Dr. Jeff Meldrum Speaks Out Concerning Ketchum's Study

Tim T. posted a message on Dr. Jeff Meldrum's wall asking what his thoughts are on Dr. Ketchum's press release Sunday. Tim wrote the following:

Can you explain this, Jeff
1st. Is this a Hoax
2nd. If not why are we not hearing more about this in the Media.
Thanks Dr. MELDRUM

Here is Meldrum's response:

The press release was frankly premature and unprofessional given the lack of any published reviewed results.It apparently was precipitated by a leak of information that was pubicized. Let's wait and see what the published results will be and how they are to be INTERPRETED.

BTW -- the spokesperson would divulge neither a timeline for publication, nor which journal received the submission. She did however inform us that they were in regular communication (psychic?) with sasquatch, and that they (the sasquatch) were enthusiastic about the study and the press release, and are completely supportive of Melba's project.

[That being the case, one could ask why one or two of them (the sasquatch) doesn't just come forward and hold their own press conference.]


  1. And people wonder why I think Ketchum is crazy and totally lacking in credability

    1. Yes we deeply wonder why you do that, but it's probably because of the jokey way this particular blog fashions something like this.

    2. I care whether Jeff Meldrum doubts the credibility of Melba Ketchum. His opinion carries weight.

      But why should I care whether an "Anonymous" person doubts Ketchum's credibility, especially one who can't spell "credibility"?

      At the very least, you could attach your name to your opinion, as Jeff Meldrum has done. Not that your name would make your opinion "weighty", but at least it would show your willingness to own it.

    3. Listen up, dickhead. Your high horse lacks a jockey. Your beloved Dr. Dumdum spelled "publicized" as "pubicized". I get that condition when I go muffdiving, mainly in the throat, sometimes between teeth. Thank the gods for the modern trend of shaved beaver.

    4. Do they sit there all day staring at the screen? How do they go potty? Do they wear potty protectors? Who pays the bills? Tornado insurance is not cheap? Best thing about Obama? He's president of all the United States even if we have to include Dixie!!!!

    5. Hey, fake Tom Nally at 9:03 PM. You are still anonymous, and you are still a buffoon. Nothing changes that.

    6. Amen Tom Nally. The tatertrolls are doomed. Although they clearly lack intelligence,,and have no debate skills,,they do grasp the fact that once everything is officially confirmed,,the lameness of their statements such as "Bigfoot don't exist" and etc,,will be foolish to say the least. Hopefully,,to the dedicated in this community,,,the extinction of tatertrolls is just around the bend. They will bow their heads In shame,,and crawl back to their home,,either the world of championship wrestling,,,or the scandalous world of the monster truck rallies. God Speed tatertrolls. Godspeed!!!

    7. And your comment Sir,,on attaching your name,,I agree completely. It's so easy to bash and slander people when you hide behind a computer screen. My opinions and theories may be different,,may be wrong,,etc. but at least I put my name on them. So does Tom. And many other good people on this site and many more. I can't imagine an adult,,talking brazen nonsense,,,making statements that have no bearing in anything,,and bashing those who they see as "wrong",,lame enough to leave their name as Anonymous. Pathetic.

  2. You know what I love? Obama got a standing ovation in Berlin off 20,000 people. The last person in Berlin to get a standing ovation off them was the most evil man on earth.....


    David Hasselhoff.

    1. Shawn - Surely this is crazy and off topic enough to be scrubbed.

    2. Hoff is damn evil! During the election Obama had a 97% approval rating in Germany what's funny is China was the only country who wanted Romney to win! Maybe thought he would send more jobs their way

    3. yeah, he wouldve...

      then all you dumbass sheep-like republicans would still find a way to blame in on Liberals...go have sex with your cousins!

    4. On BigfootEvidnce, there is no such thing as crazy and off topic.

    5. I think Obama is better than David Hasselhoff!

    6. The world breathed a massive sigh of relief when Obama got his second term, next time there's a Republican president we'll all be driving hover cars and living next door to a lovely Squatch couple from Oregon

    7. Obama's a better singer than Hoff for sure

    8. Uh, The reason China wanted Romney to win is that there would be some hope of get thier money back.

      Thier fucked now!

      Stupid Libtards (headshake) :)

    9. I've been lookin for freedom!

    10. Don't forget, the middle east and the radical muslims were seen running through the streets shouting "Obama! Obama! Obama!" after his victory. Oh yeah, did I mention that the only middle eastern country not shouting was Israel?

