Here Comes The Tongue-in-Cheek Comments From Mainstream Media

After calling for constitutional rights and protection of the Sasquatch people at the end of her press release, we knew the mainstream media would have a fun time ripping Dr. Melba Ketchum apart today. That's what a news website,, did today with an article titled, "Woman Claims To Have Sequenced Bigfoot's Genome" (Yep, they refer to her as a "woman"-- not a scientist or a doctor):

In today's pseudoscience ridiculousness, a female geneticist and her fellow researchers claim to have sequenced the genome of Bigfoot. Yes, Sasquach.
pseudoscience ridiculousness - Pow!
female geneticist - Ouch. Didn't even want to say her name.
fellow researchers - Are they referring to us Bigfooters? I'm not a Bigfooter* or a researcher, so they can't be referring to me right?

The research isn't published or peer reviewed yet (what a crazy random happenstance) because the earth-shattering news was leaked Friday on Facebook by Russian scientist Igor Burstev.
what a crazy random happenstance - That's gotta hurt the Ketchum camp! Bigfooters have been saying this all along.
earth-shattering - What? The discovery of Bigfoot isn't earth-shattering? That sounded like Tongue-in-Cheek to me.

His post, in which he claims that researcher Melba Ketchum has analyzed more than 109 bigfoot samples, and was able to get the full sequence of 20 mitochondrial genomes (which come from the mother) and three whole nuclear genomes (which comes half from mother and half from father).

In a press release on Nov. 24, Ketchum says: "The genome sequencing shows that Sasquatch mtDNA is identical to modern Homo sapiens, but Sasquatch nuDNA is a novel, unknown hominin related to Homo sapiens and other primate species. Our data indicate that the North American Sasquatch is a hybrid species, the result of males of an unknown hominin species crossing with female Homo sapiens."

The cross would have happened 15,000 years ago.

She also helps her work will help people see Bigfoot in a new light. The light of humans: "Genetically, the Sasquatch are a human hybrid with unambiguously modern human maternal ancestry. Government at all levels must recognize them as an indigenous people and immediately protect their human and Constitutional rights against those who would see in their physical and cultural differences a ‘license’ to hunt, trap, or kill them."
Overall, it's a pretty informative article for those people who haven't been following the whole Ketchum DNA thing.

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  1. Replies
    1. JREFer who knows the film's real.

    2. I've reserved first for rumferlife (repaying a favour)

    3. Fellas, we've got to fight the evil skeptics.

      Our case is falling apart here, even Munns hasn't posted in his own thread in almost a month.

      If we can prove BobH is a poopyhead then by default Patty is real and we can go on giving high fives to each other and handjobs to unicorns.

    4. Is your president Black? ha ha haaaaaaa.............

    5. ^racism on the blog starts now

    6. Hey Anonymous Monday, November 26, 2012 7:11:00 PM


      You are today's winner of the covented Golden Idiot Statuette!!

      Please report to Mayor McCheese immediately for your award!


      The stupidity demonstrated in your post is so stupidly stupendous, that our judges have unanimously voted you our Golden Idiot of the Day!!!!

      [No applause, please.]

      At this time, to protect you from the jealousies of your lesser idiot brethren, we will disguise you in an A-1 Genuine Hairy Monkey Suit, and escort you to the dais to meet our local official Mayor McCheese!!!

      Feel free to strut and dance in your usual idioticly preening fashion as you make your way to the dais!

      Congratulations, sir, on being today's ultimate idiot!!!

      Please know that we are all behind you and have complete faith in your continued idiocy!

      Yes! That's right!

      We are all positive that you will continue to be an A-1 IDIOT!!!

      An idiot yesterday, an idiot today, is surely an idiot tomorrow!!!!

      Sing it with me, men!!!

      Thank you for being so ultimately stupid today! Isn't it a great feeling to be rewarded for being utterly clueless?

      Thank you for your post and the entertainment you have provided us all here today!!!

      I thank you for your time.

    7. I guess I'll claim it..... FIRST!!

  2. As soon as Ketchums publicist has received word (telepathically) from the sasquatch then the tribe will reveal themselves BUT only to those of us they deem worthy.

  3. I've come to the conclusion that people who write more than a few words on this blog are wankas.

    1. You mean accent or local dialect. Bets thing for serious bigfooters would be to ignore this blog from now on or at least until the Ketchum/Paulides camp comes out and presents it all, it must be terrible for them but I admire their will to stand tough and see this through. The wankers will disappear eventually then once there's no escaping the presented scientific facts.

