Cliff Barackman Discusses Last Night's Bigfoot Hair Sample On Finding Bigfoot

On last night's episode of Finding Bigfoot, the hair sample test results came back as inconclusive. Because of the age of the samples and how it was stored, the lab had trouble extracting any viable DNA from it. Cliff Barackman wrote the following report on his blog today:

Of most interest to us was the hair sample. The hair sample had been found by a tribal game officer on an animal trail leading from a location where a bigfoot had been recently seen. It was found on some broken branches more than eight feet above the ground, which would seem to rule out that it was buffalo (which are kept nearby), bear, deer, or human hair. Roger had in his possession enough hairs to spare some for us to have tested for DNA material. In hair, all of the viable DNA is found in the medulla, or hollow center shaft of the hair. This is a bit problematic because bigfoot hair tends to have fragmentary medullas, if any is present at all. However, a DNA lab in Oklahoma City called DNA Solutions offered to test the sample to see if any material could be extracted for testing. If nothing else, they could examine the hair and tell us what animals the could eliminate as a possible source for the hairs. Also of value is that they could get the results back to us in about a week.

Dr. Brandt Cassidy of DNA Solutions was unable to extract any DNA material from the hairs. He said that the samples were just too old and had not been stored in the the optimal way to prevent the gradual breaking down of the DNA material. However, he was clear about a few things. While superficially similar to a person’s hair, the hair did not appear to be human in origin. First off the hair shafts had tapered ends which would indicate that the hairs had never been subjected to a hair cut. Another difference that was found was that the medulla width was different than what is commonly found among humans. I was supplied with photographs of his microscopic analysis, and I was interested in the fact that the hairs showed to have a reddish tinge when lit from behind, even though the hair appeared to be black when viewed against other backgrounds. This reddish tinge is another distinct characteristic of bigfoot hair. No other results were obtained by future testing of this hair, though Dr. Cassidy has provided me with some interesting articles about proving unknown species by DNA barcoding.

Read the Cliff Barackman's full field report on his blog at Cliff Barackman.


  1. No concrete evidence for the existance of bigfoot will ever be presented by finding bigfoot.

    1. Of course not. They don't exist. Patty was one of the last ones and without PGF there would be no case at all. They're probably extinct now since the early 70's. Everything that has come ot since then is mere hoax and mass hallucination.

    2. Not likely no but by others. We know you hate her, but I'd advice you bet your money on Ketchum as the one and do it in secret if you must because this is 100% now where it'll come from.

    3. What about the Meldrum and Sykes study surely they're the most credible

    4. Anon11:34 is accurate, they may be extinct now

    5. Sykes will expose the lunacy of footers, cant wait

    6. Or if not he'll provide results that will be a lot more credible. However, we all know that if he does prove that the samples he has received are not Squatch it won't stop people from believing there will always be diehards who don't give up

    7. yep thats the problem with footery right there

      cant destroy a footers fantasy!

    8. 12:37 He can only say the samples he tested were from known animals. How can he conclude something does not exist on the basis of even 1,000 tests, let alone 20(the number he said were in the study I think). I am not even sure anything from North America is in the study, but some people here say otherwise. I think he just grabbed a few hairs from some European museum, and will talk about the yeti.

    9. well when you got some lunatic youtube researcher submitting saliva taken from a trail cam because the bigfoot aparently licked it and it comes back as a racoon or some shit then it just shows what a circus show this whole debacle is

    10. Weren't there articles on this site where people talked about sending samples off to Sykes?? I'm sure he's got quite a few samples from North America if not the majority and why would he want musty old samples from European museums that are most likely Yak hair or something when there are literally hundreds of footers collecting any old evidence they can to send off to him? If Meldrum is involved I'm sure it will be mainly focused on North America I doubt anyone from Nepal has been glued to the Bigfoot forums waiting to send their Yeti poop (in a jar) over to the other side of the globe to Oxford :)

    11. Hey 11:34. Do yourself a favor and look at satalite views of all the wilderness on this globe. Then think about what you stated

    12. ^Nothing confirmed by Sykes or Meldrum, but we did read here that the TBRC guys and people associated with the sierra kills sent in samples. That does not mean they were accepted for the study, though. I think they will announce before publication what they tested. We will see either way....soon. :)

    13. Well no matter what I'm sure they will have some quality control before they choose the samples to test based on whether or not any DNA can actually be extracted or not. If they have a sample of the Sierra kill steak I'd bet my paycheck that will be tested as I doubt there are many samples of that quality with tissue attached! Sykes' study will be a lot more impartial at least as I doubt he has a family of Squatch living in his garden full of angel DNA

  2. Replies
    1. If anything, it is probably in the homo genus. But half-human? Doubt that, but I guess we will find out.

