Is the government and the scientific community conspiring stop Ketchum's paper from being published?

Can the government stop a scientific paper from being published? According to "TrutherGirls", the government may conspire with the scientists to try and stop Dr. Melba Ketchum from publishing her Bigfoot DNA paper even if her paper. The YouTube user writes: "It may be that Dr. Ketchum has unraveled the mystery of the Bigfoot, but even if she has, it is likely that the scientific establishment will find a way to discredit her findings, as they usually do with anything that falls outside of the established paradigm."


  1. Replies
    1. 18 female I'm looking for sex.hit me up on my profile at

    2. Anon at 7:52 is as real as Bigfoot DNA.

    3. Who the girl in the video or the fake girl that's after sex? The girl in the video is cute tho for sure

    4. What is a gayball? They like anal beads?

  2. im really ashamed of myself for claiming first!!

    1. I'm really ashamed of myself for checking out that girls profile above

    2. I'm ashamed of the girl for advertising in this format. And for myself for commenting on it.

  3. Oh please, please be sure Voodoo sees this one.

  4. This girl's correct, we shouldn't put it past them to try it for the sake of status quo in terms of how the ways of the world is viewed. I don't doubt that lots of mainstream scientists are working for them and only saying what they're saying as mainstream facts because there's an agreement that they do so. It's called misinformation and how they govern us only letting us know what THEY want us to know.

    How this planet's history is viewed is generally agreed upon in a certain and preferred way, we may be deemed still not ready to hear what they already know is a different set of facts. The faiths of our man-made religion's a big reason why that is, we currently have a Middle East in unstable chaos yet again so who knows, on the other hand, the obvious Islamic threat to world peace and stability may actually be considered so great a danger now that the last resort is actually to allow both this new squatch discovery to pass through as well as NASA's Mars lander 'suddenly' finding either water or microbes up there soon.

    Anything to make these earthly problems and regional feudings we have seem small compared to what wonders now officially are out there as well as here already. I forget who Ketchum or Sally did say recently though, they've not been contacted by the government but who knows if that's really so or not, in any case something big IS about to happen with this study now as her camp's come forward thanks to Burtsev's move setting things in motion.

    1. The government does not have to destroy or discredit Ketchum's work. The bigfoot community is doing that job for them. Self interest and envy reigns supreme. For example , just check out Mr Moneymaker's latest comments on twitter. I rest my case.

    2. BS. Conspiracy theories like this appear only when the science is garbage, the methods are garbage, the results are garbage and there's no way to corroborate anything.

      So this is what we'll see. No paper. But not because of some conspiracy to cover the truth, but because there was no paper in the first place.

    3. Poppycock. Ketchum doesn't need any help from the government or Matt Moneymaker. She's doing a tremendous job of destroying her reputation all on her own.

    4. I agree with ^^^^^ like oh everything is such a conspiracy that is the only thing they can say to keep their fairy dust dream world I believe Bigfoot is there but if they got such great biological samples how come they don't have a picture of bigfeets or this must be such a conspiracy just like all the make believe JFK and 9/11 crap a bunch of made up bullshit to make reality make sense in their small little brains so someone must be pulling strings on the inside get real shitty people do shitty things grow up if you can't take reality buy a fuckin helmet

    5. Then we may all know not to tell you anything we can see your helmet thus letting us know your stupid and bat shit crazy. Harry

    6. are an idiot to say there is no paper. The ignorant are usually the most prejudiced. Your little mind fills in the blanks out of habit. You're like a two year old taking the object constancy test. If we put the paper behind the box, it doesn't exist.

    7. Conspiracy theory my ass! Why would any government give two shits if Bigfoot was real or not even if Ketchum is right and it is a hybrid human species ? Maintaining the status quo?!!! How would the results of this study alter the status quo exactly? The study is released people go wow it gets taken seriously (or not depending on the science and peer review etc) and the President is still the President, Christians and other faiths carry on as does science and the world in general. Don't over inflate the importance of this to world everyone will just go either "wow told you so" or "crap! I was wrong" and then carry on as normal. Just because the people on here are so interested in it doesn't mean the mainstream care, if this was a forum on stamp collecting you think anyone else would care that much if we discovered a really rare old stamp?? Bigfoot would make headlines because it's part of modern pop culture then 2 days or so later back to normal.

    8. If bigfoot is proven human what do you think will happen to Native American rights based off being the first humans to settle this country? Gives people trying to take away their sovereign rights more ammo to do so.

      Where will another species of living human fall in the bible? What will that do to all the hardcore bible thumpers to know suddenly the bible was wrong and there is no way to spin it?

      How many scientists are going to lose respect because they refused to acknowledge the possibility of an unknown?

      How many people will wonder why the government denied bigfoot for so long and if suddenly bigfoot is real, what else are they denying that is real?

      Why do people riot over court verdicts?

      How about rioting over baseball, basketball, football, hockey, and soccer?

      People are stupid in general. If they go crazy over sports and such, what might happen when their faith in the government ir religion is now gone?

      Just because you and me and some others don't care and know it won't effect us does not mean others won't.

      Just like I didn't care enough on who won a sports game or court case to go out rioting and steal a new tv.

      Or stone some innocent truck driver.

    9. Nut jobs. Incredible, simply incredible. First of all, if bigfoot exists and is determined to be some indigenous form of human, it will in no way affect Native American rights. Think about it. I know it's hard, but think about it. Native Americans did not displace nor conquer the bigfoots.; If bigfoots exist, then they have all gotten along just fine. There is nothing in history that suggests Native Americans did anything to bigfoots to harm them. Their rights will remain intact.

      Consider that Native Americans were killed, rounded up, displaced, and removed. THAT is why they have rights. They were here before those who conquered them, so they are being given back just a little bit of that sovereignty. Do you know nothing about the state of affairs with our country's native population or civil or human rights?

      The government nor the scientific community are not hiding the evidence of bigfoot. They are not afraid of bigfoot. There is no conspiracy. People with small minds and small self images buy into conspiracy theories, there's always some big, bad wolf out there wanting to do us all wrong in the worst way, and we are all so small, powerless, confused, betrayed.

      The scientific community is not against bigfoot existing, they have no wish for them not to exist as if their existence would ruin their lives. Get real. There's simply not enough scientific evidence to support the existence. The scientific community is what brought you medicines, surgeries, life extension on all fronts, computers, the internet, Photoshop so people could fake bigfoot pictures, foam rubber to make costumes out of, synthetic fur, trips to the moon and beyond, your fancy car, everything that we hold near and dear. They are not some crazy old white haired men who are entrenched in their own insane dogma.

      Who cares what the Biblical implications might be. That's an over inflated fear. The Bible doesn't change with bigfoots existing. Heck, the Bible is so far off course anyway there's no reason to think anything would change religiously.

      Besides, while y'all are pulling your few hairs out worrying about the government's and the science community's dastardly deeds, the smart people, those who really understand science, are waiting to see what Ketchum comes up with. It'll either be something, or nothing. If nothing, it's not because of some big brother conspiracy, it's because garbage in is garbage out. If she has something real, then science will accept it and find a way to make it fit the ever evolving picture of our world.

      Science is our friend, not our enemy. Only idiots think otherwise.

