Photo of the day: Satanic Leaf-tailed Gecko

Photo Credit: Piotr Naskrecki

First described in 1888 by George Albert Boulenger, this species of gecko are native to the island of Madagascar.

The Satanic Leaf-tailed Gecko is a nocturnal creature with extremely cryptic camouflage so it can hide out in forests in Madagascar. Found only in primary, undisturbed forests, so their populations are very sensitive to habitat destruction.

Satanic Leaf-tailed Gecko
image credit: gypsy1986


  1. That is a pretty cool gecko, not sure why it has to be called "satanic" though it's just one of those extreme adaptations you see in nature and it doesn't surprise me it lives in Madagascar there seems to be quite a few interesting species there, for instance there are nearly 100 different species of Lemurs unfortunately many are endangered.

  2. The real animals in the forest are so much more interesting that the bigfoot crap!

    Very cool man

    1. There are lots of sites about "Real animals" for you to visit so you don't have to read all of this Bigfoot crap.

    2. ^^^^^^Butthurt homo is mad because I'm talking shit about his childlike fairy-tale.

    3. No one is mad, no one cares about what a homophobic idiot has to say. Get over yourself.

    4. Don't be mad that a gecko is cooler than bigfoot! I still like bigfoot. Just not as much!

  3. Yeah butt hurt homo, go stand on a street corner with a sign that says "get it here"

    1. Ok so obviously other homophobic idiots would agree with you.
      You know study's have shown that most homophobic people have so much internalised homophobia that they can not deal with there own sexuality and feel they must lash out at others.

    2. That may have been true at one time, but its even harder to tell now: people may be reacting to the media assisted campaign to bring homosexuality into the mainstream.


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