Comment of the day: "This crap needs to stop" [Ketchum DNA]

Yesterday, Matt Moneymaker went on a rampage against Dr. Melba Ketchum's claim that she has a Bigfoot DNA paper in peer review. Moneymaker sent out a series of messages on Twitter going into detail about why Ketchum's paper is "all fake". Not everyone agrees with Moneymaker statements, however. A Bigfoot Evidence reader named MV, wrote the following comment in response to all the bickering that's going on in the Bigfoot community regarding Bigfoot research:

Honestly, this crap needs to stop.

The biggest handicap to the Bigfoot community and their efforts to prove in there existence, is the prominent researchers themselves. Its like watching a bunch of 3 year olds fighting for a toy; they all want it first, and no matter what they do, they are gonna try everything the can to get it.

Look at how almost every media site and scientist has responded to the DNA leak, they either say it's a) unlikely that the results are accurate, or b) that they are eagerly waiting for the results. Even the most unknown, rarely visited news sites are giving this a chance. These are people who think that Bigfoot is a joke, or really don't have any opinion on the matter, and the majority are speaking from a perspective that that paints Melba as a scientist that is staying strong against all those who doubt.

Now look at the Bigfoot community. I don't be anons or random commentators, I mean the big names. They do nothing but talk shit about Melba and the people associated in her study. It's not even like their giving her a chance, in their eyes, she blew that chance years ago. But remember, NOONE wouldve known about this study from the get go, had it not been for Lindsay, and NOONE wouldve known of the results had it not been for Igor. Melba is constantly having people come out and speak for her without her consent, and even though a sensible person would take her word over those that 'expose' her, the majority of people in this community decided, long ago, that she was wrong, lying, and taking peoples money. Who started these rumours? Oh yea, the same person who mockednl Melba and said she was raped by a Bigfoot, only because she removed his 'sources'. Yet for SOME REASON, the average person is believing what these random, uninformed, lets be honest, nobodies, have to say, instead of a vetenarian/genetist who is risking her career on this.

Now back to Moneymaker. He is not fooling anyone with half a brain by sprouting this bullshit. He is the head of the biggest Bigfoot Organization in the world, the face of a very popular Bigfoot TV show, and also a stern believer that these things are just apes. What does he have to lose If Melba is right? The chance to be first, the glory that comes with it, and most likely his TV show. Oh and also, people arent't gona take him as seriously as they do now (do they?), because he has vouched his whol career they are apes. Obviously he is going to be super critical of the stusy; He wants to make as much people possible believe that its all Bullshit. He even threw Meldrums name. Jeff too has been certain that they are apes, so Im not suprised he is doubting the study. But do you see the difference, hes DOUBTIN, beeing SKEPTICAL about it, not claiming its all a charade for money and fame. That is how the community should work. If someone, anyone, makes a claim or brings forth evidence, it should be looked at skeptically, not with the opinion its 100% real or bullshit.

Moneymaker, by making his claims is saying that, Melba, Derek Randles, the Olypmic Project, Scott Carpenter, Studstad, Smeja, BOBO and others are all lying for the sake of fame. That right there is a clear indicator that MM is just really mad at the fact he is not going to prove their existence after years of research. I am never going to watch HIS (as he puts it) show again, despite how much I like the other three. I do not wanna support anything that gives this child any form of power or say about anything.

This is why I hope Melba/Sykes to prove their existence first. Becuase all of the Moneymakers, Fasanos, and Merchants (Michael, you are very smart and very funny, and I know you've toned down with the shit talking, but please, just give it up all together), are gonna be left in the dirt because they were too busy throwing shit around at the people who at the end of the day are trying for the same goal, instead of, you know, RESEARCHING.

There are very few pepple in this field that I would like to see make the discovery first. For every Barackman theres a Moneymaker, for every Randles theres a Lindsay; People who do nothing but slow down any chance we have of a discovery.

And Shawn, please, continue posting stuff like this. When the average joe reads this site, they will see people like Moneymaker as children in a grown (REEEEEALLY grown) mans body, and be able to see who the real, honest, and GOOD researchers are.

Now, go ahead with the loons, taterhole, bleever and whatever else comments there are. At least the trolls hiding behind anon won't look like morons when all is said and done.