    10. @10:07....Science is still in its infancy. It is also a kind of dogmatic priesthood for modern culture. Scientists are also not without their own issues and preconceptions. And they know almost nothing about the mind. They are also invariably without contemplative education, let alone experience. It's clear that bigfoot, if they exist, have extraordinary functions of mind, that don't have a lot to do with the frontal cortex as we know them. (Abstracted thought and language.) Humans can learn to use these extraordinary modes of mind, but don't often, usually going to the default mode of concentrating only on the waking state. When combined with the dreaming state, and states of deep sleep, new functions appear. (The sum is greater than than the parts). In addition consciousness is not limited to the cellular level, having the ability to resonate coherently with the molecular and atomic levels. Even minor and random events of this kind are usually catagorized as a profound religious experience, and religions are then built around them. It could change the Christianity to a great degree, and maybe for the good, if bigfoot were to demonstrate modes of mind that are uncommon in the untrained modern human population, yet more common than not in the mature bigfoot consciousness. They demonstrate this advanced awarness every day by refusing to be cornered and caught. The stages of meditation and the advanced coherent states of mind are well documentated in the Sacred Traditons of the east, especially the Sanskrit writings. The Christians, however, are going to have to give up their taboo against the development of these advanced functions eventually. They're holding themselves and their culture in chains.

    11. Yes creepy 6:53 there most definitely are conspiracies both 9/11 and the JFK killing were but it's popular and self-calming to doubt them and believe only official words because you're really afraid inside your pea brain of the scary thought that your government's screwing you over.
      Just because you're a citizen in America you think that shady stuff only happens in banana republics. LMFAO It's happening right here under your very radar because they know you want to trust them, that's the whole reason they can fuck you over. The girl's more right than any of you could possibly imagine, that's why you have to ward the evil off with aggressive laughter. LOL
      Why would the government care about Bigfoot? Well, Paulides for one thinks they must know. So why hide it, well religion foremost, scared how the unruly masses would react as with UFOs too. What might disrupt the balance of power they don't want, because the minute you know these things pop there goes their power to control you.

    12. Yeah ok keep believing what you will 11:54 you dumb son of a bitch keep thinking your government cares if you wear a goofy tin foil hat they care about you so much because we don't have enough problems abroad as long as you fund the American war machine keep thinking what you say matters if it was such a conspiracy there would be army rangers in the woods killing every Bigfoot they don't care about you him or me as long as are money is payin their way no one cares go put on your helmet so I remember you next time

    13. Your al to fucking long winded

    14. I've never seen so many paranoid delusionals taking crap before, it is scary to say the least. Science is in it's infancy appartently that's news to me pass that information on to the Mesopotamians or Plato and Aristotle! See they existed way before your bibles did and they sought to investigate the world around them like modern day biologists, geneticists and physicists do. That's the problem with people who blindly follow a religion, cult or Bigfootery you just limit your selfs and everything becomes black or white and you don't listen anymore because you're scared you might start to doubt this belief that's become who you are. People make all these bold claims with no evidence like "Ketchum is going to blow all you sceptics away!" Really, how you know? Were you working for her? Have you read the paper? At the last meeting of the Cat and Dog Breeders Committee did you get quality face time with Melba? What happens if she is exposed as a fraud or the paper turns out to be bad science? Will you accept that or just blame religion or science instead of Ketchum? Sometimes there is no big conspiracy in fact 99% of the time there's no conspiracy. The Government couldn't care less about Bigfoot except for maybe commissioning a study into habitat and numbers of Bigfoot out there. Science would love to find it! A new plaything to study, test and test and more tests! Man you want to know why people don't take Bigfoot seriously read your own crazy comments, you're like Bigfoot Tea Partiers! Crazy, uneducated, unreasonable and unstable!!!!

    15. My post is asking questions to make people think. With added points of things that happen. Native Americans are a conquered nation. They were given back some rights and land. They also sued many times for more rights. Why are they allowed to hunt and fish like they do and are entitled to half the fish, shellfish and animals?

      My ancestors hunted and fished the same way they did, including my great grandmother who was Native American. But I can't just go out and shoot a deer if I want one for a ceremony. Even though all of our ancestors lived they same way at some point.

      Many of their rights are based off court decisions that found them as the first people here so they can do whatever. Why do you think Canada calls them First Nations. If another human species is found to live here, it weakens all court decisions.

      And you know someone is just looking for a reason to take away their sovereign status.

      Science accepts nothing unless it is thrown in their face. Alot of research that develops or discovers breakthroughs is done by fringe researchers. All while being ridiculed by main stream.

      Our government is always doing stuff in the name of "for the good of the people". Deny it if you wish.

      More people have been killed over religion than for any other reason. So obviously SOMEONE cares what the bible says. You might not care, but if some bible thumper cracks your head open because they went mad over the bible being wrong, will anyone care? Religion is very dangerous. Just look at the middle east.

      I am not worried one way or the other if bigfoot is proven to me. I won't lose sleep over it. Only thing I think likely is people trying to close the forests in the name of protection. It happens. Look at the spotted owl, salmon, and do many other species that close the forests, change how they are managed or used. But this topic was about cover ups. I am simply listing reasons why there might be a cover up. Just like you are saying there is no cover up or reason for one.

    16. That is the point of all my posts. There are enough crazy people or ideas out there to support the cover up theory. Just like there are enough people who want to protect the bigfoot. Or who would use them as a tool to get some result they want.

      And plenty of people more than willing to cause harm to others for no reason at all.

    17. I would think that Native Americans are pretty damn safe and no one in either party would dare take away rights granted to them already, I think that would be the mother of all PR nightmares for any administration. If Bigfoot is proved to be a close relative of humans he will still be treated as an animal because that's how it looks, plus they'd always be the argument that it's not fully human so the Nativies will still technically be the first humans right? I would have thought there would be an investigation into numbers and habitat studies and yes if numbers are low some woods might be closed untill the population increased. Would that be all that bad wouldn't you like these creatures protected? Wouldn't you like to see them thrive again if they are really out there? Sometimes you have to make a little sacrifice and it's important to make sure any animal doesn't go extinct because we've done so much damage as a spiecies already. Shouldn't our kids, grand kids or great grand kids be able to see Bigfoot if he's out there they need to be protected. If they are related to us like other primates and they'll be relatively slow reproducers too, hell they could be exactly the same as us taking a relatively long time to mature physically so they'd need protecting for a while. For all we know they might be nomadic? Moving constantly with the seasons so the forest might be off limits only at certain times? Untill someone catches one we don't know squat, there might be some contingency plan incase it's discovered but I'm sure it won't be anything earth shattering. Maybe a White House member of staff going wow it exists we assembling a team of scientists to look into it as we speak...

