The "Fence Climber" Bigfoot Aka "Junk Man" Has A Wang!

There's more to the "Fence Climber" video than meets the eye. Whether the footage is real or not, the "Fence Climber" or Junk Man, as M.K. Davis is now calling him, appears to be a male Bigfoot. How does he know this? Davis points out something that looks like a "male anatomy". Yes. That's right-- the Bigfoot has a wang!


  1. Replies
    1. Its just like the one filmed in the "Redwoods Video". Maybe male squatches are like a whitetail buck in rut and when the schlong hardens watch out!

      Perhaps why it didnt detect the camera?

  2. All right! It's zee Wango, zee Tango
    Come on boys
    Time to Wango

    My baby she like to rock
    My baby she like to roll
    My baby she can dance all night
    My baby got no control
    She do the Wango Tango

    My baby she can scream and shout
    My baby she can move it out
    My baby she can take a chance
    My baby got a brand new dance

    Wango Tango
    Wango Tango
    It's a Wango Tango
    Ooooh yeah! (oooooh..)

    My baby like to rock
    My baby like to roll
    My baby like to dance all night
    She got no control
    She do...

    Wango Tango
    Wango Tango
    Wango Tango
    Ooooh yeah! (oooooh..)

    Baby! Baby! Baby!
    Ooooh I like the way you look baby
    You look like you're made for me honey
    If you wanna take a little chance
    I'm gonna show you a new dance

    Baby I gotta Wango down
    one time with you honey
    I like it, I like it,
    I like it, I like it, I like it

    Well, it's a brand new dance
    Yeah been sweepin' the nation
    I said a brand new dance
    A rock 'n' roll sensation
    Yeah I like it baby, I do it every night
    I got to do it 'cos I like it so much
    Oh honey believe it baby

    You see it's a crazed gyration
    of the rock generation
    It's my motivation to
    avoid the nauseation, frustration
    When I need some lubrication - Baby!
    Kinda like, goes kinda like this

    You take her right ankle out
    You take her left ankle out
    You get her belly propped down
    You get her butt propped up
    Yeah lookin' good now baby

    I think you're in the right position now baby
    Yeah but if you ain't quite ready I'll make sure everything is a little bit nicer 'cos
    I'm gonna get a little talcum
    I'm gonna borrow it from Malcolm
    Yeah you look so good baby
    I'm startin to drool all over myself
    I got the droolin', droolin'
    get all wet, salivate, salivate
    I got salivate late, salivate late, salivate late
    Got salivate, salivate,
    salivate, salivate, heh heh heh
    Yeah you look so good baby, I like it
    I like it, I like it

    You know what I been talkin' about honey
    It's a nice dance, we gotta a nice dance goin' here
    Now what you gotta do, I'll tell you what you gotta do
    You got to pretend your face is a Maserati
    It's a Maserati
    It's a Maserati
    It's a gettin' hotty
    It's a Maserati, Maserati, Maserati
    It's a fast one too man, that thing's turbocharged
    You feel like a little fuel injection honey?
    I'll tell ya about it, I'll tell you about it
    I'll check out the hood scoop
    I gotta get that hood scoop off
    shine and shine and buff
    I gotta buff it up, buff it up
    buff it up, buff it up, buff it up,

    Yeah, shiny now baby, heh heh heh
    You've been drivin' all night long
    It's time to put the old Maserati away
    So you look for a garage, you think you see a garage
    Wait a minute, Hey!, there's one up ahead
    And the damn thing's open
    Hello! Get in there!

    Is my baby alive? (Is my baby alive?)
    Is my baby alive? (Is my baby alive?)
    Is my baby alive?
    She Wango'd to death

    Wango Tango (Wango Tango)
    Wango Tango (Wango Tango)
    Wango Tango (Wango Tango)
    Wango Tango (Wango Tango)
    Wango Tango
    Wango Tango
    Wango Tango
    Wango Tango
    Wango Wango
    Tango Tango
    Wango Wango Wango Wango
    Tango Tango Tango Tango

  3. Definitely not a wang. More of a chung.

  4. Really? C'mon on man! His johnson? We are now looking for Bigfoots JOHNSON?

  5. Not many straddle fences with subseptable tissue open to contact.
    Reminds me of a chimpanzee.


    1. "Your"? You mean "you're"...efftard! And no, he's not.

