Phil Breaks Down Provo Canyon Bigfoot Encounter

The "Provo Canyon Bigfoot" encounter is probably one of the better videos we've seen in a while. Eight hours after we posted the video, our old friend Phil Poling comes out with another awesome breakdown. Phil says the "Provo Canyon Bigfoot" video is "interesting" and it doesn't appear to be contrived in any way. Typically, young pranksters tend to overact for the camera, but this video is different-- the young people are relatively quiet.

Watch the breakdown below:


  1. Just Booboo taking a dump.

    1. Hey now, take it easy. The old ladies in the forum are getting a little upset over all the naughty comments here. :(

    2. yeah, should of said taking a shit, wears your manners ?!

    3. Squatchin' one out..or two.

  2. Replies
    1. why even bother. this nonsenze is making this site a laughing stock for me . no wonder people donty take bigfootery seriously. this could be anything. its full of red flags. they stand feet away from a BF or bear or man in suit. if u r going to film it why turn the camera away when it moves. its away to walk away up a hill so youd get the money shot

      utter shit as per usual. zzzzzzzzzzz

    2. your thinking your looking at a bear, then it stand on two legs and starts walking. Unless you know a lot about Bigfoot, seeing this is gonna creep the fuck out of u cause u have no idea wtfs going on. Stop thinkings its easy to continue filming and follow the subject from your safety at home.

    3. totaly agree.not saying this is real,its too blobsquatch to make out anything but rough outline,but if a sabre toothed giant monkey fish frog appeared in front of me then i would run like usain.if you dont know what it is and your scared then its logical to bolt

    4. I am SO sick of the "why did you stop filming"? argument! If you saw a 800 pound "thing" stand up and look at you and you knew that this thing could pop your head like a zit if it wanted, you are NOT going to stand there and film it or chase it. Unless you are a complete idiot or suicidal. That argument just doesn't hold up. I would love to see one of these armchair skeptics come face to face with one of these guys. They would shit themselves silly!

    5. Yes I am going to stand there and film it. Bigfoot has never killed anybody.



    8. I'm gonna start a band called Bitter Bigfoot!

    9. Bigfoot has never killed anybody... except for the reports where they did. And all the missing people who can't tell you "Bigfoot killed me." Typical idiot Bigfooter picking and choosing what he feels most comfortable with from the reports and evidence and ignoring the rest.

    10. Name one remotely credible account of Bigfoot killing a person. Oh wait let me guess - "Wildman kills settler in 1865" lol. And you assume a certain percentage of missing persons were killed by Bigfoot? Holy shit, please don't tell me you have a family or any societal responsibilities.

    11. It's actually much simpler than that. Bigfoot has never killed anybody because Bigfoot doesn't exist.

  3. I think it is pretty short compared to the scrub oaks. In the earlier post on this I said why. But it just dawned on me that it could very well be a bear like they thought. Bears stand up all the time to get a better look at things. If it was busy scratching for acorns or had a hearing problem a person could walk up on it. When it finally caught wind of them, it might stand up to see what is nearby. With them running off, it probably dropped back to ground and continued eating.

    1. i don't know. The arms seem pretty long for a bear. Gonna have to wait for FB/FB to authenticate. It also seems to stand up without using its arms which is one of the confirmation points!

    2. fb/fb will authenticate 3 '100 per cent' bigfeet in this.1 in front of camera,and 2 behind who are communicating in hushed tones using a weird version of the english language with voice tone way beyond human capabilities,who then strategically run for cover putting the ultimate distance between themselves and the camera,which strategically stays just in front of them,leading the way.

    3. Anon 6:49.....What? Not ONE thing in your comment makes a complete sentence or any sense at all. Are you on something? Or is English your second (or third...or fourth) language? SPEAK THE KING'S ENGLISH, MAN!!

    4. I thought 6:49 was pretty damn funny!:)

    5. He was funny! @7:46 didn't read it correctly and is most likely a jaded FBFB fan boy.

    6. He was funny! @7:46 didn't read it correctly and is most likely a jaded FBFB fan boy.

    7. Yeah, I say taterhole the King. We speak American English not that fancy "twaddle" from England.

    8. I don't speak English. I speak AMERICAN!

    9. Big Jim, I thought you were on the road to vindication, but your comment above suggests otherwise. Can't you tell a hoax when you see one? Are you forever destined to overlook the obvious? The kids' parents took a hint from all the previous fakes, and told the kids what to say and do, while Dad dons the suit and pretends to be a blind, deaf, senseless bigfoot. It's a fake. Don't be so hesitant to say so. Unless you want more of the same low calibre fakes to start showing up.