    18. Governments do keep secrets that is for sure. That's how wars are won. Deception, code cracking, staying one up. Are they doing it with the bigfoot phenomena? That's a reach, depending on what they might know about them. The bigfoot are out there, whether the Ketchum study passes muster or not. I would define conspiracy as one organized interest trying to keep whatever it is they have, and that usually involves money. Consider BP's deception involving the oil rig blowup. Deception is fundamental to human nature, Kids do it at very early ages. It comes natural. Little wonder adults do better and more consistently. People in government want to keep their jobs and retirement #1. People in government who are in power decision positions, quite frequently get bought off by private interests, who are trying to keep their wealth, or other governments. Any major corporation could be considered an organized conspiracy to extract as much money as possible from the marketplace. They keep their secrets and use them to their advantage.
      Winner take all.
      To the idiot who doesn't think science is just getting started (in it's infancy). Get a historical perspective. Humans have been around in modern form 70,000 years minimum. The scientific method a super small fraction of that. Science is hailed as the final authority on understanding reality in the modern culture. But, only in the western occidental cultures. Science doesn't yet understand reality that is for sure. So it shouldn't be considered the final authority. It's doing better, making strides, but humans better be careful their technology doesn't outpace their wisdom. @4:19 you have about as much wisdom as a bug on a bush. You don't seem too happy either.

    19. Yes humans have been around longer than science and religion and many other things but to claim science is in it's infancy is historically correct in the history of humans in the cultural history the modern history of humans it predates any of the worlds major religions by hundreds of years. You've got to remember that science couldn't be persued for a long time for fear of being acused of heresy or witchcraft! Hell for a long time if you said the earth revolved round the sun you were in deep shit! The scientific revolution didn't really happen till the enlightenment when people could freely discuss ideas and theories with out fearing punishment by the church. That's in it's infancy yes, a couple hundred years and when not been shackled by religion look how much and how fast we've progressed! Governments lie to us everyday and corperations lie every minute of each passing hour! Hell you want a conspiracy theory how about the Republicans and the right wing media funded by the pharmaceutical companies and insurances companies convincing people that socialised healthcare is wrong! Managing to convince people it's un-American to want a single payer system like Europe and doing it by convincing the same low income wage earners that would benefit from it! Or that taxing the rich less helps the economy or we need a bigger army or that the military industrial super complex is a myth? Yeah there are real conspiracies but Squatch ain't one

    20. The Tribes are not that safe. Here in WA, the feds and state raided smoke shops because the cigarettes sold don't have tax stamps. They did this over and over until the Tribes signed an agreement to pay a lowered tax rate to the state. There was also a coastal tribe that had it's casino raided several times and machines seized. Now this year all tribal firework sales in WA were taxed as income. I was with a buddy at his stand when he was given the notice by his Tribe.

      Private companies battle tribes in court a lot. The state and feds are looking into real estate purchases done by the tribes nowand the property turned into tribal trust lands to not pay taxes. Believe me, the Tribes are not secure in the least. I worked for one for a bit and the talk was about the feds did this, the feds did that. My sister has worked for one for 14yrs. She hears the same.

      The protection issue is really touchy. Bigfoot does not need protection. They need a law saying no killing of them. That's it. Nothing more. They have apparently lived a long damn time with us logging, hunting, fishing, cutting roads into the forest, mining, oil drilling etc. But every bleeding heart tree hugger is going to have the same knee jerk reaction.

      Because they want the woods left closed. Period. Our forests are managed fine now. It took years to get here but they are more stable now than 20yrs ago. We have buffer zones, selective logging, culverts put in for spawning creeks. We don't need a forest closed because bigfoot want to hump. They have been doing it fine without us closing the roads into the woods.

    21. I think one reason this species' existence has been covered up for so long, is because Native Americans not only know they're real but it'd also possibly shake the historic view of America in that not only did the bad Europeans take the land from the Indians - the Indians before that took it from the squatches. There are stories of the two having battles once upon a time in the distant past, and with the squatch species proven human now it'd move the victim status of NAs somewhat, that's probably the NA secret and part of why they're so reluctant to discuss it.

    22. They're not proven human yet the paper has still to be published and the science examined. I seriously doubt that the Native American people took anything from the Squatch if they're real! Why would they don't Squatch live in forests?? If there are less Squatch it will most likely because of modern habitat destruction. I'm sorry to hear all the problems that the Native Americans have with the Federal Government, it would be good if more people knew about the problem I'm sure us bleeding heart liberals would be very pissed about how these people are treated. In my original reply to Big Jim Jr I said that it would be a PR disaster if they were stripped of their rights I actually was talking of the removal of all the rights they've been granted as Native Americans. It is truly shocking how the Native Americans have been treated and very upsetting to know that they still have problems now.

    23. You are right that it is too bad the Tribes still have such a battle with the feds. And the states. Part of the problem is now that the Tribes have figured out how to make millions of dollars with their casinos, they are snapping up property around there reservations and then changing the status to tribal trust lands. This removes it from tax rolls. Along with the sales they have in smoke shops and stores, the state loses so much money. The states then pressure the feds since they states cannot do anything with the Tribes without federal ok.

      But I also feel the Tribes bring down the wrath by some of their own decisions. Hunting and fishing are two big examples. Some tribal hunters literally wiped out several elk herds. A few "hunts" were caught on tape. One was at a winter feeding station. A group of "hunters" pulled up and just started blasting elk at a feed station. While tourists watched.

      Other tribal fishermen have been filmed gill netting salmon, stripping the roe out of them and throwing the fish back. Roe sells for three times the price of salmon over seas. The Tribes preach honoring the Mother, yet waste the gifts She provides. I know cracker hunters to the same too, but only peta and the like are after them.Way more people are after the Tribes, just looking for excuses.

      If the Tribes were stripped of their sovereign rights, I doubt many people would care. The Tribes are trying so hard to hold to their traditional ways. The don't want to lose their culture. And rightly so, heritage and being proud of it is human nature.

      But most people feel the Tribes need to get with the times. They say where would the Tribes be now if the whiteman never came? Still living in harmony with the earth? Or making millions off the whiteman's greed in gambling and trying to save a buck on taxes? Me personally, I would rather be living like they did, but with modern conveniences.

      With the current state of our economy, I would not be surprised if they feds strip some more rights. A good shyster attorney does not have to work hard to prove many tribes have broken treaties. It just needs a judge to be told what to do by the feds.

      I feel bad for the Tribes as they have to fight daily, but I also think they can do some things differently and not raise public outcries.

    24. Oh man, this is so thick you can't even cut it with a chainsaw! First of all, one of the big reasons tribes come under attack from the government is because they get special consideration from the federal government so they can maintain their cultural heritage. Which they should. But like Jimmy says, selling roe to Asia is big business, commercialism at its finest, NOT maintaining a cultural heritage. Cultural heritage does not mean shooting whales with automatic machine guns. So yeah, their rights need to be given, but monitored and yes, policed. But that's not bigfoot, that's US politics.

      As far as bigfoot goes, nobody can claim they know how to protect a species that they can't even determine exists. It is amazingly foolish, bordering on the insane, to even talk about protecting bigfoots from being hunted when not a single person has successfully hunted one to date. How can you protect something from something you simply cannot do to them? You don't know where they live, where they go, what they do, what they are, IF they are.

      It's total BS to claim there is a thousand years of historical stories about bigfoots. As far as anyone knows, it's a 1950's creation, a myth that the NA people have picked up and sold back to the whities as a total BS story just to fuck with us. And why the heck not, we eat it up and ask for more!

      Nut case conspiracy theorists come up with every possible hare brained story of why nobody knows of bigfoot, why there are no bodies, no proof, no pictures, no videos, nothing. Even with all these crazy stories, the simplest idea is probably the most true; there are no bodies, no pictures, no evidence, not because bigfoot has special paranormal powers nothing else on earth has ever demonstrated, not because the feds are keeping it a top secret like UFO's, but rather because they simply don't exist. The simple answer is that they don't exist, period.

