TimberGiantBigfoot Spoils Phil Poling's October Surprise By Teaming Up With Dr. Bindernagel

Well. That settles it. If Dr. John Bindernagel was involved in the recreation, we're not going to question TimberGiantBigfoot's "Bigfoot Behind The Bush" footage anymore. After getting blind sighting and ripped to shreds by Phil Poling, Mr. TimberGiantBigfoot decided to join forces with one of the granddaddies of Bigfoot, Dr. Bindernagel, a world-renowned Bigfoot expert. At this point, it really doesn't matter what Phil says about the the footage (now removed), since Bindernagel basically just blessed him.

Tim Fasano, TimberGiantBigfoot's biggest critic released this statement on his blog today:

Jim "timbergiantbigfoot" makes a case defending himself against the debunking video by Phil Poling of Team Tazer Bigfoot. Jim uses Dr. Bindernagel to show how tall the Bigfoot was he video taped. Cool. I got it. That creates even more mystery. Why did Jim take the video down? Even his most loyal fans say they can't find it. That's not right. They should be able to see it. That is strange. Jim also shot video last November 21st of a Bigfoot in Canada that he made private on YouTube, but has yet to release it. Why? I don't know if Jim filmed a Sadquatch or not because he hides his sighting videos, but shows his blobs. I'm glad Poling had ripped his copy before timber took it down after questions were raised. Show us what you have Jim if you are real. - Tim Fasano, Florida Skunk Ape Hunter

Here's the video with Dr. John Bindernagel recreating the sighting: Click here to watch it on YouTube.

Here's Phil Poling's breakdown of the "Bigfoot Behind The Bush" video TimberGiantBigfoot does not want you to see:


  1. this post is #looneytoons approved

    1. And lookie here,the head of the trailer trash clan..

  2. Bindernagel was touring around interviewing YouTube Bigfoot "researchers" for a TV special about their motives. Of course he'd toss a few bones to the hosts.

  3. If Timbergiant really thought he had a legitimate sighting, I can't understand his reasoning for removing or hiding it. I also saw his dark subject video mentioned by Tim Fasano. That's the video where he allegedly records over his shoulder and captures a dark bipedal subject crossing the camera.
    Maybe Jim is feeling the heat now that people are scrutinizing his videos. If he has nothing to hide, there is no reason to remove or hide the videos from the public. Why bother having a YouTube channel then?
    I've always found TGBF's videos questionable and/or misleading depending on how the videos have been presented.
    Just because Dr. Bindernagel helped in a recreation, that doesn't make the video authentic.

    1. he is just another deceptive footer.

      show the ambiguous stuff where the subject can not be determined and ensure to cut out any parts that show what the subject really is, that is bigfooting 101, but i guess thats all you can do when what you are looking for doesnt exist

    2. Anon 11:46- The subject of Bigfoot seems to cause you much distress and if you don't think they exist, why are you here?
      Just because you think they don't exist, that doesn't make it fact.

    3. no... the fact that it is a fact makes it a fact.

    4. bigfoot does not exist bro, thats not an opinion, but a fact, deal with it

    5. Timbergiant is human, and he doesnt put alot of stuff out because of the rude comments. Have you read the comments on this blog lately? they are disgusting to say the least. and why get ridiculed day after day. and Fatasano. you have taken down videos after crude remarks posted about them. You just cant stand any other researcher getting anything you haven'tgotten first or tried to hoax. so just go crawl back into the swamp where you belong.

    6. The original video was on his channel the whole time.

  4. It's still on his channel, titled "Possible Bigfoot Sighting , Please Read Description."


  5. T- Fats need to shut his mouth and know his role.

  6. If people only knew what Bindernagel has stated in private concerning TGBF, they would stop endorsing his visit with him as if it substantiates TGBF's work. It DOESN'T. Suffice it to say, Bindernagel was not impressed. If he was impressed, then we'll see another visit with TGBF, won't we. Mark my word, there will be NO other visit with TGBF by Bindernagel. The good Dr. just happened to be in Ontario at the time, and set up visits with several Ontario researchers. TGBF only showed a small portion of Dr. Bindernagel's comments. And those who know Bindernagel personally, can state emphatically that he is always polite, yet non-committal, in his comments concerning purported bigfoot evidence. He did the same with TGBF as he does with everyone, yet TGBF ran with as if Bindernagel said TGBF was the second coming. Others should not be so foolish.
    Shawn - are you reading this. Don't assume that just because Bindernagel spends some time with someone that that someone is legit. Trust me, if you knew the others he spent time with on his cross-country journey in April/May of 2012, you'd think twice about what you're writing. Please show us Bindernagel's blessing of TGBF. Please...

    1. +1 Excellent and TRUE post!

    2. This is not the first time Dr. Bindernagel has visited with TGBF. He has visited with TGBF before. So what you say will never happen has already happened. (Please check the links under the video above.)

    3. anon @ 12:00 Prove it, show where you saw this.

    4. Exactly Sat 9:11. Anons claiming facts with no citations to back it up. And no one - no one here questions these posts! For all you know, Tim could be making all the posts and arguing with himself.

      Just a bunch of haters - both skeptics and footers. You all deserve each other.

  7. Guys, this video is DEFINITELY AUTHENTIC! Don't let those dirty skeptics take our dream away. IT'S REALLY THERE!

    *pees a little*

  8. They ought to shut this site down. Period.

  9. "They ought to shut this site down. Period."

    Hard to argue that.

  10. Anyone else notice a similarity between the top of whatever was behind the bushes and the top of his son's head??

    1. yea its his son,

      the same son that wore the bigfoot suit walking accross in the distance while tgbf filmed him (perfectly centered on screen) but claimed he was filming off to the side of where he was looking.

      dum dum dum dum dum

    2. Yeah and it was filmed during school hours when his sons were in school.

    3. the boy had a Dr's note from bindernagel,took the day off.