    10. @6:49--you forgot "rise, pause, fall".

    11. Huh? I said it could be a bear. In my post on the first blog about this, I said a possible young bigfoot but was leaning human. Because by using the scrub, it just is not real massive. And bears stand up all the time. I have said I think it is probably human and still do. But a bear snacking on acorns could explain it too.

  4. Of the three things this could be, bigfoot, human hoax, or bear, I find bear to be the least plausible. I see creature fluidly bouncing up and turning at same time going up the hill after being discovered. It would be in a bears best interest to take the fastest way out and that would be on all fours. Also the creature appears to have massive bigfoot type shoulders and arms, not legs, although not clear enough to see length of the arms. Maybe someone can clear this up better for us. Anyway that is what I see and I'm sure others will see it differently.


    1. I saw it pretty much the same way, Chuck. I think it's foolish to dismiss this immediately as a hoax, and I doubt a bear would go up on two legs to go uphill.

  5. Being retarded isn't a prerequisite for being a footer but it certainly helps

  6. If this is anything other than a Sasquatch and I'm assuming it is, then it is probably a guy in a suit rather than a bear.At least they made the effort to actually make it look big rather than the anorexicfoots we see so often.Decent acting also.

    1. it was possibly a peeping tom,who let his excitement get the better of himself and made a lunge for glory

    2. do buggies have glory holes ? where do u put it ?up near the rear chassie ? not to far from the...............wait for it.......TATERHOLE!!!!

    3. Dear guy who keeps using "taterhole", I would love to swap stories on our individual lives experience's, what say you? You can tell me what it's like to be the funniest guy on any blog ever, at least to you, and I will tell you how to get a girlfriend and what a vagina feels like.

    4. @ Anon 8:25 - I was just writing something similar, lol! The taterhole tard does seem to be super focused on ass, he mentions it every blog. Hmmmnnn, me thinks we have a ky jelly squirting, camo chaps wearing. ball's on the nose flit boy among us.

    5. In 7:16's defense guys, I think quite a few of us use the term "taterhole". It is not just one individual. There is a breeding population of us taterhole using anons. Now with that said, I will leave the two of you alone so you can taterhole eachother lovingly.

    6. I took the taterhole pledge when I became a card carrying anon.

      All glory to the trolls. Amen.

    7. Every time I see the word taterhole, it makes me think of tater-tots, and then I get hungry and and have to go find something to knock it off

    8. Anon 9:48, Email darkwing duck.

    9. Anon 8:41, funny taterhole shit right there.LOL!

    10. Thanks buddy, fuck the tater haters!

    11. I dont know what kind of taterholes u thought i was talking about there 8:25 but I can assure u it wasent the hairy hunting buddy variety you and your Bro 8:31 presumed I was referring to so why dont you and your taterhole munching buddy go find your self a nice cozy tree stand to cuddle up in and take turns palpitating each others taterholes : )

    12. lastly 8:25 gettin some of your moms taterhole does not constitute knowing what vagina feels like : )

    13. Oh I'm sorry Mr. Blokesmoker, I did not mean to offend you. You go right ahead and clean all the pipes you see fit my bunghole boy loving friend. You can gay it up all day as far as I'm concerned.

    14. Oh I'm sorry Mr. Blokesmoker, I did not mean to offend you. You go right ahead and clean all the pipes you see fit my bunghole boy loving friend. You can gay it up all day as far as I'm concerned.

    15. Mr.blokesmoker ? cleaning pipes ? gay it up ? really! thats what u got! I mean fuck at least put some effort into it : (....sad so sad

  7. Thanks Pill for nothing as usual. Also, to me it looks like it's hand is "cupping", a supposably a bigfoot trait.
    fact or fake who knows

    1. I also see the cup you are referring to.


    2. Confirms: Cupped hands, all over auburn color, ostmans pads, risepausefall, coned head, sun glistening off hair, grey on hands and face, compliant gate, nose to nape of neck, stands without use of arms, demonstrates a strategic advantage by putting the maximum amount of distancebetweenthe threat.
      To understand why this MUST be a sasquatch read our book "You Are Sasquatch"

    3. May have had a mid-arsehole break as well (not confirmed)

    4. I noticed the cupping as well, and as for Phil--well, I don't put any stock in anything he has to say. His opinion is meaningless to me.

