Mike Greene's Thermal Footage Brought Tears To The Eyes of Bob Gimlin

Mike Greene's famous thermal footage of Bigfoot was obtained on April 28, 2009 in central North Carolina. According to BFRO President, Matt Moneymaker, it is the most important footage of a Sasquatch since the Patterson/Gimlin. The full footage is about 3.5 minutes long and it shows a 7ft tall Bigfoot creeping up behind a tree stump to snatch a Zagnut candy bar. When Greene introduced his footage to the Bigfoot community back in 2009, it caught the imagination and excitement of Bigfoot enthusiasts from all over the world. To those who paid the two bucks to see it, the black-and-white thermal video clearly shows a Bigfoot.

Here's how Mike Greene described the footage in an article published on HPE.com:
“What you see is this white shape creeping terribly cautiously – as though he thinks he’s gonna get shot at any minute – creeping up behind the stump, grabbing the candy bar, and then retreating to the woods,” Greene explains. “About 30 seconds later he comes back, this time standing up, and he walks behind a couple of trees. He stands behind a tree partially obscured and sort of sways side to side. This swaying has been reported by lots of others. He’s apparently looking at my camp area for about 30 to 40 seconds, and then he walks back into the woods and disappears.” 
Greene said in the article that Bob Gimlin, one of the two men who shot the Patterson/Gimlin film, had tears in his eyes when he was shown the video. "He held out his hand and said, ‘Thank you so much – I’ve waited 40 years for this,’" Greene recalled. "Finally, somebody had backed him up with some really good footage."

Read more: High Point Enterprise - LOOKING FOR BIGFOOT Archdale Public Library hosts program by famed tracker  


  1. Replies
    1. Impulsively saying that something is "fake as hell" without giving any reasoning just makes you sound like a jackass. I don't give this video much credibility either, without more context, but you just sound stupid.

    2. it may be but that doesn't make you any less stupid

    3. me sipud is nit weal, very ovbliusy fiked.

  2. Replies
    1. I can't as I was using super-glue and scratched them, now my hands stuck!

    2. Get the knife out and hack them balls off if you're a real man.

      And then you could play hand ball all day long.

    3. I told you to wear pants when you climbed over that fence!

  3. Are you sure it was not a Brown Eyeing that brought Gimlin to tears?

    1. 100% this could not be Bob H. The size alone, and the movements totally blow Bob H out of my shorts. 100%. The way he moves on the ground 100% was arrousing 100%. Bob H would look real perty 100% down on the ground like that. 100%. *goes to change shorts again* premature sporkulation. 100%

  4. Are you sure it wasn't a bout with bean salad that brought a tear to his eye? P.U.

  5. Anyone paid the 2 bucks to see this?

    1. yes, I paid the $2. I have a job and $2 is nothing to me. You footabe is irrefutable. Unless Shaquelle Oneal is wondering in the woods that night. I know you will say, "fake", "hoax," but will have not evidence to refute the video other than, "they are liars" or "retards" but the video is obviously of a large biped. (bigger than 6'6 340lb. Bo Bo who tried to recreate it on Finding Bigfoot.)

    2. Green is a cunt. (No I didn't spell it wrong as I know it pissed him off)

    3. Bobo is not 6'6 340. I am 6'3 270 and he is the exact same size as me. He was nice enough to take a picture with my kids a few months ago.

    4. "You footabe is irrefutable"

      Words to live by...

    5. It's probably real, but it's still worthless. Nothing substantial there as far as real evidence goes. Unless you already believe in it this means nothing. Nowhere near the kind of footage we'd need to get anyone's attention in the mainstream.

  6. Just a couple of hoaxers collaborating

  7. Bob sheds a few tears after a long day of bullshitting fairly often.

    1. Bob shed some tears because the jig is almost up.

      The Knower

  8. What a bunch of Bullshit! I was at the event in 2009. I saw this garbage. It shows a figure, but it's not a Squatch. Hell even Bobo was able to recreate it. Greene is out for the money, nothing more and Gimlin was crying because he couldnt believe someone would actually believe this was a Sasquatch. A buch of garbage!

    1. Can't spell and likes it in every orifice at the same time.^

    2. EVERY orifice? Damn, some large nostrils.

    3. Seems you would be the authority on taking it in every orifice!

    4. ^^I used your mother as my orifice- penetrating, training dummy. She is quite a dummy.

      PS By the way, Hurr Durr, why does she moan your name during the taterhole portion of the training?

    5. ha ha!!! have you seen my mother? damn, you're brave or stupid.