      China wanted Romney to win because they knew he would spur the economy and they would get their money back from paying us to whore ourselves out to them.

    11. China did not want Romney to win. The leaders of China and Iran were rooting for an Obamam win. Romney would have cracked down on China's cheating.

    12. Nope they were the only country who wanted a Romney win and that was reported by the news media outside of the US so no bias towards elephant or jackass. The rest of the world wanted an Obama win because Romney and Ryan were not only full of shit but reactionary idiots and no one wants to deal with a lunatic in the White House. Outside of the US Romney's religion was a big handicap as most people view it as a crazy cult

    13. So your saying that the commies backed Romney,and since they did you did so that puts you in league with commies

  3. What? What??? Regular communication with the sasquatches? And they're supportive?????
    O jeeze. Here we go again...

    1. Neither Meldrum or Ketchum said that. The idiot who wrote the article said it. It implies that Meldrum or Ketchum did but they didn't.

      The person who wrote the article also takes dumps and uses their own feces as hair gel. Why didn't they print that since they are making such foolish comments? I know the person; seen um' do it!

    2. Meldrum wrote it all. The first paragraph is his true feeling and the "BTW" paragraph is him kidding around with one his facebook friends, or whatever they are called. What is the big deal?

  4. This is bullshit.

    I have daily conversations with the sasquatch (he calls himself No'Eyan), and they are definetely NOT looking forward for this.

    Im now calling it a hoax.

    1. Next time you see him get a photo or a DNA swab it will kinda end a lot of bickering :)

  5. Wonder where he the added info of being in communication with whoever. Could it have been a typo and meant they are in communication with the journal or publisher? Still waiting, but gave up holding my breath over a year ago.

    1. Big Jim, I think he is just kidding around with one of his facebook friends, joking about some of the silliness we heard from Ketchum or Sally.

  6. A Hoaxer = A over the top skeptic with NO talent!

    1. She would like that but you having a penis is definitely a HOAX, LMAO

    2. Your mother would like to be a whore? Are you an 8 year old or do you not understand the English language fuck-head? If you can't speak properly then what are you even doing on an English language blog?

  7. Replies
    1. Not as long as there are footers, sceptics and looney toons

    2. Yes, it'll all end on Dec. 21, thank god.

  8. Hy Dip, You ever stop to think that they can communicate? Many people have heard guttural voice whispering in the woods. The only real info we go is that they are Hominin NOT HOMONDID. This would tend to lead to the possibility of vocal communications, so is it possible........you decide, buy PLEASE, Do your homework before shooting your mouth off!- Have a nice day!

  9. ya I called the PR lady my self, an she did tell me the bigfoot people that live on her land, told her that all was good with the DNA report, this is not a joke, true story, called her Saturday, (William Barnes)

  10. This stuff as gone into the realm of cartoon land now. These people are wackos


    2. Indeed but unfortunately they won't because they like bad jokes their own. You can tell they're orchestrated and sounding all the same, these jocks don't mean a word they say and they know the species is real that's the whole purpose of them being here. They're fighting this discovery with junk on someone else's behalf, the feds or the Vatican who knows but they're all in bed together anyway trying to keep some world order in place. Revealing Bigfoot just yet is probably felt would be too costly hence the brutality of their trash, let's just hope for freedom's sake we win and they lose.

    3. Hey, Anon 8:28, here's a thought: why don't you cease your attack on biology and go kill yourselves? I can't speak for everyone, but if you stopped attacking biology I don't think I would bother coming here anymore.

      Wait, What's that you say? You say you won't stop attacking biology because you're so insanely jealous of people who are more intelligent then you that you'd rather die then stop bulling them?

      Well then, I guess you earned your “trolls”.

    4. See there in lies the problem, your thinking again! I never once attacked the "biology", I was attacking skeptics. You, on the other hand should see a psychologist as you fixated with people killing themselves and a English Professor as YOU NEED TO LEARN TO READ, MORON!

    5. Hey 10:19, Why don't you stop coming here and bothering people. This post is right they and you are cockroaches. So, go over to the corner and plug that troll comment in your taterhole!

    6. Anon 10:51, you are a societal disease. With the welfare state it is now possible for degenerate subhumans such as yourself to spread your inferior genes and contaminate the population to an even greater extent. In a state of nature scum like you are weeded out as those who are too stupid to function are unable to find food. It is therefore your place in this world to be dead and you should assume your proper place by sticking a gun in your mouth.

