Bigfoot Chicks Releases Videos of Footprints Found By "Hardcore Outdoors"

Here's the investigation video by Bigfoot Chicks investigator, Rob Gaudet. The prints were discovered by a hunter back in October 2012 at Lake Wright Patman in Texas. It appears to be coming out of the water of a shallow inlet and disappear as they walk off towards the woods. The inlet is only accessible by a three mile boat ride.

Here's the post from Hardcore Outdoors about the investigation:
When we found these tracks they came out of the water & you could see them clearly for about 10 feet out then the water was too deep to see them. There were several tracks on the bank after "IT" walked out of the water & onto the bank, it only took a few steps then hit hard ground then no more tracks. Today, we found where "IT" went into the water about 100 yards up the slough from where it came out of the water. What we were able to determine today was that it went into the water from some thick brush towards the back of the slough, walked about 100 yards through the water, turned right, walked onto the bank & stopped then took one more BIG step before hitting solid ground & stopped leaving tracks. I'm 5' 10" tall & weigh about 180 pounds, I lined my right foot up with the tracks then stepped as far as I could stretch & was still 2" shy from stepping as far as "IT" did. We measured the distance between the tracks heal to heal & it had exactly a 47" stride! The track was 12" long & most tracks on record are from 14" to 15" long but these were deep & wide so he determined that this could've been a female or an immature creature. He also agreed that a human couldn't have been responsible for these tracks because of how & when they got there as well as the location. I can tell you that I am VERY excited to hear his final analysis after reviewing all the evidence with the other investigators! I've NEVER been a believer of "BIG FOOT" but after all this I'm starting to have a whole new attitude about it being a very real creature. You either believe or you don't.

See more videos at Bigfoot Chicks blog.


  1. Bigfoot. Doesn't look anything like a human track.

    1. looks kinda like my faked tracks.... dermal ridges and all!

    2. It looks just like a human track you fuctard!

  2. Looks like Dr. Melba Ketchum's footprints.

  3. Replies
    1. Too late. I know. I tried to claim first when I was actually second and I got jumped on. Rough neighborhood

  4. When I said fake I was talking about the pic, I had yet to see the video at the time, but aside from that pic having an arch, it looks stamped out. You see oddly round tow impressions, but now splaying of the toes. When I actually watched the vid, those prints also look stamped out. I guess it never occurred to them that the guys who made the report were screwing with them? lol

  5. This is a decent post but I'm not inclined to believe that this is a Sasquatch print. What I picture is a camper/hunter in the area wearing those foppish five toed shoe things and going to the water to clean dishes or something.

    I was just in Big Sur this weekend (Sykes) at the same temps you describe and was jumping into the river to bath. Although it's cold it's not unfathomable that people would be in the water. I surf and am use to frigid water.

    A guy I met out there had a pair of those five toed things on. I fibbed and told him they were cool... but in my head thought foppish.

  6. Watching or listening to the Bigfoot chicks, is like separating deck chairs with your dick.

  7. I watched these videos yesterday and thought the prints looked interesting. BUT...
    The stride (right foot to right foot) measurement was only 47 inches. That's well within human range.
    The foot length is also within human range.
    Now if it was a 47 inch step (right foot to left foot), that would be worth looking at.
    I appreciate the amount of detail that went in to recording the evidence though.
    I don't know why a person would be walking around bare foot in the woods, but it's possible.

    1. Sasquai I thought you were a higher caliber of footer than that. All footers know when something is in the human range that it is 100% a juvenile sasquatch!

  8. Its not a bigfoot track. This track has an arch and is not shaped like a bigfoot track.

  9. This is too much all these people who are experts on Bigfoot last I checked the fucker wasn't at Payless buying shoes or have you measure and examine his feet or fur so shut the fuck up now unless you have daily conversation and mental lapse doesnt count then you as I are no fuckin expert about the only thing you can properly label is the dick in your mouth

    1. My dick went from your moms ass to your sister and dads mouth. I will fucking kick you in the chest!

    2. Bring it bitch I'll show you what a Chicago boy can do then I'll make you eat your own words and suck your own dick then when you think you can't take it I'll beat your ass again tell your mom I said hi you fuckin crybaby little bitch


  11. I've come to the conclusion that people who write more than a few words on this blog are wankas.

  12. No BF in Texas. Nothin' but steers and queers down there.

    - Russ in Oregon

  13. Yeah that's usually true for every state south of the mason Dixon the south will rise again to get Cheetos and beet that's about it

  14. I live near there. First, there is nowhere on that lake that is a "3 mile boat ride" from an entry point. In fact, there is a bridge very close to this spot. People are all over that area all the time. It is not at all remote, and is a popular camping spot. This is a bunch of crap, it's a guy trying to get attention for his outdoors company.


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