Only 33 Hours Left To Fund The "Utah Bigfoot Documentary" Project

The fundraiser for the Indiegogo project, "Utah's Bigfoot-Documentary", is down to its last hours, and it does not look like it's going to get the funding it needs to kick start the project. With just under 33 hours to go, it has raised only $1,158 out of the goal of $150,000 that's needed to pay for things like traveling expenses, costumes, equipment, and distribution.

If you would like to show your support for a Bigfoot documentary and you think they can pull off a miracle please visit their Indiegogo website, Utah's Bigfoot-Documentary.


  1. Rofl, fools give money to other fools to look for this tooth fairy? Are you fucking serious?!?

    Geez, People are dumber than I thought.

    1. Geez,you're the dumb ass for Rolling On The Floor Laughing.
      Do you really do that?

    2. Only at things this stupid. :D Footers are a lost breed. (or the lost breed?!?! haha) It takes a special kind of stupid to actually believe in that crap. The others are here for the laughs, and or the cash.

  2. And another film project looking for a handout instead of investors. Doesn't show much faith in the product.

  3. I like true to life shows and documentaries . If I had the money...,

  4. Come on Shawn some of us have to stay home tonight is this all we are getting?
    How about some biscardi bashing.

    1. Or another video of an ape eating its' shit!

    2. Biscardi shit eating ape not much difference really.

  5. Oh what do ya know.......another group of footers looking for a handout, as usual.

  6. ---->it has raised only $1,158 out of the goal of $150,000

    That's just too funny.

  7. wtf? Not giving them a cent, if I get nothing in return.Sorry, That's just the way things are nowadays.
    Unless it's for a legitimate charity, or I was rich $$$$$

  8. I always liked this guys story. Seems believable but who knows.


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