  4. And now we will see the media take down any possibility of this ever being taken seriously - regardless of the BS surrounding HER and her, "publicist". Science should be (SHOULD BE) science and if that's what she's got on paper, it would be really great if the asswipes could look at it as such.

    Not saying that's what she has, of course.


  5. Less talk, more white paper please.

  6. The Melba is living proof that bigfoot and taterholes go one into the other.

    1. Herrrrrreeess another tatertroll. Please take a hike. And stay where you end up. Thank you and have a nice day.

  7. Anyone who falls for this Ketchum thing deserves the derision they get afterward. Such an obvious hoax.

    1. ^^^Anyone who ventures an opinion without the facts, is an emotionally undeveloped and insecure moron. Wait until the science of the study becomes public, however it does, then make an opinion, as if you actually understand genetics. You won't sound quite as stupid.

    2. Exactly. These troll geeks are actually quite amusing in all their pathetic sadness, they know it's real science proving the squatch species real whenever it'll be and they're basically just crapping around their losses so we must pity them greatly.

  8. I'm just gonna shit my pants

    1. Sorry, prolapsed before you. Too many prawns.

    2. Like mother, like child... Go for it, Stinky!

  9. Who will find the Skunk Ape first? Tim Fasano or Dave Shealy, seriously.

  10. Precisely why nobody would accept her paper.

    1. He doesn't he's just a poor little wanker whose only faithless response is this.


  12. Bigfoots voted for Obama, Romney declared that Bigfoot was all a hoax. That's why he lost.

    1. Oh Shit, there more than I thought!

      So thats what happened?

  13. Um, yall please don't get your hopes up about this Ketchum report. Even in the best of circumstances science is filled with errors and bias. That's why review has to be so skeptical and exhaustively rigorous. With the amateurish release of this info, its dramatic claims and all the new age hooey along with it, why would a legitimate scientist devote the time and effort to review it? It may never be published, and that may be for the best.

    1. So? Who the fuck cares, the trolls are just trying to keep the reality of Sasquatch at bay for as long as they think they can but their juvenile trolling and wishful thinking can't remove a species that's really alive out there eventually it'll be proven and that time is either now and close by or coming inevitably one day anyway. Like the alcoholic or mentally ill they're just pushing the visit to the clinic out some ways, that's all it is.

    2. Appreciate the enlightenment, thanks.

    3. True enough -- at least about the trolls anyway. Unfortunately though, this crazy Ketchum flap does little more than give them fodder for future flatulence.

    4. “Keep the reality of sasquatch at bay”???
      If sasquatch were reality it shouldn't be all that difficult to, oh I don't know, SHOW ME THE MONKEY.
      But, I'm not seeing any monkeys. I'm seeing a bunch of sad little inbred rednecks fisting each other and worshiping Melba “mindspeak” Ketchum the veterinarian from Texas who can't seem to keep her customers satisfied.
      Sasquatch keeps it's own reality at bay cause it isn't real you stupid mother fuckers.

    5. Another show me monkey dude. Look,,. Go to a skeptics blog and sing that lame song. In case you can't put things together well,,ill explain. If you want to see a monkey,,I could recommend many fine zoos. Or,you could visit any of the beautiful country's they are known to be. I understand your upset because you've been talking this "they don't exist" jive apparently for some time,,and now a group of people come up with proof,,after years of hardwork that most trolls could never understand. If I was a skeptic,,I would be upset too. To look like a fool on this scale can be devastating. I hope your recovery goes well. And your use in language shows severe lack of class. Have a great day!

    6. Calm down Robert.

      There is no bigfoot, there is no DNA, there is no group of people with proof.

      The Melba has been trolling you bleevers harder than anyone on these comment sections.

    7. Gee, one more damn trolling bug. How many times can you idiots write there is no bigfoot there is no paper when the reality of it is that there is? LOL

    8. There may be Bigfoot, and there maybe a paper, but I haven't seen either one. I'm just saying don't be disappointed if you never do either.

  14. Replies
    1. Would you consider selling some? I'd like to purchase some to send to congress and the president for Christmas.