    6. And then she slapped you with the bill afterwards now doubt? Aye! she never changes her spots.

    7. I didn't pay her,she paid me with an STD.

    8. It depends on if they're blue crabs or red crabs.Definitely opilio crabs,because they come from the taterhole.

  9. Thermal footage is useless. You see a white blob. What does that prove?

    1. It confirms on consistent color?

    2. Proves nothing, it's just cool to see if you believe it is a sasquatch already.

  10. Maybe he cried b/c he does know something about all those disappearing BFs around Bluff Creek in the late 1960's and has a soul

  11. Clear pictures or it didn't happen. Thermal films and
    2 bucks to see 'em would not stand up in a court of


    1. I kind of don't think bigfoot is going to be charged with theft for taking the candy bar.

    2. I'd press charges! Basterd!

  12. MM never said that this footage was the most important footage since the PGF. That's a line of BS that Greene wrote in his self-penned statement in an attempt to drum up more interest.

  13. That would have to be the skinniest bigfoot in the history of bigfoot and the head/neck/shoulder area is clearly that of a human at the 0:03 frame.

    1. That is the recreation by Mike Greene simpleton. He is using his 6'6 frame as a comparison to the creature. The creature can be seen after his image. Watch the entire unedited video before you judge. Oh, sorry, I forgot that everyone on this site has preconceived ideas about the
      Earth being flat and we are the center of the universe.

    2. on this site the center of the universe is the big foot chicks taterhole..lololol

    3. Ok, it's a recreation. I should have known it was way to high of resolution to be an actual blobsquach video.

      Just a few questions...

      Why is the camera placed so far away from the bait? He says bigfoot came right up to his tent before but now he suddenly won't?

      He set bait out but then has some BS story about hearing a noise, setting up the camera and driving off. Why wouldn't you set and focus the camera when you put out the bait? And I don't even see mention of a "focus" on the Raytheon 250 website. "The IR-250 D can also be used in manual mode giving you full control over gain, level, brightness, image polarity (white hot / black hot), and zoom features." It looks more like he blurred the video intentionally to remove detail.

      Why is the bait conveniently placed on a stump at the top of a hill so you can't see all of bigfoot as he approaches?
      All you have to do to make a guy in a suit look taller is hold up a 7' stick a few feet back down the hill from where your fake bigfoot walked and suddenly he's a giant.

      Isn't it convenient that BF crawls up to the stump, the only object in the video we truly have an idea of the size of? Why would the bigfoot crawl up to the stump if the guy drove off? Surely it saw him leave and couldn't smell anyone else there.

      As for your straw man argument about everyone who maintains skepticism thinking the world is flat and we are the center of the universe...
      I believe BF does exist. I just don't believe every video and photo I see.
      Between hoaxes and opportunists trying to make a buck you'd have to be a fool not to be a skeptic. Lets face it, the guy is charging for the download.

    4. "Oh, sorry, I forgot that everyone on this site has preconceived ideas about the Earth being flat and we are the center of the universe."

      Or maybe they just want one single shred of evidence before declaring BF is real. No need to get hysterical about it.

    5. If you watch the $2 vid, Greene says that he had not been successful with getting any footage when setting up his cameras on trees. (Insinuating that the creature was watching?) He wasn't staying in a tent this particular night, he was staying in his car. When he heard the noises, he got out and sat down the camera on a tripod right next to his car pointed toward the bait. He then intentionally made a bunch of noise getting into his car, slamming the door, etc. before driving away to make anything in the area know he was leaving. He drove off for a couple miles and parked. Several hours later he came back and discovered the bait gone. He retrieved his camera and took it home. According to him, after watching the film, about 30 minutes after he left the creature low crawls up behind the stump and takes the bait. It then tree peeks, and stands fully erect. The creature then walks away. It seemed as if the thing was paranoid thus the low crawl. After it retrieves the bait it seems to feel more comfortable so it eventually stands. Greene recreates the area where the creature was standing leaned up against a tree. Greene is 6'6 and the creature is easily 6-12 inches taller. Who knows? It may be a hoax but it seems legite. If the thing in the camera is not a very, very tall, broad person....

    6. ^ I hate to break it to you, but none of this actually happened

    7. Many are reported to be skinny. Perhaps not most, but a good number of reports. What kind of sampling are you using to compare with, Mr. Bigfoot Expert? The ones we've heard reports of are probably an infinitesimal percentage of how many there are total!

  14. I think its one of the bigfoot chicks out in the woods stuffing peanut butter cups up her taterhole

    1. I think you're jealous of the peanut butter cups.

  15. The problem with Moneymaker saying anything is the most important footage since the patterson film is that he thinks EVERYTHING is a bigfoot. FLIR footage is the most unreliable footage out there because there is no definition to the image, just a heat source. Put someone big in anykind of fake monkey suit and warm it up and there you go, instant bigfoot.

    1. Actually you fuctard, a person in a suit would put off a different heat signature than an animal with fur. That is no suit in this video.

    2. Another ignorant jackass on flir and thermals. Closer up thermal is better then color, you cant compare distant thermal with close up thermal. You dont know what your talking about

  16. word of the day kids is TATERHOLE!!!!

