New Footage: Provo Canyon, Utah Bigfoot Encounter?

This latest footage uploaded earlier today by YouTube user Beard Card, was filmed in Provo Canyon, Utah. The explanation provided by the witnesses and their reaction to the creature when it stood seems pretty convincing. Watch below:

Published on Oct 30, 2012 by Beard Card

We went camping in Provo Canyon (near Squaw Peak and Little Rock Canyon Overlook) and saw some deer up on a hill that we wanted to get a closer look at. On our way up, we thought we saw a bear, until the monster stood up and looked right at us. We ran straight to the car after that, leaving our tent and everything behind. It's probably all still up there.

We have lots of other videos from our camping trip that day that we'll post soon, including the deer and hiking up towards them.

Here's the slowed down/enhanced video:


  1. Replies
    1. This is 100% hoaxed. It DOES NOT look like a Sasquatch. Sasquatch also DOES NOT let 3 Humans sneak up on it. 3rd, you can tell by the head and neck area.. I know you all are easily hoaxed, but DO YOUR RESEARCH FIRST!!!

    2. How the fuck do you know what a Sasquatch does?

    3. Hello! I know what a sguatch does because I am one.

    4. Come on Guys, are you kidding me? A blob of fur starts to stand up and just before you could see anything the fellows carrying the camera run away like a couple of kindergarden girls. All you can say is a blob of fur moves and since there are 10,000 times more black bears than Squatches, guess what this probably is?

      I could take movies like this every day, one day it would be a deer, one day a neighbors dog, one day a pheasant. But I would make sure to run away before anyone could tell anything.

      The people who run this site are so hungry for material, did you ever stop to think, if you fellows stopped posting every fake in the world, maybe the fakers would slow down.

      This site is becoming a total waste of my time.

    5. Becoming a total waste of your time?

    6. Fellows? You're not American are you?

    7. Yeah, probably some British donut puncher.

    8. Prob puts mayo on his fries (chips)

    9. I reckon I like mustard on my biscuits mmhmm.

    10. There is nothing 100% anon 5:02 but the size of your little weiner!

    11. "Sasquatch also DOES NOT let 3 Humans sneak up on it."

      It might just be hearsay/guesswork but certainly I keep reading that Bigfoot's feel less threatened by females/children. It sounds to me like its a father and a daughter or maybe a wife filming so maybe the bigfoot was curious and that's why it allowed them to get so close. Or maybe it was just sleeping and didn't realise.

  2. Replies
    1. Ahh, yeah. Haha, you better beleive it pal. That's a squatch!

  3. I've only watched this a few times but it appears fairly convincing. Once again, it's hard to make out any features because of where the subject is. It's inconclusive but interesting.

    1. No, it's not! Anyone could dress up, have foilage between the camera and be out 100 yards so you cannot make anything out. Are you crazy? Infact, i could do a few dozens hoaxes with some friends...Let's see how many make it to this website...

    2. That's your opinion. Go be angry somewhere else.
      Can you not read? I said it was inconclusive.

      Not leading to a firm conclusion; not ending doubt or dispute: "the evidence is inconclusive".

    3. Dont usually care about videos, but I wrote a story a few months back how a buddy in Utah saw a Bigfoot while working his Uncles Ranch. It was in Provo Cnyn, UT. So thid is kind of cool, but probably fake.

    4. Fairly convincing? How about fairly standardized fake? Like never ever show the face. Show it from behind, that's easiest to show no details. Why show no face? Because a face would require a mask, and anyone would recognize the mask. No mask, no face shot. No face shot, not real.

    5. I can make a conclusion, it's hoaxed. ya know why? because Bigfoot doesn't exist.

      If you'd like to prove me wrong, please start by explaining how every piece of supposed evidence is phoney. out of focus, blurry, pulls away RIGHT AT THE MONEY SHOT... seriously people, use common sens..........oh wait., many of you don't have that.... oh well, enjoy your daily worship sessions then.

    6. You can't find Bigfoot on the Internet Hill Billy Nut Job! If this is your belief system to find all your stuff on the web them your a F'cking Moron !