  15. Seriously, whenever I need a laugh I come read the comments section on this site. FUNNY STUFF!!! Pure Win!!

  16. Two words footers: HORSE BRAID. Ketchum could show up on my fucking door step with a live sasquatch, and the moment she told me it braided her horses hair I would stop believing in it. All us skeptics need to do is inform the media of her horse braiding incident and this little hoax is over.

    1. Give me a break. Why cant you all go back to wrestling??? Really.

    2. Yeah a bunch of jealous jerks knowing it's all true now thus over for them, and slowly realizing it is they who've been taken for a ride by mainstream science and authorities sleeping together on this cover-up. LMFAO

  17. I'm a looney tunes taterhole and I keep my poop in a jar.

  18. Hello!

    This is how Obama got elected, Media tells you what to think.

    Woman, Yes Woman, she is only a Woman with "Lady Parts". Her entire being with having a small brain and lady parts.

    Sarah Palin is a smart and responsible politician but you were not allowed to think that she was such.

    Some of you are sheep, "Baaa Baaaa".

    From 2008:

    Uninformed Voters gave Obama power.

    WWW. How Obama Got Elected .Com

    1. Sarah Palin is a fucking idiot the media doesn't need to be slanted against her they just had to film her talking and the stupid came straight out of her mouth for all to see!! Obama won the election in '08 because after Bush the Republicans were toxic to most voters and he won this year because the Repulicans went so far to the right they became a joke to most rational people, plus if you want to get women to vote for you here's an idea don't patronise them or let the crazy lunatics in the party say that if they get pregnant from rape it's God's will!! Oh, and if they really could have saved the economy why didn't they have a concrete plan they could show voters? They didn't have a plan all they had was Bush's old advisors behind a man in magic underpants who flip flopped on every issue supported by an airheaded bullshitter vice president! Find a presidential candidate that isn't pandering to the lunatic fringe of the party and wasn't born with a silver spoon in his mouth and isn't going to insult half the electorate and you might have a chance!

    2. Obama said "corpse man" five times, Obama is not smart.

      Obama used a TelePrompTer to speak to 10 year olds. Not smart.

      Obama is behind us being into QE3, not smart.

      Obama created Obamacare, not smart, mass job loss coming or a mere 25 hours per week per job.
      Not smart

      Obama didn't sent AC130s to Benghazi, not smart.

      Obama didn't call Fort Hood Terror attack terror, Gov't Report said Political correctness let it happen and Obama tops off by calling it work place violence, Is this smart?

      The list goes on.

      About this last election, was there fraud?

      We need ID laws for voting, the public library does better at maintaing an honest system.

    3. Voter fraud is a falicy it's just sour grapes from you losers and also a way for you to make sure that some members of society can't vote, namely the people who might vote against you. It's another dirty trick from the party of dirty tricks and dodgy recounts! Obama isn't smart? That's the first time I've heard that before I guess he should hand back that degree he has along with his faked birth certificate right? Face it you lost fair and square and the better man won and got his second term! You want to know who to blame? It's people like you who give your party a bad name and make it a toxic dump site for loony right wing idiots who just can not accept they're full of shit! Half the crap levelled against Obama isn't even real it's fantasy cooked up by idiots at Fox News or people on dumb talk radio shows with no factual basis what so ever! Why is America the only country in the west who seemingly is opposed to having healthcare for all it's citizens? It's crazy! Over in Europe there would be riots in the street if they're healthcare was taken away it's consider the right of every tax payer to recieve medical treatment for free in most countries! In the US people are protesting against the idea and comparing the president to Adolf Hitler because they're too dumb to know the difference between socialism and national socialism! People shouldn't be bankrupted because they get sick and have to pay stupid medical bills that amount to more than they're home is worth! You're all the pawns in the billion dollar insurance and pharmaceutical business and the crazy thing is you're the ones with the most to loose if you get sick!

    4. In 2008 a smart person posted up on Facebook that we need Tort reform laws for Healthcare. Foreseeing Obamacare.

      Lo and behold in 2012 someone else brings up the topic as if it's new.

      If this idea and responsibility were popular with that one News Station called ABCnbcCBSmsnbc_NyTimesWashPost_NPR_LA times, then maybe things would be different. Brain washed.

      Public schools do a good job of screwing up

    5. About Election fraud, Rep. Morans son was caught telling Project Veritas' undercover guy how to cone up with fake Utility bills.

      He didn't say, "we don't do that"
      He said "you are hardcore"

      World views are certainly battling it out.