      I keep wondering what the heck happened to the education system in this country that has led to so many people being so deluded and uneducated about what goes on in the world and how the world actually works. How do so many people get derailed from mental advancement, and lapse into the fantasy world where video game drama becomes real life for them.

  5. this is getting silly. this shawn really shouldnt allow such drivel to be posted in these blogs.

    why would the government hide bigfoot?
    to protect the logging industry,presumably if BF was proven a real anmial, they would have to live in a protected habitat. that would mean the logging industry would be hurt

    surely they could,as they do in alaska/loch ness or anywhere where there are animal[loch ness was a joke] turn natural industry into a tourist one. yes it would be less.

    id BF was proven to be real thousands of people would want to go on kiking tours to see them so surely anyone with half a brain can see there is plenty of room for many tourist opportunities

    why does man have to turn everything into a conspiracy. theyve doen it for decades. marlyn munroe, kennedys, princess Diana, 9/11/ ufo's etc etc.. the list is endless. surely the government expanatiion is 95% true. try to get people to keep a secret for 5 minutes is impossible never mind a generation. utter nonsense

    face it guys,bigfoot doesnt exist sadly. we all want it too, where is the evidence, this report is fast losing credibility. using peole of the character of scot carpenter or any of these youtube hoaxewrs for evidence is stupid. timberghiant[whateve the dick is called] and his ilk[fasano,joeblack,rick dyer etc] are all youtuber trying to get there 5mins of fame om youtube. as many have pointed out. so using one as your source of evidence is daft and lacks cred of any findings for me.

    trail cams,heat seeking equipment, cell phones etc etc...for decades and we have zip in the way of a decent phot

    yet people want us to believe there are 8-10foot 600-800 pouind apepeole walking aboput one of the worlds biggest populated countries without 1 decent film .photograph all we have is a 50year old film]which is a hoax,given pattersson drew the bloody thing a year earlier ,then he films the EXACT creature he drew. what are the chances and why has there been nothing sincs except for blobs,illusions,leave/trees and hoaxes]

    then we are told they r so clever they can avoid trail cams, avoid eating cows so not to annoy humans and attract attentiopn to their presence. evry photo is usualy 1[ONE] photo from the back or some fuzzy 'could ber anything' film.. simply there is nothing to hang yourt hat on and say "what the feck is that",not one!?

    this report will prove inconclusove as the dna is corrupted etc.. and obviously there is nothing tomatch it too,thats what they do in dna sequencing. so the best result for BF believers is for thereport to say they cant match it. hardly groiund breaking

    we all pop into these sites in the hope there may be something of interest but please dont insult peoples itelligence with this type of nonsense#

    now we have another chancer[in the patterson mould]Smeja,who no doubt will get cash for book deals and documentries or even a film!!!! yet he didnt even take a cell phone phot or take the baby. his story is utter nonsense.

    what i dont get is this rabid type belief amongst people that a 10foot apeman is walking about forest in North America. I guess if you have seen it ,out ion the open with your own eyes,that is a different story but for,those of us who havent, where does the belief come from?

    please post the evidence that makes people belief so much

    ps not timbergiant, fasano films but real living creatures or dna reports etc... not hoaxes please

    1. Setting habitat aside for the squatch species is meaningless, they already have all that space all to themselves they don't need special care or fences keeping them in that's impossible anyway so why even make the effort. All we need is for us to recognize them by law so they're protected with rights to live and roam freely as they're doing now, they're probably a giant race of hairy Indians.

    2. "for,those of us who havent, where does the belief come from?" ... To answer your question, you have the Patty Film which is no fake. Beyond that, you can learn about them through audio. Better than all of that, go out with a great deal of patience and repetition over the course of years...and maybe you'll see one. When you do, it will be a life changing experience where you say to yourself "how the hell can something that large consistently stay hidden in our forests." It's not like there is just one. I would estimate the population to be in the millions. They are not rare. I encounter them all over. Good luck. I also agree with your PS

    3. "[S]hawn really shouldnt allow such drivel to be posted in these blogs."

      This blog is a business. You might think that the purpose of this business is to be a clearinghouse for all Bigfoot information. But that wouldn't be correct. The purpose of this business is to generate as many mouse clicks as possible. Bigfoot just happens to be the attractant. Therefore, the stories that generate the most mouse clicks are the ones that are posted, regardless of their veracity, or regardless of the soundness of the point of view.

      By the way, it's a great business model! It gets me to visit several times per day!

    4. Tom, can you give us a link to a story with veracity that he failed to post because it would not get clicks? If you cannot then it IS a hub for bigfoot news.

    5. Alex MW, where can we learn about them through audio? We have evidence that shows this creature is making the noise we're recording?!? There is not one instance where we have solid credible evidence that a bigfoot made a noise.

      Point me to the vocalization videos that show a bigfoot whooping or talking then we can discuss the subject further.

    6. Grow up anon 5:27. Tom is 100% correct -- this blog is operated by Shawn to earn a living. In a radio interview, Shawn explained it was a happy accident when he was researching all things Bigfoot for a video game he was developing. Somebody mistakenly took him to be an "expert"; he realized the extent of interest in the topic, and went with it. It was hardly his "hobby", and until very recently he a skeptic.

    7. I did not say otherwise. I hope Shawn is doing well with it. I only meant to say the blog covers everything.

    8. What a way to be close minded I believe he's there we dont know 90% of what's in the ocean and there is new animals insects and marine life every day and we called locals in Africa crazy for believing in a giant ape yet months later there it is all native Americans new of this animal and the same animal natives of other continents the locals are seeing the same physically built beast so there must be something to it exactly why we have the word elusive

    9. Isn't there some type of law for how long a comment can be??????.....Cripes his comment was longer then the story

    10. What are you talking about? She's right.... there are plenty of old newspaper clippings of discoveries like the Grad Canyon giants, and many more less notable ones going back to the 1700's... this is FACT. All of these bodies always managed to get stolen or disappeared, probably by religious zealots, you know, like the ones that watch FOX News today. All is the name of religion, because it contradicts their precious story book.

    11. It's also a fact that people regularly hoaxed things like that back in the 1700 and 1800s same as they hoax today with Bigfoot bodies and corn circles. I've seen taxidermy of a hairy salmon, a mermaid and a jackanape were they real too? No they were hoaxes too! Don't rely on Victorian photos of strange beasts as factual evidence cos the majority if not all 100% of them were bullshit, they loved the strange and macabre back then collecting strange objects like shrunken heads or the above mentioned taxidermy items it doesn't mean any of them were real!! It was a supply and demand business, people wanted strange beasts so people made strange beasts for money! It was a trend. the in thing to be into. If the samples were lost it was maybe because they were garbage and if they used human bones to perpatrate the hoax they could have buried them unmarked somewhere? T. Fatz himself posted about a famous Victorian hoax just yesterday!!!

    12. The logging industry would not be hurt. Why would it? First, there has to be proof that logging harms a species' habitat. There is no such evidence that logging harms bigfoot habitat. There have been no bigfoots to study to determine what they like or don't like. This is where science once again comes into play. There is no scientific evidence that bigfoot exists, no scientific evidence that they even have a habitat, and none that suggests that they are even in the forests that get logged. If we are encroaching on their habitat, we should see them. Instead, we see them along roads, in rural areas, on farms, in pastures, in developed areas, wherever people are.