  7. "Looks like a table don't it"

  8. If this dark blurry pixelated 120p footage contains a Wang then his "massacre theory" is also be the judge.

    Dude has lost it and he's never coming home....

  9. There is no intelligence to be found here anymore among the commenters, is there? Even in first grade when boys were being asses, they had some wit. Just look at the blasted video and make a decision, girls. It looks to be moving stealthily in a way that would keep it incognito as much as possible in what is probably someone's farm or rural property along the fence line. Seems to be damn good at moving this way too. Just be glad no one videotaped you knuckle walking because your package would likely not show up.

    1. Man, you see bigfoot in places no one else does... i could shit in a bag and you'd point and be like, "dhere he goes!"

    2. You are looking for intelligence here? Every day for over a week I've thought the topics just can't get any more bizarre or outrageously stupid here... then Shawn tops it again. Can't even being to guess what we might see tomorrow.

    3. Gheeze-O-Pete. Do you doubters realize how much you're asses are showing? Yes, it is a blob. But the fact that it is at the edge of resolution doesn't mean the image is going to grow pixels. And if it IS some kind of freak convergence phenomenon, the odds that it is ALSO scrotum shaped and in exactly the correct place beggars belief. As MK mentions... try to divorce youself from your preconceptions and just watch the video. Is it a video anomaly? Highly doubtful due to reasons already pointed out. Is it a hoax? First you have to explain how the frame could be modified to show a scrotum that doesn't look manipulated in a frame by frame anaysis. Then you have to show me a hoaxer that is deft enough to think of adding 2 frames with a scrotum hoping MK will notice it. You guys insult basic human intelligence. Just what the hell is your agenda? Why do you froth at the mouth so, spittle flying in indignant anger? Why do you waste bandwidth and everybody's time showing your ass and paranoid ignorance? Why don't you try to contribute something intelligent instead of the incessant drivel that pours from your immature mind? You don't have to agree... just make some kind of logical argument that doesn't rely on expletives to exist. "If ya can't say sumthin nice (or at least logical) ... don't say nuffin at all." Even Thumper Rabbit knows. Or... you could just go away.

    4. Tell us more about manipulating scrotums Dave

    5. I don't care who you are... that's funny! LOL

    6. Retarded fools, all of you degenerates........Worthless piles of shit who are nothing but a waste of space.

    7. You need to quit talking about your family like that,it's not good.

  10. I have lost all respect for Bigfoot ... for his height and bulk his penis should be the size of a freshly opened roll of paper towels. Man he got jipped... unless it's a grower and goes from a door knob to a 2 liter bottle of coke.

  11. Wang? On all fours on any male animal, it would be a scrotum, not a wang.

    1. Ok Lisa,if it's the ball bag where is the swinging meat rocket?Maybe he had a boner?

  12. We could go discuss this in the UN-MODERATED part of the Forum, but now that's moderated too. Pussy zealots deleted posts over the word "shit" today. Wang talk ain't never gonna fly.

  13. The Junk Man packin' junk? Sorry, I had to laugh.

  14. Misidentification is my best guess

    - Bob Heironimus' Scrotum

  15. One pixel does not a penis make.

  16. Replies
    1. If he was all up in you ass you'd know where he was!

    2. duhhhh thats why im looking for him idiot!!