      When Texas and other Red States (we should be called Blue since we are not "Red") keep getting only $0.60 per dollar back from the Federal Gov't people will wake up.

      California going Bankrupted.

      In Europe the riot because they have no clue where the money comes from, and they think it's plentiful.

      If I asked you today for $10 I doubt you'd give it to me.

      They take and take but don't give.

    6. Who takes and takes but doesn't give? Don't the Southern states get the most Federal Government hand outs? What about the guy who went to vote for Obama and Jeb Bush's machine wouldn't accept his vote and kept registering a vote for Romney?! Man accept it you lost! It happens get over it! No the riots that have been happening in Europe are mostly in countries were bad government has bankrupted them and the people are angry! You know Greece got a massive handout from the other European powers then refused flat out to go and collect taxes and nearly destabilised the world economy by wanting to opt out of the European single currency cos they didn't want to pay back the money they borrowed! That is bad government. What I said in the other post was if free healthcare was taken away in the European countries that have it like the UK, France, Sweden etc the people would riot in the streets! Maybe the people in the countries are wondering where their taxes are going like to fund wars for oil, or lining the pockets of corrupt politicians like the former Italian Prime Minister or maybe they're just pissed at the banks for losing their pensions and investments? I'd give you $10 if I thought you deserved it, you just need to wake and realise people like yourself are the pawns of big business and the 1% that have all the money like to keep it that way. The 1% take and don't give or even keep their wealth in the US so they don't pay their taxes! China isn't the bad guy either it's the corperations that send the jobs over there to increase their profit margins, greed is the bad guy how much money do these companies need? As for Iran and the Middle East if the west kept out of their countries and the CIA kept getting rid of their democratically elected leaders to replace them with tyrants like Saddam they wouldn't be so fundamentalised or anti-western. If the US had done more for the Afgans after Russia left then things would be different and if you're worried about a nuclear Iran they won't get far as Israel keeps assassinating their scientists!

    7. The machine that chose Romney was likely a plant, but im more interested in the script and code.

      Im more interested in Voter ID. And I submit we even have Quotas on Election Fraud cases like the police do on speeding tickets. You shocked?

      Why? Because you suspect our election are untainted, perfect?

      Let's be friends, me and you. I know that one day you will be happy when any "Obama like" candidate wins with 90% of the popular vote, right?

      Like in Cuba, Or Iraq or with Stalin or Pol Pot.

      Me too I want that. I've changed my mind.

      Also you want a world where Foxnews doesn't exist, right?

      Me too, see now we are friend living in a perfect Utopia.

      Also, public school take care of kids for 18 hours a day.

      We can't cry about people with cancer because they are washed up, no use to us.

      Medical innovation, No thanks because it doesn't fit in our Obamacare model.

      See here we go making a perfect world.


      I heard a guy on the radio make the case that 4 people died in Benghazi because Obama's platform was that Al Queda was destroyed- so Blame the terror on a YouTube video.

      4 dead, 4 more years as President
      Was the case the guy argued.
      You decide.

    8. How many have died in Iraq, Afganistan and the Twin Towers under Bush's watch? Saddam wasn't elected he was a dictator put in place by the CIA because they thought he was an ally and he wasn't a fundamentalist Muslim. Stalin and Pol Pot were monsters true there but they became ruthless dictators they weren't like that from the start. Comparing these people to Obama is crazy! It's very sad 4 American's died but Bush was warned about 9 11 how many died on that day? At some point my friend you have to realise there is no massive left wing conspiracy they won fair and square let it go. The best thing you could do is make sure you choose a better candidate than Romney the robot next time. You guys want a Republican president ? Stop behaving like babies and just say it's over we lost and now it's time to work with the President to sort out all the problems we have right now put country before party. Romney and Obama both said that themselves you do that and show the people in the swing states that you're grown ups and not big cry babies next time you might win? Medical innovation will happen regardless of Obamacare as the US ain't the only country in the world you know! There's a whole bunch of scientists in every country working hard to cure diseases including the US and they won't all down tools because of who is in the White House. There is far too much money to be made from new medicines and why do the treatments cost so much? Because the drug companies claim that the research and development cost them so much they have to charge your healthcare provider a stupid amount even though over in the UK they're taking the same drug as you and only paying $10 for it or in some cases $0. In other European countries they pay nothing at all and if you don't like the NHS in the UK you can still go private and have the option of getting health insurance and not being stuck on a wait list for an operation. When people are in debt $300,000 because they had a heart attack with no insurance or cos they've got a form of cancer that's not covered by their insurance and having to pay $1000s for chemo there is something wrong. You heard of smallpox? Sure you have well the guy who came up with the vaccine just gave to the people, that's right didn't as for any money just wanted to do what was right. What happened to compassionate capitalism? To putting people before profit? To making sure you paid your workers a fair wage to keep them above the poverty line? The real enemy my friend are the big corperations, the ones funding Romney's campaign making sure he owes them and keep those taxes down on the rich and make sure nothing changes for the 99%