      So there's no reason to impede logging in any way, since nobody has evidence they inhabit logged forests.

      And as far as protecting them? From what? Hunters? Heck, if hunters could do them the least bit of harm, we'd have a specimen by now. Since we don't have a specimen, it's safe to say that hunters don't pose a threat to them. It's hard to claim that we pose a threat to bigfoot in any way, shape or form when they can't even be identified as existing. The government rightfully would not put protections in place for a species not known to exist outside of folklore, where human activity of any kind has not shown even an inkling of harm to such unknown creatures.

    13. Good post 10:16! I think at best they'd just do what some states have done already (with tongue firmly in cheek) and banned hunters from shooting them. I think if all this DNA thing turns out to be true then I guess a legitimate study will be commissioned into the spiecies to assess population numbers and just to study the creature like any other be it bear, deer, grouse or whatever. People on here really love getting their panties in a bunch about the implications to religion, logging, Darwinism or native rights. Sorry, I just don't see it happening get perspective not everything evolves round your hobby!

    14. First, you are speaking about a report as if you have set and read it. Secondly, If Ketchum is a liar, she is a great one. I say this because the talking points she uses are sound and would be considered irrefutable if talking about say, some new species of K-9. She isn't and people's fear of change, the unknown, or the idea that they are not all knowing and all knowledgeable immediately causes people such as ^^^^^ to claim hoax, etc. For guys like Gavin Bagg or whatever his name is, apparently you must own your own time machine. You stated that cell phones, heat seaking blah, blah, blah, has been around for decades. News flash, the internet has only been around for a little over one decade. Flir has been so expense that only until about four years ago could the average upper middle class person remotely afford one. Cell phones? In the mid 90's cell phones started being mass produces for the public. Only within the last few years has the technology been available to take a "decent" photo.

      Check the facts, since the advent of the internet and all of the technology you have spoken about being around for "decades"(More like ten years or less) sasquatch sightings, photos, reports, recordings, etc. have sky rocketed. Why is this? Is everyone hoaxing? Or maybe it is simply because the average Joe can afford the technology that wasn't even available ten years ago and too expensive to buy six years ago. The Internet has made an easy means to report the sighting too. Prior to the mid-late nineties if a person actually saw something out of the ordinary it maybe made the local paper and was talked about on the local t.v new channels by the rest of the country/world had no idea.

      Call it what you want but the facts are the facts. You are making arguments based on bias and exaggerating numbers to fit into your opinion.

    15. And you sir need to check your facts too, I think you'll find cell phones have been in mass production for quite some time the demand increased during the 90s. The technology went hand in hand with demand so in the last ten years they've added better and better features untill they're more computer than phone, hell cel phone technology has come along on leaps and bounds in the last what 6 years? The Internet has been around longer than cell phones but wasn't really developed into what it is now till the 90s which was now 2 decades ago, ah the information super highway :) So yeah Internet 1960s/ early 70s so 4 decades I've been online for 2 decades makes me feel old! There's always been hoaxing since before cameras I commented on another thread ( or was it this one?) bout Victorians and fake animal taxidermy like the furry salmon or the monkey mermaid! Looks silly to us but they believed it hook line and sinker! The ability to hoax increases with the tech same as the ability to Squatch does and when it's done slam it on YouTube and if it's good Finding Bigfoot if it's not that great Fact or Faked Paranormal Files

  6. Here's a box of straws. Grasp at them. Grasp at them good with all your bleefs.

  7. Replies
    1. To an agenda troll like you she's probably annoying because she knows, every word she said is true and I doubt you don't know that.

    2. @3:25:00

      Every word she said is true? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *BREATHE* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA you're just as nuts as she is. Delusional. Explains a lot watching videos of he bleevers and how they could possibly hold onto the mind numbing theories about a large hairy 800 lb 8 foot tall undiscovered primate. SURE baby, I have a bridge for you!

      Seriously, wake the fuck up. This country needs less idiots. Perhaps I'm asking at the wrong blog for sanity.

    3. Yeak fuck off troll, she's right and we're sick of your bullshit.

    4. Yeah we like being unreasonable and irrational so fuck off with your logic and reason!!!

  8. Ugh! I'm still dizzy from my face palm!

  9. "blah blah blah , excuse blah blah IT HAS TO BE REAL blah blah. Dumb bitch.

    1. "blah blah blah , excuse blah blah IT HAS TO BE HOAX blah blah. Dumb troll bitch.

    2. @3:26

      anything bigfoot, is bullshit. Wake up!

    3. Especially trolls are bullshit, were there nothing to these sightings and studies you'd not be here so wake up.

  10. My dick looks good for alien cheese to feet face a drive monkey.


  12. in this thread, people who trust the establishment 100%

  13. I doubt very much the government even knows this woman exists let alone even cares about her claims. I think they are more concerned with the real boogie men healthcare, terrorism, the economy.... It's fun to think about these theories but going beyond that us a useless endeavor

    1. No, you got it all wrong she's likely part of the disclosure program she sounds way too informed not to be interested in this subject already and much more than what you'd get from casual site surfing.

    2. She is wearing glasses, she must be smart! I believe every syllable that comes out of her mouth...

    3. Good, means you're smart and catching on against all predictions.

  14. This woman has no clue how science works. Debunking theory is what science does. A theory has to be falsified. Load on crap.

  15. Even if the paper will not be published by a print journal due to government actions or the influence of the "mainstream" scientific community, Ketchum and her partners could still publish the paper on their own website (the way PLOS does). Then it is just the question, if enough people care about it and visit this site. If the public does so, this issue will intrude into mainstream science sooner or later.

    1. PLOS is a peer reviewed on-line journal, not a bunch of people publishing their own material. I think those are good landing spots for dna papers because people can download the sequences.

    2. I know, I just meant the basic mechanism..

  16. Three Lights. I definitely see THREE LIGHTS!

  17. Nothing will prove the existence of bigfoot other than a specimen.

    1. Look at how well this dna study is being accepted. Do you think the next one will be any better. Even if the person who does it does not make a bunch of strange statements?

      Only a body will end the debate. You cannot argue proof or contaminated dna with a body.

    2. Ya, DNA will not cut it. It might increase interest, especially since the claim is that bigfoots are some hybrid between humans and non-human, unknown, angel or Nephilim species. I'm suspecting that Ketchum mounted that report, hit the throttle, and jumped the shark.

      No body. No photos. No video. No DNA at this point. Where's the report? Now that there have been several leaks and press reports and interviews, the cat's out of the bag. Where's the report!!!

    3. It's coming you worthless dipshits and yes DNA will cut it because that is science whether you like it or not, and whether salamismokers like Conan 'Coma' O'Brien gets it or not. You think by commenting nonstop against the study report that we can't tell you're a phony?

    4. People that comment here do not work for the government as part of some dis-information campaign. You need to come to terms with that and rethink this conspiracy stuff. Focus on what bigfoot may or may not be, the veracity of the evidence etc etc. That is fine and valid. The other stuff is a bit off the wall. Not trolling, just telling you in the interest of good fellowship.

