Here's a Live Feed To Moneymaker: Still Pounding On Ketchum At The Moment

Matt Moneymaker started Tweeting about Ketchum's Bigfoot DNA study about 8 hours ago and he's not showing any signs of stopping anytime soon. To read up on what you've missed early, here's the link to our original story about Moneymaker's rant against Ketchum. We have also setup a live Twitter feed for front row viewing. Grab a popcorn everybody!


  1. Replies
    1. Bit of a stutter there buddy

    2. I was hitting some budder it just kinda came out that way : ) lolol

    3. Cocaine makes you act like Matt

    4. I've never got loaded then ran round the forest at night making noises and banging trees

    5. Dont knock it till you try it

    6. First, mom said if you don't get your ass off the couch and have a job by tomorrow. Your out on your ass. Get hunting!

    7. My mom wouldn't say that, she's stuffed and mounted in the hallway. What's that ma kill tem all now?!!!

  2. Replies
    1. Tough times demand tough talk...

    2. Nice! I may get it one day... Force Ten rocks!

  3. love the popcorn pic Shawn :) moneymaker is still and always a douche!

  4. Of course Moneymaker is going to be upset. She's cutting in on his gravy train.

    1. Or maybe because she might be full of shit!!! Just cos you hate Matt doesn't make Melba untouchable

    2. Matt is friends with a reported financial backer of this report. He may be in a position to know. The study is a joke and people who take this seriously, whether you like them or not, have a right to distance themselves.

  5. moneymaker is at the top of the game.

    1. How is that even possible when being as ignorant as he is?

    2. Because maybe he knows things we don't?

  6. Moneymaker is doing this as a job. Of course he is going to discredit anyone and everyone who tries to one up him. It's about the money! Just like his name implies!

    1. He's never gonna be short of money no matter what! They still need to find a Squatch to go with the DNA and that's what his show is about, the hint is in the title Finding Bigfoot. Even if Ketchum is right isn't Bigfoot interest going to peak thus making so called experts in the field in big demand for a whole load of FB rip offs and press interviews etc. Either way you think Matt will be outta pocket?

  7. Here's how Derek Randles started....
    Thank me later

    1. I suppose since Randles is in Melba and Dave's corner, Matt has to be in the opposite just to be different. And sure enough he's always been a little different.

    2. Or maybe just because he has a different opinion not just to be awkward but cos he doesn't agree with em!

    3. He's about to become extinct himself that's his real fear, that's he's going down to the bottom with the oltimers in this field now. Too bad you stayed where you did too long, Matt.

  8. Great job by MM smacking down the boob who attempted to infer racism from his "foreign immigrant scientist" comment!

    1. EXACTLY, A White European Chinese Scientist? Matt, Your a complete dork

  9. MM's crap is painful to read. He doesn't know how much money has gone into this study.

    1. He is afraid that he will lose the money he would have made from Animal Planet!

    2. As long as people tune in Animal Planet will keep paying him and unless Ketchum got a cage with a Squatch in it to go with her results they'll still be a show!

    3. Matt and his tem0oer will end the show! He is surrounded by producers that don't believe in BF, look through the videos on AP, you will see!

    4. He's upset how relatively fast she did it, I suspect the geezer knows now the penny dropped that she's on to something real here and he fears his new-found fantasy lifestyle of the rich and blobby will slip away just as he's beginning to enjoy stardom. Well Matt, you always were kinda fake and now you've met your match and superior in this field, join in the apology line or retire there's nothing else to do.

    5. Its the opposite. She is setting the field up for a massive smackdown, and he is fighting to retain what little credibility bigfooting has.

    6. Fucking Christ!! Finding Bigfoot is big money for Animal Planet it will keep going for as long as it pulls the ratings in and the producers views don't matter they're making money so they're happy too. What makes you so sure that Ketchum is legit? Where is your proof? For the millionth time DNA proof isn't the be all and end all of Footery finding a body or capturing a live one is where the real proof is!!!! Does Ketchum go out Squatching like the other researchers do? Any how the Sykes study is the best bet for real DNA proof done by a Professor of Genetics who isn't involved in a media circus or making any claims outlandish or otherwise!

    7. Bullshit. You seriously think AP will associate themselves with a fantasy now a study's about to change all that? They want to keep their credibility, so as soon as this study hits and it shows what it will Matt could be a goner because he'd not be chasing his safe fantasy monster anymore but a close relative of Man and our normal ethical codes would probably kill off the show then on moral grounds.

