M.K. Davis Enhances "Face In The Lens" Video

This latest enhancement by M.K. Davis supposedly shows a Bigfoot with its face pressed against the lens. Davis notes how much "enhancing" that was involved in making the clip (which was taken in the dark) visible.   While most commenters complained about not seeing anything, one person who viewed the video on her iPad noticed even greater details including a "fairly large" nose.

Pretty cool. I'm viewing at the video frame by frame on an iPad, which has a pretty high resolution screen so I may be able to see more detail than a larger CPU screen. I can definitely see the eyes and using them as a reference point the nose becomes visible. The face comes in looking slightly to its right, then straight on and then tilts slightly to its right. The nose is fairly large but that's probably a depth of field issue because it is so close to the lens. Definitely interesting MK. - Robin V.

Alma E. completely disagrees with Robin:

I can see movement of something, whether it's an object or living being can't tell. Too unclear to tell. "A large nose pressed against the lens" wow not seeing that at all. Don't mean any disrespect MK, I'm just not seeing what you are seeing.  But then again, I'm no expert. I have no trained eye for these things. Just letting you know what I see. Thanks for posting anyway. Alma E.


  1. Dear M.K Davis,

    Please stop uploading these analysis's on hoaxed videos. We know it was Mike Sells who was the project manager of the VHS tapes and it now seems you are doing this simply because of attention. So please stop this nonsense.

    A Believer

    1. if people did logical things like that there would be nothing left in bigfooting considering all "evidence" is made up when you are dealing with a creature that doesnt exist

  2. I think it's apparent now that analyzing videos is M.K.'s life. It's just too bad that he doesn't care where they come from and assumes them to be far more credible that he should.

    1. It would also help his credibility a little if he could at least learn the parts of a computer so he would at least sound like he knew what he was talking about when it came to using his "forensic equipment" to do these analysis. LOL

      "larger CPU screen". The CPU has nothing to do with the screen MK.

    2. You need a larger CPU screen bro

    3. He needs more bytes, and I don't want to alarm anybody, but possibly even some megabytes.

  3. I don't see a nose, I see something move into frame and then move out. Inconclusive at best

  4. MK is being trolled from the grave.

  5. I can just make out eyes, nose,lips, and right ear; it's very interesting.

  6. This video definitely shows a real sasquatch.

    1. just wait for sweaty yetis 2 frame gif image, it will blow your mind mulder.

    2. Hey Mulder, you wanna go on a date sometime? We could talk all about sasquatch, and maybe a little sex stuff, haha jk...but probably a little sex stuff.

    3. 100% Bob H can't come along, and then I will go 100%. Did you know 100% that Bob H never went on a date with me? That's right 100%. Bob H is a very attractive cowboy type, and quite strong. 100% I just lost my load, gonna change my shorts. brb 100%.

  7. anyone else watch all 700 hours of his PGF analysis? no me neither.

  8. Has there been any mention today of the Making Monsters episode last night where Bob H. proclaimed the Patty vid a hoax and he wore the suit? They showed a cheesy looking Bigfoot costume that he said was the one in the video. Looked nothing like it to me. Any thoughts...Anyone....Bueller....Bueller....Bueller?

  9. It's funny how it's either to close or to far away from the camera in these videos to see what it really is.

    1. Well where would be the fun in seeing that it isn't a bigfoot

  10. Why are MK's knees so dirty in the photo? Was he at Bluff Creek of Fluff Creek?

  11. Why does MK never call it a Bigfoot? Is that supposed to cover his ass if we find out they are hoaxes?

    1. It makes him feel more like a scientist. He also wears a lab coat when analyzing videos.

  12. I see nothing but movement!

  13. you have got to be kidding me.

  14. I wonder if he can enhance the pimple on my ass.

    1. only if it was made by Mike sells and approved by Tom Biscardi.

  15. HOLYJUMPINGJEEBUSFUCKINGCHRISTMAS, you have got to be fucking kidding me? Isn't this the Goddamn pony video? Screw I-502 here in WA, we need to legalize whatever in the hell these people are smoking. I am now tossing MK in with EE, fasano, dyer, and some others for continuing to push crap evidence. Do you think tweaking the image of the pony finally make it a bigfoot? I know it is slow right now in the bigfoot world but come on, this is crazy.

  16. This is nothing more than a picture of MK's greasy ass after a Taco Bueno slamfest.


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