Matt V


  1. Fasano the whopping lard ass lives in a taxi cab
    he can't find his own pecker cause it's lost in all the flab.
    He blunders through the swamp in search of the magic monkey
    but her never goes more then fifty steps so he won't have a coronary.

    Fasano hates Moneymaker cause Moneymaker's on TV.
    Moneymaker believes in Sasquatch cause there's nowhere for the owl to be.
    He sees Bigfoot in his cereal, and hiding in the grass
    he can't have an erection so he takes it in the ass.

    Now Moneymaker hates Rick Dyer cause Dyer's a fucking joke
    Dyer really loves his mother so he gives her a poke.
    Some say he hoaxed Biscardi, but who really gives a fuck
    If you give Rick Dyer twenty bucks he'll give your dick a suck.

    The footers, they love Jeff Meldrum cause they all think he's smart.
    He tries to act intelligent but never looks the part.
    The students and professors spit on him as he walks through the halls
    they pushed him down the stairs and he midtarsal broke his balls.

    And then there's Michael Merchant who calls himself snow walker prime
    He says he's hunting for Sasquatch but he's really just wasting time.
    Now Mike, he loves his chicken. He'd never kick or pluck her.
    And if you'd spend any time with snow walker prime you'd know he's a chicken fucker!

    1. Than comes a chick as crazy as dick and patient as a hybrid chestnut,
      With angelic patience and delayed ejaculations that drive the rest so nut
      For work of their lives she turns to hairy lies so they shit in their bloody boots.
      She cares for none, though not a nun - she claims to play with bigfoots.

      But there's a guy who makes her cry his name is Robert Lindsay,
      His job are sources, the shit of horses, and mastery over hearsay.
      With sexual life a word of mouth, gossip of an alleged rumor,
      He writes a blog, a skunky smog, dr Maybe Kethum’s tumor.

    2. There is a website called Evidence,
      Where the trolling of Ketchum is merciless,
      One typed from afar
      "I keep my poop in a jar"
      And the believers cried "Thats contemptuous!"

    3. Oh...I get it...potty humor. It must have taken you a long time to sit and put this "potty poem" together.Or did you do it during recess? is this helpful to any of us curious enough to look at this site? I came on here because I'm interested in the latest information on the DNA testing and I find this piece of garbage on here.I am by no means any sort of prude...but I have to say I'm sorry at this web page for allowing this un-informative irrelevent nosense to be posted!

    4. ^^^^
      Obvious prude is obvious.

    5. I guess I could have written “to the tune of puff the magic dragon” before the song lest some dingleberry think it's a poem and not a song. But of course I didn't because who cares what a dingleberry thinks.

  2. True dat Mat true dat....and ya cant beat that wit a bat : )

  3. I agree...all the bickering going on is doing nothing but shedding a bad light on poor old Bigfoot. I enjoy watching Finding Bigfoot even though I feel 3/4's of the team are getting a bad rap when I do believe they are sincere in their efforts to find the Big Guy.Moneymaker need to team up with Biscardi and they can go do their own gig. I do not believe the Finding Bigfoot crew will ever find one purely because you cant have 30 people running around the woods for one night but I do enjoy learning new things from Cliff Bobo and even Renae. Moneymaker provides the entertainment.He should have stuck to being a suits him.

    1. I agree with most of your comment, except the part about Matt. I don't know him so I assume he is sincere and don't understand why you associate him with Biscardi. Anyway, its a fun show that at the least demonstrates the breadth of the phenomena and has some very good onsite witness interviews.

  4. Really.....really??

    Is this just an article to boost your views? I like it when you put forth good articles, but this is frickin ridiculous. Lets stick to real reporting.

    This kind of article just gives more fuel to those that want to be negative, and im sure you have higher standards then report drivil such as this.

    Plus im not afraid to post what I think, then hide behind anon. SMH

  5. WT?

    This is a post?

    This is a post?!!!!!

    A post about a worth less comment?!


    He says "thus is why I hope it's real and true, to prove the existence first."


    Wow, this post is pathetic.

    "not everyone agrees with Matt Moneymaker, Get a load of this Brilkiant Genius Poster, he says he hopes its discovered first."

    Shoot me now !!!!

    1. ^jokes lol I believe he meant well : ) the bickering is a bit of a joke...