    8. Yes of course you are completely right! Or maybe completely full of shit! Who cares what Bigfoot is you still have to find the fucker whether it's an ape or human hybrid!!! What's ethics got to do with this it's tv you fucktard!!!!!!!!!! Why would anything change?????? Was the Ketchum study officially released and only you know??? No so what makes you so sure Ketchum is right?? It used to be if you had an opinion you needed facts to back it up I guess people don't do that anymore far too logical it's a lot easier to just make big sweeping statements with nothing to back it up!!!

  10. LoL, he stops his ranting as soon as Shawn set the community to watch him on Twitter, MM you Coward!

  11. I think MM secretly has a tater crush on Melba.

  12. Is he seriously trying to claim there towards the end that UK Bigfoot sightings are because of his show? Because no, they're really not. They've been going on for years.

    1. The sightings began there in the 1970's around the time when the Rod Serling narrated film about bigfoot (which included the Patterson-Gimlin film) was released in the UK.

    2. Yep along with big cat sightings and lake monsters etc You should read Three Men Seeking Monsters by Nick Redfern it's a fun read about roaming round the British countryside looking for mythical creatures! Take it with a pinch of salt though not as gospel but more of a fun road trip book. Would make a great Simon Pegg and Nick Frost movie!

    3. Redfern's a punk, but he may be on to something.

    4. grrrrrrrr!!!! that sums up my views on these cunts period.

    5. Cunts period ?!! Yuck did you have to put those words together??? Redfern is a punk as constantly makes references to the Ramones and Pistols in the book! I don't really agree with his findings or views it's just a fun read like I said :)

  13. "Her game is to make it seem like she's right on the edge of releasing something very major. People want to jump on the bandwagon beforehand."

    This is my favorite, as if Finding Bigfoot doesn't do little cliffhangers before every commercial. And teasers for next week's big episode.

  14. Does anyone have any jars they can spare?

    I have to take a poop and it seems I have ran out of jars.

    1. Never mind,I found an empty Miracle Whip jar.

  15. wallace prints = hoax
    PGF = hoax
    freeman = hoax
    2008 freezer = hoax
    marble mountain = hoax
    sierra sounds = hoax
    london trackway = hoax
    elbe trackway = hoax
    hovey picture = hoax
    sylvanic = hoax
    sierra kills = hoax
    tent video = hoax
    operation persistence = hoax
    ketchum report = hoax

    bigfoot = hoax

    1. The Bringer of Truth = Uninformed

    2. Very few of these have been definitively prove to be hoaxes. The 2008 Georgia freezer flap though... people should think about the parallels with this current flap.

    3. More like the bringer of poop : )

    4. 11:55 - The Bringer of Total Denial.

    5. I will let your statememt about bogfoot beong a your little secret!

  16. Honestly, this crap needs to stop.

    The biggest handicap to the Bigfoot community and their efforts to prove in there existence, is the prominent researchers themselves. Its like watching a bunch of 3 year olds fighting for a toy; they all want it first, and no matter what they do, they are gonna try everything the can to get it.

    Look at how almost every media site and scientist has responded to the DNA leak, they either say it's a) unlikely that the results are accurate, or b) that they are eagerly waiting for the results. Even the most unknown, rarely visited news sites are giving this a chance. These are people who think that Bigfoot is a joke, or really don't have any opinion on the matter, and the majority are speaking from a perspective that that paints Melba as a scientist that is staying strong against all those who doubt.
    Now look at the Bigfoot community. I don't be anons or random commentators, I mean the big names. They do nothing but talk shit about Melba and the people associated in her study. It's not even like their giving her a chance, in their eyes, she blew that chance years ago. But remember, NOONE wouldve known about this study from the get go, had it not been for Lindsay, and NOONE wouldve known of the results had it not been for Igor. Melba is constantly having people come out and speak for her without her consent, and even though a sensible person would take her word over those that 'expose' her, the majority of people in this community decided, long ago, that she was wrong, lying, and taking peoples money. Who started these rumours? Oh yea, the same person who mockednl Melba and said she was raped by a Bigfoot, only because she removed his 'sources'. Yet for SOME REASON, the average person is believing what these random, uninformed, lets be honest, nobodies, have to say, instead of a vetenarian/genetist who is risking her career on this.