    5. Actually I work for the government disinformation bureau and I'm monitoring this site heavily. We at the bureau are committed to keeping you people in the dark over the so called Bigfoot mystery as yes it would destroy life as we know it. We are currently working with Mr. Moneymaker in an extensive campaign to discredit the work of possible the greatest geneticist the world has ever known as we can not have the rest of you people knowing the truth about the Sasquatch. The pay off for Mr. Moneymaker was a trip to Area 51 where he not only saw the bodies from the Sierra kills site but also met the Great Old One leader of the Sasquatch peoples and ambassador to humanity. It was agreed that Dr. Ketchum's paper should not be taken seriously and through social networking sites and forums we would convince the people this woman was insane. Also present at this meeting were top ranking religious leaders from all faiths (yes the Illuminati and lizard people were present along with Osama Bin Laden and Elvis Presley) and also top evolutionary scientists joined by members of the logging industry. It was decided that any proof of Bigfoot must not be found or published as this would create panic amoung the population and the financial costs or rewriting all science textbooks would bankrupt the secret world economy. We must protect the status quo at all costs and we are watching you all, all the time....

    6. If dna is found, and it does prove bigfoot, will it end the debate on if they exist? No. Just look at the amount of people saying it is fake, contaminated, not processed correctly etc. The media is attacking already. And we have no report or study yet. When or if it comes out, the naysayers and people trying to disprove it with increase a thousand fold.

      It will not matter who collected or tested the dna. It will always be considered bad science by enough to keep the species in doubt.

      But throw a body down and guess who can deny that?

    7. Yeah you're right with the body but think the problem is with this study in particular the Ketchum study. If it was done at one of the leading Colleges or Universities by a geneticist of note (ah like Brian Sykes maybe) people might take note. There are a few problems here which others keep mentioning, Ketchum's credentials, the way the tests were done, the way the whole study has been reported and the way it's allegedly been released or presented for peer review. When all is said and done it sounds bad I mean look at the real evidence about the person behind it even without the crazy lady Lindsay stuff, look at what Moneymaker has said and Meldrum. If this was a trial and all this was presented as evidence it wouldn't look good for the Ketchum camp

    8. 2:59..You had me until Elvis, he died when they put him in the army..

    9. Who cares about the media they've always loved trashing the subject, everybody's afraid of this truth. We all like a good ghost story, but making it real? No, nobody wants that even if it is. We pretend we want Bigfoot found and proven real but in reality we don't because we're worried of what it might say about ourselves.

    10. Worried about what it would say about ourselves? Like what? That cultish, logic hating, science hating, government hating, thought hating goofballs knew something that the rest of the world didn't? Yeah, everyone's really afraid of that, Greggie.

  18. Oh I'm sure it will get published, in some back water Russian journal she paid for.

    1. Russian newspapers have always been the default "source" for all things mythological, since Russian newspapers have always been impossible to verify or validate the authenticity of. If this thing comes out in a Russian journal, I'm sorry, that's fodder for the National Enquirer. The National Enquirer has been using Russian publishing as a cover for a good percentage of its goofy fairy tale stories, and if this goes to a Russian publication it will instantly have National Enquirer status, meaning it will be instantly disregarded.

  19. Just seen the Ketchum dna story on Good Moring America.

    1. Yeah, and remember how many stations carried the Balloon Boy story? All of them! Every station in the country was carrying the Balloon Boy story as it unfolded. Anyone who knows anything about helium and balloons, and weight, could tell from the very first shots that there was no way in hell a half filled balloon of that size could carry a boy. Anyone could tell it was a hoax if they weren't captured by the emotion of the moment.

      Same goes for the Georgia refrigerator hoax. It doesn't matter how many news stations or websites pick up this latest story. That's not the test of legitimacy. Just because everyone's starting to talk about it doesn't mean it is any more legitimate than the Balloon Boy was. Wait and see.

  20. Paranoid cover-up theories are a silly corollary to the adoption, in the 1970's, of bigfooting by the paranormal enthusiasts.
    Maybe there are witnesses who are very sure they saw something, and the fact that they have not yet been validated by science or the general public leads them in this crazy direction. In short, the embracing of this nonsense may be a sign of sincerity, and this is the only positive thing I can say.

  21. "That's what Weekly World News has told us all along."
    That's it. I can't even resond to that. Thanks a lot bitch. my brain is officially fried.

  22. If you haven't read the missing 411 books you know nothing!!!

  23. CNN just reported its Turkey DNA mixed with human, brand new species, that proves the provo footage is real, those damn turkeys causing so much havoc...and there kidnapping humans , children mainly to crossbreed with them, TRUE STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Lol damn you turkey my girlfriend was holding her virginity for our marriage now I'm having a feather baby woe is me

    2. You guys just gobble up any old crap

  24. The root cellar had windows that faced the equinox, ( sun and moon) because of the light. Lantern Oil was precious and so was candle tallow. Geeze at least do the research before you go spouting off at the mouth.

    1. My bathroom window faces the perihelion, and I sweat my ass off when I have to take a dump :(

    2. My bathroom is always cold. So I have to kind of hover over the toilet when I take a dump or I pay the price.

      BOMBS AWAY!!!!

  25. Everybody wants their 15 minutes of fame it's reality tv heading into a scientific brick wall it's fun to watch but in the end there will be no survivors

    1. Tim Fasano will survive, he jumped ship yesterday...

    2. One things for sure he'll float!

  26. Guys, I think a bigger conspiracy is what happened to Ketchum's teeth. If you look at the news clip it shows a bunch of gappy teeth where as the picture of her from a previous article shows no gaps. This brings up two scenarios:
    1. She is smoking meth and releasing this news to support her habit.
    2. A bigfoot has assumed her identity and is wearing a costume to look like her to come out to the public.

  27. Bigfoot watched Coming to America and thought fuck it, that's why the government doesn't give a fuck.

    1. They mangled the remote here, didn't they. Sure they did.

  28. What did I see, fool that I was?
    Oh, a goddess with wings on her heels.
    All my illusions projected on her;
    The ideal that I wanted to see.

  29. Do you honestly think the feds don't screen phone calls, emails, and such looking for "threats" to the president or acts of terror? A huge uproar just recently happened because the feds are trying to pass unrestricted access to ALL information stored online. With no subpoena or notification to anyone. Look up CALEA and CISPA. They already screen every form of communication looking for threats. The law says with a subpoena or "other lawful method". Ever hear of the Patriot Act? I have patients all the time getting visited by Secret Service people. Supposedly from "tips", but the only thing we know for sure is the person made phone calls to family. And not all of the familes would turn them in.

    But all the snooping doesn't mean they will try to block release of bigfoot proof right? Wrong. The fed a very long history of doing things in the name of protecting the public. If they think it will cause a threat to the government, they will stop it. Why do you think they blackout items in public information requests. Or have so many agencies that deal with security near and far.

    Look what happened with Area 51. When the feds found out that a nearby mountain gave a great view of the area with basic long distance viewing devices they did a land grab and closed off the mountain to access. Why? In the age of satellites being able to read newpapers from space, why close a mountain to access of viewing the base? Not even using the little green man theory, what are they doing that they don't want people knowing?