  17. you leave there taterholes alone you!...lolololol : )

  18. It brought tears to my eyes too; but for different reasons. It looks EXACTLY like the reinactment Bobo did. Renae was the only cast member to call this footage what it is. A person.

    1. Bigfoot is a person, too. If you disagree, prove it isn't one.

  19. It made Gimlin cry because it served as a reminder of the lies he perpetrated since 1967.

    Imagine the implications of telling a lie 45 years ago, and that lie has caused bleevers to completely waste their lives.

    That's some heavy guilt trip shit right there.

    1. Pooted his Jrefer Certified Vibrating Butt Plug out,now he's a little cranky.^

    2. I'm dressing up as J Randi on Halloween complete with a pair of nuts nestled in the fake beard.

    3. I keep my nuts in my drawers.

    4. I stuck my penis in a pumpkin and made pumpkin pie with it.

    5. Was it super duper creamy?

    6. It's always funny to see the undereducated skeptics who maybe saw the Patterson film once and assume it's fake come along thinking anyone interested in bigfoot bases that interest solely on the PGF, and not the incredible amount of other evidence going back thousands of years all over the world.

  20. Maybe he's crying because someone threw out his Starrcade collection on VHS

    1. He was crying because your mom gave him herpes. The gift that keeps on giving!

  21. maybe he cried because he hates to see good peanut butter cups go to waste :/ forever lost in the dark cavernous crevasse of the bigfoot chicks cooch...

  22. Awful end for a perfectly good peanut butter cup...

  23. Anything Mike Greene does makes me cry as it is all sadly,FAKE!

    1. Fake like the orgasim that your mom had while you were banging her!

  24. Greene hoaxed the video in hopes of recouping the money he wasted on the camera.

  25. All I see is a white blobsquatch.

    new anony

  26. If bigfoot snuck up to you and bitch slapped you into next week, would you say hoax, fake??

  27. I like his bear aka juvenile sasquatch climbing a tree video

  28. And guess who is doing the Smeja saga film. Mike Greene, the next Michael Moore.

  29. Whatever happened to the Knower? He told everyone here that Ketchums office was shut down, and the project door closed., 2 weeks before the story officially broke!

    He also called out Matt Moneymaker and stated he would not release the Elba hoaxers info, even after Matt himself said he would.. He didnt.

    I believe Knower now. He seems to have been spot on so far. I'm guessing the suit will be given to us as well, and I remember he said he knew who was a hoaxer at Bipto's habitation site(?????)

    Sad we chased off the knower. Looks like he had better sources than anyone, including Lindsday

    1. Bull shit!!! He wrote what had already happened.
      Go back and read his bull shit!!

    2. fuck you, you go read it, you...you...you...cheesey knob end.

    3. No, he didn't write about things that had already occurred. You, footers, just can't handle the truth.

    4. Likes to jump up and down on J.Randis cock.^

    5. why does the guy who owns this site fill it up with such nonsense. this was covered in 'finding bigfoot' epiosode. it was reinacted and bobo cleary showed it was a man. his footage was exact[he was bigger actualy]. its out of focus[usual red flag]and lets face it if u want a good hoax use thermal. move on nothing to see here. funny how the biggest hoaxer of all congrats another one. hmm gimlin,why does he now admit it.its cleary a fake.

    6. please come back, knower.........

    7. Fake like your moms tits!

    8. wullie miller: this site has stuff like this because people will visit and make money for Shawn. You proved it by doing just that. CHA-CHING!

  30. I'm dressing as Bob Gimlin this Halloween.

    I'm going to wear a cowboy hat and a kerchief round my neck, and I'm going to lie to people all day.

  31. Thermal footage is absolutely 100% useless if you are trying to provide evidence/proof for the existence of bigfoot.

    Thermal footage is even easier to hoax than regular footage.

    Footage like this will do nothing but perhaps convince those who already believe that bigfoot exists.

    1. When you were born it was useless!

    2. ^ This may be the lamest troll reply I've ever read. Congrats.

  32. Thermal footage is absolutely 100% usesless if you are trying to provide evidence/proof for the existence of bigfoot.

    Thermal footage is even easier to hoax than regular footage.

    This will perhaps only convince those who already believe that bigfoot exists.

    1. You mean those of us who know, its "know" ok stupid. 1000S of us have seen them!

    2. When you were born it was useless!

    3. You know nothing about thermal jackoff. Its absolutle not useless under right conditions and distance.

  33. so he caught ppl walking around the woods, yh good one

    1. In case you weren't paying attention, that is basically what bigfoots are.

  34. Gimlin still has not explained why there are two different Bigfoots in the Patterson footage.....

  35. Awesome article!!!!! It's great to see good things posted these days. Thanks!!!!


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