    Now back to Moneymaker. He is not fooling anyone with half a brain by sprouting this bullshit. He is the head of the biggest Bigfoot Organization in the world, the face of a very popular Bigfoot TV show, and also a stern believer that these things are just apes. What does he have to lose If Melba is right? The chance to be first, the glory that comes with it, and most likely his TV show. Oh and also, people arent't gona take him as seriously as they do now (do they?), because he has vouched his whol career they are apes. Obviously he is going to be super critical of the stusy; He wants to make as much people possible believe that its all Bullshit. He even threw Meldrums name. Jeff too has been certain that they are apes, so Im not suprised he is doubting the study. But do you see the difference, hes DOUBTIN, beeing SKEPTICAL about it, not claiming its all a charade for money and fame. That is how the community should work. If someone, anyone, makes a claim or brings forth evidence, it should be looked at skeptically, not with the opinion its 100% real or bullshit.
    Moneymaker, by making his claims is saying that, Melba, Derek Randles, the Olypmic Project, Scott Carpenter, Studstad, Smeja, BOBO and others are all lying for the sake of fame. That right there is a clear indicator that MM is just really mad at the fact he is not going to prove their existence after years of research. I am never going to watch HIS (as he puts it) show again, despite how mu

    1. how much I like the other three. I do not wanna support anything that gives this child any form of power or say about anything.

      This is why I hope Melba/Sykes to prove their existence first. Becuase all of the Moneymakers, Fasanos, and Merchants (Michael, you are very smart and very funny, and I know you've toned down with the shit talking, but please, just give it up all together), are gonna be left in the dirt because they were too busy throwing shit around at the people who at the end of the day are trying for the same goal, instead of, you know, RESEARCHING.
      There are very few pepple in this field that I would like to see make the discovery first. For every Barackman theres a Moneymaker, for every Randles theres a Lindsay; People who do nothing but slow down any chance we have of a discovery.

      And Shawn, please, continue posting stuff like this. When the average joe reads this site, they will see people like Moneymaker as children in a grown (REEEEEALLY grown) mans body, and be able to see who the real, honest, and GOOD researchers are.

      Now, go ahead with the loons, taterhole, bleever and whatever else comments there are. At least the trolls hiding behind anon won't look like morons when all is said and done.
      Matt V

    2. I keep my poop in a jar.Do you Matt V?

    3. shit forgot bout poop in the jar guy...n yes sometimes
      Matt V

    4. Jesus! Why does it matter if Bigfoot is a human hybrid, ape or a goddamn lizard thing from V!!!! Isn't it about proving they exist at all right? So why would Moneymaker be so jealous of Ketchum exactly? She could have done it with DNA but till we see a dead one or a live on on a news show (and it isn't April 1st) then she's ineffect proved little! All she's proved is there is a new spiecies that requires study but we have to find them still!!! Moneymaker's show will still carry on and most likely a whole load more rip offs!!! You can't bitch about Moneymaker and their ilk crapping on Ketchum and other researchers whilst crapping Moneymaker and other researchers! Like you said everything should be viewed with scepticism but maybe these people are sceptical about Ketchum's motives for study of the way the information has been collected? Everyone is getting their panties in such a bunch!!! At the end of the day if there is a "winner" it will still be the person who provides the body or live specimen

    5. Some people invested their entire time researching thinking they are just apes. And to some of those people think it matters greatly whethr not they were correct
      Frankly i dont give a fuck.

      And about the bashing, there was only one joke remark i made about moneymaker. The rest is just stating the truth. Not in anyway (but that one) making fun of him, just pointing out the obvious.
      Matt V


    6. I would like to hear more about NOONE they keep being mentioned but I have never heard of them.

    7. I just listened to the Paulides interview wit Knabb again and I think I know why Matt's so mad, Dave at one point says he doesn't understand why certain groups do these howls and banging on trees that never yield any results other than the odd response, this surely made Matt upset as it's his favorite picnic sport so he's doing what we call a fasano - flipping out and going on a verbal rampage.

      Here the naivety of Matty's approach is broadcast to the entire world put in words probably not even intended by Dave to be any sort of target on BFRO, yet Matt responded like the current posse of madmen in denial hating this DNA study and actively campaigning against it.

      And not only that, Paulides also - and rightly so - questions the older iconic Mattly idolized researchers in the field that wouldn't listen to anything but the ape talk. And of course then there's Melba herself, female and finding Bigfoot after some years of study where Matt's team failed through an age making the Animal Planet show not only obsolete popcorn fodder but on a channel with a very wrong name. And so Matthew's pissed but I'm happy. LOL

    8. Bigfoot is The Cheshire Cat. He's real, but he don't leave sign...

    9. I don't care Anon 2:42!

      As long as Frauds are exposed, Melba or whoever.

      Called her "bamboozle"

      So we don't have to wait 3 weeks.

      Yippy everyone can rest easy.

    10. This won't stop.

      You can't tell me that there won't be more Fraud-sters in the future. Like 5 more Fraudsters in the next 5 years.

