They Caught The Mystery Monkey, Tim Fasano Probably Smiled When He Heard The News [Video]

Four years after escaping from an animal sanctuary, a rhesus macaque named Cornelius is finally captured in Florida. Animal Control officials in Tampa stepped up their efforts to catch the monkey a few weeks ago after he reportedly bit 60-year-old woman named Shannon Fowler on the back. When they caught him on Wednesday, wildlife rescuers said Cornelius was living his life in the wild like Tom Hanks in the movie, "Castaway".

[via NY Daily News]


  1. This was definitely never mistaken for a bigfoot by footers! IT'S OUT THERE. I SAW IT. I JUST PEED A LITTLE.

    1. Can I have your soiled panties?
      I just love to sniff them!

  2. He seems fairly calm, although I get the idea that the little bastard could take a chunk of flesh out a person easily. I guess he already has at least once.

  3. So they caught him while speaking to a soccer ball?

    Stupid fucking monkey.

  4. Damn, Tim better call of his Halloween show.

  5. Robots, bubble tents, drunk Irish, and now this monkey. This isn't Fark is it?

    1. Ah c'mon things are slow! Once you've done the typical pictures and crap, what is left? (methinks Shawn is desparate for content) Porns coming next :)

    2. I hope so. Can we discuss taterholing first?

  6. Finding Bigfoot is going to save this blog and give everyone of you something to bitch about!

    1. "and give everyone of you something to bitch about!"

      about how MM has a screw loose?
      how Ranae is lez?
      how they are actually pretending to look for bigfoot?

    2. Yer bitch ass is gonna b all over it too eat a dick faggot

    3. Cows are people food and dear are bigfoot food.

    4. Oops! i'll have to tweet moneymaker and get back to ya!

  7. Glad they caught him. That sumbitch owes me five dollars.

  8. Nothing worse than a lonely monkey.

    Nice work gents.

  9. They caught Fatsanos lover.
    Damn,no more sweet monkey love for T-Fats.;)

  10. So this is the mighty skunk ape. Carefull now he may use his infrasound /mindspeak on you.

  11. Bit her in the back? They need to change his name to Marv.

  12. I think that going to a night club is a best choice for party.Thanks

    Luxusní společnice & GFE Prague


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