The Apalachicola Sasquatch Study To Begin November 8th!

Editor's Note: This is a guest post by Stacy Brown Jr., a Sasquatch enthusiast. are launching "The Apalachicola Sasquatch Study" on November 8th. It will be in remote areas along the Apalachicola river in Florida. We will be researching areas where there has been past sightings but most importantly, areas where we ourselves have found evidence or had activity. The project is scheduled to last three months. Having at least one member of our team in the woods everyday. From my experience last year I have come to the conclusion that this is the most active time for Sasquatch in this area. So we have decided to launch an all out effort to prove their existence to the world.

We would like to thank the team at Facebook Find Bigfoot for their vested help in this project. Not only are they supplying us with more thermal cameras but they are going to be at our disposal to help us with curating the data we collect, reports we take and field research as well. With their help we will hopefully get more footage of the creature and get some concrete evidence.

Also at this time we would like to invite any and all researchers to come and help us with this project. The area is very big and we could use the help. It doesn't matter if you're a member of another group or not, if you're serious about your research and want to be involved contact us. After all we are in this for a common goal so this is a great time for everyone to put egos aside and work together.

Last but not least we will be accepting donations from everyone that is interested. This project is going to cost us quite a bit to pull off so anyone interested in donating anything it would be much appreciated. For more info on joining the project or donating please contact


Stacy Brown Jr


  1. Has anybody noticed that darkwing duck and I have the same workout routine?

  2. If bigfoot raped you. Who would have the heart to use that for DNA evidence or stay quite and long for more?

    Hey, don't all rush at once.

    1. This is how the Sierra Kills story got started, got something to fess up?

  3. What's wrong with the below?

    ...areas where we ourselves have found evidence or had activity...

    hint: found evidence.

    With their help we will hopefully get more footage of the creature and get some concrete evidence.

    hint: more footage AND concrete evidence.

    Last but not least we will be accepting donations from everyone that is interested.

    hint: really do I need to spell it out?

    blinks eyes, shakes head and smiles.

    1. nope the circus starts Nov. 8th

      Mr. Pooper

  4. All of the old bigfoots move to Florida. They're hard to find there, because they mostly hang out in their stick structures and watch gameshows and Murder She Wrote.

  5. Time and time again I get so disgusted when I read the replies for this site. I fully support these people and this site. They deserve a big applause for what they do and stand for. I think that with all the past crap of stupid remarks the keepers of this site need to somehow weed out anyone without intellectual comments and the non supporters.......essentially they need to somehow weed out the jerks. Because it is the jerks that chase off all the serious enthusiasts supporters....and yes...fellow investigators like myself away! Although I would love to leave my name..I know that to do so would only bring backlashing on myself from these idiots. Lets just say that I have researched for over 30 yrs and these creatures are real! Good luck my fellow investigators.

    1. post your evidence which proves 100% they exist OR suck my dick.

    2. Come on T-Fats, don't be like that.

    3. Ah, investigator, I think I like that name over researcher although they both seem better suited to professionally trained people.

  6. From everything I have ever read. You need to consistantly must remain in the area for a considerable amount of time. I am also a firm believer that they migrate. Just like "Snow Birds..." Someone very close to me had an up close and personal encounter in Southern Collier County boardering the Picayune Strand Forest a few years back. He encountered a "Patty" type in February; broad day light. He worked in the area and was sometimes there for several days at a time.

    1. Was he close enough to smell her poon-tang?
      Being there several days at a time do you think he had a love tryst with "Patty"?
      Did she shave her private parts? That would of looked a little weird on a Bigfoot but you never know.

    2. Maybe Patty was european, as I have it on good authority they don't shave.

      Actually, real good authority. My other halve is a hairy bitch.

    3. Which other half is that right or left?


    This thing was ten foot tall. He had beautiful hurr. I cum at ya ear. and rough talked him and run him off. I said get away from here. Get. Get.

    and he went right back at that pie again. he looked like he had six fingers on each hand. He had beautiful hurr.


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