    1. He won't need to. These guys will not even see one. They have no idea what they are doing, and think they're hunting a simple animal not unlike a bear. Sas is probably smarter than the entire team put together, and is definitely more adept in the wilderness and at evasion and perception.

  11. Nothing starts a forest fire faster than a flaming hominin hybrid running at 40mph or a direct hit on a stumpsquatch. Mr. LeBus, I think the DNR would like to have a word with you.

    1. LOL. Everyone knows 'squatches stop drop and roll, then it's gonna rip your head off.

  12. Correction about tonight's show. I'll be using the "Anti Venom Strip".. This invention was inspired after my encounter with Bigfoot. Let me just say. Many people claim to have had an encounter with Bigfoot and never changed the way they do things that lead to their encounter. To me that's a hhhmmmm moment. But then again not many people travel through the wilderness as I do. Alone never a pre-planned trip. No time or travel limits. I go where Bigfoot lives and where most people would be crying "MAMA" by 9 p.m.

    1. well good for you tough guy.you still an ass for wanting to kill a foot if you run into one.

  13. Never once have I used the term or suggested "Kill Bigfoot". I'm against that idea. Some people should do research to aviod being ignorant.


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