    Look how many times the feds have refused to even admit it existed. Why did a lawsuit, brought by federal employees for that base demanding employees be compensated for health issues caused by burning toxic materials, get thrown out and suddenly Clinton signs a presidential order exempting the entire base from all laws?

    How many wars, "police actions", and covert security operations have been carried out because of threats to government that we get no proof of. Why are records sealed in the name of security? Why not just black out the sensitive info?

    But in this case of dna, I think it is too late to cover up much. They might try a discredit campaign. But like others have said, science and Dr Ketchum seem to be doing it themselves already.

    Plus Russia, China and other countries have government backed expeditions looking to prove the yeti and other bigfoot related creatures.

    But bigfoot will impact timber industries if the greeners get their way. There are many many groups and even government employees actively doing everything they can to close the forests. With bigfoot proven, it gives them more ammo.

    The government has too long a history of doing things "for the good of the nation" to not think they might try to block bigfoot being proved.

    1. And I was thinking people were mean for attacking you. I'm starting to think you live in an alternate world where whatever happens in the movies must be true in real life. I want to be there when you try to jump from one building to another to escape the feds after they track you down for being the common element between all those guys you say you know that are getting snitched on for being spies. Unlike Bourne, people really can't fly from building to building, making cool landings through windows, unscathed.

      Must be a bummer to live with constant paranoia all the time. When all is said and done, and we're laying in our death bed, where will all this paranoid conjecture leave you? You miss out on a lot when you live in fear and fantasy.

    2. Must be an even bigger (unaware) bummer to not even notice you're being fucked by the very same people you figured would protect you. Wrong! lol They can only protect you when they can get to you, and when you've given them that access your ass is theirs. And that my gents is the story of our society today one big police state essentially, and you never even noticed they came and took it all away from you because you were too busy buying their blame game diversions. Now they own you.

    3. You are missing my point. Our government monitors us. Pure and simple. Look up the two laws I put above. Read the law and see what they can and can't do. Then search laws and presidents orders that are in effect and see what is now allowed because of the combination. My patients are mentally ill. They make threats againsy people nonstop. Everyone from Joe Citizen to the president, pope and queen. At least monthly the Secret Service comes out to interview someone who threatened the president. At least once a month. Some of these patients only call family and talk to family, so how did the feds know they threatened anyone?

      I don't know where the hell you got spies from. But if you think I am joking, pick up you phone, make a call to a buddy and talk about killing the president. Make it sound good, make a plan etc. Maybe pass a few emails. Do this a few times and see who comes knocking. I will keep a bed open for you while you get evaluated to stand trial.

    4. That's the point I made above actually, it's a police state and we're all being watched so how anyone can doubt conspiracies is beyond me and must be because they want to. Same with denying Bigfoot.

    5. I don't think anyone on here is doubting all conspiracies it's just doubting there is a massive governmental conspiracy over Bigfoot and doubting the implications to science and religion that people are claiming. If you were talking bout a different conspiracy on a different site we might be agreeing with each other. As for living in a police state talk to people who might have lived in the Eastern Bloc, Russia or East Germany during Communism if you want to know about real police states. Yes, I do know the government monitors a lot of communications (especially if you're in charge of the CIA :) but how are your movements restricted, how are your 1st or 2nd amendment rights restricted, where are the tanks and military on city streets? It's all about perspective, like banging your toe and complaining to a guy with no legs.

    6. More insanity. You guys think that the government is watching me and controlling me and in my business? Hmmm, if they are, well, so what. I don't notice, it doesn't hurt me, they don't steer me this way or that way, and I am none the wiser for it. I do what I want to do, have a happy life, and am free from paranoia. I suspect that you paranoids have a lot less freedom, a lot less fun, a lot less sense of security, a lot less of everything (maybe even teeth?). So tell me why your insider knowledge of Big Brother is such a great thing? Tell me how hiding in fear, always watching over your shoulder for the big takeover is making you a happier, better person?

      Paranoia is not a great place to live in, clearly. Believe what you want to believe, whether it is real or not. But don't try to convince the non-believer that somehow they are missing out because of their ignorance of all these conspiracies. The non-believers of such crazy fantasies are not shackled by the heavy weight of fantasy, so they can be so much more mobile in life. Ever been to Europe? Ever been to Japan? Ever been to the Arctic Circle? Ever been anywhere? Life can be lived to the fullest if one allows it. The only people holding you back are not the secret societies, what holds you back is your own delusions. Sorry, but that's the way it is.

      If you want to make crazy assed phone calls to see if you can get the feds on your back, go for it. Make your own reality, and own it. You can tell me what your prison cells look like (real or mental prisons of paranoia) and I will tell you how nice it was on the French Riviera, or how fine the cuisine was in Japan, or how Italian pizza is curiously different from American pizza.

  30. Now,now.Didn't the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame try to keep RUSH out,probably an anti canadian thing,but who's going to get inducted into the hall of fame this year?RUSH...they broke through that evil conspiracy with good kick ass music.I think if Melba puts down the crack pipe and Bible and borrows Rushferlifes copy of Hemispheres,I'll throe in a copy of Signals,she just might be truly saved,maybe.

    1. Yeah it's great, go Rush! It is true though, Rush saves lives. I love losing it and countdown.

      He's a radio receiver
      Turned to factories and farms
      He's a writer and arranger
      And a young boy bearing arms

      He's got a problem with his power
      With weapons on patrol
      He's got to walk a fine line
      And keep his self-control

    2. Losing it?thats what makes you one of the greats Rush,a fantastic song and my son loves countdown in the car,of course throw chemistry in there.Only a true Rush fan puts losing it right out there,you continue to up your cool.

    3. I'm ruining music for my son since he listens to Rush all the time he'll ultimately be disappointed when he hears other bands with lesser musicians,dare I play the Yes albums and then just tell him to quit at the top

    4. Much respect rumferlife. Your son is blessed to have a badass father like you who knows what real musicianship is about. Are you a musician? I am a percussionist (as a hobby) and have played with a few amateur bands. It's so hard to find guys that can hang with me when I whip out the Peart. I think you will like this link:

    5. Should have said when I try as hard as I can to play the Professors chops.

    6. I wish I was,if you can play half as good as peart your on your way.check him out playing earthshine,super technical.

    7. you know Rush my son and I watch that all the time,he calls that the rocket song because of that video

    8. he's a big fan of timemachine,someone at work gave it to me,lot of RUSH fans there,he likes far cry and working them angels and prefers live red barchetta to studio,interesting taste for a kid,he's surpassing me as a Rush fan.

    9. Well my friend, kudos to you. I hope one day to start a family. I can cover earthshine, it's just getting those that can hang... Just having a beer tonight but I received a little Lemon G so that will suffice nicely. Rush on brother.

    10. you can do earthshine,excellent.

    11. Rush,were you in melbas facebook group,she doesn't seem wound too tight,I predict this paper to flop or not materialize at all.

  31. This woman is spouting nonsense. She puts forward no scientific confirmation whatever to back up her stories of "hidden evidence", "disintegrating skeletons" and "common knowledge". You shouldn't start or end an outlandish statement with the word "apparently", and expect everyone to believe you. She's merely vomitting out woo-woo stories she's read and stored away in her credulous little head.
    As regards stories of Native American Giants, if she's referring to the Si-Te-Cah, then it's utter nonsense that they were 8ft tall.
    This is exactly the sort of paranormal, conspiracy-loaded poppycock that the BF community needs to cast out if it's to be taken at all seriously.