    9. I said nothing of comparing Obama to Dictators, yet, I said that's the type of Voting system it seems that you wouldn't mind having.

      Yet, because this guy is unprecedented, in many ways. The lies, open and public lies and bizarre behavior.

      Again, you have my problem all wrong. It's not that I can't take a lose. It's that you don't want a legit voting system with Photo ID. When you have 90% turn out - that's a red flag, it's usually 68%.

      Of the states that had voter IDs laws Obama won none.

      If that wasn't complicated with many things.
      1. 2010 voter turn out
      2. Prop 8 on California
      3. Chik-fil-a day support
      4. DOMA
      5. DADT
      6. No absentees to Military
      7. 90 day Pink slip scandal
      8. Benghazi lie that Al Queda was defeated, no it wasn't.
      9. Etc

      It doesn't and didn't add up.

    10. Continued:

      Obamacare was illegally passed, change the rules, back room deals, where is Nelson from NE now?

      This pissed off people and then we had 2010.

      Btw, in Europe, people don't have ice cubes muchless good healthcare. When they go to a cafe, they take their own bread, butter and drink because they can't afford anything there. And then they commence to talk about art and history. Pfft.

      How much should some one be taxed, I have to ask you? 75%, 85%, 100%? Corporations?

      Btw, you also have this warped view of who is rich. Let me clue you into this fact that Rich Liberals, I'm taking rich fund Obamas campaign.
      You don't seem to have a problem with that.

      But yet that misses the point when, we're spending a dollar for every $0.40 we're bringing in.

      QE3, you retirement is worthless. It's a mess, a mess and Bush is still to blame.

      I'm sick of hearing from supposed smart people that get there news from Comedy central, this is a sad fact. It's sick too, are you one? Be honest?

      Anyhow a Government that can give you everything can take everything away.

      We need term limits for Congress and the Supreme Court, meaning we need Normal people coming and going, having to live under their own rules. Also we need a part time Legislature, like Texas has, why do we need them there all day playing grab ass.

    11. Also, after going over all your ideas, all over the map.

      Doctors can't charge little for equipment, test and services because everyone us suing them and not forced to pay when it's bogus. On top of that you have paperless system forcing them to waste 3 hours just to give someone a Tylenol.

      At what cost? Seems the answer is destroy things at all cost.

      For decades, Canadian doctors had, I said had, been relocating to small town Kansas, Texas, and other similar places to better practice medicine.

      Where will they go now?

      In Detroit children from Canada are rushed to Detroit hospitals to resolve an appendix and live "They still have the Private Option".

      It's unfortunate that this country is head the direction it is.

      Things to Not look forward too.

      Single payer
      Card check
      Liberal SCOTUS
      Cap and Trade taxes
      Probably a VAT value added tax on top of everything
      No Keystone pipeline

      And here is one thing you probably don't get, money is freedom to a great extent, freedom of mobility, freedom to purchase at the market, etc, etc.

      Taxes kill that, they kill you right to send your money to places you value, the childrens home, the dog human society, to your children, etc.