  17. Gheeze-O-Pete. Do you doubters realize how much you're asses are showing? Yes, it is a blob. But the fact that it is at the edge of resolution doesn't mean the image is going to grow pixels. And if it IS some kind of freak convergence phenomenon, the odds that it is ALSO scrotum shaped and in exactly the correct place beggars belief. As MK mentions... try to divorce youself from your preconceptions and just watch the video. Is it a video anomaly? Highly doubtful due to reasons already pointed out. Is it a hoax? First you have to explain how the frame could be modified to show a scrotum that doesn't look manipulated in a frame by frame anaysis. Then you have to show me a hoaxer that is deft enough to think of adding 2 frames with a scrotum hoping MK will notice it. You guys insult human intelligence. Just what the hell is your agenda? Why do you froth at the mouth so, spittle flying in indignant anger? Why do you waste bandwidth and everybody's time showing your ass and paranoid ignorance? Why don't you try to contribute something intelligent instead of the incessant drivel that pours from your immature mind? You don't have to agree... just make some kind of logical argument that doesn't rely on expletives to exist? "If ya can't say sumthin nice (or at least logical) ... don't say nuffin at all." Even Thumper Rabbit knows. Or... you could just go away.

    1. "Why do you waste bandwidth and everybody's time showing your ass and paranoid ignorance?"

      Why do you waste bandwidth posting these interminable diatribes, trollbait?

    2. Possibly an altruistic waste of time to battle the trolls ... futile,I know, but they are a representation of all the pretentious fools and bullies that I have ever met. A bit Quixotic, I admit... but at least it is cathartic to me and somewhat amusing to many. As far as wasting bandwidth, I would bet that I say more with less words than the trolls I counter. By the way, "interminable diatribes" ROCKS. Dave

    3. Hey Dave, tell me where I can learn some of them big fancy words and in return I'll tell you what a vagina feels like.....

    4. anon 2;06 haha fuckin class mate

    5. Dave, there is a forum for that

  18. Apply this clip of what you said to all bigfooters, and you got it right.

    "You guys insult human intelligence."

    1. Now THAT is a perfect example of a "logical argument that doesn't rely on expletives to exist" I referred to. I don't agree, obviously... but I hear your point.

    2. Dave, you will be much happier if you just stop reading the comments. People will make their own opinions regardless of what is posted here. It doesn't take much brain power to see that comments are not controlled one bit here.

      So read the article and if you want to discuss it intelligently go here:
      or create your own blog and encourage discussion.

      I think it's way past expecting intelligent discussion here. It's not in Shawn's business model. That's not a slam, it's his site and he has the right to run it as he sees fit. It's just an opportunity for you... free market and all that.

    3. BTW, SasquaiNation did NOT post the prior comment. He has no need to go Anon. He's a fair man and just want to see his Forums gain members, just trying to show that there are alternatives. Or create your own. It's really not that hard - lots of free forum software available.

    4. Yes he did and it's cool.It shows he has a sense of humor,don't you?

    5. I don't post anonymously Anon 7:24 and I don't plug my forum on Shawn's blog or any other person's blog for that matter.
      I'm assuming both of you are referring to the comment made by Anon 1:23. If so, that comment was not made by me.
      I wanted to clear that up in case someone reads it.

  19. I suppose it could be argued that the people who made this giant hairy yet highly maneuverable suit could have made it anatomically correct, but that would show a lot of foresight.
    I still am not convinced someone in a giant costume could move as the things on these videos seem to move, i think this adds a little something something to the argument it isn't a costume, but only a little bit.

    1. agreed,some of the other videos in mk davies little series are sooo obviously a human,some are even on bicycles!! that they take down the cred on the others so it adds a little,but not nearly enough

  20. I don't think thats bigfoot balls. It's Mike's left hand.

  21. Having watched that Gorilla clip yesterday, technically the pixel could be a bit of poop hanging down, no?

    1. DAMN YOU! Just when I thought it was out of my head!

    2. Don't you know the difference between a 1-pixel scrotum and a 1-pixel poo? Leave this to the professionals like MK

  22. Hmmm a few intellectuals and a whole bunch of idiots! It is the idiots that think they are funny. That ruin a good thing here because for one to get intellectual feedback you gotta sort thru all the bullshit remarks to find them!......Idiots!

    1. Idiotic stories only deserve idiotic comments.

  23. Those are testicles, not a cock.

  24. Omg you have to do the same analysis to see my cocknballz too

  25. Its not a wang its a white arrow

  26. If it has a dick then it must be Ann Coulter!!!!

  27. With that much resolution are you sure it's not an alien with a ray gun?

    Please stop zooming in and doing frame by frame analysis of something that was a blob to begin with.


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