    7. SasquaiNation - It's your opinion it's inconclusive, interesting and fairly convincing. It's my opinion it's hoax.

      Hillbilly is on the money.

      Anon 10:20, you have a potato for a brain.

  4. Not sure about this one yet ill wait to see what mulder thinks

  5. Same. Awaiting mulders expert knowledge.

    1. Mulder thinks the Jack Links sasquatch is real. He has insider knowledge about it he just can't share. Mulder is voting for Romney, and hoping for a planet of his own one day. Always dream big!

    2. I can no longer endorse this as authentic. those dirty skeptics have tainted it with their facts, and their logic. I TRIED TO THROW A FIT AND STOMP MY FEET BUT IT DID NOT WORK THIS TIME!

      I wish my depends would hold more. I'd argue furiously without end, if they would allow.

      Argument of awe thirty.

  6. When that thing stood up, it freaked ME out and I was only seeing it on video! I can't imagine seeing it for real! It was HUGE! Did you see the mass of that thing? Holy Crap! That sure looks like a real Sasquatch to me!

    1. Don't just assume you know the MASS without ANY
      "POR". Your lack of understanding in this field is what has these hoaxers out there continuing this fake crap.. This is 100% fake, you can tell by the Fur and the head, where is CRESCENT PEAK? WAKE UP, PEOPLE DO NOT SNEAK UP ON SASQUATCH PEOPLE...

    2. No?than how did Roger and Bob do it?and how do you know the Squatch wasn't watching them?

    3. Crescent peak? Hah! The crescent peak has become known as a sure sign of a hoax. The ONLY bigfoot to ever have that was Patterson's hoaxed bigfoot. Real bigfoots don't have it. So, geniuses, if you see a peaked, pointed head, it's either a gorilla or a fake bigfoot, simple as that! Bigfoots don't need it because unlike the gorilla, they don't eat bamboo! Duh!!! No other ape has it either. Clue? Coneheaded bigfoots are fake. Oh, and BTW, Anon 4:34 was only joking; apparently others fell for it. All bigfoot is about joking.

  7. I hear da brush poppin and stuff

  8. Seems very convincing. Shame they ran away despite it appearing to walk away from them but as the hairs stood up on the back of my neck just watching it, I may well have done the same.

    1. I'da slung a rock at it, grabbed another cold one for the road and hauled ass after it. I'm no pussy! If it's a Bigfoot , do you know how much money it would be worth? God damn, grow a pair!

    2. Money wont do you any good if your a bigfoots lunch.

    3. That's right you don't want to become just another Bigfoot death statistic.

    4. If I'd been armed in some way then sure but I'm not chasing after something that could turn out to be an 8 foot bricksh*thouse and have no means to defend myself.

      It sounds from the video like its a Dad and a daughter doing the filming so you can't expect the Dad to run of and leave his daughter or them both to chase after it.

      Having said that, it clearly looked as if it was walking away so I'd at least have stood filming provided it didn't turn around and come towards me.

    5. Anon 12:26, there's one sure way to prevent becoming a bigfeets lunch. If one grabs you, just pull off its mask, and it will realize it's been busted and give up, just like in Scooby Doo. All ya gotta do is pull of the mask and the guys always give up! And all bigfeets are guys wearing masks. So no worries becoming a bigfeets lunch.

  9. A worse hoax than the pgf. At least roger had the guts to put his actor outin the open. Come on someone's gota be able to do better.

    1. At least Roger gave his actor a pair of tig ol bitties

    2. Okay, just remember you asked for it.

  10. That's ok we already have it confirmed:

    Shawn? Surprised you haven't picked up this story.

    1. This site always gets news late

    2. Maybe you should take another look. Shawn posted this two days ago.

    3. Non catchy title and cover picture. No wonder.

    4. yeah, I had missed that article here. thanks 4:48 for posting the daily mail link. Probably more Russian tourism propaganda, but it would be cool if they end up presenting some real evidence instead of just another claim.

  11. Too bad they shit their pants and ran! Very convincing!

  12. Wow. That is all I can say. Just need to know more about the area, who took the footage, and if anyone else had seen one in this area.