    2. ^I disagree. He is pissed off that the study may not turn out to be what he hoped it would. It is a "shoot the messenger" spiel. Regardless, its not fair to criticize his grammar or spelling when he did not know his comment would end up being a post. Shawn should have let him edit.

    3. lol plus im doing it on a stupid galaxy....worst keypad ever lmao
      Matt V

  6. On August 29th, 1997, it's gonna feel pretty fucking real to you too. Anybody not wearing 2 million sunblock is gonna have a real bad day. Get it?

  7. MM never accused anyone else of being dishonest except Ketchum. What a lame article.

    1. Agreed. All he said was those guys three are dealing with Melba because she is telling them what they want to hear. In no way does that imply they are dishonest. The drip who wrote that long comment is pretty dishonest though

  8. Above post hits the nail on the head. Cheers MV!

  9. The reality is noone is giving credit where credit is due. Had Richard Stubstad not first seen the anomalies and pointed them out to Ketchum, she would still be wondering around in the dark. I haven't seen her mention his name anywhere in relation to her study. Why not Melba, why not remind people that he is the one that started your feet on the path that you took? You want to talk about the Giants of the Bigfoot community? Let's talk about people like Richard Stubstad and JavaBob that started Melba down her road. Let's talk about the Michael Merchants and Bill Brocks that are out in the field doing what they do and teaching others the value of everything in our world. People that are talking to witnesses to get the details, and assuring people, eyeball to eyeball that they aren't lying nor are they crazy.

    Those are the Giants of Bigfoot...

    1. Melba doesn't want to give credit to anyone. She wants it to be all about her. She is ruthless behind the scenes. People have no idea.

    2. Don't be ugly now. All those who are trying to photograph, catch, or otherwise prove that bigfoot exists, should hope that somebody gets it done, as quickly as possible. So they should be rooting and hoping Melba's study is good science, even if they don't personally like her. No, Melba is not a survivalist, but she just might know a few tricks to bring the bigfoot in photographic range, she talks to enough people who are in the field, and more importantly has the inside track on where they are currently. What's wrong with Melba pitching her dna study project to the Animal Planit or any other TV producers? Wouldn't any of us if we had an equally good idea and the expertise and confidence to pull it off? Why should she allow others to swoop in and take the credit for her hard work, and the risks she is taking?

      In any event, there is absolutely no upside for MM, SnowWalker, or Tim Fasano to try to be the Grinch who stole Christmas. Even if they're convinced she's hoaxing, they should publicly wish her luck, for their OWN sake. Don't they get it? Their audience doesn't feel comfortable seeing them be ugly towards each other. The bigfoot phenomenon is a "feel good" subject filled with curiosity, wonder, and awe. Let it be. There's so many angles to proving, catching, photographing, studying bigfoot. Find a need and fill it, we say in the marketing world. You'll grow the market together. The bigfoot are out there, but the market is just barely in the introductory stage. If Melba is successful, it'll shift into the growth stage faster than you can say "hang on!". Everybody wins. Even the bigfoot. They'd probably enjoy the chase, teasing and toying with us in the woods, were we to regularly try to catch them. Not much of a challenge for them now.

    3. Well said James, well said.


    4. "AnonymousFriday, November 30, 2012 11:14:00 AM PST
      MM never accused anyone else of being dishonest except Ketchum. What a lame article."

      Was this meant as sarcasim? Matt Moneymaker accuses anyone and everyone not in his clique as a hoaxer or dishonest. He pretty much called Todd Standing a liar on Finding Bigfoot. Whether that is true or not (I personally think it is.) That was about as tasteless as you can get, to use your show to slander someone like that.

    5. James if she is hoaxing, or just terribly mistaken, people that are associated with what they feel is a legitimate subject are going to separate themselves from her. More so, if there association with bigfooting is public. Matt said he has been contacted by the media about this. Is he supposed to lie to them? There is no upside for these people if this project gets smacked down, but there is a downside if they root for her and the article turns about to be a prop for a cash grab.

    6. You can distance yourself from something without acting out.

    7. Yes, and a good researcher has a resposibility to call out a fraud. If politeness is your cheif concern then you are going to let scammers run rampant over your community and it will fall apart. That's partly why the BFRO is the oldest and strongest group. Moneymaker has zero tolerance for hoaxers and frauds.