    11. Man everybody is suddenly taken the Ketchum Koolaid round here! Seriously why are you all so sure of her? Man, she appears on tv and now every one is a stone cold believer!

    12. Maybe because it's called scientific facts, baby.

    13. Yeah you seen the paper? Nope didn't think so! You believe everything people tell you?

    14. No, do you? I believe this study is right though.

  17. "For her to imply the DNA samples "just came to her" and she hadn't been steadily soliciting for them ... really demonstrates her dishonesty."

    Maybe they did come into her, and that is how she has obtained such great DNA!

    1. Someone did come to her with the samples - it was David Paulides (NA Bigfoot Search). So Moneymaker is incorrect.

    2. Maybe you don't know her history. Maybe you don't know why Paulides had even heard of her.

  18. It's funny that Moneymaker will call anything making noise in the woods a squatch, even when it's clearly not, but he calls bullshit on a scientific report?

    1. this is where footers are misinformed and should stop circle jerking each other saying "the proof is finally here we are all vindicated"

      unless it has been peer reviewed by experts and published in a science journal then it is NOT a scientific report.

    2. What scientific report? Have you seen it?

      Did you also see the ape in the ice chest?

    3. No but I've seen an elephant fly

  19. Great point!! MM is a giant douche.

  20. steathily attacking,bigfoot slays his foe

  21. Bigfoot,knight of darkness,centaurian of evil,devil's prince

  22. BREAKING NEWS! I just got off the phone with Melba Ketchum's publicist who informed me that Ketchum's attorney has faxed a cease and desist letter to the Four Seasons Hotel in St. Louis where MM is staying in the Presidential Suite. Therefore, MM's vicious and defamatory twitter attacks should cease immediately. Incidentally, the publicist has asked me not to release his/her name so that his/her confidentiality may be maintained. Although I will reveal that his/her code name is "Linda Lovelace."

  23. Breaking News!

    I just heard that a woman in Utah, that goes by the name of Mrs. Melba did a citizen's arrest on a guy by the name of Mr. Moneymaker.

    He's currently in county jail trying to make his 1 phone call to a guy by the name of Bobo.


    O, o, o, I'm laughing... o my
    rolling now.
    I can't stop...

    laughing is good.

  24. Celebrity boxing has it that, a one, Mrs. Melba and some guy known as Moneymaker will be square off in Las Vegas on a Pay-per-view bout Dec. 29th, 2012.

  25. Does this mean that SMEJA is lying or telling the truth?

    1. He passed the polygraph test. You tell me.

    2. Looney Toon Polygrapher: Did you possibly or maybe or definately believe and or know that you saw or shot or both a bigfoot or sasquatch type creature that was and was not at the location and or locations that you previously described in an interview you may or may not have made sometime in the last week or maybe yesterday?

      Justin: Yes

    3. Polygraph tests don't really mean much and can be interperated any old way you want, they're not admissible in court either, well I don't think they are anyhow? That's not to say he was full of shit either he could be 100% telling the truth but at the end of the day only 2 people know for sure!

    4. Polygrapher: Did you Never ever think that a Bigfoot would could or should never ever exist in the Interview of random woods and forest Never ever, in kingdom come and Bigfoot-dom, Exist in the world?

      Smeja: Yes, mama.

      Smeja: Wanna go shoot some pool baby?

      Polygrapher: Yes, I thought you'd never ask.

    5. Just saw Michael Merchant interview with Smeja on Internet Radio.

      Smeja is a liar, for sure.

      Inconsistencies all over the place.

      He is not a hunter, guide or reliable.

    6. Well I'm pretty sure he's a hunter he has plenty of guns

    7. That only indicates he's retarded.

  26. Hell has froze over. I completely agree with Matt Moneymaker & Dr. Jeff Meldrum. (I frequently agree with Dr. Meldrum)

    Just have the Cat Vet telepathically summon up a tribe of Sasquatches, have a press conference and settle this whole mess in one sitting.

    I mean, if she's on a first name basis with them, and all. ;)

    What's the hold up? And for the love of the unholy panda bears; please Miss Cat Vet, could you take the effort to at least write up a new press release, instead of re-issuing one from two years ago.

    1. SWP i could listen to you talk about her blurry stick structure photo for hours


    2. She wants to parlay the press attention she's getting now for the DNA study -- that one that has been 9 months pregnant for the past 5 years -- to new attention for her lastest scam, a "habituation" site in Oklahoma. She knows how the couple in Kentucky had bilked Adrian Erickson out of 100's of thousands of dollars by stringing him along. For Melba it's a whole new scam that she can keep pregnant for another few years, but never release any reviewable evidence.