  11. Wow, all these supposed researchers bashing other researchers. Sound like jealousy; these fools who say TGBF is hoaxing people, you need to pay closer attention to what he says and how he says it. For the people who don't believe ; save us the trouble and stop watching B/F the videos.There seems to be a lot more poisonous people nowadays. Those that dish it out but when given rebuttal the'll just block you.

    1. Ask your buddy TGBF how many viewers HE has blocked, not for rude comments, but for asking simple, logical questions. If he's letting any thru now, it's only to build up that textbook cult method of 'us against them' mystique that draws in suckers like you. How much money have you sent him?

  12. IT looks like a real ape, a gorilla, even the way it moved. Are there costumes of lowland gorilla heads out there?or it was spliced into thi film , it does look real.

  13. Could be the kid in a brown hoodie. hoodie could look like brow ridge.Shadow under hoodie/brow ridge def/maybe.

  14. There is only one reason he took the video down...IT WAS A HOAX. He got made, and yanked it. Last November he did the same thing. No big deal, however. He finds Bigfoot in every video he shoots. Pick one at random. I guess he will win the 10 million bucks.

    1. Read the posts above - the film is STILL on his site. You saying it's not doesn't change reality. There is even a link above to it. Hell, Phil posted a link to it on his debunking. How stupid are you people? Don't just look at the moving pictures, READ the words occasionally. Also, his November film is ALSO still on his site: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpLav47UaHs

      It was Rex Dutton who posted a private analysis of TGBF's video, NOT TGBF. But please, continue to make up shit and call it the truth. No wonder our country is going down the tubes with half-wits like you!

    2. What can't be denied is that TGBF has edited over half the footage from his original post. Much more teddy bear head, much more bush shaking, no panic or running from his vantage point (of 100 yards), and no warning to the obviously tee'd off kid that is walking away and ignoring him. He can put on all the show he wants for you fan girls, but should keep his kids out of it.

    3. we never should have built this country on tubes

    4. Anon 12:09... ummm, how would you even know that he edited half of his 'original' video without being a fan girl yourself? He has a lot of videos on his site... you must keep updated if you know he changes them.

      And since you are saying that he is full of it and has no Bigfoot there, what difference does it make if he takes his kids with him then? Parents take kids on hikes all the time - that's OK, but he can't bring his kids along because he should protect them from the Bigfoot that don't exist?? It can't be both - he can't not have Bigfoot and have Bigfoot at the same time. 0<>1. That's pretty simple math.

      And people think TGBF is nuts. LOL.

  15. The link above is a dead link. The anon made it up. Copy and paste youself. Timber has no Facebook, Twitter, blog, website or any relationships and contact with the BF community. Is his name really Jim? This guy is Biscardi on roids. No blog or website ever mentions this guy. Google timbergiantbigfoot and nobody but fasano ever brings him up. Don't you find that strange for the amount of evidence he has found? Just asking.

    1. Both links above work; TGBF's original "bush" video link listed above is NOT dead - the Anon just copied too much info from the YT link search he did. The actual address is everything before the "&" symbol, which would be this:

      And private person is private - shocking... a LOT of people hide their identity online - like you Anon, and like me - I was an online identity theft victim. While remaining private is OK in any other hobby or job, it's downright illegal and cause for suspicion in Bigfoot Research - an area with more crazies than most, cause alone TO be private.

      Tell me, what exactly is TGBF selling? Post the link to where he is pushing DVD, video, book, or even T-shirts! Where is he pushing stuff, trying to rip you off, "steal" your money?

      He doesn't sell anything! Don't like what he says on his channel? Well here's a novel concept - don't watch it.

  16. Annoymous wrote: "This is not the first time Dr. Bindernagel has visited with TGBF. He has visited with TGBF before. So what you say will never happen has already happened. (Please check the links under the video above.)"

    Bindernagel visited with TGBF for two days back in May of 2012. That's it. Show me evidence of any other visits. Trust me, Bindernagel walked away believing "Jim" is full of it.

  17. I WAS a fan until the lies and using his kids to hoax made me feel stupid for believing his garbage. One day you'll wake up, too.

    And yes, he was selling T-shirts. And yes, I saw his request for donations clearly posted on his channel page. And yes, he did once know how to hold a camera still, but then it became more popular for him to flail it around and create blobsquatches for you and Rex to find.

  18. Yep...little pathetic TGBF was selling his t-shirts when they first arrived at his home - even had a vid with him opening the box up. Then, the delusional nut-case had a vid of himself in the hospital following his operation (should of had the surgeon check his brain). The guy is a whack-job who is now making money from his Youtube channel. All of his evidence is unambitious and dubious. And it ALWAYS will be. Mark my word.

  19. Ambiguous and dubious...oops.

  20. There is NO way, a single person such as TGBF can have so many repeat sightings, or "accidentally" film BF off in the distance without knowing it. He also started the whole ridiculous concept of "As long as you point the camera where you're not looking, you'll get one of video". Come on people, I mean you really buy this garbage? There are legitimate researchers who have had NO sightings ever, after 25yrs of searching, or maybe one sighting and never another one. But, this guys films one everytime he goes out, or other people spot them on his videos for him? Crap!

  21. I love it..You pathetic morons sit on your couches living off mommy and you have the gall to call someone a hoaxer..At least he is out in the field unlike teamtazer who all they do is bash others and run around in pink gorilla suits..Yeah you all think you are better than the next guy but you are not..You are the top of the heap in trailer trash.It is so funny how trailer trash always end up together on the same forum or thread,you always seem to find each other..
    Go back to watching Finding Nothing and see the real hoaxers at work..Losers..


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