Happy Halloween: Robert Lindsay Sympathizes With Dr. Ketchum Over Bigfoot Rape Rumor

Since today is Halloween, here's a special treat from our friend Robert Lindsay. Rumor has it that Dr. Ketchum had been zapped by infrasound on her property in Texas and that she woke up feeling achy and sore between her legs. According to Lindsay, Ketchum experienced "lost time" and wondered if she was possibly raped by Bigfoot.

Lindsay writes:

Was Melba Ketchum raped by a Bigfoot!? Yes, I realize that this is an incredible story, and it seems to strange to be believed. However, I have been told that Ketchum recently told at least 4 different people this story.

Here is what happened, according to her: Ketchum is leasing property somewhere in Texas, possibly in East Texas, where there is a Bigfoot habituation site. It is here that she says she has seen the Bigfoots and discovered that they braided the manes on her horses, among other odd things.

One day Melba went out to a part of her pasture “where the Bigfoots like to hang out.” This is an odd part of the pasture. She says that as soon as you open the gate to this part of the property, “you are likely to get zapped.” By this she apparently means hit by Bigfoot infrasound. Frightening! She apparently went out there to attend to her horses in some manner.

At some point while she was attending to her horses, she seems to have lost conscientiousness. Then she had some sort of a “lost time” event. Say she was with the horses at 7 PM. Next thing she knew, she woke up and it was say 9 PM. When she awoke, she became aware somehow (not sure how) that she had been unconscious for quite some time. Spooky!

She was lying on the ground in her stable on the ground, possibly clad in a dress. At that time, she became aware that she was “sore” in her vaginal area. There was no reason for her to feel that way. She concluded that a Bigfoots may have somehow zapped her, rendered her unconscious somehow, and possibly raped her. Shivers!

The odd part of the story is that she was fully clothed, possibly in a dress. The problem is that if she was fully clothed, including underwear, rape is not really possible. The Bigfoot would have had to have removed her underwear and then put it back on. I don’t think they do things like that. However, if she was panty-less, she could well have been raped. Spooky!

A female friend has told me that there are other signs that a woman has been raped. For instance, if ejaculation has occurred in the vagina, a woman is generally aware of this fact. I do not know if Ketchum had any other signs of being raped such as that.

The person who told me this story reported it as evidence that Ketchum has gone completely off the deep end. They have a low opinion of her anyway.

I would like to take a more charitable approach. I believe that Ketchum may well have some Bigfoots habituating on this property of hers. She may well have been interacting with them there in various ways for some time now. At this point, Ketchum is, for better or for worse, a habituator.

Habituators often report having a lot of very weird experiences while they are in close contact with the Bigfoots on their land. It appears that Ketchum may have already experienced some of this strange stuff, such as ultrasound.

It’s possible that Ketchum had a very strange experience out there in the pasture that day or night. Some odd things happened to her that she is trying to make sense of in whatever way she can. She is trying to piece together a plausible story to account for the bizarre things she is experiencing. This is her groping attempt at an explanation.

Although my source told me that they heard Melba tell them this story and that she also told at least three others, Melba’s friends are disputing the story.

Linda Sedlak, a good friend of Melba’s, released this statement to me about the rumored incident:

"I have recently been made aware of a story going around regarding Melba Ketchum, and an encounter with a Sasquatch. This story is totally false with absolutely no basis in reality. Please do not continue to spread these hateful, hurtful, and horrible rumors."

In addition, a source close to Ketchum asked Melba about the rumors and Ketchum said that none of it is true, and that she never told anyone anything like this.

In closing, I would like to extend my utmost sympathy to Ketchum if she was indeed violated by a Bigfoot. If it occurred, I doubt if this is an experience she wanted to have. It could well be a very traumatizing experience for a woman. Rape’s no joking matter, and all female victims deserve our most profound sympathy.

So there you have it folks. You can believe whatever you want to believe her.

I do believe that Bigfoots rape women sometimes. I have heard that nowadays these are the nasty-tempered or ill-behaved Bigfoots. In the Janice Carter story, which I believe to be a largely factual account, Carter reports that an evil minded young Bigfoot raped a 13 or 14 year old girl in the woods near the Carter farm. The girl was so upset that she spent the rest of her life in a mental hospital. Creepy!

According to Indians, Bigfoots can and do mate with female humans. In the Albert Ostman story, Ostman told John Green that he thought the older male Bigfoot had kidnapped him to try to get him to mate with his nubile teenage hottie Bigfoot daughter. Indian reports say that Bigfoots used to steal Indian women and take them back to caves where they had sex with the women. Scary stuff!

