Hurricane Sandy Causing Sharks To Surface On Flooded New Jersey Street

We can't confirm if this photo is real or not, but a guy on Facebook named Kevin P. McCarty posted these images of sharks patrolling his neighborhood street in Brigantine, New Jersey. According to McCarty, the "real" photos were taken after the storm flooded his street. "This is a reality, sharks seek harbor in the safety corridors of streets during surges," he wrote in the comments.

"for the non believers...."

"now i CANT leave.... sharks in the street"

[via GrindTV]


  1. That's the meanest taterhole in the sea right there I tell you what.

  2. There's never a police officer around when you need one, ah hold on! You don't need one. Forget Neighbor hood watch, here comes Shark-Watch.

    Not as good as wank-watch, sorry I mean Baywatch, but pretty close.

  3. Thought I'd post anonymously, but apparently I can't delete it completely. Anyway, the shark photos and a number of others floating around from Hurricane Sandy are fake.

    1. Also this one reckons its faked:

  4. There were sharks in New Orleans after Katrina.

    1. And in Galveston after Ike.When the eye was over the Isle I waded to my brothers house cause it was on higher ground.It was the wildest night of my life.

  5. I think you would have to be a dick to be putting out faked photos right now. And judging by that guys facebook photo, he looks like a douchebag.

  6. That slimey ole cat Bob H could never fit into that shark suit. 100%. Heck, he doesnt even know how to get there. 100%. Bob H could never get his moms buick there, 100%.

    Must be the real deal. 100%

    1. Old and stale.Was funny but now old and stale.Put it on the shelf,tater.

    2. A good taterhole never gets old and stale, son.

      You're way outta line and talking crazy.

    3. Shut the fuck up you libtard.

    4. ^^ little leona W is butthurt cause she forgot to capitalize her first name.

      Run along now, slapnuts. Your barbies need attention.

    5. Kerchak dont let them get to you. We can both see the sharks eye brow movement. tHe EyEbRoW MOVEmEnT is part of the reason why sharky HAS to be ReAL. Watch it go up and down up and down up and down. Ooh, There he goes!

      Now look at her facial. Movements are all over the place, and no matter how many alterations I do I cant get as much foot love as MK DONGON.

      KIT o KAZEE, i have magically erased any proof you have of the suits with my neon color crayon kit. I WIN AND YOU LOSE. PATTY CAKE IS REAL AND HER FACIAL MOVEMENT MAKES MY PANTS TIGHT. AND MY MOMMY DOESNT DRESS ME FUNNY. ANYMORE.

      Kerchak, your gif needs alignment, and enhancing. Do you mind if I play with it?

  7. Why do you guys waste your time with this?(gets on all fours to sniff a pile of poop, puts said pile in a jar, grins a little on the outside, dies a little on the inside)

  8. Repeating a dopey catch phrase over and over ala "get er done" etc. is pretty much the antithesis of funny.

  9. 38 seaside drive - knock, knock, knock, who's there ?
    Land Shark... yeah right, joe stop screwing around,
    your always..... AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!

    39 Seaside drive -knock, knock, knock


    1. "It could only be Land Shark - the cleverest species of them all..."

  10. Bob Gimlin is a no good two timin lower than a snakes yella belly dirty stinkin prevaricatin polecat

    And you can take that to the bank. The money bank that is.

    1. Bob 'TATERHOLE' Heironimus.^

    2. Ol' Gimlin has now started supportin' the psychic, mind readin' version of sasquatch now days. Advocates goin' inta the woods and thinkin' nice thoughts, happy thoughts, without a gun, without even wantin' to see a sasquatch. That's when they'll make themselves visible to ya. An' if'n Gimlin says it, it's gotta be true, or darn near it anyways.

  11. I'd love to see both Bobs, tits to the wind drunk, beating the hell out of each other at a bigoot conference.

    1. You wont see that because they are still friends and sit down and have a chuckle over a few drinks now and again.

    2. That's why it would be so funny to see them cuntpunching each other silly.

      Hell, do it on a reality show for charity. Call it the Battle of the Bullshitters and have Bill Munns referee it.

      Winner faces Renae in a swordfight if ya know what I mean.

    3. You crazy fuckers lol I love this fucking site.

    4. Holy shit I can't stop laughing

    5. Thanks for the kudos. Nice to have fans. Thank jeebus this site's owner has a sense of humor.

    6. Head out to Wiley City where they live.

      You won't see them fight, but there's plenty of brawls. Fri nights, behind a certain tavern by the dumpster.

  12. +111111111111 with mud rastlin.

    1. +222222222222 if they rassle in bigfoot poop.

  13. I dont trust any photos anymore. Everything can be photoshopped nowadays by even kids. Its totally possible in any storm to wash all kinds of crap inland or trap or give it a open spot to swim in, but I would have to see it myself to believe it or watch a respectable news show with live video .


    FAKE.....but not outside the realm of possibility.

    new anony

  15. Greetings from NJ... this pic is a fake.

    From a guy who lives on N9th in Brigantine...

  16. "This is a reality, sharks seek harbor in the safety corridors of streets during surges," he wrote in the comments.

    He must be a SHARK SCIENTIST~!

  17. Haha! Bigfoot has pictures of him! He once got bit by a cobra and after 3 agonizing days of pain the cobra died! #TheMostInterestingSharkInTheWorld

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    Say it again Joe Cocker style.

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