    1. I'm pretty skeptical of most of the vids and pics on here. This one could go either way just because the figure is obscured so much.
      I don't know how some people can say how compelling it is when you can't see the figure well enough to know if it's real or a hoax.

      If it's a hoax, it's a reasonably good one. The figure seems to be sitting on it's haunches at the start. When it stands up and turns it has the shoulder width and body size at least close to the proportions in the Patterson film.

      There have been sightings from the top to bottom of Utah with a lot of them in that general area. A roommate claimed his uncle had an encounter with a BF somewhere up in those mountains.

      You can find the people who filmed this discussing it at the link below. I think they were convinced it's real and was very large.

    2. Yup, I knew it - BYU zombies

    3. Yeah, yeah, when it stands up you can see it has the shoulder width of the Patterson SUIT, which has never been shown to be at all difficult to do. Look at ANY movie that pads out actors to be wide. Fantastic Four, Ben, beat that width of body and shoulder. Can't. Padding works wonders for creating a bigfoot.

      Don't you wonder for even one second why these people could walk right up on a bigfoot grubbing on the ground like a fallen drunk, it doesn't notice, and finally when it gets up it never turns towards them? Is it really clueless? So why do they run from a drunken bigfoot that is going the other way? Because they don't have a thermal camera to hide the lousy details in their suit.

      It's not reasonably good. It's absolutely the same as all of the fakes over the past 30 years, lousy. What makes it any different from any other lousy video? Wait for it to move, and run before you see details. Fail on all points.

      Question, so how do people get these fake videos out there anyway, who collects them. Post the PO box, please. We need better ones.

    4. Sorry but you have totally ignored the more recent analysis of the Patterson film (geeze... I just said the 'A' word) and are totally basing your comments on the assumption that BF does not exist.

      I know of someone that was close enough to reach out and touch a BF. If you were that close to a hoax you'd know it. It really does exist. Still... doesn't mean this vid is real.

    5. Totally ignored the more recent analysis of the Patterson film? Like how recent? Like the suit's been found? Like Mill Bunns won't even address the bigfoot in the film, only analyzes who had what camera, not even the PGF camera. John Green's camera. Other spectators cameras. Who had what film, and was their stuff spliced. Mill completely avoids the bigfoot in the film these days, knowing that there's a suit behind it. He's waiting for Malbe to settle down so he can disappear and move in with her for some beard to bush antics. PGF is fake, this is fake. Next!

    6. Or really?

  13. Wow. That is all I can say. Just need to know more about the area, who took the footage, and if anyone else had seen one in this area.

  14. We just need about 20 people to do extensive break downs on this footage. That will prove Bigfoot is real.


  16. Well it's the best we've seen in a while but not ready to say it's a real Sasquatch.

  17. Nothing can compare to patty. Shes wonderful. This look-all=like was most likely made after the fact, and filmed at night. The back story did not use lube, and there were no splices. I would know, because the copies bore similar remarks to my own bore.

    Furthermore, I shall release my full report when hell freezes over, and when pigs fly. One will not be enough. Anyone patronizing me shall be burnt at the stake with fries, and ranch. I'll expect all expenses to be paid in advance, and I'll need funding for future studies of ass cheek firmness on barely legal chimps.

    Finally, any mention of my name will of course bring fecal attention, and will be disgusted by my law yours. This is my final word, and no word said after can be valid because i am the one, the only and the best make up fartists there is. No one else is making bleevers happy, except me. I'll let the data fall all around me and decide which i can heist to make it look like bigfoot. Dont question my effects! I am on the bevel!

    1. I am the real Nill Punns! Do not sock puppet me on another forum and pretend to not understand any outcome of any null hypothesis. Pretend! Pretend! Pretend!

    2. ^^ So why did the yellow cadaver gain a bunch of weight when it was decapitated?

    3. Bill Munns/nill punns could only aford a lawyer if the bff members paid for it.

    4. No, I'm the real Shrill Bunns! And even after filming real naked women's breasts, I STILL think Patty's are hotter, sexier, and ooh, I'd live to squeeze them together and make a hairy sandwich out of them! BUt I digress. Patty is real because she has to be. She has to be because I always thought she was. So I am making sure my research says she's real, because otherwise I will lose my entire fan base. They love me, you know. I call them my little army because they fight for me while I analyze cameras so I can be sure that Patty was real, because if I can figure out what camera John Green's gardener used while filming John doing the maid through the window, then I can surely proclaim that Patty is real. Because I said so, and don't give me any lip about my processes, they're scientific and you could never begin to understand my scientific method, and should never doubt my integrity. Little army! Attack!