    12. The comments about Europe and medicine are completely false I'm sorry to say that the majority of your argument here is completely based on crazy right wing paranoia and not based in the real world that we all live in. People in Europe by and large do just fine in fact in Germany they are doing a hell of a lot better than any other country in the world! You know that last year in Germany tax payers received a massive rebate because the government collected too much tax and didn't need it because their economy was doing so good that they didn't need the excess they'd collected so gave it back! You sound like someone who doesn't know much about the world outside of their own country which is kinda sad my friend. What would be so bad about single payer it works in other countries like I mentioned in the UK and there you have to option to go to a private healthcare practitioner if you don't like the NHS what would be so bad about that in the US. The people at the at low income level get their treatments without worrying bout the cost and high income earners are free to carry on as they are now. What is so wrong about paying taxes and having the state give back to you? Most countries saw the value of a good welfare state after WWII because not only did many people give so much to defend their country but also a strong healthy workforce was needed to rebuild their countries and economies and what ensures a healthy workforce more than access to proper healthcare without fearing the cost. How can someone struggling through an illness because they can't pay to fix it be a good worker? Those doctors moving from Canda weren't looking to better practice healthcare they were looking to get paid more! Same reason why doctors from countries like India come over here or doctors from any other country because in America healthcare isn't looking after people it's making a buck off people's misfortune. There's nothing wrong with having money and being sucessful but there are individuals and massive corperations that make too much money and they're greedy, exploitative bullies who use that financial power to push the agendas that they care about. They use that money to buy politicians and pretty much the Republican party as a whole to make sure they keep making more money and giving so little back. Hell like I said before the majority of these individuals and companies hardly pay any tax from exploiting the system or from making sure your guys won't raise their taxes! Trickle down ecconmics doesn't work the money only runs up not down, most of these people have shipped all their manufacturing plants overseas years ago to exploit cheap labour and now they hide they're money abroad so they don't have to pay their fair share at home. The rich make the most therefore should be taxed the most, it's simple math. The most amazing thing about the right in the US is the way the rich have got the poor to believe that keeping them rich and powerful is the best thing they can do while shipping jobs abroad, bankrupting them with excessive healthcare costs and convincing them that not paying their fair share of tax. You lost the election fair and square, as for the states with voter ID laws didn't they always vote for you guys anyway? The massive turn out was because of people believing Obama had let them down and voting for Romney and people desperate to make sure Romney had no chance in hell. Did you see the numbers for female voters? You know there are more women elegible to vote than men and your party really pissed em off pal bad move! At one point Romney had a 1% approval with black voters and Hispanics voted with Obama too. So the majority of the country thinks Republicans are toxic the only people left are the rich white voters and the dumb white voters there the people who voted Romney. You are the party of redneck Teaparty crazies and rich 1% ers unless you change you're screwed.

    13. Prop up Europe all you want, everyone knows the lie. How much Medical innovation comes out of the 18 countries that make up Europe? Little

      I often read about University innovation in the USA, Mayo, Tx health system, md Anderson.

      Btw, you mention Germany, 17 other countries and you can't point to 1 thing.

      So now when I read a Sob, tear jerker story about Cancer, I do what Liberals do - I shrug. It cost too much, plus, "we can't presume to even know if they want to live much less have the Chemo or Surguery."

      This us all about redistribution of other people money. And there's a presumption that all Talents, skills, mental energies, Knowlegde and hence Money belongs to the State.

      Your party may be on top but let them wreck a good thing for 8 years and we'll see how the people respond provided Ohio, PA, VA and Florida are not stolen in the next election.

      Again, 2010 elections don't match up to 2012 one iota.

    14. A couple other things:

      Check out the UK Telegraph article from 20 hours ago that says Millionaires 2/3 that is two thirds have left Uk due to 50% tax rate.

      Those are their right politic types that want their freedom to start companies and give their money away or it's also made up of stingy Liberals that don't give but $10 when charity is asked for - on top of that they cheat on their taxes. 10 out of 10 tones it's a liberal telling me how to cheat on tax but I don't cheat, I pay up.

      Also, this story is seen elsewhere. People and their money (their freedom, hard earned) leave California for AZ and TX, people flee NYC for Florida. These states don't have a State income tax.

    15. * When I reference Europe and 18 countries I mean Western Europe.

      Because we know the Eastern bloc is drab and down trodden.

      Let's see you defend the Eastern Bloc.