In some cases, the women would return a year or so later, pregnant. In a number of cases, half-Bigfoot, half-human babies were born out of these unions. Ostman says that male Bigfoots have a surprisingly small penis for their size, so sex with a human female should be easy to accomplish on the female human end. Lugubrious!

Whatever the truth of the story about Ketchum, it is surely one of the oddest stories that has come out of Bigfootery in a while. And it’s a pretty scary story for Halloween to boot!

[via Robert Lindsay]


  1. That may be the single most awesome Robert Lindsay post ever.

    1. Lies, damn lies and statistics"-Benjamin Disreali

    2. And it's not a good type of "awesome".

    3. at least now we know where all the dna samples came from

    4. NABS is involved with her correct?

    5. Lol, lets talk about creative journalism and total crap........oh wait, it's total crap !

    6. There's no evidence it was a bigfoot, even though all the old stories say they are capable of this kind of thing (and why wouldn't they be? All manner of primates, including humans, are.)

      However, I think it's also possible this was a government job, done to frighten her off and make sure she never releases any of her DNA findings about bigfoot.

      Assuming anything like this happened, of course.

  2. Lindsay you are one sick mother fucker.

    1. Robby and his fantasies. He left out the part from his dream about Ketchum only being 13 years old and how after the Dreamfoot was done with Melba he found Robby fapping in the corner, broke his glasses and popped one of his eyes out and proceeded to skullfuck him.

    2. What is wierd as hell is the way he goes on and describes everything. If he just reported it, it might not be horrible but he goes on and speculates about panties and other details. Sicko.

    3. Just when I thought BFE couldn't get any lower. This blog never fails to dissapoint.

    4. Robert is a commy pervert. Shawn, did you actually read this garbage before you posted it?

  3. That was the scariest story ever. I feel bad for that confused Bigfoot.

  4. Did she swab herself for DNA evidence?

    1. Now, we know for a fact that in these situations the bigfoot ALWAYS wears a condom. We have hundreds of reports of this on the BFRO website. We beleive that the condoms are sometimes found at campsites but are sometimes made from the intestines of deer and elk, or turtle's neck skin.

  5. This one is going to be a tough act to follow. Pure Garbage.

  6. Happy Holloween all!
    Free scary bigfoot movie to go along with the story:
    Not for kids so you will have to sign in to youtube.

  7. This has to be an attempt to get a response from MK. This story is a doozy even by RL standards.

  8. This story has the most redeeming social value of any I have yet seen on this numbing site.

    Was her pubic hair braided by any chance?

    I'm already working on a screenplay.

  9. Has anybody tested Moneymaker's DNA?

    1. Yes they have come back knowitall assahollus.

  10. Lindsay is not the sharpest tool in the drawer, nevertheless, I didn't think he would publicize such a terribly inappropriate rumor. It obviously didn't happen (I understand some of you are less critical regarding the existence and habits of Bigfoot), so either it's a rumor invented by someone else or she is mentally disturbed. Why would you repeat such a thing to the public?

    He's just opened himself to legal action by Ketchum, and I would not blame her in the least if she chose to sue for libel.

    1. Would you just sue somebody already or shut the fuck up? You are a moron. Kill yourself. Strengthen the gene pool.

    2. @6:32 Such a great counter argument. You must be a great intellectual.

    3. 6:32 is the bully that got his ass kicked by the smallest kid in school.

    4. like I said, kill yourself.

    5. How do you mean "obviously didn't happen"? Nothing obvious about it.

    6. I was the original poster (6:26); I appreciate that a couple of the people on this site with real character chimed in earlier to respond to 6:32. Really, nothing surprises me much anymore -- the scary thing, though, is that 6:32 is likely an adult, allowed adult responsibilities and privileges, and maybe even a parent. If anything says "Happy Halloween," that does!

      @10:09, it's obvious to me and many others, though I respect that others disagree. It's nothing personal; simply a judgment based on the facts I mentioned in the original post.

  11. That gets me into the Holloween spirit just like watching the old Scooby Doo and Charlie Brown specials.

  12. I was raped by a goat once......mayby twice.....Aw shucks, I love getting violated by goats!

  13. Jesus Christ RL! I lost brain cells after reading this BS. I was just knocked down to Fasano level.

    1. You say that as if Robby once had integrity. Did I miss something?

  14. What the fuck is going on? Is this serious? That slut Melba sleeps with anyone or anything.

  15. This is really in bad taste. How is this news-worthy? It's not even funny.

  16. Well, when you deal with Bigfoot, you are sure to hear looney tooned stories such as this.

    I mean, I can't actually say that I'm the least bit surprised by this story. Its actually par for the course.