    8. @4:17...I agree, you don't have to endorse Ketchum, just say you remain unconvinced until you see the results of the study. You can keep your distance AND your dignity. The bigfoot in the freezer hoax didn't didn't stop the fascination the general public has with the subject. MM still got his show, and that's only the tip of the iceberg. The bigfoot phenomenon sells itself. As for Ketchum, it's DNA/genetics science. What does MM or SWP or Tfatz know about it. Remember Paulides offered the gig to others in the field before Ketchum, but they wouldn't touch it, for fear of their careers. don't call out a fraud unless you have ALL the facts, otherwise you're an ignorant, prejudiced, idiot, akin to the church's judgement on Galileo. They didn't understand astronomy, and Galileo's discovered truth didn't negate God. Let the genetics experts, who have the skills to understand technical mistakes in the field do that. @3:02...hoaxers only soil themselves. Ketchum will get credit for trying to solve at least part of this subject, as long as she's not totally faking her results and data, and since this work is being duplicated in several other labs, that seems unlikely to me. There's plenty of disagreement within the field even with regards to the human genome. It's not going to go away with bigfoot dna. Is MM inferring this data is hoaxed by several independent labs, or they just all made the same mistakes? (which he doesn't have the expertise to determine even IF he did have the data.) Is he bound and determined to prove to the world that he is prejudiced, and makes judgements without the facts? How is that an upside?

    9. Bullshit. Try being "a good rsearcher" calling out any bullshit in the BFRO...

    10. Matt Moneymaker is a "Good Researcher"??? lol

      To call out someones work that you yourself know nothing about is not being a "Good Researcher" Ketchum is not out screaming in the woods and beating on trees and using unconfirmed theories to find one. She is going for facts. If her findings suggested that Sasquatch was an ape, then Matt Moneymaker would probably be endorsing her. But her findings suggest a species of Homo. This is the exact same kind of B.S. that resulted in 200 years of "Research" before the Gorilla was a confirmed Species and then another extra 100 years before the Mountain Gorilla was confirmed. Does any of this look familiar?--->

    11. Agreed, Tzieth. I personally feel he's one big phony, it's not going his way now so he freaks out like some juvenile. Had he been a serious researcher, he'd support and cheer this study on like any normal person instead he's bias in the extreme and it's painfully embarrassing to witness.

  10. I kept Poop in a jar busy 2 posts back so he couldn't comment on this story. Again proof he keeps posting as others agreeing with himself! Lol

  11. I already read this senseless screen in a thread yesterday -- now I wasted another ten minutes reading it again.

  12. Lets not forget the silent but diligent researchers that probably have more time in the woods then given credit for, and have some very compelling evidence of their own.

    One person you hear very little about, but has more knowledge of the Big people in the woods then most more prominent researchers is David Raygoza. Someone who takes this very seriously, but avoids the lime light.

    Lets see articles about these unsung hereos in the Bigfoot research field. I for one would love to learn. More about these people that have dedicated their lives to researching this subject. It would be cool to see an article a week on one of these Bigfoot research powerhouses.

    1. they deserve ZERO credit for wasting their lives looking for an imaginery creature

    2. I would love to hear information about these people Allen. Maybe (if you have the time) you could contribute articles about them and maybe Shawn would post them here. The Anon. above must be confusing zero with his I.Q.


    3. He is and so's Matt. Performing damage control that ain't working or helping his show FB (Flunking Bigfoot?) it's too late for that, the study really is coming Dr. Burtsev only lifted a small part not even half the goodies in it. Ketchum's work is a game changer it's out of the little league now and Matt senses that much. I can just about get why he must be an aper but not in Dr. Jeff Meldrum's case, for the Idaho doctor to be an aper is frankly a bit suspicious, when considering best visual species evidence consists of the likes of Patterson's film or Marble mt. neither showing animals or costumes but surely how these beings must be if Hominin. I see mr. Meldrum says two camps are silly and unnecessary, and I agree they are now, but it's no secret which side he was on before and that's always bothered me knowing what a smart man this is.

    4. 3:45: If bigfoots are not in the homo genus, let alone a hybrid race of humans, then bipedalism(and speech?) would be a striking example of parallel evolution. It is a much more informative scenario from the point of view of someone like Meldrum: an evolutionary anthropologist.