    16. Yeah unfortunately the Telegraph is one of the right wing British newspapers along with the Daily Mail and I'm sorry isn't a very credible source. If you look it up they're a Conservative paper, the Conservatives are the British right wing party the party of Margret Thatcher and the current Prime Minister David Cameron. Much like Fox News the Mail and Telegraph in England are slanted towards the right and not an impartial factual source not just that but currently there is a big public outcry over tax avoidance on high earners and big corperations. These companies like Starbucks, Amazon, Vodaphone and others exploit the UK tax system to pay on a pittance of the tax owed some times nothing at all. Vodaphone alone is said to owe at least £5 billion in unpaid tax where as Amazon claims their head office is in a small island off the UK that is tax exempt. Starbucks has set up a number of shell companies in mainland Europe that they claim to supply them their coffee beans and another company that packages etc basically a way of reducing their taxable profits by creating their own businesses to overcharge themselves so their overheads look higher and profit margin smaller. The reason why these millionaires might be leaving the country is because of public pressure the government announced that they would be investigating the problem of tax avoidance and looking at off shore banking. The greedy rich hiding money in other countries just like Romney. The Eastern Bloc has always been poor unfortunately and the years of Russian rule and Communism have screwed their economies and also a great deal of workers from these countries left to work elsewhere in Europe or the US as the standard of living and wages were much better abroad. At one point Poland was practically begging it's workers to come back as there were jobs vacant and no work force. You gave me a story about a poor Europe with what no ice cubes??? And people taking lunches to cafes to eat because they were so poor so I gave you a story bout Germany having excess money the rest of Europe might not be so lucky. In Italy Bellasconi treated the country's fianances as his own bank to fund his sex parties with teenage prostitutes and resigned telling the Italian people to literally fuck themselves. When he was in power he passed laws that made him immune from prosecution as long as he was Prime Minister, jokes on him cos now he's going to be tried for fraud! So he did a good job of almost bankrupting Italy. Spain and Greece are screwed too, Greece totally to be honest but the main thing these countries depend on is tourism and in this economy foreign holidays are a luxury so they were bound to suffer. In Greece's case they took a massive EU baill out and basically tried their hardest to fuck over the countries that bailled them out by refusing to collect taxes owed from their citizens and nearly destroying the Euro. Yeah things are tough in the UK and Ireland especially when Ireland went bankrupt last year and even though the UK was in a bad state it had to baill out Ireland too. The bad policies from the Coalition government in the UK has caused a double dip recession but people aren't reduced to selling they're houses or beggin in the streets because they have a decent welfare has caused a large number of retailers to close down and unemployment is high but the standard of living is nowhere near as bad as some Americans have to live with. The main problem with the UK is that in the 80s (like in the US) they deregulated the banks not just that but the financial business became their main ecconmy so the international banking crisis hit them hard, The ecconmy is all wrapped in the banks, they recently raised taxes on the banks which they were worried would scare them away, they raised it but I think it's less than 2%? Anyway the collapse of the Icelandic banks cause a lot of problems in Europe with many loosing pensions and also having the domino effect of bankrupting other banks across Europe.

    17. As for Europe and medical advances look it up in history books my freind and see how many innovations, drugs and medical instruments originally came from Europe! Hint, there's a lot! You think that all the Universities in England and Europe aren't working on any medical innovations?? What do you think they're doing over there? No matter what the money for this work will be coming from the same huge pharmaceutical companies that fund it in the US by ripping of Americans!! You think that Britian, Ireland, France, Sweden,Australia, Germany, New Zealand and Canda don't have the same drugs as we do? There taking the same drugs as Americans just not been charged as much, made in the same factories in India or somewhere, this box goes to the US where they'll pay 10,20,30x what this box of the same drugs is worth in France or England. The pharmaceutical companies still make profits there just not as much as they can here! Face it you lost the election no one stole anything you ran the wrong guy with a toxic platform! He was your great white hope and he lost fair and square! You ran a rich white man against the first black president in a time of economic turmoil you thought people would vote for guy who didn't care about 47% of the population? Republicans need to change cost currently you guys look bad to voters especially women and pretty much anyone who isn't white. You've become the party of sore losers, birthers and tea party idiots.

    18. Oh and religious fruitcakes forgot those guys!

    19. If u reread, you don't make Europe sound good. "decent welfare state" WTF

      When u visit it's easy to find a free driver, because they are on welfare and don't have anything else to do. They offer to drive you around.

      Euro women hate that men in their 20s and 30s wont get married because they live at home with mommy. "be our Euro sluts, but we wont marry you."

      Same thing happening here, destroy the family, "bang sluts, make babies, get on welfare."

      Food stamp president, that may be right, own it.
      Unions likely destroying jobs their too, Twinkies run
      out of business here and touted as a success.

      Before I get ahead of myself, the population in Europe is likely dropping as it did in the Eastern Block. Commie countries and policies don't make it appealing to have family. But again it's the plan "the destruction of the family".

      Let me mention immigration in the USA, honestly since JFK it's all been Unskilled dead beats that reign from 3rd world countries, illiterate too. It's not that democrats are winning it's that they import the stupid masses. I hope a president comes in to change this. Import immigrants from Countries where they will love the USA and vote Republican.