      Before she got into these BF related scams her business was to provide "DNA results" to people who wanted some paperwork to "prove" their dogs/horses/cats were from pedigrees that made them more valuable. She gave people whatever they wanted to hear in terms of DNA results. It was a racket, but it taught her how to manipulate people the way she's doing now with bigfoot evidence.

    3. Dunno if it's Moneymaker but I think he's on the money as far as Ketchum is concerned, come on look at the facts a veterinarian from Texas solves the impossible riddle of Bigfoot with her own way of extracting DNA. Damn I bet all those professors out there wish they had spent all their time testing poodle DNA to have gained such knowledge

    4. We always suspected you were an ape ass, SWP.

  27. Neither as thats what has always been a huge red flag to me. Smeja reportedly pushed for testing with legit labs with bart and tyler (who don't trust melba apparently) And who are supposedly gettin close to getting lab reports on Sierra steak. Whats odd is why would smeja not support ketchum if she was publicly saying his sample was a big piece of her study and a freakin bigfoot?? Dont know what that means but I noticed this a while back and its an overlooked point. Remember to that smeja called her out here on shawns blog about her claiming a picture of steak was a coyote piece and smeja was adamant about her lying. This whole thing with ketchum's involvement stinks and why is she going public now without anything to back it up?


    1. Maybe a speculative preemptive strike, she might think the Sykes study could come up with something and she might want to get her claim on the table first and I think they were talking about December for that to publish so she's running out of time.

    2. She's just grabbing those 15 mins of fame while she can after the "leak" who knows maybe the study is shit and she's stalling now or maybe she's hoping the media will get journals in the US interested. Leaks are not always by accident think this might be an act of desperation because science journals didn't want to know before and she's trying to get published in the US first rather than Russia? Do you think Sykes is on track? Hard to tell with those damn scientist that act professional and don't create a circus! Lol

    3. Fact is, Ketchum cracked it and found the DNA because she wanted it and went all the way with this where others have failed for various reasons. It always takes a woman, doesn't it.

  28. Pure carnage. No one comes out of this intact no matter what happens.

    1. They gonna have a real fight?

    2. MM, Fatsano, Standing and Dyer scrapping it out to the death. Hell yeah!

    3. But Footery would be dull without them and there'd be less threads to troll on :(

  29. Finally agree with MM. We shouldnt care if their human we should care if they exist.

  30. Ahhh yess.. Matt Moneymaker the dumbest cunt alive!

    1. He's part of a sucessful tv show and gets paid to travel the country running round in the dark making silly noises and hitting trees with softball bats and you think he's the dumbest cunt alive? He must be a pretty smart cookie to get a good paycheck doing that.

  31. I think that Moneymaker et al have seriously underestimated the population of Bigfoots, by a factor of at least 100.

  32. Moneymaker is right her science is faulty and will never be published by real science journals. That's why she is going to have it published in Russia by some journal back water paid for publication.

    1. She's not going to Russia with this dummy, Igor released it prematurely because if anyone wants this solved it's a guy like him he knows the species is real and what this study says is true so he wanted to make sure the world knew. Now it's out but it's only part of it and the beginning, there's lost more to come and when it's all out there'll be no more doubt and we have a new hominin species among us.

  33. I do think that Moneymaker has an agenda with a lot of his comments. No way he will allow anyone else to be ahead of him in the race to find/discover Bigfoot.

    1. Does he really want to actually find bigfoot? There's money to be had in looking for bigfoot. Maybe they finally find bigfoot down the road in the show's final episode.

    2. Maybe it'll be like that weird last episode of Quantum Leap and Moneymaker has the chance to meet Bigfoot but gives it up to keep on Squatching?

  34. I'd like to see MM actually find a bigfoot on his show. Then the bigfoot beats the tar out of the cast and crew and destroys the camera equipment. Now, I'd pay to see that.

  35. People do not understand that these things are more dangerous then they think. You dont hear much about it but sometimes people wind up missing. Some of the native Americans know, but they rarely talk about it as they believe it is bad medicine.

    1. I think one reason this species' existence has been covered up for so long, is because NAs not only know they're real but it'd also possibly shake the historic view of America in that not only did the bad Europeans take the land from the Indians - the Indians before that took it from the squatches. There are stories of the two having battles once upon a time in the distant past, and with the squatch species proven human now it'd move the victim status of NAs somewhat, that's probably the NA secret and part of why they're so reluctant to discuss it.

  36. I don't make it a habit of believing everything hoaxers say. I think this is just jealousy plain and simple.

  37. I doubt there has never been very many of them around even since the native Americans crossed the land bridge thousands of years ago. Any past physical evidence is nearly non-existent.


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