      Anon 10:44, All respectable biologists are skeptical of Bigfoot. The font of knowledge which biologists have created through the scientific study of living things denies the existence of Bigfoot. You are attempting to create an artificial distinction between biologists (who deny the existence of Bigfoot) and skepticism of Bigfoot (which, by definition, is doubting the existence of Bigfoot). WHEN YOU ATTACK SKEPTASISM OF BIGFOOT YOU ATTACK BIOLOGY BECAUSE BIOLOGY DENIES THE EXISTANCE OF BIGFOOT YOU RETARD. You also attack the scientific method, and those who utilize logic.
      Someone as profoundly unintelligent as yourself should never employ such sophistry as you will only succeed in making yourself look even more stupid.

    7. What the hell is 'skeptasism?'

    8. @10:51.....But it seems that genetics does not deny the existence of unknown hominids nor the hybrid sasquatch. Genetics resides within the field of biology. These all encompassing generalizations you use, are signs that an unwise person is making animal sounds.

      Also, what about the filed of bio-mechanics? What about the mid-tarsal ridges and dermal ridges that run opposite that of humans, and are twice as large? What about Jimmy Chilcutt's forensic expertise regarding dermal ridges? He puts people in jail with his expert testimony...do you have that kind of respect within the world of professional biologists? Have you ever put anybody in jail? Jimmy stakes his professional reputation on the fact that there is a large North American Ape roaming the woods, based on evidence he has seen regarding dermal ridges. Does forensic biology fall under your generalized umbrella of "biology denies the existance of bigfoot" ? I don't mind healthy skepticism, caution is not bad thing, but your making animal sounds that prejudiced and primitive.

    9. Chilcutt's dermal ridge claims have been debunked (and even Meldrum later admitted that what he used to think were dermal ridges are casting artifacts, as he has seen them show up in test tracks that had no ridge present at all as they were made with a mold).

      The DNA thing is such a phoney. The claims make no sense, create a 2nd unknown creature (wtvr relative they claim mated with humans) and her assertions make no sense in regards to "billions of base pairs" . She's conning you all. If this was real, a real journal would be all over it.

  11. Dr. Meldrum is not telling as much as he knows!!!!

    1. Course not because he knows something that Sykes knows!

    2. If these fine men and women are as smart as I think they are, then yeah they know already the squatch species is real. For all I know, Sykes may be in contact with the Ketchum folks now and co-arranging a presentation for next month. Haters, get ready to hate Sykes as well because once squatches are proven real he'll be onboard somewhere.

    3. I was looking back at some older posts and the one from Oxford is due out now according to their press releases timetable, I wonder if they are on schedule

  12. The "BTW....." comment we can be assured, never came from Meldrum. He simply would not speak publicly like that. This is horseshit.

    1. Actually it's not. I just checked his fb page. That is exactly what he said. So he might be privy to info we are not aware of yet.

    2. Guys, relax. He is not a robot, he is a human having a laugh with one of his contacts, friends or fans..whatever you call "wall" posters. Its no big deal.

  13. Just want to add, Larry Hagman, and Macho Camacho, rest in peace. We'll miss you both.

  14. Yeah like Jeff Meldrum is credible. LOL? The guy thinks the Wallace stompers were made AFTER the tracks, to copy them. He also thinks an elk lay was a bigfoot ass imprint. The man has a website with some of the worst looking (freeman?) footprints ive seen and thinks they are authentic.

    Credible? lol!!!

    1. Hi there R. Michael Wyman aka Parn.

    2. Nice try, but wrong person. Try again!

    3. Wrong. It's him. 100%. Cardiologist in CA. Look him up !!

    4. Meldrum is jerk, he believes unicorns and bigfoot are real, i expect all his scientific buddies laugh at him with all his stupud hoaxed bigfoot casts.
      What i find most funny, is he is spending weeks taking measurements, looking closely and making comparisons of these so called bigfoot casts&concluding its a bloody bigfoot.. Yea it is a bloody bigfoot, A big fake footprint made by some redneck in an hour& it takes 3 months for an expert to say its real

  15. I wonder what Morgan Freeman thinks? He makes everything so clear.

  16. Area Woodape mulls over peer-review process while eating bagels.

    1. Is this one of those zen thingies we are supposed to contemplate in order to understand the universe? Cool, lemme get get my bong...

  17. People will never accept the truth because science is held in such high regard and science hasn't caught up yet... Better to just leave them alone.