      They would be skilled too. Brain drain some places.

      Instead we California is now, half Mexican but unskilled and poor, what did their country offer them? Nothing!

      The admit it too, "in the USA we ear with Foid Stamps and then with money we earn we get our wives Breast implants".

      Same thing with FEMA money and FEMA Debit cards, they are tracked to Casinos in the Carribeans, used for getting Tattoos and used in Strip clubs.

      Are you proud of that? Probably.

      Anyhow, Poor people never create jobs.

      It's said if you want to generate taxes lower the rates, stimulate business and then lots of movement of money. Then lots of taxes to maintain infrastructure. But that makes too much sense for the mentally insane, liberals. They are power hungry and want to control the people.

      Look high tax rates apparently do get people in UK and USA to shelter their money, do u blame them. You'd like to confiscate it all, wouldn't pay for much even at that.

      And then again you want a world where Foxnews and Telegragh UK are arrested and thrown in jail.

      There are people in this world that would shoot someone climbing over the Berlin wall to freedom. The left is anti-freedom.

      Anyhow, I see that you are part of the Racist liberal crowd. What has the voting 95% Black gotten from the allegiance to the Democrats? Nothing! Section 8, Food stamps? Its ok to steal someones shoes and jacket because democrats are soft on crime.

      Look at Detroit. Sadly
      Look at east st. Louis, Watts, Compton, Atlanta, SE DC, PG county MD, Baltimore, Parent-less packs of young minority gangs flash mobbing stores, mugging.

      Sad, real sad.

      Do you realize that one of the last times Blacks had it well was under Reagan. You don't know this but GDP increase was 7.3% over a 4 year period. Not this weak 1.8 % growth we see now.

      Rich liberals are real racist, there a web site called Stuff White People Like. It talks about Rich White Liberals and their ideals. Has absolutely nothing to do with black communities, Detroit, Watts, East st. Louis, etc.

      I talk to a black guy from MN. He said there are real racist in Democrat states because they make you believe they are for you, then they back stab. Truth reveal, racism us ugly in Midwest liberal states. Same with NYC, black man pulls out a wallet, he is shoot dead. But they all vote democrat, one merely family.

      Any how imagine this, corruption, dictators abound across centuries. Is it possible that you believe untruths, lies from a one sided corrupt media, state run media?

      You answer Yes likely, and probably added "and I like it"

      God bless you.

      You should spend some time reading Thomas Sowell, he's a black conservative economist.

    20. Btw, before becoming Conservative right T Sowell was liberal but he saw the light.

      Anyhow, I see that you try to share what you think is enlightened ideas but it's all false presumption.

      I won't be retiring because why waste my time. You are sold out. Are you black or white?

      One other thing you may try reading some of ann coulters work. I highly doubt you are not as smart as Tomas Sowell or Ann.

      Imagine that, I just hope you are humble to think maybe that's possible. Lets see if they can teach me anything.

      Btw, whites are never told, "why are you voting against your race?"

      Only black conservatives are told that.

      The most hated thing in the USA is a black conservative.

  19. LOL!!!!!!!! This is the "Business Insider"!!! The Business Insider - a medium for wankers!!! If this will one day be written by the NY Times, or on the CNN and BBC News websites, then sorry, Dr. Ketchum, But c`mon: it is just the Business Insider!!!!!!!!

  20. do not know if the study by Ketchum et al is worth waiting for. But a medium that writes (in 2012!!!) "female geneticist" or "woman claims..." cannot be taken seriously. Excuse me, Shawn, but to call this pseudo news forum "mainstream media" is just a joke...well, at least you did not call it "quality media"

    1. Please realize this whole blog is one big troll joke, guys like Meldrum and Coleman ought to kick them in the ass next time they see them.

    2. Indeed. And a geneticist in 2012 that talks about angel DNA, and has a known habituator putting out her press releases...? What's next, a scientific paper on goddess mysteries?
      And we wonder why the press, mainstream or otherwise, doesn't take a seriously.
      Dog food? Really?

    3. Cliff Barackman was on the G4 Network's Attack of the Show last night (Tuesday) and he talked about the leak from Ketchum's study. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

  21. tax avoidance means that a company submitting its return more than one year late suffers not only from the late filing penalties, but also from the inability to make these claims and elections.
    company tax avoidance


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