The Sleeping Bag Bigfoot - A Treatment by Phil Poling

Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Phil Poling, proud member of TeamTazerBigfoot. You can visit his YouTube channel at or his breakdown channel at

In regards to the fiasco now referred to by many as the sleeping bag Bigfoot, there has been much to do about the lack of information from the Extreme Expeditions camp. Regardless of what the ‘unknown creature’ might be, I had thought that the basis for the investigation would have been the confirmation from the source; this being the camera.

What Mr. Adam Davies and friends had essentially done with the photo evidence is to look at it without understanding it. It was obvious that the date/time stamp was wrong but that was about as far as they got. To understand or confirm why this had happened, they sent this information to The “Journal of the Bizarre” for scientifical type evaluation. The Journal confirmed that the camera had reverted back to its manufactured default settings. When asked about these settings on the Extinct Podcast last Sunday, Mr. Davies said that all of that information was available on EE’s website and the Journal’s. But that was not the case. The only other opinion offered by the Journal was in regards to the ‘thing’ in the photo and to that, they had no explanation.

So why are the camera settings so important?

Because this is the first piece of real and verifiable evidence available. We can guess and surmise as to what the ‘creature’ is but evidence is firm, testable and verifiable. And here is what I had discovered;

Introducing, the ltl Acorn Outdoors Model 5210A Scouting Camera. This camera was manufactured in 2009. This matches the Date stamp on the images and this is confirmation that it was reset to default settings. I agree. The camera was operating on its default setting throughout the night in the EE campsite.

This is quite the little camera! It’s a digital camera that uses IR illuminators that can aid in capturing night time photographs and video. What’s really impressive about this camera are the sensors.

These sensors operate off of the target’s heat signature and used to operate the camera’s trigger. On a recent podcast, Mr. Davies referred to the ‘creature’ as not being human because of its solid coloring. He equated this due to the lack of hot and cold spots due to a sleeping bag or clothing. The thing is; it’s not a thermal camera, it’s a digital camera. Where he could be confused is in the use of the heat sensors.

This camera has side sensors called prep sensors that reads a target’s heat signature. This reads an area out to 120 degrees from center image. What we see is about 50 degrees from center so this is a great advantage in capturing approaching wildlife. These prep sensors basically awaken the camera to get ready to take the shot when the target enters the visual frame. And this it does very well. Once in view it can read and trigger as quickly as 0.2 seconds.

However; in the case of the campsite, the camera probably placed itself into sleep mode to save on battery power.

In sleep mode, the prep sensors are off. The PIR sensors that face forward are in operation. In this mode, the camera can detect power on and shoot the photo all within 1 second.

Therefore, the first shot would have happened within one second of this ‘creature’ being detected by the sensor.

So what are the odds of something NOT being caught by this camera before it gets to the table? I would say the chances are slim to none.

If the activity is still being sensed, this camera, after the initial photo, will operate in a kind of grazing mode, taking one photo every minute.

This is done to save space on the memory card. This is evident on the series of shots within the camp with human activity. This can also be affected by the visual size and heat signature of the target. Heavy clothing or blankets can affect the sensitivity as well as lack of movement.

The question of the video is troublesome. It doesn’t appear to be taken by the ltl Acorn camera. The date/time stamp, although the same is in yellow and there is no ltl acorn stamp on the left. I don’t know if this is normal for that camera but we do know that the ltl Acorn camera was set to default mode. The video doesn’t record in default mode. Also; the default for video is stated as 10 sec record time, not 1 second. If the camera had been recording stills and video then it would have done so on every event, including all the human activity in camp and would have done so for 10 seconds at a time. So now we have questions as to whether another camera was used and whether the camera was set up for 1 sec and how many videos it recorded and why these have not been presented.

It looks like there is some information not being offered in EE’s “full disclosure”.

Regardless of this, we do know one thing. Whatever it was the camera caught sitting by the picnic table, more than likely - based upon real evidence – it was already there.

Phil Poling

EE's Q&A site here


  1. This video definitely shows an AUTHENTIC SASQUATCH! Those dirty skeptics keep trying to discount everything we claim. We know it's true, and we know that those shady characters like Bob H can't possibly be telling the truth! Our religion doesn't allow for that outcome.

    The great one Mels Drum taught us never to accept reality. Keep believing, AT ALL COSTS!



    1. It is a juvenile male Sas earning coup

    2. Mulder you are a true cultist!!!! I see you over on the BFF spouting the same bullshit!

      Can't wait till Tontar reveals what he knows. Oh boy are you gonna have some egg on your face;)

      You blubbering Bleeber!

    3. There is ZERO/NO credible evidence for Bigfoot's existence. NONE. If you think any proof offered by Meldrum, Ketchum, Smeja, Gimlin, et al is scientific in any way, YOU ARE WRONG. All Bigfoot vids and pics are this same kind of hokey jokey crap that cant be proven and doesnt look like anything. Bigfoot is fake, the end.