    5. ^^^ Alas I am the real, one and only Phil Dunns. Patty is real because you suffer from skeptical paranoia. You can download the pdf from my site analysis.

      Funny thing about my analysis is that it is not complete, so no critcisms can be made. Almost half a decade and I'm not done, but the beauty is I can quote my incomplete failure in progress of a report as being truth. You can quote it too, if you think my work is great.

      But if you disagree with me, well, you can't cause it's an incomplete work and not subject to review.

      I really hope the university of Idaho doesn't find out I'm in no way qualified to present myself as a photogrammist. Sure I bought some software, but a fraud is a fraud is a fraud. I already spent my bigfoot bucks on painted boobs and walking sticks.

      I am the great Phil Dunns I was involved in five movies. Well, four if you don't count the one I was fired from. But I still keep it on my resume. How great is that.

  18. Makes sense when you think about it.

    If BF is a space alien, they feel at ease around Mormons since they believe they rule their own planet after death.

    BF is also supposed to be cozy with Hubbard and Scientology.

  19. lol i just got what ketchums name meant. melba ketchum

    hmmm bread catcher.

  20. Notice how the douche with the camera start to run, shake the camera as the figure started to run away from them? PURE BULLSHIT HOAX!

    1. Now don't suggest that they shook the camera on purpose. That didn't work when it was suggested Patterson shook his camera on purpose!

  21. This is grade "A", one hundred percent pure, m'fucking bullshit ladies and gentlemen.

  22. Considering the scrub oak the thing is under, it is not real tall. That scrub is 15'-18' tall based off the width of the dead one by the kids feet and leaves. That makes the thing about six foot or less. The leaves of scrub are 2"-8" in size further making the size of the thing human sized. But it could be a young bigfoot picking acorns I guess. Just too little footage. I am leaning towards human.

  23. Could be anything. And why does everyone stop filming the second anything even begins to look like something. Allow me to pull my bullshit card from my wallet. -- d3w177

  24. you fuckers crack me up i just spilt chocolate pudding all over myself i was laughing so fucking hard :) lololol

  25. Since this was Utah, we need to find out if these guys were Mormons. If they were, Mormons can't lie.
    (or drink booze,coffee or be gay)


    1. Yes and Christians cant lie ether, its one of there commandments thingums.
      I don't think its impossible for them to lie at all, i don't personally know any Mormons but i know some Christians who lie alot..

  26. Looks likes it's walking away, why do they run?

    Patterson and Gimlin must have had nerves of steel compared to today's offspring of the Worst Generation.

    Looks large.

    Looks right. :)

    1. Looks fake, foottard of the stupidest generation! Get stuufed, asshat!

  27. I hear da scrub oak a poppin'

  28. Patterson and Gimlin were both a couple of boozehounds. Roger in particular was fond of hookers.

    I wouldn't be surprised if a drunken Roger proudly boasted of his hoax around the local whorehouses.

  29. Very broad across the shoulders, almost a mane or at least longer hair of a different tone in a "V" doown the upper middle back. Good shit.

  30. I live about 10 miles from this location and I'm familiar with the Utah mountains. As much as I want to believe its a 'Squatch, I think it would be more brown, not black. All of the deer, elk, moose, mountain goats.. They're a brown color to blend in better. The start black color stands out as odd compared to other animals in the area.

    1. So what do you think it is?

    2. From how much the black stands out, my best guess would be a person in a hoodie or a gorilla costume.. It doesn't look like a bear to me.

      Maybe its a costume like this.

      Here are some pictures of wildlife native to that area in Utah. You'll see the lighter brown i'm talking about. In my opinion, that dark black wouldn't exist in that area of utah.

