Is This Really A Bigfoot Near Mt St Helens?

Thanks to Phil Poling for enhancing this awesome footage. This Bigfoot video has been around for years, and it's definitely one of the most interesting footage out there. One YouTube commenter, Paul C., says he is now able to see a "side boob" in this enhancement.


  1. human.. way too short for a bigfoot!

    1. Not all of us are eight feet tall, my dear boy!

      More tea?


    2. Excuse me but would one be so bold as to pass the sugar over?
      Thank you kindly dear sir

    3. How can you tell how tall it is?

    4. What an idiotic comment. You cannot tell the height from the video. I suspect you are looking at the width and thinking it is squat and short, but it may be tall and WIDE. Besides which, bigfoots come in all sizes and different ages!

  2. I think t hey kickj the rock totell the guy int the suit to start walk.

    1. Think it's the JD that's done him in

    2. A child of five would understand this. Send someone to fetch a child of five.

    3. Lucky for me I speak Drunkenese.:) Just ribbin' ya Herb.

    4. I think they kicked the rock and filmed it cause it looked cool, and they inadvertently alarmed a sasquatch that was down there so it moved away from the commotion.

      Neat video. Could be, could be....

  3. Hmmm? It is still fun to see what is lurking on the web. I've set up on the hills like that and watched moose roam in the bottom area's. "I live in Alaska". I would be more suspicious if there were an adjoining road to the bottom of that rock slide. However, until one is "proven" to be real. We will all be suspicious of these video's.....BUT, I think we are all hoping, well, Maybe Not. Can you imagine the forests that would be closed to man, if this thing is proven w/o a doubt?! You not only could not cut a Christmas tree, you would not be able to go in the woods....I say; keep'm guessing...

    1. Do you live in the part of Alaska where you can see Russia?

    2. I live in the part of Russia where I can see Uranus.

    3. Does it look big in these pants?

    4. You couldn't close off sasquatch territory from man, because sasquatch roams wherever it likes, even into suburbs and populated areas at times.

  4. yaknow fasano thfa fat hoax mokey guy!

  5. Looks like a person wearing dark clothing!

    1. So does sasquatch, though, so we have a problem when the video is not close or detailed.

  6. That there's a classic case of a taterhole in a suit.

  7. Good God, this is a real switch. In the orignal it looks like a mechanic on his lunch break in oversized coveralls. In the zoom it's clear to see it's a big hairy hominid, with a coned top with the typical bristling shock of hair shooting off the peak.

    You can see a black face when it turns to look, and you can see an apeish profile, almost doglike, with a snout. Also, watch when it turns, the left arm looks quite long. Plus, the back view shows incredible mass in the back. This thing is huge.

    One more thing, the leg angle formed during the walk is more similar to that of Patty than to that of a human, that 37 degrees or whatever it was.

    This is an excellent case where the zoom eradicates the impression of the standard original and shows something much different and more clearly. Sometimes zoom and enhancements only increase what's seen in the standard version, but not here

    Silly skeptic/Dr Eugenie Scott scientist-type says:

    "I think these guys were having fun and had their friend put on an ape costume while they filmed him walking around that corner."

    Reasonable Human Being says:

    "That doesn't make sense because they sent those large rocks rolling down which could have triggered an avalanche and killed their friend."

    Skeptic/scientist/Scott type puts fingers to chin, thinking. Then snaps fingers, makes fists, and starts jumping up and down in a circle crying:


    We can't know for sure, but that zoom is frankly a shock after watching the original and expecting just a bigger image of the mechanic in oversized coveralls. Wow was it ever not that!

    In a word, Ape Canyon still lives!

    1. There is a nice face shot at the end that doesn't look human? I'm put off by how steady the cam is and it's human like gait? Who knows? Maybe Taterhole can shed some light on this?

    2. I think it's a strong contender for "real" but we cannot know for sure. It's a cool video, anyhow.

    3. The subject was very far from the bottom of the hill. They zoomed in when they noticed it, making it appear closer. No people, bigfoots or anything else were in danger from the falling rocks.

  8. It's clear, when it turns, it's covered in hair, not clothing. Watch the left arm, whatever you can see which is facing into the sun--it's obviously hair. The front and left arm show hair. The top of the head shows hair and the conehead.

  9. The legs in the enlarged enhanced view seem to have baggy pants material that sways when he's walking. Fake.

  10. It seemed to have a Planet of the Apes quality to the figure. The head and neck movement seemed less fixed that patty.

    No way the figure was in harms way from the potential of a more substantial avalanche..too far into the treeline

    1. I thought that the PGF monkey suit disappeared?

    2. It was not in harm's way, but it was alerted to the humans nearby when the rocks came down. So it left.

  11. Replies
    1. Night night hope the bed bugs don't bite :)

  12. Hard to tell from video...regular version doesn't look like a bigfoot, but the enlarged version makes me wonder.

  13. Fake!

    Costume for sure...

    Now if it looked like PA Go Cart BF then it would be real but it looks like a man in a costume.

    1. Wrong. Nothing is for sure in that video. To think so makes it clear you are not capable of proper analysis.

  14. This footage is so enhanced I swear I can see the DNA

  15. Another BF out for a jolly good stroll.

  16. I am a Sasquatch Knower BUT, This is fake. It's arms are too short and you can't see the footpads as its walking away, I say FAKE.

  17. This is it! Finally! What we see is an ape/human hybrid in its natural environment, wearing a Columbia sports coat and hiking boots who clearly met up with the cameraman to let him know where he would be and waited for the camera to capture the shot. Obviously. I cannot believe it. -- d3w177

    PS. I wish all sasquatch were this cooperative.

  18. Matt would have chased it down.

  19. Looks perfectly plausible. Interesting scenario here, too, with the rocks alerting the sasquatch to the human presence. I'd lean towards it being authentic, but it's just impossible to say.

  20. The side boob hour-Peter Griffin


  22. Far away it looks like a human, but close when he zooms in, it looks like a young bigfoot, hum......

    I wish we can get that close one one day, dang.

  23. Looks like a man in dark clothing. I think he is wearing gloves and boots and has his hood up. Any info on the submitters?

  24. It does not walk like a Bigfoot. This one locks it knees and has standard 52 degree lift of rear leg that humans walk with. Maybe it is a Bigfoot impersonating a human this time.



  25. Hey!, you frightened my monkey, redneck.

  26. i dont know. Who would hike all the way up the mountain, then down to the steep hill to the clearing, then UP the hill again, while in a suit, just to make a random bigfoot hoax? Im leanin towards real

  27. I can see the collar of the coat the walker is wearing just before the video ends. Also why would someone say "there is something down there" wouldn't "there is someone down there" be more natural since it is clearly a bipedal creature?

  28. I bet at that distance they couldn't hear the brush a popin...oh and there they go!


  29. Very intriguing...I like how it walks, very casually and smoothly. I also like the profile of the face, very ape like. I'm skeptical, of course, but this video is very intriguing.

  30. i wore a better gorilla suit for Halloween. you can buy this one at walmart for $30

  31. You could tell the object is very tall and barrel chested. So very possible. Also it was clearly startled.

  32. You could tell the object is very tall and barrel chested. So very possible. Also it was clearly startled.


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