  8. It's possible, however, no video footage will ever be good enough for everyone on here.

    1. Sure there could be. That's like saying that wasn't definately Paris Hilton in that hotel room blowing and tittyfucking that dude. You could plainly see that it was that rich slut. It even looked like her on the night vision video.

    2. I'm not so sure that was her. Her tits are too small to fuck. I'm gonna hafta watch it again to confirm.

    3. Yeah, now that I think of it... Coulda sworn I remember tittyfucking. I'll watch it again too as research.

    4. That's Paris Hilton!

    5. Yeah, I hear Bigfoot loves to eat some Hilton as it's not human *cough* food anymore.

      and it was her. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!! I'm not sucking that, as the problem with men, they don't have chocolate penises and ejaculate money. :)

      Hey..Slow Day!!!

    6. No Matt, Thats not paris hiltons chest. there would be no where for the dick to be.

  9. While I agree that there isn't enough detail to say for sure what this is, there IS enough detail to say that it is NOT a bear. It appears that when it stands up, it's arms are VERY long and you can see a cupped hand. Could it be a guy in a suit? Sure. Could it be a real Sasquatch? Sure. Could it be a bear? No.

    1. I'm not sure if that's a cupped hand or leaves blocking part of the arm. Not enough detail.

      Yeah, definitely not a bear. Anyone that's actually seen many bears stand up would know the front legs would never hang out to the sides like that.

  10. That a boy Phil, teach people how to hoax future videos.

  11. @Herb Gardener why do you make good comments sometimes and encourage trolls other times? it doesn't make any sense.

    1. Cause sometimes he's a little baked and other times he's completely trashed.

    2. Well it's like this.I don't encourage anything but funny is funny.
      What I like about this site is you can pretty much say whatever the hell you want and if I see a good post I say so Believer,Skeptic or troll.
      I understand that people get all worked up about this subject and take it very seriously and that's cool with me but I don't.
      This is just an interest that I've had since I was a kid but my life doesn't depend on it.
      Having a sense of humor is a good thing.

      Long live BFE and long live laughter.

    3. And what Anon 8:59 said.Lol.

    4. Well said, now pass that joint around as I need me some mellow time.

      Peace Bro.

    5. Sorry dude I just put one out but I'll keep you in mind in a couple hours.

    6. Well said Herb! Long live Anonymous and long live Bigfoot Evidence! Laughter is good for you!

    7. Hey gardener....dont get high on your own supply.

    8. What else is he going to do with it?

    9. A quess, sell it?

      The American Dream.

  12. There are more taterholes than there are bigfeetses, and that's a fact, jack.

    1. I estimate there could be as many as a couple thousand taterholes in the Pacific Northwest alone.

    2. LOL mid tarsal meldrum that names awesome

    3. 10:12's comment is HILLAARRIIOOUUSSSS!!!

  13. It's not a bear, a bear would never be able to
    get its arm that far away from the body and
    have it make a 90 degree angle, also, it you ever
    notice, bears don't like standing when there on side hills, and don't go from prone to standing in one move. it seems that it was sleeping and then startled. or, there is the chance of a hoax. I'd hoax or BF, not a bear

  14. Wow! I think most posters on here agree this might be the real deal. That's some crazy ass shit!

  15. Blobsquatch and nothing more. Also a hoax and the people on film were for sure in on it.

  16. I watched the clips again. But I seem to be missing something. The only thing I saw running off was the kids. Whatever stood up and it was like a starter pistol, the kids took off. I saw the cupped "hand" but while I still think it is a human, a bear can do the same. I also am missing the hill the whatever is standing on. It is on a flat level area with a slight hill behind and to the sides, but where the kids and it area it's flat.

    Look at it this way. A bear is pawing around in dry oak leaves eating acorns. It is fairly fat and happy because winter is near and it has been building fat for hibernation. The bear is older and has lost some hearing and or over the noise of crackling leaves and crunching acorns it doesn't hear the kids. With it's nose in the mulch sniffing acorns it doesn't smell them either. All of a sudden it turns and realizes something is near but can't make out what due to the tree trunks so it starts to stand up. As it stands up the kids bolt but the bear doesn't fully get upright, causing the front legs to hang forward and down. The paws cupped by the effort of standing. End of camera on it.

    Only the story days it ran off up the hill on two legs. If the hill is very steep a bearing running up it away from you could look like it was on two feet. And an odd fact here, bears run faster UPHILL than downhill. There big butts slow them on the downhill.

  17. Thats a broad back,long armed bear with no neck and walks on it hind legs.

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