Russian News Website Reports: "Kuzbass Bigfoot DNA Is Similar To Human DNA"

It's not clear as to how recent or accurate this news article published today on the Russian website, is since it's in Russian and we don't trust the Russians to honestly report Bigfoot news. But, according to the article, local government officials near the Azass cave of Mt. Shoria are claiming that the DNA results of the purported "Yeti" hair samples collected there is turning out to be "unknown to science". Reportedly the DNA results from Russian and American labs have all confirmed that the hair is remarkably similar to humans.

Here's the Russian to English translation from the article titled, "ВИДЖЕТ ЯНДЕКСА: НЕОБЫЧНЫЕ ЯВЛЕНИЯ В МИРЕ" or "Kuzbass Bigfoot DNA is similar to human DNA- VIDEO":
Valentin Sapunov, doctor of Biological Sciences, academician who was a participant of the expedition in Azassk cave, where were found a hair of Kuzbass Bigfoot, reported, that researches under the electron microscope in the Russian and American laboratories showed, that the hair of Kuzbass Bigfoot is hair of unknown to science of mammal. According to Valentin Sapunov, hair of Kuzbass Bigfoot can not belong to bears, wolves, mountain goats and other animals in Mountain Shoria, Kuzbass, as the genetic composition of the Kuzbass Bigfoot DNA is closer to the people, than to the animals. According to Valentin Sapunov, hair of Kuzbass Bigfoot, which was detected a year ago in a Azassk cave of Mountain Shoria, Kuzbass, Russia is identical to wool of Bigfoots, which previously were found in the Urals and in the U.S., which was confirmed by the laboratory in Moscow, St. Petersburg and the University Idaho, United States, THE VIDEO:

[Thanks, Cathy]


  1. Never trust Russians about ANYTHING. You can guarantee it's bullshit.

  2. REALLY???? What's the point of posting a video in Russian ???

  3. *Off useless topic*

    MM got a ton of money from Hersom.
    MM is still charging for expeditions.
    MM is on tv getting paid to not find bigfoot.
    MM is asking for donated laptops.
    Please help MM...

    1. Can I send a blank check and trust that he will write in the amount that's truly needed?

    2. I gave MM once. Motherfer keeps bugging me asking me of I wanna buy Girl Scout cookies and what not.

  4. I don't understand any of ya Russian Bigfoot stories always turn out to be true.

  5. they're good for vodka and strippers

  6. same thing moneymaker spends his money on

  7. Ruuskifoot....bigfoot's cousin

  8. Silly Russians.... I guess they don't realise that bigfoot has to choose you before any DNA sample they give you will reveal their true identity.

    These creatures are nephilim and they have chosen me to be their one and only DNA tester. I did not choose this they chose me!!

    PS keep up the good work sweatiyeti and mulder don't let those nasty skeptics get you down. Long live patty the one true nephilim <3

  9. we love you melba,you silly bitch.

  10. If Mulder says its true then It's fact. End of story. Mulders word is the iron clad truth, no proof required.

  11. In Soviet Russia, DNA samples you

  12. The PGF suit has quite a history, as will be confirmed with the public reveal.

    Pioneer hoaxer Ivan Marx acquired a gorilla costume which had been crudely modified to resemble bigfoot. His wife Peggy can be seen awkwardly strolling around in the suit on youtube.

    Marx in turn handed possession of the suit over to Ray Wallice, who used it in his bigfoot stills, with his wife wearing the suit.

    Enter Patterson, who acquired the suit from Wallice and made further modifications to the suit, such as the facepiece and the breasts. Roger, standing at only 5'3" had no problem fitting into the suit that both women had earlier worn.

    The reason the suit looks so laughable in the Marx videos is that we see it in clear view of the camera and closeup, without all the distance and shaking Roger employed.

    BobH did indeed don a bigfoot suit and was filmed by Patterson. But it wasn't the pgf. It was a trial filming with a prototype suit. After having reviewed the footage with an individual from Canwest Films in Canada, Roger decided to scrap the project and start over.

    With a suit that had already been used in two documented hoaxes and has literally 'been staring us right in the eyes' all these years.

    1. Oh the Shit is getting deep in here !!! Were floatin in the river of Bullshit right now "LMAO"

    2. Ah yes, the frolicking Peggy Marx Squatch

      A classic. Makes me wanna dance right now

    3. Let me get this right.

      Titchy Patterson at 5' 3" not only puts on a suit that's practically twice his height but he thinks the world'll be more convinced there's such a creature as Big Foot if he changes its name to Big TITS?

  13. DeAtley has the suit in a glass case in his house!

    1. And you're dumb enough to bleeve the lying shithead who claims to have found it ?

      He made the story up you colossal dumbass footer.

    2. You're calling him a dumbass footer because he thinks the PGF is a hoax?

    3. No jackass, I think the film is a hoax too. I'm calling him a dumbass footer because he bleeves the lying shithead who claims to have found it.

    4. You call me a jackass but you define some that thinks the PGF is a hoax as a footer? Logic doesn't appear to be your strong point.

    5. You're a footer too dumbass.

    6. No. But I'm not a close minded idiot who blindly assumes that he knows everything.

    7. Do you even know where DeAtley's house is? I was just up there the other day (changing out the gas fireplaces). There is no glass case unless its in the basement.

    8. Are you trying to change the subject? If you don't believe in Bigfoot and you aren't open to the idea then why are you here? Does calling the footers names make you feal smart? If so you should call it a night because it's not working out so well given your previous statements.

    9. No,not trying to change the subject but I do believe you were ass fucked by an alien.

    10. You still haven't answered my question. Why are you here? Are you the type of person who would cross the street to go tell a kid with a alien t-shirt they don't exist? Do you get off on telling 6 year olds Santa Claus isn't real? Please enlighten us.

  14. DeAtley can go ahead and lick Bill Munns' balls.

    Now you fools listen here, Kitakaze has been lying and exaggerating about the suit and some imaginary BobG confession for some time now. The only thing he hopes to get out of all this is bringing his delusions of grandeur into real life. Skeptics/no-life-assholes seem to be buying into all his nonsense hook, line & sinker.

    1. + 1000 and I think the film is a hoax.

    2. Those dirty skeptics cant take our dream away! We know Patty was real because kerchak and sweaty yeti proved it. 100%.

  15. anyone remember the bff debacle when someone photoshopped patty onto another background and all the bleevers shouted SUIT! SUIT! then when it was revealed to be patty the thread disapeared... lol footers.

  16. So what is your reasoning behind the comment that we don't trust the Russians to honestly report Bigfoot news? Seriously? I mean, what reason would they have to lie about that? Good grief...its not like they are hiding missiles up BFs butt. The cold war is over guys...time to move on.

  17. don't be jealous, stupid haters of Russua. big foot exists, lives, and will live in Russia, his name is Nikolay Valuev. God bless Russia.

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    Really nice posting a video in Russian.Thanks for posting all the helpful information. Keep up the good work.

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