Colorado Sasquatch Night Sighting?

Bigfoot Evidence reader Melissa C. sent us this video she found on YouTube. She writes: "Have you seen this one? Guy has an experience at nite. His Youtube channel only has four videos on it, three of him wrestling and this bf one. It is pretty damn creepy if it is real. What do you think?"


  1. Could be just me here. Did that vocalization at the end sound pretty far away? It should've sounded a lot closer. Seems sketchy.

  2. Plus the odds of him starting to say"I better get" and then vocalization going off is somewhat odd. And if that small glow is eye shine either the suspect is real far away or is a cyclops. But you never know. At least vocals sound decent.

    1. I agree, you never know. People have reported all kinds of weird eye shine shapes, including single vertical and horizontal bars. If the eyes of a BF can show up as a single vertical bar, maybe they could show up as a single rounder shape, too. Dunno. Weird.

  3. There's something on the hill!

    1. But there's nowhere for the hill to be.

    2. It was only a matter of time.

      Thank you, Anon 3:56

      Thank you, Bigfoot

      Thank you, America

  4. Why is he doing a commentary? Sounds preplanned and fake, speaking to his 'audience'.

  5. i dunno you do hear fear in his voice and breathing im on the fence with this one, if its fake i dont think his acting was too bad, does every howl have a high decibel no one knows that. tcon.

    1. You want to believe too badly, so you overlook all the obvious signs of a fake. The "could be real..." perspective prevents you from being objective and seeing this as the obvious fake that it is.

  6. Replies
    1. That's what I thought too. That or they ran into the finding bigfoot crew doing their usual noisy rants in the woods.

  7. Unfortunate that all videos have the potential to be fake nowadays . I can't judge. Very cool, but no Amature on this site can say either way and without interviewing the witness and getting some background info know if it's authentic . Oh how I miss the 60-70's when photoshop wasn't present. I'll keep working the real outdoors and talking to people I Trust. Nonetheless keep up with the vids . Good entertainment at the least , but who knows if at least 20 percent are real videos then that's a good for Bigfooting !

  8. If I didn't know that this is phoney, I'd think it was faked.

  9. I've seen better acting in pornos....

  10. it has to be real, because the guy only has 3 wrestling video's and this video !
    if it was 3 baseball or football video, I'd say it was fake, but not with wrestling videos, wrestling is always real. it would also be very hard to have someone hold 2 little flashlights with the red lens and flash them on and off at the same time,then put one down and throw a rock, that would take a highly skilled,multitasking person to do that.
    No if's, and's or but's about it, gotta be a squatch!!!

  11. Can humans eyes glow in the the night?

  12. This proves it 100% that at night... it's dark in the woods and you can't see a damn thing!!

  13. Would have been a lot better if his buddy accidentally hit him in the face with that rock.


  14. Black cat sitting on a coal heap.

  15. This actor does a fine read for the DVD commentary.

  16. Should have power bombed the booger!

  17. A squatch is doing the shuffle truffle on the hill

  18. I hear the brush a popin...oh and there they go!



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