  18. Where's a link to the Facebook comment? I'm not seeing it.


  19. It's on his personal page, not the project page. I can't copy a link to it, so maybe it is only visible to friends. But the quote is exactly what he said.

  20. I'm still waiting for the Sasquatch - UFO connection. But I'll take Dr. Meldrum's claim of regular communications with Sasquatch as a substitute.

  21. So easy to be a journalist in 2012 - you grab stuff off of peoples facebook walls and report it as news. No follow up, no confirmation. Lazy country

    1. Haha! That makes the entire Country lazy? You are a tool!

    2. Complacent journalist wanker.

  22. Crashing & burning people, crashing & burning.

  23. Unfortunately,many of you folks are in for a rude awakening! I predict, at about the time Aprils Fools Day rolls on in,a certain prankster by the name of Penn Gillette will come forth and explain why and how he did what he did to the Bigfoot community. Keep in mind that those two {Penn and Teller} did this once before. When they are interviewed. they practically salivate when reminiscing the Sonoma Footage and how they made a fool out of Moneymaker. Clearly these guys still have a hard on for the Bigfoot Believers. What proof do I have?? None...just a gut feel.

    Has anyone ever actually met Dr.Melba?? I keep seeing the same 3 photos of an attractive middle aged women in a lab coat.Something just don't sit right.The photos are professionally taken. How often do Scientist/Researchers stand for a photo op?? Instead of a hard at work academic, she looks more like a catalog model playing the roll of a Scientist.The kind you would see in a pamphlet for Prozac or a commercial for a drug company. This story,if true,is just too damn big to keep under wrap for so long. Somethings rotten in Denmark!

    1. Isn't she a bit heavyset to be a catalog model? This DNA study must be real.

    2. There is such a thing as a plus sized model!! It would be funny as hell if Penn and Teller were involved in this! Been a fan of those guys since I was a kid (anyone remember their movie?) and their Bullshit show was great! However, it's what 5 years of effort for one hoax that's a lot of work for little pay off except to go haha to footers! Not worth it.

    3. As far as meeting Dr. Melba, I have, and the constant psychic connection thing with Bigfoot as mentioned by Dr. Meldrum is true. A few of her group really do believe they are connected with Bigfoot where ever they may be. You could take one of these "psychics" to a supposed Bigfoot hot spot and they will immediately say they can "feel" them, the Bigfoot. While I believe true psychics exist, this is just insanity.

    4. I don't believe true psychics exist so I agree with you on the insanity point! I don't think her study will be taken seriously by anyone cept the fruitcake crazies certainly not by the scientific community, she's the PT Barnum of the 21st Century all hype disguising a load of hookum.

    5. You two are gullible geeks, no wonder authorities can screw us over with this unintelligent people running loose.

    6. Why because we think Ketchum is a fruitcake?

    7. 9:07 "You two are gullible geeks, no wonder authorities can screw us over with this unintelligent people running loose."

      Uh yeah, your intelligence speaks for itself with your grammar. You can believe me or not, that's up to you.

    8. you're an interesting character Rushferlife,you have definetly been studying up on bigfoot,did you by chance make into melbas private facebook group?

  24. Bigfoot is real. This 70s footage proves it. You can see bigfoot in this footage:


  25. I just spoke to sasquatch and he said "Lamana Kolo"

    1. What did he say? It's time to get back to fishing.

  26. Must say, I enjoyed Dr. Jeff Meldrum's public responses, a hell of a lot more, then the B.S. the Cat Vet posts. Way to go Dr. Meldrum! :)

    1. SWP please do an evolution for dummies video because when people are posting on here about intelligent design etc it is really depressing. These evolution denialists need putting in their place.

    2. The first paragraph is on the money and in the second he is taking a jab at the "family of five" nonsense. He has a sense of humor. COT would agree.

    3. Even if he did a nice evolution for dummies video it wouldn't change a thing! Blind faith in fairy tale creationalism means that they are completely unable to listen to rational scientific theories, it's really depressing in 2012 that there are so many people mentally stuck a 1000 years ago

    4. God this snowwalker dude is dumber than shit.

    5. LOL I love you Michael Merchant too funny.

    6. The idea that a mind bogglingly complex living cell can come into existence on its own and even more amazingly have the ability to replicate itself and more amazingly still lead to life as we know it takes waaaaay more faith to believe than the idea that an intelligence is responsible for life and the life sustaining planet that we live on.