    5. ...or should I say an anthropologist specializing in evolution? :)

    6. Meldrum is no doubt ridiculed by his peers for believing in bigfoot. Saying they are a rare ape species is as far as he probably dare go to be fair. To say he suspects that a relic human species exists would have ruined him and his chances of funding for his science projects.

    7. But he'd be vindicated now.

  13. You gotta admit, a lot if this story has a familiar ring to it, does it not? We've been down this path before...

  14. "This crap needs to stop"?? Isn't that what Moneymaker has been trying to convey?

  15. A lot of spelling mistakes in this post.

  16. Bigfoot is real. I've seen one. Was burned into my brain. I sent a sample into Ms Ketchum. Bitches

    1. Vindication time is coming my good man, patience will be rewarded.

  17. The unknown future rolls toward us. I face it for the first time with a sense of hope, because if a machine, a Terminator, can learn the value of human life ... maybe we can too.

  18. Please, please, please everyone... stop the fighting and back stabbing... we are all interested in these results and should await more information about their validity before passing comment. It is exactly what is needed here - to give some clear scientific evidence to a species (or one of pos. many species) that are currently shrouded in mystery to date. Skyke's investigations will either confirm or dismiss Ketchum's findings... or give even more strange anomolies to this story!! Ketchum's reputation is at stake here and I am 100% certain she would not have put that on the line without having something substantial to back it up with. Lets just wait and see... unless someone has a live/dead specimen to show us now, then is it true that we have all waited long enough for factual evidence to date????... well, this is pos. the best we have to date... so let Ketchum publish her findings (subject to peer review). If she is the first... then good for her, if she is not, then it will be her reputation that suffers. We are all eager to know the truth and can not comment until we see the complete findings and the experts confirmations..... Finding Bigfoot will still be worth watching as finding a hair sample is not the same as finding the live specimen in it's natural surroundings...

    1. theres no bigfoot.

      argueing and back stabbing is exactly what you would expect from a community trying to find a creature that doesnt exist.

    2. God you're dumb for being here then aren't you, your stupidity's actually the best proof we could ever hope to ask for that there are bigfoots. Stick around as we know you will and you'll see. A creature ? A ? lmfao

  19. What needs to stop is the separation made between those who hypothesize that its a species of ape and those who hypothesize its a hominin!! They aren't political parties and they shouldn't make people think that they have a bias! Meldrum has not purposely doubted any evidence just because it doesn't agree with his null hypothesis, and he has even opened up to the possibility that these are relict early hominin like Paranthropus!! People need to stop saying that "the DNA study is causing a war between the ape believers and human believers" because there is obviously no argument or bias!! And guess what, humans are primates and are extremely close to apes!! We need to stop referring to the "ape camp" and "human camp"!

  20. I say we strip all the reality tv stars of this amount of money and give to were credit is due the men and women in the service they put it all on the line instead of walking around blindly saying I do believe there's a squatch in these woods

  21. Bravo and well said....
    It is nice to hear a well thought out comment now and then
    Great job and please, do keep posting....


  22. I don't think it takes a competing ego like MM to smell horse shit here. There are a thousand red flags all over the place to anybody who is paying attention. MM is as full of shit as anybody, but he happens to be correct in this instance. The quicker we shoot this hoax down in flames the sooner we can move on to some real science.

    1. And you don't even say why it's supposed to be a hoax? Fool you're clearly the hoax here.

  23. Maybe they are offshoots of the giants skulls they found that have two rows of teeth. It seems there have been several found in the east coast areas. These people were huge, up to 9, maybe more, feet tall.

  24. Peace, Love, Dope. Wheres Herb?

  25. A major flaw in this argument is what would Moneymaker lose? It is argued "his show" "the first to be right etc."

    Moneymaker has positioned himself and the BFRO as the experts, media friendly facing entity in Bigfoot. If Melba's study is true, he's the guy with the BRFO and a TV show to capitalize upon it like nobody else.


    I think he's calling bluff and calling it right.

    1. Why, where's the bluff? I don't see it, but I see a very jealous idiot running around forests with a team almost as dumb and naive as he is. I'll take the Ketchum study anyday, why would a doctor like her put her career and reputation on the line and say the doubters will be eating crow if it ain't so? You bet your ass she's right and he's not.

  26. The greatest post, ever, in Bigfootdom.


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