    1. Yep these people are one flew over the cuckoo's nest type crazy.

    2. I agree, it sounds like something a JREF footer would write.

    3. Of course they're natural born perverts.

  17. If this should be true, this is all "reporting" is vile.

    If it's not true, it's just as vile, but in a different way.

    Coming from Lindsay? Consider the source. Do not go to his site, ever. No clicks for this guy.

    Very nice, Shawn. Way to profit from sick-o Lindsay and victimize Ketchum. Hope you don't get sued.

    1. What's with all the retard sue talk? Use those critical thinking skills and come up with a new line already. Or better yet shut the fuck up.

    2. Hi 10:41, I have some of "them there" critical thinkin' skills and yes, she could have a suit against Lindsay. Libel (or slander, depending on the classification) is a tough case but not impossible or even rare. Please just look into the statutes available and the case law and you'll see that this isn't empty speculation.

  18. Happy Halloween taterhaters. Don't go givin no zagnut bars to no juvenile squatchies. They're little fuckers. Give 'em the heave ho.

  19. What do you expect, the man is best friends with Steven Struefort, whose own mother procreated with a troll to spawn Steven.


  21. I can't wait for the sex tape to cum out!

  22. He streched her out, i bet he blows about a qt load, mark the date 9 months a baby melbasquatch and all the dna we need, LOL the dummest BF story ever, save it for april fools....

  23. Ahhhhh, everything is right with the world in the land of the foot.

    I would expect nothing less than a story like this. I'm surprised it hasn't been mentioned before.

    Looney effing toons!!!!

  24. Matt Moneymaker is the Ron Jeremy we never had.

    1. Man, that was just the worst flash of images I have ever had while reading a single sentence. Impressive sir.

  25. Wha?????...she?????....it????....he????....huh?????

  26. hahahahaha yup keep waiting for that DNA report everybody. No loony tunes involved here, no siree.

  27. And I thought Lindsay was a nice lady.

    1. lol,

      Robert Lindsay = Melba Ketchum = Shawn Evidence

  28. Well...I guess we finally know the truth about Melba. What pisses me off is that she let some big hairy douchebag pound that sweet hole and all I got was her glam pick to toss off to.

    Damn you Bigfoot!

    1. That glamour shot is classic, the second you saw it you just knew this lady was full of shit.

  29. I see SkankApe is over on JREF complaining to his fellow footers about being mistreated over here.
    All I can say is, Wow just wow.

  30. This story has been altered and retold by the Bigfoot chicks-I heard it was Lindsay who was raped but that he never reported it to the police because his yeti domestic partner would not pay child support.

    1. Once again, that's not technically rape, right?

    2. I heard it was a wild man dressed in a potato sack that raped Lindsay.

  31. And you thought Anons were the bad ones. Most bizarre.

  32. Lame-list, what's weak this week?

  33. this is the ugliest bifgoot story ever concocted.wonder what patty was like in the sack? nice tits

  34. TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY DISGUSTING!! Its all about the money and you would print anything, this story only has ONE source, or and BTW your still a HUGE DISGUSTING JACK ASS!

  35. There's nothing funny about bigfoot rape.

    That poor squatch would need years of counselling after frollicking in da melba's stables.

  36. Bigfoot rape is the leading cause of rape among bigfoot.

  37. Have you seen Steven Struefort? Even when he is smiling, he looks like a creepy troll. Wonder if any trick or treaters went missing up by his book store.

  38. This is just plain garbage :( the whole goddamn story should be removed,Plz

  39. I guess this will push the paper back even further, I must say.

    Mr. Pooper

    1. It will never be allowed to be released. Pursuing bigfoot with the aim of revealing it to the world as real is a lost cause, and a waste of time. If you are interested in it, pursue it for your own personal reasons, not to prove it to the mainstream. That will never happen.

    2. It might one day when we take back our country from the cowards and liars running it now.

  40. I believe a Bigfoot would be the only thing willing to spread those nasty legs of hers!!

  41. I think between Kitakaze showing the real phf suit soon (according to The Knower, who's been spit in so far) The Knower revealing Melbas closed shop and the paper is dead in the water, Plus now this.. Bigfootery is well and truly dead.

    Stick that zagnut in your skookum and woodknock it, Bleevers!!

    P.S KNOWER COME BACK!!! Too much bullshit and I now know you were correct. Sorry.