    7. Rictor, is that man love or friend love?

    8. Yep you keep telling yourself that, all modern science is wrong and the magic book holds all the answers! You want to know how to pay off the national debt? Easy institute a stupid tax. What's that evolution is a myth and shouldn't be taught in schools? $100 fine. What women have a natural way of avoiding pregnancy from rape? $10,000 fine. Want to see the president's birth certificate? $1000 and no photos please as we need all birthers to pay up because we''ve nearly paid China back already!

    9. What the heck is wrong with the thinking of Anon 1:25? Just because you believe teleological arguments doesn't automatically mean that you believe all of that stuff that he wrote.

  27. What do you suppose Dr Meldrum keeps in his required 2-years of survival supplies? Looks like a Spam kinda guy to me.....

  28. Why in the world do they keep calling certain people, "bigfoot expert?"
    He knows less about bigfoot than most people who spend years out in the field. Geez! It pisses me off to no end!
    If he's an expert, then why can't he tell us more about bigfoot and stop talking about somebody else's credibility?!?!
    The guys is smart....but on bigfoot? He knows NADA!

  29. Why in the world do they keep calling certain people, "bigfoot expert?"
    He knows less about bigfoot than most people who spend years out in the field. Geez! It pisses me off to no end!
    If he's an expert, then why can't he tell us more about bigfoot and stop talking about somebody else's credibility?!?!
    The guys is smart....but on bigfoot? He knows NADA!

  30. lol, you people are panicking like cult with the cops at the gates. Your God Faddah of Footery has declared the Grandmother to be an unscientific loon. So you have to choose! Team Meldrum, or Team Ketchum?

  31. do you people really think this shit is for real. yes bigfoot exist. no dr, merdrum and dr. ketchum have no clue about nothing. dr berman von schnup on the other hand does and he ain't talking. bigfoot is in fact part alien. believe it. i know from where this alien dna comes from but i ain't talking atleast not ewithout money up front and i mean big big money. i even have a body. partially decomposed but a body. and i know now there is indeed a stink gland. also, their heart and lungs are so different from anything we're familiar with. look up dr. von schnup.

  32. it amazes me how people without any hunting, tracking,real wild animal knowledge etc. expect to get within miles of such a creature. What a hoot. I've been a REAL TRAPPER,HUNTER,TRACKER AND SURVIVALIST for nearly 40 years and these little outdoor treks these guys call expeditions are a total joke. we often watch with both amazement as well as amusement as these so called experts make their way through the woods like a herd of wild elephants in HOT PURSUIT of that craftiest of creatures, THE SASQUATCH..Most of these clowns couldn't catch the clap in a whrhse with $10000.00 bucks, An elusive wild animal, give me a break man.. When somebody truly decides to find out if there is such a creature let me know. just leave a message to woodsman 50. Give me a $35K BUDGET, TO invest in manpower, $12k in materials, $50k to search for 45 days $250k if he exists, nothing if he doesn't. Give me the last 5 years of witness reports to study, all of the last 2years of video photo etc. and I'll choose the places to search. Most important total secrecy. I mean no one outside my team within 100 miles of the search areas for the entire process. If he is real I'll find him dead or alive. I GUARANTEE IT, you will be able to put this story to bed once and for all.. It is time for this bllsht to end. GET SERIOUS and make the call, woodsman 50

  33. woodsman 50 cent you are full of it my man. what is a fap star such as your dumbass self doing bigfoot hunting? you friggin nutcase. dr.mudrem, dr. smellba ketchump and others are doing all they can to show the pubic that bigfoot is human and primal chimp or girolla. we don't need hunting rap stars 55 cent we need scientist. GET SERIOUS you say? NO BUTTPLUG YOU get serious!

  34. somethings rotten in copenhagen! Expert? No sir Dr. Meldrum is good on feet only, he doesn't know squat about bigfoot per se. Ketchum is no expert either. Monkeymaker is close to being an expert but not quite. Truth be told the only expert is Tim Fatsano.

  35. Meldrum has got bigfoot on the brain, he is trying to find a fan base with those strange folk who think that bigfoot is real.
    The footprints, hair samples&eye witnesess lead nowhere except to a big hoax, Bigfooters will say.. Why would someone make false footprints in the middle of nowhere hoping someone may stumble across them by accident, i agree its very unlikely, its more likely that the person who claimed to have found the print actually made it in the first place.
    Meldrum just tries to make the footprints fit in with his own views&he ignores what does not fit.


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