      And I'm on this site because so many of you wackos actually think Moneymaker and Bobo are "scientific". Ask yourself why the only true scientist on the show (Ranae) absolutely does NOT believe in Bigfoot but tags along with Moneymaker every time he supposedly detects a Squatch. What a joke people, give it up.

      When the giant squid was discovered, dead, in pieces, digested inside harvested whales, detected from whale scars, finally vids of one alive, NOT ONE SCIENTIST IN THE WORLD doubted because tangible evidence was right there for their viewing. Where is Smejas DNA result? Where is tangible evidence? Why do all main-stream scientists avoid this subject and ridicule it? FAKE!!!

      I'm here to help you wake from the matrix of deception, Neo.

    4. The Dreamy Poster of Meldrum on Mulders WallTuesday, October 30, 2012 at 9:40:00 AM PDT

      Hey ya buddy!

    5. Dear Neo, two names: Jeff Meldrum, Melba Ketchum. Both are real scientists and I bet you agree Bruan Sykes is too? I agree evidence is tough to come by but we are talking most elusive primate ever. Marine snipers are good at camo but Sasquatch is actually part of the forest and disappears. Go back to Randi's forum and talk there.

    6. Funny point why Rene always say "Its a deer" or "bear for sure" but Monkeyfaker says "100% Sasquatch alright, this is thier known behaviour". Bobo is the same with his shit about "Sasquatch goes underwater and grabs ducks, pushes down on all tents, masturbates to John Travolta, they are so elusive you cant see em". Dude^^^^^^ is right about that

    7. fake and gay

  2. ^^^^Do us all the favor and "Please off yourself"

  3. SMDH. SOSDD. FSA. Can't believe they are still calling this unknown. The list continues to grow, at least some are trying to make them see the light. Or in this case, see the person.

    1. They will never admit it. They only see what they want to see.

  4. For once I'm going with Phil on this.

    Thanks Phil.

    1. Making a comment on a COMMENT BOARD, Prokill? What a retard. STFU you anonymous inbred hillbilly. Just like all of ours, your comments are worthless. You seem to think this is a place to post your opinions, or something...

      Isn't there a 'How to get your GED' Blog you need to be on?

  5. Good job Phil!! Do you know if the group used only one trail camera? I was reading the EE Facebook page and found something very peculiar. I had a bit of a problem with how the pictures were numbered. Someone with the group said the pictures were numbered oddly (1,3,5) etc. and videoes were numbered evenly. The one second video is number 16 according to the group. If I'm reading correctly, the camera took a series of photos, recorded a one second video, then took a series of photos. EVERY camera I have ever used that has a dual mode (record still photos/record video), can only be used in one mode at a time until the mode is manually changed. This includes my trail cameras as well. The video without a date stamp is puzzling. It should have all the information the photos have. If I was a hunter,photographer or conservationist, this information would still be valuable, would it not? I don't like beating a dead horse, but I like a good mystery, and I like solid answers in order to solve mysteries such as this one. Whether this camera reset itself or not, all the photos show a consistent date/time sequence ( did not revert during this encounter). I would need to look up the operating manual to see if this camera can somehow switch capture modes on it's own. I highly doubt this is possible though. Maybe other trail cam owners can add their opinion on this anomaly.

  6. Phil: sudo apt-get install goodwork

    Adam: sudo apt-get install bullshit


  8. @Phil Poling
    did you ever consider that they possibly put new batteries in? never set the date, but changed the settings, or perhaps the date stamp was not functioning correctly? cameras malfunction all the time, especially trail cameras, they could be a nightmare.
    Your making assumptions without knowing about the camera itself, and going off the specs that you read off a website.
    That is far from good investigative work.
    Total speculation. Just like most skeptics they
    think of a possible reason/solution, and never test there theory. Just like all that say it's a sleeping bag, if that is the case, it should be easy to replicate it, but no one even tried.
    It could be a hoax or real, but trying to put the nail in the coffin from a keyboard is not the answer.

    1. Actually the EE team did several recreations but kept putting everyone in the wrong spot. All they have to do is put a person sitting right next to the end of the bench of the table. Bingo, recreated. But they keep insisting it is not a member of their team and calling it an "unknown". Pretty much every credible person in the bigfoot world (ya ya I know, no such thing) has called them out for this. If I had exact items and the camp, I would go up there myself and end this farce.

  9. Phil destroyed someone AGAIN, as USUAL. Spot on....

  10. This is the cue for someone from EE to say it was a test/hoax and we're all stupid for falling for it, even though nobody did.

    1. I like how no one has noticed the big ass foot that bigfoot has


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