  42. Those who write on shit house walls roll their turds in little balls, and those who read these words of writ should eat those little balls of shit.

  43. A year or two back it almost seemed like we were on the verge of bigfoot being taken seriously, and some kind of real scientific evidence being revealed, didn't it? And now look how quickly it's descended to new depths of ridiculousness.

    There's only one good explanation though many of you will think I'm full of it. The government is involved, planting people, planting stories, starting rumors and generally messing things up o totally discredit anything that may have been gaining traction in the mainstream. You think I'm wrong, but it makes perfect sense. They WILL NOT let this subject be taken seriously... they never have. Whenever someone gets close to exposing the whole thing as real, we will be assaulted by this kind of crap to knock us back down into our place of ridicule.

    1. "Da gubmint dont wann uz 2 know bout bigfoot"


    2. so close to awesome, just needed a little bit more work:

      " Da Gubmint don't wan uzz 2 noww bout da bigootz"

      that's better (and more accurate!) :-)

    3. Thanks hillbilly! Still workin on "footerspeek";)

  44. "And now look how quickly it's descended to new depths of ridiculousness."

    You mean the usual depths.

  45. and we'll never get the bigfoot's side of the story because she made him sign an NDA

  46. I this to be funny for Halloween, or has Lindsay hit his head way too many times? Why do they bother to repost anything him or Davis says?!

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. (From the REAL Mulder)I don't know who the joker above claiming to be me thinks he is, but he is in fact not me. I absolutely disassociate myself from the post claimed above to be from me, Mr Lindsay's original post and any attempt to attack Dr Ketchum in this manner.

    I don't know who the frak you think you are, but I am not amused. I will be discussing this with tha administration of this site.

    1. This confirms for Mulder on all points: Paranoia, delusions of persecution, lack of sense of humor and aggression.

      yep, if it isn't him, it's somebody who has studied him well.

    2. (real Mulder again) Forgive me if I don't find being associated with remarks that are, at best, in extremely poor taste to be funny.

    3. here's the thing mang, you don't own the name "Muldur" so you can't prove that anyone is "claiming to be you" not only that, but you have no legit case for libel or anything, because it's all parody.

      In fact, I would bet there are thousands of people with the forum handle "Muldur"

      lighten up francis

    4. Mulder here (the real deal) i used my "bleever pratektion" to get the earlier comment removed. That's because only bleevers Bleev my hate filled anti-science creationist/ancient alien BS!! But i assure you.... Robert Lindsay is a researcher of the highest standards. Prove what ge says is NOT the truth!!! Skoftics!!!!

      Bigfootz iz reel! I hate science and Tontar did the elba trackway!!

      -Mulder (from the x-files)

    5. (the real Mulder again) Hill Billy, I never said I owned the name, but when someone claims to be "Mulder from the BFF" they are claiming to be me, and that is a lie. They were NOT me and I don't want my name associated with their support of Lindsay's screed.

      So take your own advice and "lighten up, francis"

    6. You know who I am , I used to amuse myself while watching you pass of your own pseudoscience off as fact a few years ago. STANKAPE!

      Doesn't matter what you say here man, they will only taunt you more. Could be worse, they could not be talking about you!

    7. I can't wait to see Mulder and his ilk's reaction when they find out Tontar had 0% to do with Elba, and the real hoaxer is right in their own backyard;) plus I heard Tontar has a bit of a "surprise" that's gonna knock bleebeeberz on their butt's!

    8. Sounds like you have inside info....do tell!

    9. The Knower might still be here......

    10. Any hints about the surprise?

  49. $100 says Lindsay was sitting at his desk with the Patterson-Gimlin costume dropped to his ankles beating off to as he wrote this story using a slim jim for lube.

  50. Sorry, meant to say using the slim jim as a butt plug.

  51. If Bigfoot knew how damn good Melba was at fuckin' he wouldn't have rendered her unconscious.
    "All you want to do is ride around Melba. Riiiide, Melbaa riiiide!!!
    Mustang Melba now bay-buhh!"

  52. This is in poor taste and very disrespectful to women who have actually been violated. This article should be removed immediately and an apology written to everyone offended by this trash.

    1. Yes it doesn't get much lower than this.

    2. Stay tuned. Shawn will be back. Improved, newer and even lower than ever before!

  53. Why would the warders at the mental institution give Mr. Lindsay internet access to post such awful things?

    Check out the comments: a fellow asks why Lindsay what's so funny about rape. Lindsay's response:

    "Ok you are banned."


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