Watch: How The States Got Their Shapes: Bigfoot vs. Aliens [Free Episode]

Depending on where they live, some Americans are more inclined to believe that Bigfoot lives in the West Coast mountains than other Americans. "How The States Got Their Shapes" is a show where contestants battle each other to win some cash by displaying their knowledge of U.S. geography.

The first two contestants are Bigfooters named, Rhettman A. Mullis of Bigfootology and a woman named Pearl, who believes Bigfoot has the power to vanish. Watch and find out who's the biggest Bigfoot brainiac at the end of the show.

Click here to watch.


  1. Yea baby.....first and eating it up

  2. Brian Sykes is a Bigfootology member.

    1. FALSE.
      Do you understand the concept of Honorary Degrees? It's not a real degree, it's an honor a college or group bestows on someone. Per the Bigfootology Website:
      Bryan Sykes is listed as an "Honorary Team Member" - that's what the group says. He is also listed as a "Non-Team Consultant"
      Notice his name is not linked? The links go to short bios of Recognized Researchers on the site. No link usually means no permission to post a bio.

      For a team member he's much of a team player.

      You readers should not accept the word of Anons just because they say so. Demand citations.

    2. Correction to Sat 12:38 AM:
      "For a team member he's *NOT* much of a team player."

    3. 12:38 You just said yourself he's a team member. Make up your mind lol!

    4. Anon 12:38 is playing semantics and that's obvious. What he refuses to acknowledge is THE FACT that Sykes OBVIOUSLY has ties to that group. People aren't "awarded" things for nothing. Sykes obviously is connected with Mullins.


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