    2. And most of the half humans come here to post comments.

  3. Even if it did test as an unknown spiecies we still need either a dead or live animal to truly prove all the sceptics wrong

    1. No. You need a specimen to name it, but a clear photo or decent footage from a credible source could prove existence. Somewhere along the line "skeptics won't except crummy photos" became "no one excepts photos." That is bull.

    2. You seriously care what a bunch of old ladies next door to you and whackos here think ? They're just trolls man the majority of people are not too smart so who gives a shit, as long as DNA proves the species real scientifically that's really all we need to begin with after that you can bet more will come out and eventually the world will see them. I'm not sure but maybe even in connection with the Ketchum study presentation and if they don't have any new video (I think they probably do) they can co-present it with the Patterson Film and videos like Paul Freeman's and Marble Mountain because they have they real thing too.

    3. Honestly, I think the majority of people will only believe if a specimen is found. Maybe if credible irrefutable video evidence was presented from a respected source then people would listen so untill some one does a real Bigfoot documentary for a major network capturing them on camera for an extended length of time that can not be hoaxed, it ain't gonna happen :(

    4. a mickey mouse dna study that has been rejected by peer reviewed journals multiple times is not gonna cut it folks

      aint no 'foots to be found bro

    5. Bunch of denying bigfoot hating geeks here realizing they're done for now.

    6. so where exactly is this bigfoot you keep going on about?

    7. If he was up your ass you would know!!..always wanted to say that...

    8. Only fools would deny solid scientific evidence. When the paper is published and all the authors and institutions that did the testing are known then all the nonsense will stop, except of course for those from the trolls. For IQ measurements to have an average, there have to be quite a few down towards the bottom of the scale. Pity they all seem to gravitate to this website.

    9. Is Ketchum going to provide the solid evidence??? I don't think so Sykes has a better chance of being taken seriously if his study comes back with evidence then people will take notice. Ketchum's reputation will taint what ever she releases as the work of a nutjob and won't be taken seriously by the scientific community

    10. 3:38- I think you mean for "IQ measurements to be normally distributed.....". An average, of course is just the sum divided by the number of samples, it is independent of any kind of variation in the data.
      ex) 8,8,8,8
      the average is (8+8+8+8)/4=8
      the avg is(1+2+14+15)/4=8
      Again, I'm sure you meant some kind of bell-curve(normal or gaussian distribution).

  4. I suspect the tips of all hair -- even cut hair -- will eventually transform into a rounded shape due to the normal stuff that happens during the course of a day, a week, a month. For comparison, think of your fingernails. At the time you trim them, they have a "sharp" edge. You can feel the sharpness with your fingertips. But a day later, the sharpness is gone. I'm doubtful that hair will behave differently. Nature abhors a vacuum...and it also abhors sharp edges, particularly on organic materials.

    1. But if you're Cliff "These Animals Are in Fact Real" Barackman, then you go to Oklahoma and visit a small wooded area which they admit is only two square miles in size and is a few miles away from a large city and approach some crackpot hoaxer who shows you some obviously faked footprints next to a parking lot. The same buffoon gives you a clump of hair and you take it as gospel as to how the dimwitted dolt found the "sample." After the DNA tester finds now evidence of bigfoot, of course you latch onto an absurd theory about how the ends of the hair strands show no evidence of having been cut. Clearly, you do not consider the possibility that you are visiting an area that has virtually no chance of supporting a bigfoot or question anything that a borderline insane hillbilly tells you.

  5. all you need to know is the pgf was a hoax and the rest you should be able to figure out

    1. Except with the coming DNA study results in its favor it obviously wasn't.

    2. I dont see any DNA studys? Yep checked all the journals there are none.

  6. Can't be a bear because it was found 8ft in a tree near broken branches...'cause bears have never been known to climb/den in trees....this is what is what happens when everything believes they are a scientist

  7. I find it very interesting that lot of people believe in bigfoot even thought it didn't exist. Bigfoot is really tulpa (thoughtform)because lot of people believe it is real that enegry formed Bigfoot. If you look back in old history in Thailand where monks have answers/explainations for that. Even you wondering why you never find a bone because it never was. It is just enegry form so that when less people believe it fade away. Just look it up under tulpas to see for yourself. I done a lot of research because too many people are too focus on Bigfoot instead of looking at around. Look into Himalayan where "Yeti" resided so I bet the stories spread after that.

  8. at least they found something...HOLY SHIT IT'S SEASON 3!

    1. I know! 3 seasons of night vision and silly noises and no evidence! Fun to watch though

  9. Barackman and Bobo seem like nice guys. They really should drop that show and get on with the search without a camera crew and production schedule.

    1. Yeah but I guess the show pays the mortgage and bills so...,

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