    1. I think the lady in the video was kinda being a little sarcastic especially when talking about Weekly World News etc. I think a lot of it she was pulling your leg

    2. Maybe! But I've just had a look at her blog and I think she's an anti-vaccine know the type; someone who thinks autism is caused by the MMR vaccine.
      In my book she's an undiluted crazy

    3. "Like your mom and sis" holy shit...that's genius. Let me get a pen...

  32. This dumb attention whore should twiddle her bits, and shut the fuck up. Obviously void of a brain.

    1. Or maybe she is just being sarcastic and the joke is lost on you?

    2. No she means it because she knows it.

  33. The government??? Cover up??? BIGFOOT??? This could never happen!! And if anyone believes this statement,,,they are doomed. Uncle Sam has a poor record of truth. Every time someone asks me why hasn't a body been found,,I go into my rant about cover up,,it seems most people cringe. Give me a break. Then the ask why? Well obviously the Timber industry,,,then the Church,,as Bigfoot comes into play it wrecks most people's nice organized little world,,where everything has its place,,and Bigfoot is a nice fairy tale. Then the last obvious point,,in my personal theory,,,is that if these beings are "scientifically" discovered,,,it's going to be a freak show in the forest. Ma and Pa Kin are gonna take Lee,,Sally,,and little Junior into the woods to go give that Big Harry man a hug and some dinner,,,and that may not turn out very well. The boys in charge may act and look the parts of Gentiles and idiots most days,,,but they are wise in many ways. They probably guess if all sorts of folks go tear assing through the woods to shake hands with Bigfoot,,,the more chances these "unpleasant" little incidents that may occur,,,and there fore be a hell of a lot harder to cover up. Lets be honest here. These creatures (yes I know,,,the tatertrolls are going to freak out with the lame ass they don't exist rant,,) are know to display intimidation techniques,,that usually achieve the desired result. For the BF anyway lol. What happens when every where BF turns,,there may be some poor bastard who just takes it as a sign of "aawwww,,,that poor big hairy man needs a hug,,,and I'm gonna give him one to cheer him up!!" Hell,,who knows,,,never been done before,,that I know of. It may just work. Kinda have my concerns tho.

    1. Put the bottle down. Have some coffee. Get some fresh air. All those friends you say cringe when you go off about conspiracy theories? I bet they all have good chuckles when you are out of earshot! Nutty idea #1, bigfoot exists. Nutty idea #2, there is a lot of evidence to prove it. Nutty idea #3, the government is covering it all up. They are laughing after they stop cringing.

    2. Of course they could cover it up just like every other secret, if this species is from some other place in space do you expect them to admit that? If the species is human then this is merely the Native American secret.

  34. Ok. Anon. It must be really hard to make it through the day sometimes. It's ok. I understand. I also have friends that have very little knowledge and are too close minded. So your need to make yourself feel important by trying to sound smart and etc is not lost on me. Go ahead. Let it out. Cause your hypothetical world is about to come falling down when these awesome beings are proved will. And if you get a pair,,and start posting your name instead of ANONYMOUS,,I'll even be cool about it. I won't say I Told You So. Have a wonderful day!!!

    1. Why would the world come tumbling down just cos Bigfoot is confirmed by DNA? It's not that big a deal the world will not shift on it's axis there will be no rioting in the streets or mass suicides or the Pope having a mental breakdown or anyone outside of Footery caring that much! However, if he did appear on Letterman that might be different or just appear full stop on tv! Man get some perspective

    2. Exactly! It'd be cool, for sure, but why some people seem to think that it will be as radically earth shattering is beyond me. I think some people feel like they have been the butt of so many jokes for so long, like the ultimate nerds or role playing gamers with the jocks yanking their undies up for painful wedgies every day for their whole prior life, that if bigfoot is proven to be real they will finally find vindication, and be able to say "take that!"

      You can tell by a lot of these posts that quite a few people seem to have emotional issues about bigfoot. They are desperate. They are aching for it to be true. They want it SO bad that they can hardly contain themselves. Why? So they can feel vindicated. They see the world as them as a small persecuted group of people who know the truth, and can't hardly wait for the day when they can lord it over all the non-believers.

      There must be a pill they can take to help with that, to take the edge off a bit.

      FYI, the world will not come tumbling down around us all if bigfoot is ever found. Talk about a drama queen. Not a lot different from the geeks in Galaxy Quest, really. Except that the fanatical believers have one giant chip on their shoulders that makes them bitter and spiteful, against anyone and everyone who does not drink their brand of Koolaid. They hate skeptics. They hate rational thinkers. hey hate science. They hate the government. They are so full of hate and distrust, yet feel so totally powerless unless they can cluster together to lend the much needed emotional support to keep their faith strong in the face of dwindling hope.

      Kind of sad, really. All the pent up frustration and anger in the world will not make bigfoot real. Jumping the gun hoping something is going to come of his report is funny and sad at the same time. If it ever comes out, let's talk then. A couple of paranoid and UFO believing chicks is not going to weigh very heavily on most people's opinions.

    3. Yep! Think people get so wrapped up in something like this they get really blinkered and not able to look at things objectively. I think it's the same with a lot of things whether it's religion, sports or I dunno jazz people get joy from it and almost get obsessed with it thinking that everybody should feel the way they do about their belief or hobby. Obviously there are people who have witnessed things and know what they saw was real but I actually think they're the minority on here the fundamentalists probably haven't seen anything outside PGF or YouTube videos.

    4. Just one more thing,,,,,I think a few people here may agree. If you Do not have emotional issues regarding these creatures,,,you've never encountered one.

    5. If only footers cared this blog would be a nice place not the fuckface frenzy it's become for trolling retards doing their best to discredit, it's obvious that they know enough about the subject more than the casual person so we're talking deliberate disruption.

    6. Yes we have a secret daily meeting to agree on how to discredit you more and more with each passing day!!! Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!! You sound like a moron

  35. For the record,,that comment was not meant as in the worlds gonna stop and what all and what not,,it was,,,well hell,,you didn't get it the first time,,never mind. Good grief.

  36. And for the anon with the speech,,,you seem to know a lot about all these kinds of issues. Lmfao!! I don't have much of the issues you've mentioned. My problem is,,for the record,,people who show up,,,day after day,,,to a site dedicated to this mystery or legacy etc,,,and instead of making a statement or comment pro or con,,about the articles,,posts,,,videos,,,therefore contributing to this community for good or ill,,,choose behave like morons and tatertrolls. Skeptics for any subject is not just ok,,,their a necessity. Anyway,,,sorry everyone else. I have developed a zero tolerance for nonsense and B.S lately. Have a great eve everyone!!

  37. *hypothetical world= the constant statements made by a few that BF do not exist. Maybe I should've clarified that for the drama trolls. My bad ; )

  38. What purpose would it serve to hide information about Bigfoot? They put up deer crossing signs and Rock fall signs on streets and highways shar and jellyfish attack signs on beaches etc... They wouldn't put up a there is a big harry half human half ape in these woods that could rip you in half warning sign? I'm sure all you deer hunters would at least appreciate that.


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