MABRC's D.W. Lee Will Either Confirm Or Deny Existence of Bigfoot Body On MN.B.R.T. Radio Tonight, 6:00PM PDT

Two weeks ago, the head of the MABRC (Mid-America Bigfoot Research Center), D.W. Lee made a cryptic statement regarding the possibility of a body in their possession.

The rumor was originally posted on Robert Lindsay's blog, but Lee's efforts to denounce it fell on deaf ears. This statement by Lee posted on Facebook on October 17th did little to stop the rumors from spreading: "We can neither confirm or deny the existence of a body. I will state this unequivocally that Ed Smith IS our friend."

Lee's statement caught the attention of Abe Del Rio, head of The Minnesota Bigfoot Research Team. He posted this question asking Lee for the truth: "So what is the truth Dw Darkwing Lee?"

"If this is true and there is a body how was it obtained? Was it already dead or was it shot or in poor health? Again if this all is true this could be what is needed to hopefully get protection for them & to bring to the public. I have sooo many questions," Abe wrote.

It looks like Abe may finally get his answer tonight. Lee will be his guest on his radio and he's going to try to get the bottom of it. Here's the description for tonight's show:

Join Elusive1 as he welcomes back Dw Lee to the show, Some may have seen or read a post by Robert Lindsay and about the M.A.B.R.C. Having a bigfoot body, Well Dw Lee is the head of the M.A.B.R.C. and we will be getting down too the bottom of the rumors & finding out what is the truth be hind all the rumors flying around.

The show starts tonight, Monday, October 29, 2012  at 6:00PM PDT.

Click here to listen:


  1. There is no bigfoot in middle America.

  2. This is it folks, the moment we've been waiting for! Once we prove bigfoot's existence once and for all, everyone from bigfoot evidence is invited to my place for a party. It's gonna be amazing!

    1. Will we get free happy meals?

    2. Is hamburglur gonna be there? I've got a beef to settle with him!

    3. Happy meals, nuggets, blow, chicks, crown royal, you name it! Woooooo!!! Yaaaaaa bitches!!!

    4. I'll bring the Thi lady boys!

  3. There will be huge news announced on the show tonite.

  4. I bring my licker with me...

    you bring the girls to lick. :-()

  5. Oh, I'm sure there will be denial...

  6. Has anyone emailed dark wing duck yet?

  7. If they had a body they wouldn't be announcing it on some 2 bit radio show.

  8. Some one should call in to say wazzz up darkwing duck!

  9. Tonight I will reveal whether tomorrow I will reveal the location of the patty suit


  11. If he doesn't have a body i will spit in his big Mac next time he is in.

    1. That leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

  12. What time does this dirty cheeseburger picnic start?

  13. This show is like an ancient gathering of highly stupid people. It's so embarrassing to listen to.

    ChickenWing is in the right company. He will no doubt refuse to confirm or deny that he can read at a 3rd grade level.

  14. Did you know that if you take the letters from MNBRT, Darkwing, Bigfoot Chicks, Tim Fasano, Tim Stover, Shawn Evidence, TeamTazer

    You can spell the word Twats :)

  15. NO body.Confirmed. Shawn and RL are getting shit on for reporting on it.

  16. If Ed on the head Smith and DW is involved you know it's got to be true.

  17. This is one of the lamest, stupidest and most worthless radio shows I have ever heard!

    All this fool had to do in response to my story was, "MABRC has no body." That's all he had to say!

    "We will never confirm nor deny the existence of a body," settles nothing, and simply stirs the waters even more.

    1. Maybe your info was wrong Robert? What else do u want him to say? He either covering something up (which I don't know why), or he legitemately has no body.

    2. Why did you say there was and why diddn't they just say there wasn't.

    3. Why do people actually think this is Lindsay Responding? It's some idiot who took his picture and made it into a profile and makes goofy comments!

    4. Lindsay seems like too nice of a lady to be involved with these clowns.

    5. If I'm not making you mad, I'm not doing my job

    6. LOL fools. I never said there was a body you tards.

      Ed Smith said, "Good luck with your post-capture goals."

      I saw that and wrote, "What!? This sounds like someone has a body. Does MABRC have a body?"

      That's all I wrote.

      There was no "wrong" info. I read a very strange and suggestive statement and wondered what it could possibly mean. I left it up to them to clear the matter up one way or the other, which they did NOT do. All they had to say was, "We do not have a body." It's that simple! How hard is that?!

      Instead, they turned it into a retarded publicity stunt for their stupid organization.

      Smith and Lee are too of the biggest idiots in this business, full stop.

    7. But why did you say they had a body ?

    8. ^^^
      Ignorance rears it's ugly head.

    9. I never said they had a body, tard. Go back and read my posts, if you are capable of reading that is.

    10. Robert these people are incapable of common sense. There sheep they only believe what they
      read. There's no use in arguing.

    11. Careful Rick, Robert wants hoaxers dead...

    12. without hoaxers footery has nothing. What do you think the "experts" are doing? They create hoaxes, discover them, present them as real and then sell the finished product to you the consumer!

      Nobody finds it odd that everything is either cloaked in secrecy,blurry, "unknown" self promoting, a lie, or "soon" in the world of Bigfoot? Eventually even a unicorn hunter is gonna catch a one horned goat on film!

    13. awaits "wow,just wow" guy, and eventual comments about my 'taterhole"

      all jokes aside, who started the taterhole thing?

    14. I heard Dick Trickle started the taterhole scenario.

    15. it's funny but more people believe in the tooth fairy than Bigfoot

  18. The fact that they didn't admit to not having a body right away, will label them as hoaxers if they don't have a body.

  19. There will be no party guys. What the hell am I supposed to do with 30 lbs of cocktail weenies?

    1. Where are you McCheese - perhaps I can accomodate. I love those lil smokies

  20. anyone dressing up as bigfoot for halloween ?

    1. Nope, I went as and aboriginal native canadian.

    2. I'm dressing up as a dildo.

    3. I think they're called first nations now eh?

    4. I'm dressing up as Robert Lindsay!

    5. I doubt most posters on this blog give a shit about political correctness.

      How about red skinned, skinny, unclothed people, who like a drink?

  21. I was gonna go as Boba Fett or a Nazi but never got the order in time to make it for haloween

  22. we are all idiots for bigfoot

  23. ^^^^I think u would have sex with a Bigfoot in the butt "LMAO"

  24. FACTS:

    Robert Lindsay did not say they had a body, he merely posted a quote from Ed, and speculated as to what it meant.

    Shawn hyped the Robert Lindsay post, making it appear that Lindsay thought MABRC had a body.

    MABRC puts out lame statement.

    Based on the facts, Robert Lindsay looks least like an idiot of all who were involved in this fiasco.

  25. There is no bigfoot body. Anywhere.

    1. Where is it, moron? You need proof. You have no proof because it's a freakin fairy tale.

  26. I don't think we should let publicity stunts stand in the way of real bigfoot science.

  27. Bullshit the MABRC is just as Wong as Lindsey, because where cryptic about it. All so they could get attention and hits to their site. You can't say you tried to put the rumors to rest because if you did you would have come right out and said NO WE DO NOT HAVE A BODY and you wouldn't have waited 2 weeks to get the truth out. But, what can you expect from a group full of attention whores. Example: Melissa Hovey, she did the same shit. So from this point on the MABRC is another bullshit group like Dyer and his crew that I will never trust.


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