  31. They migrate. Like moles and head lice.

  32. DNA confirmed this to be unidentified primate.

  33. Looks like a SE Oklahoma bonified wood ape.....must be his cousin

  34. Interesting how many folks here think this has potential. It does look massive and the way it stands up and turns in one fast and athletically fluid motion on a quite steep hillside is impressive. If this was a real bigfoot they missed the opportunity of a lifetime to film it powering its way up the steep hill that would have been even more impressive. However turning to run is a natural reaction of close encounters with these creatures. Unfortunately it is a favorite technique of hoaxers. Perhaps we will learn more if they return to do measurements and a recreation or most likely it will just be heaped onto the ever growing pile of youtube bigfoot hoaxes.


    1. I was the one who submitted this to the blog. I've had a little interaction with the guy (he goes by "Bronto" on Cougarboard in the past. I also had a couple private boardmail exchanges with him.

      He's not a bigfoot hunter, and he did not have bigfoot in mind. He thought this was a bear. So, when it stood up and showed it wasn't a bear, he and his wife (and his siblings - there were 5 or 6 of them there) freaked out and ran back to their car, leaving all their camping gear behind. He was going to go back today to try to recover his gear - this video was apparently made yesterday. It was suggested that he go back to the site and take measurements. I'll see if he did that today.

      If it's a hoax (which it may be, of course), it wasn't the guy who filmed it who created the hoax.

      And he didn't run because it was a bear - he thought it was a bear the whole time he was filming - until it stood up.

    2. It was just Joseph Smith digging for gold nuggets. Leave him alone - no filming please.

    3. "he and his wife (and his siblings - there were 5 or 6 of them there) freaked out and ran back to their car, leaving all their camping gear behind. He was going to go back today to try to recover his gear"

      rofl sounds like maybe they're not cut out for camping.

    4. Thanks Anon at 11:25. I kind of thought this was how it went down, and another reason why it is so compelling. When it stood up and they realized it was not a bear they did what over 99 percent of all people would have done and there is no fault about that. Bigfoots just scare the the devil out of people.

      That being said if you could convince them to get some measurements very soon, while memory is still fresh, it could go a long way to clearing this up, and since they need to get the gear, why not.


    5. So Chuck, you actually buy that story? That easy? No wonder people do hoaxes, because it is just that easy.

    6. I've known Chuck for almost 6 years. He was a painter by day, a hopscotch artist by night. I've made this whole thing up, but knowing Chuck, he will believe it anyway.

  35. Provo canyon Utah? Fukin college fuks and mormons to boot.....You will pay for this!that is all I have to say! cooockkkkasssliiiickingdripsipppers!!!!!!!

  36. Going up there in the morning.

    I teach at 1pm tomorrow at BYU. Maybe they'll come say hi in the darkroom in the HFAC. I'd love to meet them.

    1. I'd love to drive or hike up there in the next few days. The color seems a bit off to me. See my comment Anon 8:28:00.

    2. I'll be drivin' rig down from Taterville, Idaho. Maybe we can meet up

  37. Replies
    1. It's real damn it. You can tell no human can imitate that walk.

    2. Robert, do you still think the bagsquatch is real?

    3. About as real as your existence RL

  38. I have a confession to make. The other day I took a massive shit right in that same spot. I recently had a barium enema and I guess it made my turds radioactive.

    I sure in the fuck didn't expect them to jump up and scare anyone. Sorry about the mishap.

  39. IF it is a hoax, I don't believe those filming were in on it, maybe they were being hoaxed? I think they truly believed it was something they needed to run away from (and leave all their camping stuff there). I have a very similar video of my wife and I filming in Yellowstone on a trail, only it was a grizzly bear. Once we realized what we were filming in the bushes was a grizzly, we took off like a scared kindergartners, never turned off the camera or nothing. We probably got 1 second of the actual bear and the rest of the video was just like this (yes, I am a wuss apparently). I know you're never supposed to run away from a grizzly (walk quietly backwards, etc), but I did anyways. You never know how you're going to react in the woods when you see something unexpected, whether it be a grizzly, a real squatch or someone pretending to be a squatch.

  40. This thing was ten foot tall. He had beautiful hurr. I cum at ya ear. and rough talked him and run him off. I said get away from here. Get. Get.

    and he went right back at that pie again. he looked like he had six fingers on each hand.

    He had beautiful hurr.

  41. It occurs to me,,,,if we (as in we meaning all of us and not just few devoted researchers) could stop worrying about what's fake,,,,,,STOP wasting so much precious time by spreading ignorant/uneducated info,theory's,gossip,,,and STOP trying so hard to "Breakdown" (give me a break BTW,,,,if your too lazy or etc to hit the brush and actually try to find out something for yourself,,or your fellow humans,,about these awesome beings,,) every damn video every damn day one is released,,,,,We have a damned good chance to make a positive difference. With all this petty break downs,,hoaxers,,etc. it's no wonder everyday people with potentially great pics or videos,,will never make them public. He'll every video or pic I've ever seen could look fake,,,,,,,,,if that's what I'm looking for.

    1. Robbie - in other words, you will have a great video coming out soon, because others like yourself will do that every weekend, right? No? Then get back in the kitchen and make me my sandwich, bitch.

      If we all clap hands and jump for joy at every hokey video, then i assure you this site would be overloaded with more crap, more than usual that is.

  42. To ktw. Thank you. You've done a wonderful job of presenting the kind of nonsense I've wrote about earlier. If your needing someone to cook for you,,,then your in a bad state of affairs. And no,,,I don't have a video coming out soon. Anyone serious about this field knows you have better chances of getting mauled by a flock of dodo birds then getting the perfect footage. And as far as clapping,,I agree with whatever you said. My point being (obviously you missed it) is anyone who's been seriously involved in this for a while usually knows by a few seconds the way the object moves and etc may be real or some ass in a suit. Hopefully the hoaxers grow weary of this soon and go back to kissing cousins or whatever they used to do and we can make some progress. If a lot of people would actually look,,instead of yell hoax,,,we may be able to get more prof from people who as of now would never release it because of ignorant comments,,,laptop researchers showing "where the zipper is" and etc. it is what it is.

  43. I happen to Investigate Bigfoot and to be totally honest with all of you it's 120% a Bigfoot. It's to tall to be a person in a costume. It also is definitely not a bear because bears can only stand on their hind legs for a certain amount of time until they dropped back down, this creature did not eventually drop down it continued to walk up right. We have sightings like this in Vermont and Myself and other investigators have some pretty hard evidence that would scare the shit out of you to believe.

  44. I tried to post a few minutes ago but, for whatever reason, it didn't work.
    I saw one of these creatures in the Oquirrh mountains in 1988.
    The thing I saw was about 7 1/2 foot tall (Husband is 6'4 so comparison is easy.), covered in fur from head to toe, walked upright, and it's arms were longer than a human's arms would've been, and brown/black eyes like a human.
    It came out of the trees when I was alone with my dog (barking like crazy at it) at camp. It stood looking at me for only about 20 seconds but it felt longer. It didn't make a move toward me and I COULDN'T move. At hearing a noise coming from a hiking path, it stepped back into the trees. The whole experience was actually peaceful.
    I'm not crazy and I'm a very rational thinker so I can't tell you what these things are but, prior to that, I didn't believe in Bigfoot. I thought it was something like a "Snipe" whenever I heard someone talk about them.

  45. Btw, one of the anonymous writers said that the creature would be light brown. He/She is right. The one that I saw was light brown. Similar in coloring to a Yorkshire Terrier.

  46. I was one of the campers in the recent #bigfoot / bear sighting. here is my account

  47. Oddest thing that no one has picked up on this. Is it is just an optical illusion that its an arm.

    Look at the branches/leaves that make up the space that defines the arm before it stands up. The leaves are always there, and when the, assuming bear, stands up, it does so in front of the leaves, making it seem like it has an arm. It's actually fairly obvious once you watch the video in full screen.

    Just an optical illusion from the camera and some pretty lucky cameraman placement. I doubt someone in person would have been fooled as such from that distance (2d video vs our perception of 3d), specially the friends being more so to the right. It being a bear, I probably would've run also. They probably didn't know what they had until they showed it to friends afterwards and thought they could have some fun and fame to play it out.

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